VOLUME 9 NO. 4 JUNE 25 – JULY 8, 2020 SUBMIT STORIES TO: [email protected] STRIPESKOREA.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE ShareINSIDE yourINFO piece of paradise with us BasesPages 12-13 full, stadiums empty Stars and Stripes is asking readers to write about their own piece of paradise. Yes, that means you! Our annual Destination Paradise magazine highlights must-see travel spots across the Pacific — and your bit of paradise could be included in our 2020-21 edition that hits the streets on Pacific bases in September. Submit your story and photos to [email protected] by July 19. We’ll make you famous! Check out our previous Destination Paradise mags LET’S JUMP OUT OF APAGES PERFECTLY 8-10 FINE AIRPLANE! FREE FALLIN’ 2 STRIPES KOREA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION 75 YEARS IN THE PACIFIC JUNE 25 − JULY 8, 2020 Troops call for action to fight racism STORY AND PHOTOS BY KIM GAMEL, dubbed “Stronger Together” at STARS AND STRIPES a chapel on Camp Humphreys Published: June 8, 2020 “I feel safer Max D. Lederer Jr. — with everybody in civilian Publisher clothes — after tweeting on CAMP HUMPHREYS — U.S. outside the Lt. Col. Richard E. McClintic Friday that he had spoken pri- Commander military leaders have been un- country that Joshua M Lashbrook usually outspoken about the I serve than vately with several black ser- Chief of Staff need to address institutional I do in it.” vice members and had directed Chris Verigan leaders at all echelons to hold Engagement Director racism amid a growing wave – Sgt. Dasha Long, Marie Woods of civil unrest over the latest (Pictured) discussions on the issue. Publishing and Media Design Director killing of a black man in police While the event only drew a Chris Carlson few dozen people in-person, it Publishing and Media Design Manager custody. also was broadcast live on Face- Eric Lee Many black service mem- Advertising and Circulation Manager bers speaking June 7 at a fo- book and had 27,000 views by Enrique “Rick” W. Villanueva Jr. Monday evening. Korea Area Manager rum organized by U.S. Forces Jinsun Song Korea welcomed the outrage Most in the audience wore Operations Manager but called for words to be trans- face masks and every other pew Kentaro Shimura was roped off to prevent the Production Manager lated into deeds. Rie Miyoshi Sgt. Dasha Long, 35, thanked spread of the coronavirus. Engagement Manager U.S. Forces Korea commander “Now, from my time of ser- Denisse Rauda Publishing and Media Design Editor Gen. Robert Abrams for tack- vice I’ve tried real hard to be Publishing and Media Design Writers ling the long taboo topic, saying part of the solution, and it was ChiHon Kim really difficult for me to come to Shoji Kudaka the discussion was an impor- Takahiro Takiguchi tant first step. grasp this week that I have fall- Layout Designers “This isn’t new, right? But it, so I want to know aside from Nearly 19% of active-duty en way short in helping elimi- Mamoru Inoue Yukiyo Oda it feels like it took too long for words what actions are going to enlisted service members are nate racism and bigotry in our Yuko Okazaki us to hear something about it,” take place because I’m tired,” black, but that number falls own ranks,” Abrams said. Kayoko Shimoda she said. sharply to just under 9% when it “Let me be clear about this Multimedia Consultants Long said, wearing a T-shirt Max Genao Doug Johnson emblazoned with the phrase Anger over Floyd’s death, comes to officers, according to - we are better together where Brian Jones Jason Lee which was captured on video, a 2018 Defense Department de- Hans Simpson Chae Pang Yi “I Can’t Breathe,” which was everyone is treated with dig- Gianni Youn Robert Zuckerman uttered by George Floyd be- has sparked massive protests mographics report. Many also nity and respect regardless of Graphic Designers fore he died as a calling for racial complain that they are unfairly the color of their skin, or their Kenichi Ogasawara Yosuke Tsuji justice and an targeted by the military justice Sales Support white Minneapo- EXCLUSIVE NEWS FROM: gender, or where they practice Kazumi Hasegawa Hiromi Isa lis police officer end to police bru- system and receive unfair sen- their faith, or whether they Ichiro Katayanagi Yoko Noro Yusuke Sato Saori Tamanaha kneeled on his tality in the Unit- tences compared to their white practice faith at all, or their Toshie Yoshimizu Un Chong Yu neck for nearly ed States. It also counterparts. gender orientation,” he added. For feedback and inquiries, nine minutes on has led to soul “I also want to be clear about contact [email protected] May 25. searching in the military, which Falling short this. There is zero room, zero, To place an ad, call DSN 755-2255 “I feel safer outside the has long prided itself as promot- Abrams convened the two- stripeskorea.com/contact country that I serve than I do in ing diversity. hour town hall-style meeting SEE ACTION ON PAGE 4 JUNE 25 − JULY 8, 2020 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION 75 YEARS IN THE PACIFIC STRIPES KOREA 3 4 STRIPES KOREA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION 75 YEARS IN THE PACIFIC JUNE 25 − JULY 8, 2020 ACTION: ‘There is zero room for racism’ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 In true military fashion, he offered a new acronym, CA- for racism and bigotry and hate REEE, which stands for creat- in the military.” ing a safe space for dialogue, Troops and other members acknowledging the problem, of the military community also recognizing how it’s affecting expressed concern about fami- unit morale, empathizing with lies at home and asked how those affected, emphasizing re- they can express solidarity sources available and empow- without violating regulations ering leaders with knowledge. against political activity. Sgt. Maj. Keyana Washing- The director of USFK’s of- ton, who is assigned to the 65th fice of judge advocate gave Medical Brigade, suggested troops a green light to partici- that the military review the pate in gatherings planned on outcomes and results of past base to denounce racism and courts-martial and nonjudicial social injustice, including a candlelight vigil that he said punishment at all levels to de- was scheduled for June 4 on termine the disparity. Camp Humphreys. The com- “I’m sure they’ll be very munity at Osan Air Base held a similar to what the outcomes candlelight vigil on June 7. are to our society and commu- “You can speak. You can nities at home,” she said. “And when you receive those results shout. You can march. You can U.S. Forces Korea commander Gen. Robert Abrams, far left, leads a panel discussion dubbed “Stronger Together” at Camp protest. You can demonstrate, Humphreys to address concerns about racism in the military. how are we going to change or and you can do all of these reconstruct the military justice things on this and every USFK injustice and systemic racism Starting dialogue Floyd’s killing, but he grew in- system?” installation,” said Col. Robert is a political issue. He said Many black service mem- creasingly frustrated and wor- Abrams promised action. Penland. “I ask only please that troops may wear T-shirts with bers said the forum was the ried for his son and daughter. “This is a small step of a you do not do so in connection slogans like “Black Lives Mat- first time they had felt free to “I’m not an emotional per- larger effort,” he said. “We’re with a particular candidate or ter.” discuss race during long mili- son, but over the past couple going to develop an action plan incumbent in any political of- “That’s not a problem. That’s tary careers. weeks I’ve been a different per- with real meat on the bones to fice.” not a political statement,” he Lt. Col. Nick Williams, who son. It changed me,” he said. “I get after this. We are not going Penland also apologized for said, adding later in an email is assigned to USFK headquar- also started feeling disappoint- to put up with this one second earlier guidance that he said that troops are still barred ters, said he initially v“huddled ed because in the Army we’re longer this time.” may have “inadvertently” cre- from participating in demon- in corners” with other black of- supposed to be better. We’re [email protected] ated the impression that racial strations off base. ficers and civilians to talk about supposed to be a brotherhood.” Twitter: @kimgamel JUNE 25 − JULY 8, 2020 A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION 75 YEARS IN THE PACIFIC STRIPES KOREA 5 t’s summer PCS season, Within military spouse culture, together like they always have, when 40% of the 400,000 telling tales of moving mishaps to chat around fire pits, bunco Imilitary and DOD civilian is a sort of competitive sport. The Meat and tables, kitchen islands, base moves take place each year. This Kind of like talking about child- housing patios, backyard bar- time brings back memories of birth. The spouse who has en- becues and coffee shops. They our family’s final military move dured the most misery wins. Potatoes of Life will share bottles of wine and in May 2017. It was our 11th in It’s hard to imagine the PCS pots of coffee; they will laugh, 23 years of marriage, and it was experience getting worse for and they will tell miserable pretty much like all the rest — a military families, but thanks Lisa Smith Molinari stressful experience involving to the coronavirus, moving tales about childbirth, deploy- tediousPandemic planning, unexpected hassles have ramps reached epic new up PCS move rivalriesments and PCS moves — just crises, broken levels.
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