900-901_APP_MSWHTE_869371 9/22/04 8:41 PM Page 900 APPENDIX Using an Appendix Explain to students that an Appendix is additional material found at the end of a book. Have stu- dents look at the table of con- tents on page 900. Ask students to identify the materials found in the Appendix. Skills Handbook . XXX Review the descriptions of each SkillBuilder Handbook . 902 Appendix item from the infor- Historical Documents . XXX mation on page 901. After Standardized Test Practice . 920 students have read the descrip- Primary Source Library. XXX tions of each item, have them Primary Sources Library . 930 turn to the page where this Gazetteer . .783 item is found, using the page Suggested Readings . 944 number references from the Glossary . 791 table of contents. Ask students Glossary . 947 to describe what information is Spanish Glossary . 799 found on the pages and how it Spanish Glossary . 955 can help them as they read Index. 808 their textbooks. Gazetteer . 965 Acknowledgments . 827 Index . 977 Acknowledgements . 1006 900 Appendix (bkgd)CORBIS, (r)Sylvain Grandadam/Getty Images, (l)Picture Finders Ltd./eStock 900 900-901_APP_MSWHTE_869371 9/22/04 8:46 PM Page 901 APPENDIX An appendix is the additional material you often find at the end of books. The following information will help you learn how to use the Appendix in Journey Across Time. Have students complete the Test Yourself questions on SkillBuilder Handbook important to bilingual students, or those page 901. As students answer The SkillBuilder Handbook offers you Spanish-speaking students who are learning the questions, have them iden- the English language. information and practice using critical thinking tify where in the Appendix and social studies skills. Mastering these skills will they found the answers. help you in all your courses. Gazetteer The Gazetteer (GA•zuh•TIHR) is a geographical Have students write on a sheet of paper five questions similar Standardized Test Preparation dictionary. It lists some of the world’s largest countries, cities, and several important geographic to those on page 901, with the The skills you need to do well on standardized features. Each entry also includes a page number answers written on the back of tests are practiced in the Standardized Test telling where this place is talked about in your Practice section of this Appendix. the paper. Have students textbook. exchange their questions with another student. Students Primary Sources Library Index should answer the questions The Primary Sources Library provides additional The Index is an alphabetical listing that includes using the Appendix and iden- first-person accounts of historical events. Primary the subjects of the book and the page numbers tify where they found each sources are often narratives by a person who where those subjects can be found. The index in answer. actually experienced what is being described. this book also lets you know that certain pages contain maps, graphs, photos, or paintings about Have students review different the subject. books to see what other types Suggested Readings of information can be placed in The Suggested Readings list suggests the titles an Appendix. Have students of fiction and non-fiction books you might be Acknowledgements and Photo Credits use the Appendix throughout interested in reading. These books deal with the This section lists photo credits and/or literary same topics that are covered in each chapter. credits for the book. You can look at this section their study of the textbook. to find out where the publisher obtained the permission to use a photograph or to use excerpts Glossary from other books. The Glossary is a list of important or difficult terms found in a textbook. Since words sometimes have other meanings, you may wish to consult a dictionary to find other Find the answers to these questions by using uses for the term. The glossary gives a definition the Appendix on the following pages. of each term as it is used in the book. The glossary also includes page numbers telling 1. What does dynasty mean? you where in the textbook the term is used. 2. What is the topic of the first Unit 3 Primary Source reading? The Spanish Glossary 3. On what page can I find out about Julius Caesar? The Spanish Glossary contains everything that 4. Where exactly is Rome located? an English glossary does, but it is written in 5. What is one of the Suggested Readings for Unit 3? Spanish. A Spanish glossary is especially Appendix 901 CORBIS TESTTEST YOURSELFYOURSELF ANSWERSANSWERS 1. A dynasty is a line of rulers the Byzantine Empire over to 4. Rome, the capital of Italy, is from the same family his mother, Anna Dalassena. located at 41°N 12°E. 2. A Woman on the Throne is 3. Information on Julius Caesar 5. Answers should match read- about how Emperor Alexius I can be found on pages ings from the Suggested turned the government of 280–282, 284–285. Readings list for Unit 3. 901 902-919_SKLBLDR_MSWHTE_869371 9/22/04 8:50 PM Page 902 INTRODUCTION The following SkillBuilder Handbook offers practice of individual critical thinking skills and research skills. Finding the Main Idea . .903 Students can benefit in several Taking Notes and Outlining . .904 ways from completing the les- sons. First, being equipped Reading a Time Line . .905 with these skills makes stu- Sequencing and Categorizing dents’ reading more meaning- Information . .906 ful and supports the content of the text. Second, the lessons Recognizing Point of View . .907 give students practice in using Distinguishing Fact From Opinion . .908 skills they will need to success- fully complete the section and Analyzing Library and Research chapter assessments included Resources . .909 in the text. Finally, the lessons help prepare students for stan- Analyzing Primary Source Documents . .910 dardized test taking since Building a Database . .911 many of these skills are assessed on standardized tests. Summarizing . .912 The lessons are written to be Evaluating a Web Site . .913 used at any point in the text Understanding Cause and Effect . .914 and in any order you choose. They also can be revisited as Making Comparisons . .915 review lessons for students Making Predictions . .916 who need extra practice. Drawing Inferences and Conclusions . .917 Recognizing Economic Indicators . .918 Interpreting Political Cartoons . .919 902 SkillBuilder Handbook 902 902-919_SKLBLDR_MSWHTE_869371 9/22/04 8:52 PM Page 903 SkillBuilder Handbook Finding the Main Idea Why Learn This Skill? Cultural diffusion has increased as a Understanding the main idea allows result of technology. Cultural diffusion is the Finding the Main Idea Help stu- you to grasp the whole picture and get process by which a culture spreads its dents to understand that the an overall understanding of what you knowledge and skills from one area to main idea of a paragraph is the are reading. Historical details, such as another. Years ago, trade—the way people names, dates, and events, are easier to shared goods and ideas—resulted in cultural single most important idea. remember when they are connected to a diffusion. Today communication technology, Details are finer points that main idea. such as television and the Internet, links offer more information about people throughout the world. the main idea. Have students look again at the paragraph under Practicing the Skill. Ask: What are some other Follow these steps when trying to detail detail detail find the main idea: kinds of details the writer could have included that • Read the material and ask, “Why was main idea this written? What is its purpose?” would provide more support for the main idea of the para- • Read the first sentence of the first para- graph? (examples of ways these graph. The main idea of a paragraph is 1. What is the main idea of this paragraph? technologies have increased often found in the topic sentence. The 2. What are some details that support that cultural diffusion, more types of main idea of a large section of text is main idea? technologies) L1 often found in a topic paragraph. 3. Do you agree or disagree with the main idea • Identify details that support the main presented above? Explain. ideas. 4. Practice the skill by reading three paragraphs • Keep the main idea clearly in your in your textbook and identifying their main mind as you read. ideas. Glencoe Skillbuilder Interactive Workbook CD-ROM, Level 1 This interactive CD-ROM Read the paragraph at the top of the reinforces student mastery of next column that describes how the cul- Bring a newspaper or magazine essential social studies skills. ture of the world is changing. Answer to class. With a partner, identify the the questions, and then complete the main ideas in three different articles. activity that follows. If you have trouble, Then describe how other sentences or use the graphic organizer to help you. paragraphs in the article support the main idea. SkillBuilder Handbook 903 PRACTICINGPRACTICING THETHE SKILLSKILL ANSWERSANSWERS 1. The process of cultural diffusion has increased look for details as a way of determining the because of changes in technology. main idea. 2. Technologies such as TV and the Internet link 4. Most students will agree, citing the wide- people throughout the world; to some extent, spread influence of the new technologies in these new technologies have replaced trade as most parts of the world. the main instrument of cultural diffusion. Applying the Skill Students’ analyses of their 3. Students should begin by identifying the topic articles should follow the basic process described sentence of each paragraph they chose, then on this page. 903 902-919_SKLBLDR_MSWHTE_869371 9/22/04 8:57 PM Page 904 Taking Notes and Outlining You also may find it helpful to use an Why Learn This Skill? outline when writing notes.
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