International Bear News Quarterly Newsletter of the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA) and the IUCN/SSC Bear Specialist Group May 2002 vol. 11, no. 2 Contents Council News 2 From the President 4 Secretary's Report: IBA Election 4 Journal News 5 IBA Grants Awarded Eurasia 6 Yakutia Brown Bear Foods 7 IBA Supports USA/Russia Polar Bear Agreement 8 News from Thailand 8 Brown Bears on the Move in LIVINGLIVING Serbia, Slovakia and Turkey 9 Brown Bear Attack in Central Sweden WITH BEARS North America 10 Bear Numbers Decline at McNeil River 14th IBA Conference 11 Alaska: Kodiak Management STEINKJER 2002 13 Central USA and Canada: Michigan Staff & Manitoba Big Bear 13 Updating American Black Bear Management 15 Quebec: Wrong Bear Euthanized 15 Grizzly Bears & Army Cutworm Moths 16 SE USA: Arkansas & North Carolina Harvests Events 18 SW USA & Mexico: Operation Bear Den, 32 Grizzly Bears: Small Populations Workshop Texas Working Groups, Mexico Meeting 32 Eighth Western Black Bear Workshop Zoo News 32 Future IBA Conferences 21 Webcam Cubs in Sweden 32 2nd International Bear Symposium 21 Bear TAG Assists Sun Bear Study 32 Bryoria Workshop Student Forum 33 14th IBA Conference Information 22 New Student List Serve 35 14th IBA Conference Program 23 Data Collection: Nothing but the Facts, Ma'am 37 14th IBA Conference Excursions Bears in Culture 38 14th IBA Post-conference Trips 28 Bear-hunting Dogs 39 14th IBA Registration Form Communications IBA 30 New Bear Safety Videos 40 About the IBA and Contact Information 37 15th E. Black Bear Workshop Proceedings 41 IBA Membership Application & Survey 31 Polar Bear Specialist Group Home Page 43 IBA Publications Order Form IBA website: www.bearbiology.com Council News From the President Harry Reynolds Conferences State of the IBA Economy Alaska Department of Fish and Game The 14th international IBA confer- Although IBA is growing and now 1300 College Road ence will be held in Norway this July includes about 750 members, some Fairbanks, AK 99701, USA (see pages 33-39). This promises to be functions are under-funded. We Phone (907) 459-7238 an outstanding meeting in a spectacu- remain an entirely volunteer non- Fax (907) 451-9723 lar Norwegian fjord setting. The theme profit organization with no employ- Email of “Living with Bears” is an important ees; we contract for the editing and [email protected] one to all of us. See page 32 for production of Ursus. information about other conferences. The IBA grants program funds If, 100 years from now, bear research, management, and conserva- populations are at least as secure Elections tion efforts, primarily for projects that than they are today, it should be in During the 13th conference, promise the greatest conservation gain part due to the commitments made members voted to improve interna- for bears with very modest support. by today’s IBA members. It is not tional representation and to provide The demand for assistance with at-risk enough to view stewardship of bear better continuity within the IBA bear conservation issues far exceeds populations as an intellectual council. Because of the importance our funding ability, so most of our exercise of what could be achieved if of international issues in bear support has gone to projects in only others would listen. Rather it is conservation and our increasing countries with emerging economies. a matter of searching for solutions to involvement in such issues, it is Sales of institutional or agency persistent problems or questions that crucial that we also have broad-based memberships and the journal Ursus affect the continued existence of international representation. Mem- are low and council is exploring bears and bear habitat. Achievement bers changed the bylaws to include avenues to increase these. Sugges- of our goals will not come from two vice president positions, one for tions from members will be very flashes of brilliant scientific break- Eurasia and one for the Americas. In welcome. Are Ursus and International through but by application of many addition, the election of the vice Bear News useful in your efforts? small but sure steps toward bear president-Eurasia and two of the five Would you favor IBA membership conservation. council seats are now held in con- including both publications for one All IBA members should be junction with the first Eurasian price? involved in this commitment, meeting following the Americas If your institution or a co-worker through research, management, conference. Currently nine of 12 would benefit, convince them to education, or community involve- council positions are held by North become a member. Donations can ment. Our publications and confer- Americans, provide memberships to deserving ences serve are forums for the The Nominating Committee educators, managers or researchers. exchange of ideas and challenges provided a slate of excellent candi- Donations of airline miles for among members. Education of policy dates for the upcoming election (see recipients of travel grants to confer- makers is crucial but no more so page 4). The bylaws also provide that ences are welcome. than that of local people who must additional nominations will be Council approved $2,250 for the share their resources with bears. accepted by the secretary 65 days IBA grants program. Including this Commitment of time and energy at prior to the conference, until May amount, a total of only $17,000 was all levels contribute to the end goal. 24, 2002. These are working posi- available for the grants program, due It is as a group that we are most tions and require a substantial time primarily to poor stock market effective. Contact me if you are commitment. Candidate statements peformance. See page 5 for a sum- interested in supporting efforts on of about 250 words should accom- mary of 2002 IBA grant awards. any front. pany nominations. Mail-in ballots Donations to any IBA program are will be sent to all members. used to provide the greatest benefit to bear conservation. If you have suggestions or observations on how IBA could more effectively meet its goals on behalf of bear conservation, contact me. 2 International Bear News May 2002 vol. 11, no. 2 Council News Bylaws Changes conference locations and times will nees are members, have agreed to Council passed a number of be flexible, but generally there will run for office, and have agreed to interim amendments to the bylaws be two conferences every three years serve if elected. All nominations (see below). The amendments will with conferences alternating between received will be placed on a ballot remain in effect until voted upon by the Americas and Eurasia. In addi- and circulated to IBA members, in the membership. The interim tion, Council may sponsor addi- the Newsletter or by mail. Election of amendments include a new section tional conferences in “off years,” the Vice President (Eurasia) and two stating that IBA will not tolerate when viable proposals have been elected Council seats will follow the discrimination. Another defines the received from potential host coun- same procedures but the timing of timing and location of conferences. tries and Council feels that such the nominations and election will be Finally, amendments were made to conferences would further the goals related to the dates that the Eurasian permit nominations for IBA offices to of IBA around the world. conference is held. be accepted until 65 days prior to the In addition to general conferences, Section 2. Balloting. appropriate conference rather than Council may at any time choose to The election of all officers shall be 90 days, to allow ballots to be mailed sponsor or provide various types of by mail ballot. Ballots will be to members; and to prevent incum- support for other workshops and provided before the appropriate bents seeking re-election to handle meetings. These are typically nar- Conference. Ballots will be accepted ballots. These last changes are rower in scope than general confer- by the Secretary until the Association underlined. Any member may ences, focusing on specific topics, meeting, or by a replacement propose amendments to the bylaws. species, or regional issues related to designated by the President if the bear conservation, research, and Secretary is running for an office. At Article II. Memberships. management. the Association meeting the Nomi- Section 5 (New). Discrimination. Article V. Elections. nating Committee will open and In any of its functions, IBA will Section 1. Nominations. tabulate all ballots. Members of the not tolerate discrimination against Six months prior to the conference Nominating Committee who are any person on the basis of gender, held in the Americas, the President running for office at the time of sexual orientation, race, religion, shall appoint a Nominating Commit- balloting may not perform this country of national origin, or tee. Within 30 days of the beginning function, but the President will professional discipline. A finding by of this period, the Nominating appoint replacements. The nominee a two-thirds vote of Council that any Committee shall provide to the receiving the largest number of votes IBA member, contractor or employee Secretary the names of at least two for each office shall be elected. is guilty of discrimination or sexual regular members as nominees for Council nominees with the largest harassment will be cause for appro- each of the four offices, including number of votes shall be elected to priate disciplinary action. nominees for Vice President (Ameri- the Council. In the event of a tie, the Article VI. Periodic Meetings. cas), but not Vice President (Eurasia), presiding Council shall immediately Section 1. Date and Place. and at least one name for each of the vote by secret ballot to decide the Periodic conferences and associ- three elected Council seats The winner.
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