Mayor and Council External Correspondence Summary H .01 (February 8, 2010) FROM TOPIC DEPT. A.T. # B:· Karman, Revenue 35 Development Coordinator, Permission to Canvas CLERKS 104201 Canadian Cancer Society M. MacDiarmid , Minister of Funding for Libraries and Schools in 36 HR&CP 104240 Education Delta L. Foster, President Heritage Week 20 10: February 15 - 37 CP&D 104220 Heri tage BC 21 D. Jones, Cougar Creek Cougar Creek Integrated Storm Water Management Plan and Development CP&D CC: 38 Streamkeepers 104228 (NDelta/Surrey) Permit Amendment Application ENG LU005872 Thank you for the Trees Getting 39 S. Wright Planted in the Hydro Right Away in ENG 104227 East Ladner 40 Captain K. Hoath Delta School and Police POLICE 104306 CC:HR&CP P. Buck, Communications March is Kidney Health Month CLERKS 104308 41 Manager, Kidney Foundation of Canada The Sa lmonid Ensuring a Healthy Salmonid CA&ENV 104307 42 Enhancement Habitat and Resource Advisory Board 43 B. Saleken Cancellation of Whitecaps Agreement PR&C 104408 E. Rappenhagen Oil Spills on Roadways in Beach ENG 104348 44 Grove C. & D. Warner Legalizing Secondary Suites for all CP&D 104349 45 Single Family Homes -Ongoing cc: ENG ParkinQ Di lemma 46 T. & J. Campbell The New Lynn Place Development CP&D 104403 LU005618 F:\C OU NCIL\Corre spondence and Corre spondence Lists\Corre sp U sts\2010\February 1, 2010 & Februa y 8, 2010.doc 35 Canadian genda Cancer A FILE # QllqD-- al}/C.C-7 Society BRIIJSH COLUMBIA AND YUKON Fraser Valley RegVn fJ 202 - 20434 - 64th Ave nue Lang'y BC V2Y IN! Tekphone 604 533 1668 Fax 604 533 85 11 \W,'W,/,'J I);er Ca REGlQW.. PRESI'DENI' Gary Yl'e RECIONALMANAGER Mike Glass January 11,2010 Mayor and Council The Corporation of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, BC V4K 3E2 Re: Permission to Canvass During the month of April the Canadian Cancer Society holds its annual Door­ to-Door fund raising drive. The dollars raised assist the Canadian Cancer Society in providing funds for cancer research, services to people living with cancer, education, information and advocacy for h ealthy lifestyles. Hundreds of volunteers participate each year. At this time I am requesting permission to canvass in the Corporation of Delta from April 1 to April 30, 2010. I look forward to your positive response to the request. Sincerely, ~~~~-------------- . Bob Karman Revenue Development Coordinator Fraser Valley Region Canadian Cancer Society This request is made by the Canadian Cancer Society on an annual basis. Council has granted permission to canvass in Delta during the month of Apnl for the past several years. 36 genda A FILE #0 1d-.(){} ()~ The Best Place on Earth TYPE: Rrbu~ Irftt{)jt DEPT HUCP A T# 104-@,lV JAN 08 2010 Comments: 1 Ftb l/ID PtjIfW MUh ~~ Her Worship, Lois Jackson, Mayor and Council 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, BC V4K 3E2 I am writing further to our meeting at the recent UBCM convention regarding libraries and schools in Delta. As you are aware, the province has not been immune to the current global economic challenges and this has required goverrU11ent to review its priorities. During this review, we worked to maintain as much fi.mding as possible for our public libraries and were able to provide $ 13.7 million fo r libraries this year - 60% more funding than in 200 I. Thank you for your suggestions about potential changes to the Library Act. A highl y consultative seven stage review of the Act commenced a year ago. Stage I of that review has been extended until 05 March, 2010. During stage I, stakeholders are invited to submit briefs on the specific issues or approaches they would like to see addressed. For more information on the review and for details about brief submissions, please visit: http://leg-review. bclibraries.ca/ As a member of the InterUNK Public Library Federation, all locations of the Fraser Valley Regional Library participate in regional reciprocal borrowing agreements. These agreements include materials exchange with the Surrey and Richmond public libraries. It is through such agreements and cooperation that BC residents enjoy equitable access to information and this outcome explains the province' s continuing support of library federations. Thank you fo r taking the time to share your views with me at the recent UBCM convention. I enjoyed our di sc ussion and hope that it was beneficial to council. Sincerely, "At the 2009 UBCM convention, staff met with Minister MacDiarmid and one of the issues discussed was an amendment to ' {1Cc1~ j- the Library Act so that a municipal referendum is not required if a municipality wants to cease membership of a regio nal library Margaret MacDiarmid system. As noted , the Li brary Act review is underway and staff will Minister be bringing this issue forward as part of that review process." Ministry of Office of the Mail ing Address: Location: Educacion M inister PO Box 9045 Sm Pray Govr Parliamenr Buildings Victoria Be Y8W 9E2 Victoria, Be 37 genda. it! A FILE# 6l\10-cOJ ,- Be; HeritageBC iYPE: [email protected]­ • DEPT: CR-t-D January 11, 2010 A. T. #: jOtJ Ol?2O c~bi~~IOfZ(a 1 ~/" .. ' !-,H",e!-,ri",ta:!.lg..,e,-W=e",e~k,-"2,,,O:.!1~O,-: ...!.F..!:e",b:!:ru".,a:!.lry..L-1!.!5,---,2~1 J U ar II.\J.U I r') % THE HERITAGE OF SPORT & RECREA TlON "Community Pride, Active Living" Dear Mayor Lois E. Jackson & Council: In recognition of British Columbia hosting the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, the theme for Heritage Week 2010 is "Sport and Recreation". Heritage Week runs from Monday, February 15 to Sunday, February 21 . Sport and recreation are part of life in every community. Many of our most notable and colourful figures come from the world of sport, and are a great source of community pride. Our collective memories include legendary teams and tournaments, and cherished traditions. Special historic places may include arenas, stadiums, gyms, rinks, playing fields, tracks, and parks. The emphasis on a more active life style has also made us all aware of the importance of recreation activities and facilities for healthy living. The enclosed 2010 Heritage Week poster features a famous B.C. sports team, the New Westminster Salmonbellies, playing lacrosse at their Queen's Park Arena home. May through September, Thursday night is lacrosse night in New Westminster, when 'The Barn', as the 1930 Arena is affectionately called by fans, resonates to the sounds of . Canada's official summer sport. There are many ways to recognize and celebrate Heritage Week 2010. Please see our web site, www.heritagebc.ca. for Heritage Week ideas and news. Thank you for supporting British Columbia's heritage! Sincerely, Del ta will ce lebrate Heritage Week 2010 with the Westham 100 event and Larry Foster, heritage award prese nta tio ns. President 38 Deborah Jones 5612 Fairlight Crescent Delta BC V4E 1B4 January 18, 2010 , I. ! Delta Mayor and Council '.' Municipal Hall " 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta BC V4A 3E2 Dear Mayor and Council, Re: Development permit amendment application LU005872 Further to the Cougar Creek Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP) recently adopted by Council, I'm writing to draw your attention to an opportunity for possible improvements in stormwater management at the McDonald's site on the southeast corner of Scottsdale Mall, just one block away from Cougar Creek. The entire mall - including McDonald's - occupies a portion of what was once an extensive wetland that fed a steady supply of filtered water into Cougar Creek. Now, stormwater runoff from mall rooftops and pavements drains directly via pipes into Cougar Creek, with devastating results as you know. McDonald's is proposing to reconfigure and expand their drive-thru, If this project goes ahead, it offers an opportunity to retrofit this corner of the mall with fish-friendly infiltration drainage (rain garden or similar), Such a retrofit would of course be in keeping with the "Low Impact Development" strategy recommended in the ISMP .. I'm attaching a few photos of the site, and also of a large adjacent paved area which mayor may not be involved in the McDonald's project. This area may have been designed as a manoeuvering space for trucks delivering to Save-On Foods, but I've never actu ally seen a vehicle use the space. I'd very much appreciate your letting me know if the McDonald's project might become our first step toward reducing Scottsdale Mall's huge negative impact on Cougar Creek. Yours sincerely, In December 2009, staff received a Development Permit application from McDonald's Restaurant for the property at 7005 120 Street adjacent to Scottsdale Mall, The proposal Deborah Jones is to reconfigure the drive thru operations to allow two lanes Cougar Creek Streamkeepers (North Delta/Surrey BC) for ordering fo od before merging into one lane to pick up inielsen@dccnet. com 604 596-3967 food. Although the proposed modifications are relatively minor, Engineering staff will review this application with >« ((("> >« ((("> >«((("> >«((("> ::: consideration of the Cougar Creek Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP). Staff anticipate that this application will be forwarded to Council in March 2010. In the meantime, staff will contact the writer, What's this little paved corner good for, except pooling water? Add it to the planting island and make the whole thing an infiltration zone for runoff from the drive-thru? Looking the other way: adjacent paved area is used A N 100' IJ -. ...~ ... ,'C1".. ,'~ ",,'.'''' View of drive-thru from adjacent under-utilized paved area. 39 Mayor _Council From: Sharon Wright [[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 11 :31 AM genda .
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