' April 26, 1997 EC I I Cyclone Hits Tongan Churches-11 I Easter Drama Comes to Life 'rile Geelong (Vic) church re-enacted the Last Supper as part of three programs held in the church I I over the Easter long weekend (March 28-31). Some 250 people attended the Friday night Baptisms and production of the musical "Is It I?" On Sabbath morning, Pastor Glenn Townend preached on "Which Came First, Jesus or the Eggs?"; Bloodshed in and on Sunday morning, "Jesus Is Alive—So What?" Mexico —9 "This was an evangelistic experiment in an attempt to attract people to church at a time when they are more likely to attend church," says Pastor Townend. "We think it worked and we will try again next year." There were 108 who attended the programs from the community (with 90 on the Friday evening). Adventist Pictured are some of those who participated in "Is It I?" From the left are: Stuart Forbes as James, D Appointed PM Wally Palcak as Judas, Warren Skene as Jesus, Alf Hawkins as Thaddaeus and Claude Trickey as Thomas. of PNG 11 EDITORIAL Doctrine—Don't Knock It Officially the Catholic Church does not body is putting down doctrine either Did our accept the authenticity of all these phe- openly or by innuendo. We seem to be pioneers, nomena hook, line and sinker. Kenneth R suggesting that doctrine is somehow who literally Samples, writing in the Christian inimical to spiritual warmth, openness burned the mid- Research Journal, observes that the offi- and vitality. night oil nailing cial Catholic reaction is one of caution I understand, I think, part of the reason down the pillars and deliberation. for this reaction. We can easily get of our faith, toil "Obviously," he says, "the church has bogged down in the minutiae of doctrine. in vain? Living much to lose in the area of credibility if it We can become so preoccupied with get- in a period of theological luxury, when recognises an apparition which later turns ting it right, with arguing our way to the everything comes to us ready-made, do out to be unauthentic or even fraudulent." kingdom, that we become both insipid we tend to denigrate what they accom- Samples continues: "It is safe to say and obnoxious. You meet people who plished? that while the church is open to the possi- seem to care nothing about your personal I came across an article in which for- bility of these supernatural manifesta- welfare as a human being, but who insist mer Lutheran journalist Wayne Weible' tions, it is at the same time highly scepti- on socking a load of doctrine down your tells how he came to believe the current cal. In the words of one Catholic scholar: throat. spate of apparitions of Mary. He was `The church accepts the authenticity of a But to go to the opposite extreme teaching a Sunday school class on mod- would be a terrible mistake. We cannot chart our way through the philosophical ern miracles at his Lutheran church one Every year I attend at least and theological quicksand of our confus- Sunday when a woman in his class men- one major Adventist gather- tioned the miracles taking place in ing times without a tried, tested and inter- ing where somebody is Medjugorje, Yugoslavia. After the class locking system of biblical doctrine. putting down doctrine. he obtained written materials, as well as a Had the Catholic Church not wan- videotape, on the phenomenon. dered away from biblical teaching, it Here is his account of what happened supernatural intervention only with great would not have had to wait for further next: circumspection. She requires that the evidence before making a definitive "About midway through watching the facts, which she submits to a severe evaluation of the miraculous phenomena film, I suddenly 'felt' a strong message examination, should in themselves be at Medjugorje. Knowing that Mary, like within myself. I heard no audible voice, striking, and also insists on waiting before all the dead, now waits in the grave, the but the message was there just as clear as passing judgment."" church might have known that the though I had actually heard it. In essence Why does the Catholic Church wait visions were false. it said, 'You are my son, and you are to before passing judgment? Because of the Without a solid doctrinal foundation do my Son's work. Write about the events church's own doctrine. Because the under us, all else would crumble. So let's in Medjugorje. Afterward you will no church has distorted the pure teaching of not knock doctrine. We'd be adrift with- longer be in this work [journalism], for the Bible in respect to Mary in particular, out it. Roy Adams your life will be devoted to the spreading and in respect to the nature of human Associate Editor of the message."' beings in general. The neglect of biblical Adventist Review I Weible was stunned by the communi- doctrine, or the distortion of the same, 1.Wayne Weible, "Miracle at Medjugorje" (Decem- cation. "I sat up the entire night thinking leaves us open to all kinds of speculation, ber 4, 1985), from Medjugorje: The Message, about what had happened. There was no enthusiastic emotionalism and theological Paraclete, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, 1989. doubt in my heart about the source of the nonsense. 2. Lewis Lochet, Apparitions of Our Lady, Herder message or that it had actually happened. Yet every year I attend at least one and Herder, New York, 1960, page 30; cited in It was from Mary the blessed virgin." major Adventist gathering where some- Christian Research Journal, Winter 1991, page 22. Manuscripts Should be sent to The Editor, Official Paper Record, Signs Publishing Company, I Seventh-day Adventist Church Warburton, Victoria 3799. Manuscripts or Next Week: South Pacific Division computer disks will only be returned if accom- panied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Editor Bruce Manners Phone: (03) 5966 9111. Fax: (03) 5966 9019. Assistant Editor Lee Dunstan E-mail: CompuServe 74617,726; Internet Editorial Assistant Brenton Stacey 74617.726 @compuserve.com. TTUC Report. Copy Editor Graeme Brown Subscriptions South Pacific Division, Editorial Secretary Lexie Deed $A39.00 $NZ44.85. All other regions, Senior Consulting Editor Laurie Evans $A77.00 $NZ88.55. Air mail rates on applica- tion. Order from Signs Publishing Company. Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. Printed Cover Photo: T McWilliam weekly by Signs Publishing Company. A.C.N. 0(10 003 930 Vol 102 No 16 2 RECORD April 26, 1997 PAGE 3 Adventures at Railway Stations by C E Sommerfeld woman in the seat opposite was reading was gracious and loved him. When ared was a brilliant student and an a book with the name "Luther" promi- offered a small Christian book the ill enthusiastic winner on the sports nent on the cover. Without delay I young man gladly accepted it. I also field. Life was exciting! crossed the aisle and sat in the spare gave him a couple of dollars to have a But suddenly, anguish struck with seat next to her. milkshake. violent pain and continued battles with "I noticed you're reading a book Another time I was walking down cancer. He put up courageous resis- about Luther," I said. the path to the railway station when, tance for months, but finally the end She told me that she had tried several ahead of me, was a young man with the was near. churches and was not satisfied. She was words visible on the back of his T-shirt, He looked at his mother and softly searching. "Here today. In Hell . ." I couldn't see murmured, "Would you walk a few "If I gave you a small Christian book anymore. blocks and look at the sky. Walk in the would you read it?" I asked. When he stopped to wait for the train world for me?" "Yes," she said and gladly received I went up to him and asked, "What Jesus asks the same. He wants moth- it. does the rest of your T-shirt say?" ers and fathers and all others to walk in The train began to slow down for the "Tomorrow," he said. the world for Him, telling the good coming station. What an opportunity I had to share news of His total victory over sin, and "I'm sorry, but I get off here," she about the great God of the universe of the offer of eternal life to all said. "Thank you for the book." who was vitally interested in getting (Matthew 28:18-20; John 3:16). He's Now was this experience a mere people into heaven and keeping them entrusted us to go and make disciples combination of circumstances, or was out of hell. for Him. God involved? Would he read a small book about I enjoy distributing Christian litera- I was sitting on a seat at a busy rail- God's love? Yes, he would, and happi- ture. One day I had placed all my books way station waiting for the train to ly boarded the train with Happiness except one, and I went to the railway Sydney when a young man came and Digest. station to catch a train home. As I sat down next to me. On his T-shirt, in One meets a wide variety of people neared the station a train was about to big letters, was written, "I am bad." when "walking in the world for God." leave. We started talking. Soon I could look Opportunities build up as we walk for Rushing down the steps I managed to him in the eye and ask him the ques- Jesus to make disciples for Him.
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