Archaeological Investigations Project 2006 Post-determination and Research North East Darlington Unitary Authority Darlington UA (E.55.2630) NZ24462463 {20A28F26-3518-4DF3-B6CD-DB90D0FA57B7} Parish: Heighington Postal Code: DL4 2QE MIDDRIDGE GRANGE FARM, SHILDON Middridge Grange Farm, Shildon, County Durham Williams, A Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Alan Williams Archaeology, 2006, 31pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Alan Williams Archaeology Test-pitting within the farmhouse investigated the presence of archaeological deposits. This showed that surfaces had been previously truncated to below the surface subsoil and that only archaeological features cut below this level would survive in within the building. [Au(abr)] SMR primary record number: 9554 Archaeological periods represented: PM (E.55.2631) NZ2093215739 {2CFF724F-E973-4ADA-A581-8FCD3E21142C} Parish: Piercebridge Postal Code: DL2 3SE 9, THE GREEN, PIERCEBRIDGE Archaeological Watching Brief at 9, the Green, Piercebridge (Darlington), County Durham Turnbull, P Barnard Castle : Brigantia Archaeological Practice, 2006, 4pp, colour pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Brigantia Archaeological Practice No feature, structure or deposit of archaeological significance was found, nor was any object recovered of a date other than modern. [Au(adp)] SMR primary record number: 9610 Archaeological periods represented: MO (E.55.2632) NZ21081576 {61A7CBFA-5168-4CF3-BD32-EFDEBDD1D1FD} Postal Code: DL2 3SH PIERCEBRIDGE FARM, PIERCEBRIDGE Piercebridge Farm, Piercebridge, County Durham Attwood, G Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2006, 7pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services The works comprised the excavation of six one-metre square foundation trenches. A stone wall of unknown function was identified. [Au(adp)] (E.55.2633) NZ25371714 {BB2DE19A-34B9-497C-9A36-C88DB2FD38B9} Parish: Walworth Postal Code: DL2 2YB ARCHDEACON NEWTON Archaeological Watching Brief at Archdeacon Newton, Borough of Darlington Turnbull, P Barnard Castle : Brigantia Archaeological Practice, 2006, 5pp, colour pls, figs Work undertaken by: Brigantia Archaeological Practice No features, structures or deposits of archaeological significance were encountered, and no object found of a date earlier than the 20th century. [Au] SMR primary record number: 9116 Archaeological periods represented: MO Archaeological Investigations Project 2006 Post-determination and Research North East Durham Chester-le-Street (E.20.2634) NZ27415192 {25630767-3067-4841-A744-2F396CCA05F1} Parish: Little Lumley Postal Code: DH3 3TX 15 NEWCASTLE ROAD, CHESTER-LE-STREET 15 Newcastle Road, Chester-Le-Street, County Durham Mole, J Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2006, 31pp, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services The works comprised two evaluation trenches and the subsequent excavation of the foundations of the proposed development. Prehistoric and Roman stratification was identified in all excavated areas of the site. Three sherds of Roman pottery were found. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: RO, PR (E.20.2635) NZ27445173 {765A85BE-1861-45C9-BBF8-CF52845D230B} Postal Code: DH3 3SL NEWCASTLE ROAD, CHESTER-LE-STREET An Archaeological Excavation at Newcastle Road, Chester-Le-Street, County Durham Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd, 2006, 80pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The earliest features recorded on site were two east-west aligned Roman boundary ditches. Adjacent to this was a quarry pit of Roman date. A substantial refuse pit of late 3rd century date was also recorded. Archaeological remains of post-Roman date recorded at the site were of far lesser significant., A series of north-south aligned plough furrows produced ceramic material suggested that the site was ploughed from at least the 17th century. [Au(abr)] SMR primary record number: 9617 Archaeological periods represented: PM, RO (E.20.2636) NZ27695124 {A9044332-DBCF-404A-8E97-A374E47013B5} Postal Code: DH3 3QA PARK VIEW COMMUNITY SCHOOL, CHESTER-LE-STREET An Archaeological Excavation at Park View Community School, Chester-Le-Street, County Durham Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd, 2006, 72pp, colour pls, figs, tabs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. Archaeological remains of Roman and medieval date were recorded at the site. The earliest features recorded included part of a large sub-rectangular pit in the north-eastern part of the site. This yielded Roman pottery from the second half of the 2nd century AD. Although the precise function of the pit was uncertain, the presence of a clay-lining suggested that it was designed to hold water. Another feature, possibly a pit, was partially exposed in the south-eastern corner of the excavation. A metalled surface overlay the small of the two pits and continued beyond the limit of the excavation to the south and east. A substantial ditch was recorded in the western half of the exaction area. Four shallow pits recorded in the central part of the site yielded goat and cattle horn cores, suggesting that they related to horn working. A stone-lined well truncated the Roman ditch. The site also produced seven pottery sherds from a 13th/14th century vessel with a strap handle. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: MD, RO Archaeological Investigations Project 2006 Post-determination and Research North East Derwentside (E.20.2637) NZ1788243729 {AA4AB40F-414E-4362-88E4-EE7DB4525FE8} Parish: Esh Postal Code: DH7 9DG QUEBEC TO HOLLINSIDE PIPELINE RENEWAL Quebec to Hollinside Pipeline Renewal, County Durham Claydon, M Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2006, 9pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services Four areas along the route of the pipeline were considered to be of archaeological potential. Trenches in these areas were monitored during excavation. No archaeological deposits were encountered and no significant finds were recovered. [Au(abr)] Archaeological periods represented: PM Durham (E.20.2638) NZ25894250 {053BB824-165D-49D4-A283-070170E440B8} Parish: Bearpark Postal Code: DH1 4HY LAND TO THE REAR OF HILLVIEW, NEWCASTLE ROAD, CROSSGATE MOOR An Archaeological Watching Brief on Land to the Rear of Hillview, Newcastle Road, Crossgate Moor, Durham, County Durham Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. London : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd, 2006, 11pp, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. A watching brief was conducted during groundwork associated with the construction of residential accommodation at land to the rear of Hillview, Newcastle Road, Crossgate Moor. No finds, features or deposits of archaeological significance were encountered during the work. [Au(abr)] SMR primary record number: 9191 (E.20.2639) NZ27384256 {323404D4-2FF3-4104-91C6-DE8F7425CF9A} Parish: Belmont Postal Code: DH1 3NJ DURHAM INDOOR MARKET/TOWN HALL, MARKET PLACE, DURHAM An Archaeological Excavation at Durham Indoor Market/Town Hall, Market Place, Durham, County Durham Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. Durham : Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd, 2006, 39pp, pls, figs, refs Work undertaken by: Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. During an excavation at the site of the Listed building, natural sand was encountered below the present floor of the storeroom. It was truncated by a substantial pit, only partially revealed within the limits of excavation, which produced late 11th-early 12th century pottery, a probably iron fitting and biological remains indicating that the pit was utilised primarily to dispose of food waste. The refuse pit had been cut through by a linear north-west to south-east aligned feature, probably a robbed out wall footing. Fragments of pottery recovered from this feature dated to the 13th century. The alignment of the wall perhaps suggested that buildings fronted onto the western side of the Market Place during the 13th century. [Au(abr)] SMR primary record number: 9541 Archaeological periods represented: MD, PM Archaeological Investigations Project 2006 Post-determination and Research North East (E.20.2640) NZ27304230 {77AA72E3-0E52-46A2-A4A4-F849D00D7722} Postal Code: DH1 3RN MASTER'S GARN, DURHAM CASTLE Archaeological Monitoring in the Master's Garden, Durham Castle Annis, RDurham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2006, 2pp, colour pls Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services In the course of the repair of a pipe, soil was cleared from below the PVC pipe to allow a clamp to be fitted over a split. This clearance revealed a large concrete pipe running north-south, parallel with the garden wall. It was believed that this was a duct carrying a steam pipe into the Castle from Hatfield College. The excavation for this large duct would have effectively destroyed any archaeological deposits that may have existed along the western edge of the garden. For this reason, no further archaeological work was recommended. [Au(adp)] Archaeological periods represented: MO (E.20.2641) NZ35203500 {4E2F5DC1-1518-46DB-BAD7-6D9ADE8E0694} Parish: Kelloe Postal Code: DL179DX COXHOE QUARRY- EASTERN EXTENSION, COXHOE Coxhoe Quarry- Eastern Extension, Coxhoe, County Durham: Archaeological Evaluation and Excavation Adams, J Durham : University of Durham, Archaeological Services, 2006, 9pp, figs, tabs, refs, CD Work undertaken by: University of Durham, Archaeological Services The archaeological
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