MidlandsMidlands Berwick-upon-Tweed Lindisfarne Castle Giant’s Causeway Carrick-a-Rede Cragside Downhill Coleraine Demesne and Hezlett House Morpeth Wallington LONDONDERRY Blyth Seaton Delaval Hall Whitley Bay Tynemouth Newcastle Upon Tyne M2 Souter Lighthouse Jarrow and The Leas Ballymena Cherryburn Gateshead Gray’s Printing Larne Gibside Sunderland Press Carlisle Consett Washington Old Hall Houghton le Spring M22 Patterson’s M6 Springhill Spade Mill Carrickfergus Durham M2 Newtownabbey Brandon Peterlee Wellbrook Cookstown Bangor Beetling Mill Wordsworth House Spennymoor Divis and the A1(M) Hartlepool BELFAST Black Mountain Newtownards Workington Bishop Auckland Mount Aira Force Appleby-in- Redcar and Ullswater Westmorland Stewart Stockton- Middlesbrough M1 Whitehaven on-Tees The Argory Strangford Ormesby Hall Craigavon Lough Darlington Ardress House Rowallane Sticklebarn and Whitby Castle Portadown Garden The Langdales Coole Castle Armagh Ward Wray Castle Florence Court Beatrix Potter Gallery M6 and Hawkshead Murlough Northallerton Crom Steam Yacht Gondola Hill Top Kendal Hawes Rievaulx Scarborough Sizergh Terrace Newry Nunnington Hall Ulverston Ripon Barrow-in-Furness Bridlington Fountains Abbey A1(M) Morecambe Lancaster Knaresborough Beningbrough Hall M6 Harrogate York Skipton Treasurer’s House Fleetwood Ilkley Middlethorpe Hall Keighley Yeadon Tadcaster Clitheroe Colne Beverley East Riddlesden Hall Shipley Blackpool Gawthorpe Hall Nelson Leeds Garforth M55 Selby Preston Burnley M621 Kingston Upon Hull M65 Accrington Bradford M62 Lytham St Anne's Castleford Blackburn Todmorden Halifax Rawtenstall Batley Leyland Brighouse M62 Pontefract Goole Rufford Old Hall Wa d Buildings and Gardens Southport Nostell M18 Chorley M62 Coast and Countryside M6 M66 Thorne Immingham M61 Rochdale Hemsworth Scunthorpe Grimsby All places shown are listed in this Ormskirk Bury M181 Standish M1 Cleethorpes printed guide. Places in green have Bolton Middleton Skelmersdale M60 M180 a limited ofer, and are listed at the Barnsley Wigan Oldham Doncaster end of each section. M58 Crosby Kirkby St Helens M62 Salford Manchester 0 10 20 miles Bootle Stocksbridge M67 A1(M) Wallasey Sale Glossop Rotherham Liverpool M60 Gainsborough M60 Stockport 0 10 20 30 kilometers M62 Dunham Massey Birkenhead Sheffeld Louth Bodysgallen Widnes Warrington Altrincham Quarry Llandudno M53 M56 Bank Mr Straw’s Holyhead Conwy Suspension Bridge Hall Runcorn Colwyn Bay Prestatyn Tatton Park M1 Worksop House Retford Speke Hall Wilmslow Dronfeld Aberconwy House Rhyl Frodsham Knutsford Lyme M56 Nether Conwy Abergele Staveley Bangor Midlands Ellesmere Port Northwich Alderley Mill Flint Clumber Park d Buxton Lincoln Plas Newydd Penrhyn M6 Gunby Estate Castle Bodnant Garden Stainsby Mill Chester Congleton Cross Mansfeld Monksthorpe Chapel Biddulph Grange Matlock Hardwick Little Moreton Hall Garden Sutton in Ashfeld Leek The Workhouse Tattershall Tyˆ Mawr Crewe Kirkby in Kidsgrove Ashfeld Newark-on-Trent Castle Wybrnant Nantwich Wrexham Ripley Newcastle- Erddig Stoke-on-trent Ashbourne Belper Hucknall under-Lyme Boston Sheringham Park Kedleston Hall Ilkeston M1 Nottingham Chirk Castle Beeston Grantham Belton House Sudbury Derby Plas yn Stone Uttoxeter Felbrigg Hall Rhiw Hall Long Eaton Oswestry Woolsthorpe Blickling Estate Burton upon Trent Spalding King's Stafford Calke Abbey Melton Manor Loughborough Mowbray Lynn Newport Shugborough Estate M6 Heigham Holmes Rugeley Ashby-de-la-Zouch Attingham Dereham Shrewsbury Park Sunnycroft Cannock d Coalville Wisbech Norwich Stamford Swaffham Great Yarmouth Telford M54 M6 M42 Elizabethan Powis Castle TOLL Brownhills Peckover Downham House Museum Wightwick Tamworth Leicester House Benthall Moseley Old Hall Peterborough Market Hall Manor Walsall Sutton Wolverhampton Hinckley March Oxburgh Hall Bridgnorth Lowestoft West Bromwich M6 M69 Carding Nuneaton Dudley Birmingham Mill Valley Market Corby and the Dudmaston Halesowen Birmingham Bedworth Back to Backs Harborough Thetford Aberystwyth Long Mynd Stourbridge M6 Lyveden M1 A1(M) Ely M5 Solihull M42 Coventry Kettering Kidderminster Mildenhall Packwood Baddesley Rugby Huntingdon M42 House Clinton Bromsgrove M45 St Ives Stourport- Wicken Fen Houghton Mill Bury Dunwich Heath Croft on-Severn M40 Wellingborough Castle M5 Redditch Leamington St Edmunds Warwick Spa Rushden Berrington Hall Droitwich Coughton Daventry Newmarket Theatre Royal Cambridge The Firs Court Northampton St Neots Llanerchaeron Hanbury Anglesey Abbey Stowmarket Hall Stratford Ickworth upon Avon M11 Brockhampton Worcester Canons Greyfriars’ Charlecote Park Ashby Wimpole Estate Orford House Ness The Fleece M1 Newport Bedford Melford Hall Great Malvern Pagnell Sutton Hoo Inn Farnborough Hall Biggleswade Lavenham Ipswich Croome Evesham Upton Haverhill The Weir House Sudbury Guildhall Hidcote Banbury Milton Dolaucothi Mines Garden Hereford Royston Stowe Keynes M1 Saffron Letchworth Walden Felixstowe Tewkesbury Dunstable A1(M) Harwich M50 Snowshill Manor Downs and the Flatford Claydon Leighton Whipsnade Hitchin M11 Grange Barn Chastleton M40 Buzzard Estate Stevenage Bishop's Braintree Colchester Carmarthen M5 Cheltenham Bicester Ascott Stortford Gloucester House Luton Paycocke’s Bourne Mill Dinefwr Shaw’s Corner Hatfeld Forest House Abergavenny Chedworth Waddesdon Manor Welwyn Garden Ammanford Tring Ware Witham Clacton-on-Sea Colby Woodland Roman Villa Hemel City Witney Hertford Milford Garden Merthyr The Kymin Hartwell House Hempstead Harlow Haven St Albans Maldon T l d Chelmsford Stroud Oxford Thame Berkhamsted M1 Hoddesdon M5 Llanelli Aberdulais Aberdare Pontypool Buscot M40 Pembroke M4 Cirencester Park Amersham M25 Hughenden Watford Enfeld Tudor Merchant’s Neath Abingdon M25 M11 Cwmbran Chigwell House Swansea Chepstow Newark Park West Wycombe Park Barnet Brentwood Stackpole High Wycombe Fenton M25 Rayleigh Pontypridd M48 Didcot Port Talbot Caerphilly Nuffeld Place House Sutton House Newport Heelis Beaconsfeld Basildon Southend-on-Sea M4 Swindon Cliveden Eastbury Manor House Tredegar House M49 Slough 2 Willow Road Rainham Hall Canvey Island M4 Greys Court M4 Bridgend M4 Porthcawl Cardiff M32 Tilbury Basildon Park Reading Windsor Osterley Park Sheerness M5 Clevedon Bristol Dyrham Park Staines Red House Margate Avebury Runnymede and Ham House Cobham Wood Dyffryn Gardens M4 Rochester Tyntesfeld Newbury Ankerwycke Claremont Swanley Whitstable Barry Lacock Gillingham Garden M25 Sittingbourne Herne Bay Bath Chatham Weston-super-Mare Devizes M3 The Homewood M20 Faversham Ramsgate Prior Park Epsom Brean Down M2 Sandham Hatchlands Leatherhead Sevenoaks Knole Maidstone Trowbridge The Vyne Quebec Canterbury Memorial Park Box Hill Stoneacre Chapel Basingstoke River Wey and Godalming M25 House Ightham Mote Deal Navigations and Dapdune Wharf Reigate M20 Burnham-on-Sea Frome Guildford Polesden Emmetts Andover Farnham Chartwell Garden Tonbridge South Foreland Lighthouse Lundy Ilfracombe Minehead Dunster Castle Warminster Shalford Mill Lacey Godalming Sissinghurst Ashford Winkworth Arboretum M23 Castle Garden The White Cliffs Arlington Court Standen House Dover Dunster Coleridge Cottage M3 Alton East Grinstead Crawley Tunbridge M20 Watermill Bridgwater Stourhead Mompesson Winchester Oakhurst Wells Folkestone Barnstaple Fyne Court House City Mill Cottage Wakehurst Scotney Castle Hythe Crowborough Smallhythe Place Salisbury Winchester Woolbeding Horsham Bideford Lytes Cary Manor Gardens Nymans Taunton Mottisfont Petworth Sheffeld Park Bodiam Castle Hinton Petersfeld Romsey Haywards Lamb House M5 Tintinhull Garden Eastleigh Ampner Heath Bateman’s Knightshayes Yeovil Barrington Court Southampton Uppark House Montacute House A3(M) Tiverton Hailsham Hastings Lewes Hythe M27 Havant Chichester Monk’s House Killerton Fareham Bexhill-on-Sea Brighton Kingston Lacy Fawley Littlehampton Hove Worthing Alfriston Clergy House New Gosport Hardy’s Milton Lymington Cowes Portsmouth Bognor Bridport Cottage Christchurch Ryde Regis Finch Foundry Exeter M5 Poole Birling Gap and the Seven Sisters Sidmouth Dorchester Brownsea Island Bournemouth Newtown Newport Castle Drogo Max Gate Bembridge Windmill Tintagel Old Studland Bay Sandown Post Offce A la Ronde The Lydford Gorge Corfe Castle Mottistone Shanklin Exmouth Weymouth Needles Dawlish Gardens Teignmouth Newton Abbot Bodmin Cotehele Compton Castle Buckland Abbey Torquay Newquay Lanhydrock Paignton Plymouth Saltash Brixham Antony Plympton Trerice St Austell Fowey Torpoint Greenway Saltram Coleton Fishacre East Pool Truro St Ives Mine Redruth Levant Mine Camborne Overbeck’s Trengwainton Trelissick Garden Penzance Godolphin Falmouth St Michael’s Helston Glendurgan Garden Mount Berwick-upon-Tweed Lindisfarne Castle Giant’s Causeway Carrick-a-Rede Cragside Downhill Coleraine Demesne and Hezlett House Morpeth Wallington LONDONDERRY Blyth Seaton Delaval Hall Whitley Bay Tynemouth Newcastle Upon Tyne M2 Souter Lighthouse Jarrow and The Leas Ballymena Cherryburn Gateshead Gray’s Printing Larne Gibside Sunderland Press Carlisle Consett Washington Old Hall Houghton le Spring M22 Patterson’s M6 Springhill Spade Mill Carrickfergus Durham M2 Newtownabbey Brandon Peterlee Wellbrook Cookstown Bangor Beetling Mill Wordsworth House Spennymoor Divis and the A1(M) Hartlepool BELFAST Black Mountain Newtownards Workington Bishop Auckland Mount Aira Force Appleby-in- Redcar and Ullswater Westmorland Stewart Stockton- Middlesbrough M1 Whitehaven on-Tees The Argory Strangford Ormesby Hall Craigavon Lough Darlington Ardress House Rowallane Sticklebarn
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