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MM Fakty Screening v? Dose Escalation and Treatment ( 10 wie1 FIG . 6A U . S . Patent May 21 , 2019 Sheet 5 of 12 US 10 ,292 , 977 B2 SafetyAntyos 2wks NicotineWithdrawal Dose jade 12 HYY Visit3,6mg 491383 DoseEscalationand Treatment(10wks) FIG.6B Visit2,4 buu ygitana SAMZK Visit1,2 every6h 2 SYMZkona? ALATAN 49Alasa SXML Screening U . S . Patent May 21, 2019 Sheet 6 of 12 US 10 ,292 , 977 B2 FIG . 7 PercentDissolved(%) pomimmediate Release so thingsMultiparticulate Release at 6 hours tempo 2 Pulse Combination 8 10 12 14 16 Time (hours ) FIG . 8 atent May 21 , 2019 Sheet 7 of 12 US 10, 29 , 977 B2 3 % % % % % % %% %% ?? ?? ???? ?* FIG . 9 , " : )Dissolved(%Percent ? * ? se immediate Release men in Delayed Release $ 246 3333 34 36 - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Time (hours ) FG. 1 U . S . Patent May 21, 2019 Sheet 8 of 12 US 10, 292 , 977 B2 PlasmaNicotino(ng/ml) DO FIG . 11A * wwinguin FIG . 11B U . S . Patent May 21 , 2019 Sheet 9 of 12 US 10 ,292 , 977 B2 . *. FIG . 12 * * * * * * * 1111 111111111 ???????? ???????????? ??????? ?????????????? ???????????? ??? ? WY FIG . 13 U . S . Patent May 21, 2019 Sheet 10 of 12 US 10 ,292 , 977 B2 * * * *** FIG . 14 + FIG . 15 Very Vigorous METS . Moderate Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Mos 10 Jan 11 Jan 12 Jan 13 Jan 19 180 15 last 16 jan 17 lans FIG . 16 atent May 21 , 2019 Sheet 11 of 12 US 10 ,292 , 977 B2 FIG . 17 rrrrrrr ONPOO2 Placebo Week 10 FIG . 18 U . S . Patent May 21, 2019 Sheet 12 of 12 US 10 ,292 , 977 B2 Decrease in FOG Assessed by Hart ll of the UPDRS , ' , , , V , V , V , V , V , V , V , V , V , . ONP002 Placebo Week 10 FIG . 19 NP002 kogenuriBuowaroxis Placebo Week 10 FIG . 20 US 10 , 292 , 977 B2 COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR form . The administration of the nicotine or salt thereof may TREATMENT RELATED TO FALL AND result in a peak plasma nicotine levels above 7 . 5 ng/ mL FALL FREQUENCY IN about 25 minutes to about 50 minutes followed by a plasma NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES nicotine level of below about 5 ng /mL about 180 minutes after administration of the dosage form . The administration CROSS -REFERENCE of the nicotine or salt thereof may result in a peak plasma nicotine level above 5 ng /mL about 25 minutes to about 50 This application is a continuation -in -part of U . S . patent minutes after administration of the dosage form . The admin application Ser. No . 15 /484 , 960 , filed Apr. 11, 2017 , which istration of the nicotine or salt thereof may result in a peak claims the benefit of U .
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