Prògram Iomall A' Mhòid 2016

Prògram Iomall A' Mhòid 2016

MÒD NAN EILEAN SIAR 2016 | PRÒGRAM IOMALL A' MHÒID | FRINGE PROGRAMME PRÒGRAM IOMALL A' MHÒID 2016 FRINGE PROGRAMME 2016 MÒD NAN EILEAN SIAR 2016 | PRÒGRAM IOMALL A' MHÒID | FRINGE PROGRAMME MÒD NAN EILEAN SIAR 2016 | PRÒGRAM IOMALL A' MHÒID | FRINGE PROGRAMME Dihaoine 14mh Dàmhair Friday 14th October CAISMEACHD LÒCHRANACH TALLA BHAILE STEÒRNABHAIGH | BHO 6.30F, A’ FÀGAIL AIG 6.45F Tha na h-Eileanan Siar a’ cur fàilte air a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail, le caismeachd mhòr nan Lochran, le Còmhlan Pìoba Leòdhais air an ceann. Bithear a’ caismeachd tro bhaile Steòrnabhaigh gu ruige Ionad Spòrs Leòdhais, airson cuirm fosglaidh a’ Mhòid. TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION STORNOWAY TOWN HALL | FROM 6.30PM, DEPARTING AT 6.45PM The Western Isles welcomes the Royal National Mòd with a torchlight procession led by the Lewis Pipe Band through Stornoway to Lewis Sports Centre for the Opening Ceremony. FOSGLADH OIFIGEIL IONAD SPÒRS LEÒDHAIS | 8F | BALL: AN ASGAIDH | GUN BHALLRACHD: £5 Tachartas fosglaidh a’ Mhòid Nàiseanta Rìoghail, le ceòl bho Dàimh agus ceòl-triùir Mischa Nic a’ Phearsain, air a thaisbeanadh le Kirsteen NicDhòmhnaill. OFFICIAL OPENING LEWIS SPORTS CENTRE | 8PM | MEMBER: FREE | NON-MEMBER: £5 The opening ceremony of the Royal National Mòd, featuring music from Dàimh and the Mischa Macpherson Trio, presented by Kirsteen MacDonald. CÈILIDH A’ MHÒID AN LANNTAIR | 10.30F | £10 Tiugainn a’dhannsa! Cuide ris a’ chòmhlan Ghàidhlig traidiseanta aithnichte ‘Dàimh’. MÒD CEILIDH AN LANNTAIR | 10.30PM | £10 Dance the night away with Gaelic super-group Dàimh. MÒD NAN EILEAN SIAR 2016 | PRÒGRAM IOMALL A' MHÒID | FRINGE PROGRAMME Disathairne 15mh Dàmhair Saturday 15th October CAMANACHD BALL-COISE A’ MHÒID A’ MHÒID PÀIRC SHIABOIST | 2F PÀIRC GHARRABOIST, AN RUBHA | 3F AN ASGAIDH AN ASGAIDH Leòdhas agus An t-Eilean Sgitheanach Sgioba Leòdhais ‘s na Hearadh a’ dol an a’ dol an aghaidh a chèile airson Cupa aghaidh Glasgow Island AFC airson a’ Mhòid. Cupa Ball-coise a’ Mhòid. MÒD SHINTY MÒD FOOTBALL GARRABOST PARK, POINT | 3PM | FREE SIABOST PITCH | 2PM | FREE Lewis & Harris Select and Glasgow Island AFC Lewis and Skye compete for the Mòd Cup. compete for the Mòd Cup. CÈILIDH PHÌOBAIREACHD TALLA AN IOCHDAIR | 7.30F | BALL: £6 | GUN BHALLRACHD: £12 Ceòl bho chuid de na prìomh bhuannaichean ann am farpaisean pìobaireachd an latha. Cuideachd a’ toirt a-steach ceòl bho John Alex Mackay agus caraidean agus òrain bho Rona Lightfoot agus cuid eile de na seinneadairean as fheàrr ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig. PIPING CÈILIDH IOCHDAR HALL | 7.30PM | MEMBER: £6 | NON-MEMBER: £12 Performances from some of the top prize winners from the day’s piping competitions. Also featuring the music of John Alex Mackay and friends with songs from Rona Lightfoot and some of Gaeldom’s finest singers. FUAIGH FOSGAIL TALLA CHOIMHEARSNACHD BHAGH A' CHAISTEIL | 8F | BALL: £6 | GUN BHALLRACHD: £12 Cèilidh bheòthail eadar-ghnìomhach le òrain, bàrdachd, ceòl, dealbhan is sgeulachdan agus cothrom don luchd-èisteachd a bhith nam pàirt den taisbeanadh. Bidh Gillebrìde MacIlleMhaoil agus Ròna Dhòmhnallach nam fear is bean an taighe aig a’ chuirm. Chaidh an tachartas seo a leasachadh airson cuimhneachan 10 bliadhna aig Taigh-cluiche Nàiseanta na h-Alba agus tha an taisbeanadh seo air a chur air adhart gu sònraichte airson a’ Mhòid Nàiseanta Rìoghail. FUAIGH FOSGAIL CASTLEBAY COMMUNITY HALL | 8PM | MEMBER: £6 | NON-MEMBER: £12 A lively interactive ceilidh with songs, poetry, music, visuals and storytelling and the opportunity for the audience to be a part of the show. Gillebrìde MacMillan and Rona MacDonald will be fear and bean an taighe for the evening. The performance was developed for the National Theatre of Scotland's 10th anniversary celebrations and this will be a special performance at The Royal National Mòd. AR CÀNAN ‘S AR CEÒL: CEÒL NAN INNSE GALL IONAD SPÒRS LEÒDHAIS | 7.30F | BALL: £6 | GUN BHALLRACHD: £12 Sàr chonsart de cheòl air a tharraing ri chèile le Anna Mhoireach, Anndra Yearly is Jane Hepburn, agus còmhla riuthasan air an stèidse tha suas ri 200 de luchd-ciùil nan eilean. Airson aon oidhche a-mhàin chì sinn orcastra traidiseanta de bhogsaichean, dh'fhìdhlean, phìoban, ghiotàraichean, ionnstramaidean pràis, dannsairean agus mòr-chòisir agus nan cois bidh an fheadhainn a choisinn duaisean tron latha. Na caillibh an cothrom seo! AR CÀNAN ‘S AR CEÒL: A HEBRIDEAN MUSICAL SHOWCASE LEWIS SPORTS CENTRE | 7.30PM | MEMBER: £6 | NON-MEMBER: £12 A spectacular evening of music drawn together by Anna Murray, Andy Yearly and Jane Hepburn with approximately 200 of our finest island performers together on stage. For one night only, this will showcase a specially assembled traditional orchestra of boxes, fiddles, pipes, guitars, brass, dancers and massed choirs with solo performances highlighting the days instrumental winners. Don't miss it! MÒD NAN EILEAN SIAR 2016 | PRÒGRAM IOMALL A' MHÒID | FRINGE PROGRAMME Didòmhnaich 16mh Dàmhair Sunday 16th October SEIRBHEIS CELTIC PRAISE GHÀIDHLIG EAGLAIS MHÀRTAINN | 8.30F EAGLAIS MHÀRTAINN | 3F Seirbheis aoibhneach Sàbaid de cheòl is moladh ann an Eaglais Mhàrtainn. Seirbheis eadar-eaglaise, fo stiùir an Urramach Seumas MacÌomhair, Eaglais Shaor Steòrnabhaigh. CELTIC PRAISE MARTIN’S MEMORIAL CHURCH | 8.30PM GAELIC SERVICE A joyous Sunday musical celebration of praise in Martin’s Memorial Church. MARTIN’S MEMORIAL CHURCH | 3PM An Ecumenical service led by the Rev James MacIver, Stornoway Free Church. MÒD NAN EILEAN SIAR 2016 | PRÒGRAM IOMALL A' MHÒID | FRINGE PROGRAMME Diluain 17mh Dàmhair Monday 17th October IÒGA LE PUPAID (GACH AOIS) MUN CUAIRT | 10M-11M & 1F-4F | AN ASGAIDH Leasanan iòga teaghlaich còmhla ri pupaid socair air obrachadh le triùir chleasaichean. Pupaidean agus clas iòga uile aig an aon àm. Ma 's e neach-tòiseachaidh a th' annad no eòlaiche iòga, tha fàilte romhad tighinn agus gabhail pàirt, no fuireach airson faicinn dè as urrainn don bhodhaig dèanamh (agus dè nach urrainn). PUPPET-LED YOGA (ALL AGES) OUT AND ABOUT | 10AM-11AM & 1PM-4PM | FREE Family yoga sessions led by a serene puppet operated by three hard working puppeteers. A storytelling show inside a puppet show inside a yoga class. Whether you're a total beginner or confirmed yogeek you're welcome to come and take part, or simply stay to observe what the human body is (and isn't) capable of. CUILEAN CRAICTE TLACHD-LEUGHAIDH SA GHÀIDHLIG: CARSON A THA E CUDROMACH DHAN CHLOINN, NA DÙBHLAIN, AGUS CIAMAR AS URRAINN DHUINN AN CUIDEACHADH? SEÒMAR 3, SGOIL MHIC NEACAIL | 2F | AN ASGAIDH Anns an t-seisean eadar-ghnìomhach seo, seallaidh sinn mar a tha an rannsachadh as ùire a’ mìneachadh buannachdan an lùib tlachd-leughaidh sa Ghàidhlig do chomasan cànain is foghlaim chloinne agus an ceangal a bhios aca ris a’ chànan. Bruidhinnidh sinn air na dùbhlain a bhios aca agus air ro-innleachdan a tharraingeas iad gu tlachd-leughaidh sa Ghàidhlig. Bidh fàilte air pàrantan agus luchd-cùraim chlann-sgoile. CUILEAN CRAICTE READING FOR PLEASURE IN GAELIC: WHY IT MATTERS TO OUR KIDS, WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES, HOW CAN WE HELP? ROOM 3, NICOLSON | 2PM | FREE This interactive workshop session, drawing upon up-to-date research, will outline the benefits of reading for pleasure in Gaelic for children’s linguistic and educational development, and their emotional connection with the language. We’ll explore some of the difficulties they can experience, and share strategies that work to help them develop a ‘reading for pleasure’ habit in Gaelic. All parents and carers of school-age children welcome. CÈILIDH NA TAISBEANADH CLOINNE EALAIN SEÒMAR GARRY AN LANNTAIR | 10M AGUS FAD NA TAIGH-ÒSTA A’ CHALADH | 7F SEACHDAIN Ceòl, dannsaichean agus geamaichean Ealan air a bhrosnachadh tro gu leòr dhan chlann. sgrìobhaidhean Bàrd Mhealaboist, Murchadh MacPhàrlain. CHILDREN’S CÈILIDH GARRY ROOM, CALADH HOTEL | 7PM EXHIBITION Time for the children to let off steam with music, AN LANNTAIR | 10AM AND ALL WEEK games and dancing. Art work inspired by the Melbost Bard Murdo Mac Farlane. MÒD NAN EILEAN SIAR 2016 | PRÒGRAM IOMALL A' MHÒID | FRINGE PROGRAMME Dimàirt 18mh Dàmhair Tuesday 18th October IÒGA LE PUPAID (GACH AOIS) MUN CUAIRT | 10M-11M & 1F-4F | AN ASGAIDH Leasanan iòga teaghlaich còmhla ri pupaid socair air obrachadh le triùir chleasaichean. Pupaidean agus clas iòga uile aig an aon àm. Ma 's e neach-tòiseachaidh a th' annad no eòlaiche iòga, tha fàilte romhad tighinn agus gabhail pàirt, no fuireach airson faicinn dè as urrainn don bhodhaig dèanamh (agus dè nach urrainn). PUPPET-LED YOGA (ALL AGES) OUT AND ABOUT | 10AM-11AM & 1PM-4PM | FREE Family yoga sessions led by a serene puppet operated by three hard working puppeteers. A storytelling show inside a puppet show inside a yoga class. Whether you're a total beginner or confirmed yogeek you're welcome to come and take part, or simply stay to observe what the human body is (and isn't) capable of. CÈILIDH NA CEÒL AIG NA CLOINNE CLACHAN SEÒMAR GARRY CALANAIS | 11M TAIGH-ÒSTA A’ CHALADH | 7F Òigridh na sgire a’ cluich ceòl aig Ionad Ceòl, dannsaichean agus geamaichean Chalanais. gu leòr dhan chlann. MUSIC AT THE STONES CHILDREN’S CÈILIDH CALLANISH | 11AM GARRY ROOM, CALADH HOTEL | 7PM Emerging musicians entertain at the Callanish Time for the children to let off steam with music, Visitor Centre. games and dancing. MÒD NAN EILEAN SIAR 2016 | PRÒGRAM IOMALL A' MHÒID | FRINGE PROGRAMME Dimàirt 18mh Dàmhair Tuesday 18th October CUIMHNEACHAN IONAD COIMHEARSNACHD SGÌRE AIRIDH AN TUIM | 7.30F | AN ASGAIDH Call, cràdh agus ìobairt a’ Chogaidh Mhòir ga chuimhneachadh ann an oidhche de bhàrdachd, òrain agus sgeulachdan. MEMORIES CLAN MACQUARRIE CENTRE, BORVE | 7.30PM | FREE The tragedy, the sacrifice and the pain of the Great War is recalled in an evening of poems, songs and stories.

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