1962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 6145 By Mr. SAYLOR: relative to the selection of the city of American registry and to permit the use of H.R.11177. A bill to provide for the estab­ Antioch as a site for an experimental saline such vessel in the coastwise trade; to the lishment of a land conservation fund, and water conversion piant; to the Committee on Committee on Merchant Marine and for other purposes; to the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Fisheries. Interior and Insular Affairs. Also, memorial of the Legislature of the By Mr. DOMINICK: State of California, memorializing the Presi­ H.R. 11178. A bill to amend section 2318 of dent and the Congress of the United States PETITIONS, ETC. the Revised Statutes of the United States relative to west coast shipbuilding; to the (relating to reservation of mineral lands) Committee on Merchant Marine and Fish­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions to prohibit sales of gold by the United eries. and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk States for nonmonetary purposes; to the Also, memorial of the Legislature of the and referred as follows: Committee on Banking and Currency. State of California, memorializing the Presi­ 291. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Walter H.R. 11179. A bill to provide that the price dent and the Congress of. the United States C. Peterson, city clerk, Los Angeles, Calif., at which the Coast and Geodetic Survey sells relative to Federal aid for State Highway relative to opposing Federal income taxation aeronautical radio navigation charts and Route 115; to the Committee on Public of the interest derived from public bonds; to certain related material to the public shall Works. the Committee on the Judiciary. not be less than the total cost thereof; to 292. Also, petition of Marjorie Merritt, city the Committee on House Administration. clerk, South Pasadena, Calif., relative to By Mr. WIDNALL: PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS opposing legislation that would place an H.R. 11180. A bill to provide that the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private income tax on the income from State and National Capital Planning Commission shall bills and resolutions were introduced local bonds; to the Committee on the undertake a study to determine the best and severally referred as follows: Judiciary. possible location for the National Cultural 293. Also, petition of Isabel L. Dedmore, Center; to the Committee on Public Works. By Mrs. BOLTON: city clerk, Maywood, Calif., relative to op­ H.R. 11181. A bill to exempt from taxation certain property of the National Society, posing legislation for Federal taxation of MEMORIALS Daughters of the American Colonists in the interest derived from public bonds; to the District of Columbia; to the Committee on Committee on the Judiciary. Under clause 4 of rule XX:C:, memorials the District of Columbia. 294. Also, petition of F. A. Ziemer, city were presented and referred as follows: By Mr. BROWN: clerk, Vernon, Calif., relative to opposing By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ H.R. 11182. A bill for the relief of Lawrence legislation for Federal taxation of interest lature of the State of California, memorializ­ E. Bird; to the Committee on the Judiciary. derived from public bonds; to the Committee ing the President and the Congress of the By Mr. BROYHILL: on the Judiciary. United States relative to price supports for H.R. 11183. A bill for the relief of Isabel K. 295. Also, petition of Hisao Uema, presi­ milk; to the Committee on Agriculture. Lanning; to the Committee on the Judiciary. dent, assembly of the village of Kadena, Also, memorial of the Legislature of the By Mr. RIVERS of Alaska: Okinawa, requesting the re·turn of adminis­ State of California, memorializing the Presi­ H.R. 11184. A bill to authorize the admit­ trative authority of Okinawa to Japan; to dent and the Congress of the United States tance of the vessel City of New Orleans to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS First Annual Jefferson-Jackson Day Din­ espousal of the principles of the Demo­ The officers of the sponsoring Women's cratic Party and the programs of the ad­ Democratic Club of Cabell County inform me ner at Huntington, W. Va., Is Ad­ that this is the first of what they pledge ministration; and C.H. Koontz, of Char­ will be an annual Jefferson-Jackson Day ob·­ dressed by Senator Randolph leston, legislative auditor for the West servance in Huntington. Congratulations Virginia Legislature. not only for this splendid beginning, but EXTENSION OF REMARKS Although official business prevented also for the determination to carry forward OF Mayor John Durkin, of Huntington, from into the future. remaining for the program of the even­ Real progress has been made and is being ing, he was present to extend official made by our country under the aggressive HON. ROBERT C. BYRD leadership of President John Kennedy and OF WEST VIRGINIA greetings to the visiting guests and to Vice President LYNDON JOHNSON, IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES extend congratulations to the sponsor­ But in assessing the measure and the ing Democratic Women's Club of Cabell quality of this progress we should give ade­ Monday, April 9, 1962 County, the officers of which are the quate consideration to the fact that the Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. following: Kennedy administration has been in office President, more than 400 persons at­ Mrs. Andrew Kitchen, president; Mrs. approximately 2 weeks less than a year and tended the first Jefferson-Jackson Day Kemp Cottle and Mrs. Joe Gessner, vice a quarter. presidents; Mrs. John Edwin Greene, In that relatively short span our admin­ dinner which the sponsoring Democratic istration truly has our Nation on the move Women's Club of Cabell County held on treasurer; Mrs. Charles Adkins, secre­ again. This is so because the Democratic Saturday, April 7, 1962. This dinner will tary; and Mrs. Homer Chapman, corre­ President and Vice President, working with be an annual event in Huntington. sponding secretary. the Democratic Congress, accepted willingly Russell Dunbar, a prominent Hunting­ State Chairman McDonough, in intro­ the challenging struggle of the unfinished ton attorney and active participant in ducing Senator RANDOLPH, referred to business of America. Democratic Party affairs, was toast­ the latter as "Mr. Ready Democrat" and And, my fellow Democrats, ours is an ad­ noted that the Senator has pledged ac­ ministration imbued with the spirit of the master, and the official party organiza­ Democratic Party which, although the oldest tion was represented by the Democratic tive participation in the party's cam­ political party in existence, is still the young­ State chairman, Robert P. McDonough, paign effort in this year's elections. est in this country measured by vitality. of Parkersburg; by the associate Demo­ Mr. President, I ask unanimous con­ Ours is the party of youth and the admin­ cratic State chairman, Mrs. Thelma sent to have printed in the RECORD the istration exemplifies this characteristic un­ Hall, of Madison; and by the Cabell speech by my colleague at this significant der the leadership of a President who sees event. our country and the world in terms of the County Democratic chairman, Hanley tomorrows while not relying entirely on the Morgan. And my good friend and col­ There being no objection, the speech yesterdays. league Senator JENNINGS RANDOLPH was was ordered printed in the RECORD, as the principal speaker. follows: It is because the Democratic Party surveys Also present and appropriately recog­ SPEECH BY SENATOR JENNINGS RANDOLPH, OF the present in terms of the future that, with nized were Representative Ken Hechler, WEST VIRGINIA, JEFFERSON-JACKSON DAY only mild interruptions in the past 30 years, of Huntington, who ably represents his DINNER, HOTEL FREDERICK, HUNTINGTON, we have merited the confidence of the ma­ district; Hon. Milton Ferguson, mayor W. VA., SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1962 jority of the American people. There is Mr. Toastmaster, Chairman McDonough, Justice in this condition, for our party itself of Wayne and a former State tax com­ ladies of the host Women's Democratic Club has confidence in the citizen and in the missioner; and Mrs. Hilda Long, pub­ of Cabell County, and fellow Democrats, it American future. lisher of the Huntington Advertiser, a is with gratitude that I acknowledge the These-.qualitiea~youth, optimism, confi­ daily afternoon newspaper, the editorial privilege afforded me to address. this signifi­ dence in the frontiers of the future-lie at policies of which are vigorous in their cant gathering. the heart of the American spirit and of the 6146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE April 9 Democratic Party. It was this spirit which We have buttressed NATO by increasing In its first year, the administration, with again resulted in the mandate of the elec­ our own strength and by persuading other the cooperation of the Congress, doubled the torate having been given to our party in nations to do likewise. acquisition rate of Polaris submarines, 1958 and in 1960. OUR ROLE IN THE UNITED NATIONS doubled the production capacity of the Min­ It is this purpose which continues to uteman missile, increased by 50 percent the animate the Democratic Party and provides We have frustrated the Communist efforts aircraft on ground alert, and doubled the it with new vigor and new ideas. to obstruct and neutralize the United Na­ strategic military manpower reserve. These tions. If we are to avert the unparalleled DEMOCRATIC VICTORIES AHEAD have been significant gains in our country's disaster of nuclear war, maintain the vision efforts to bolster our deterrent capabillty And this purpose, translated into per­ of what the United Nations must become­ and thus enhance the cause of peace.
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