106 AVIATION Ae rial Vie w of Miami NEAREST TO Compliments Of AIRLIFT INTERNATIONAL INC. MIAMI INTERNATIONAl AIRPORT AVIATION 107 ACE•s AIR CARRIER ENGINE SERVICE. INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF FAIRCHILD HILLER P.O. Box 48-236, International Airport Miami, Florida 33148 Telephone: (305) 887-2666 Because ACES maintains a strict sense of professionalism , it 's work exceeds the specification s established by manufacturers and Federal agencies . Not only are its shops capable of detailed engine repa ir and over haul, but they ore fully diversified lor plating, tooling parts provisioning and testing of bore engines or full QEC con· figurations. ACES holds Certifi· Boe int737 cote 3604 awarded in 1946 by the Civil Aeronautics Adm ini s· !ration. In May 1967 the certifi· cote was extended by the Fed· eral Aviation Administration to cover Pratt & Whitney aircraft JTBD engines. Thars right! We never seem to get a wink of sleep. Our night· time schedules are planned just lor you so your cargo will be where you want it when you want it. In addition, since we are P.O. BOX. 48·535, INTERNATIONAL AIRPOR T BRANCH • MIAMI, FLOR IDA • PHONE 305·838·3671 AVIATION • AIR CARGO CARRIER 109 DIRECT AIR CARGO SCHEDULED FLIGHTS TO SAN SA LV ADOR ~ BLDG. C-3 MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPOR T AEROLINEAS EL SALVADOR, S.A. P.O. BOX 48-1066, MIAMI MIAMI-TEL. 887-6471 NEW YORK - 5-E. 54th STREET NEW YORK-TEL 421-2456 110 AVIATION · AIR LINES ~AIR LINES~ • MIAMI, BARRANQUILLA BOGOTA, MEDELLIN, CALI, CARTAGENA, SAN ANDRES (ISLA) Passe nger Offi ce : CargoAnd General Office : 12 McA llister Arca de Bldg . C-8 Miami International Airport 311 E. Flagler St. P.O. Box 16 2. Miami . Fla. (33148 } Mia mi, Florida (33132 } Phones (305 } 885 -4528 and Phones 371-5642 an d 371-5643 (305 } 888-3790 Cable-Aerocon dor Aerovias Condor de Colombia LTDA AVIATION - AIR LINES Ill < e DEPENDABLE PUN CTUAL SCHEDULES • DELICIOUS COMP LIMENTARY MEAL S • OC·6B L UXURY TOURIST SERVICE • VETERAN MILLION MILE PILOTS • BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE 66 LBS Your clients will Incomparable Service Aboard enJOY• Ecuatoriana to South America Offering new low fares SALES OFFICES IN THE U.S. A. CHICAGO WASHINGTON, D.C. HOUSTON 30 N. Michigan Ave., Rm . 927 1151 K Stretl, N.W. 239EspersonBidg. Tel. 332-0063 Tel. 296-3129 hi.CA2·0193 MIAMI NEW YORK LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO 338E.FiaclerSt. 500 Fifth Ave., Room 920 530W. 6thSt., Room1 203 607Marke1Street Teh. (305) 377-8484 Tel. LO 5-6592 Tel. MA 7-5725 Tel. DO 2·0658 (305)635-0461 TWX212·420·4728 TWX213-683·0210 TW X4 15-393-8037 112 AVIATION· AIR LINES Complete Miami International Passenger Airport And Freight Ticket Office 633-8136 Service Cargo Building 1008 IA@i 888-2337 VISIT GUATEMALA "Land o f eternal spring" Country of contrasts: The modern and the ancient, maje.stic vo lca noes a nd paradise beaches, wild game and very friendly people. You ore a lways welcome to the " Switzer· land of The Americas". Non-stop service from Miami and New O rleans to Guatemala City, immediate connect­ ions to Son Salvador, Son Pedro Sula a nd Panama. 661bs allowance luxurious First Closs Service, hot meals, complimentary drinks and the lowest fa res!!! DC6B Service, radar equipped, pressurized cabin and the wo rl d's Safety Record. For information or reservations contact your Travel Agent or Avioteco. Reserva tion s and Sales: 24 7 S.E. 1st.-Tel. 373-1 080 or 371-3064 Miami Intern ational Airport: Traffic and Reservations Tel. 633-8136 Build ing 1008 International Airport: Cargo Tel. 88B-2337 ENJOY TH E CARIBBEAN WITH .,• .A.IA. ! .... See Fly Smooth Fan-Jefs To, Your CA RACAS -----.___ Tra vel VENlZUEL A Agent MA RACAIBO -----­ Or MDNTECO BAY JAM AIC A • Contact ARUB A -------- OIITCH \VES T INDIES venezueLan CUR ACAO ------ 1nCeRnac1onaL PO RT OF SPAIN TRINID AD 8/RWBYS SANT O DO MINGO D. R. BA RR AN OUILLA COLU MBIA ' 160 S.E. 3rd AV E. PANAMA R. P.' MIAMI, FL A. (33132 ) TEL. (305) 311·1684 WX2260 • FR OM NEW ORLEANS ' VIAPAISA South America's FA STE ST Growing Airline AVIATION- AIR LINES Ill How far can an airline go for you? ---,~ - .. .... ,_ , liS&O>I 1UlHO$Alii'£S (lUAV.OUI\ -- $ VOM£V $ T<ITT(;ART TUN I$ VI(NMA ~" CA~I:UTTA , IWICUOMA, __ SII<(!Aro~[ .... oRoo. --~ IRlWlH T!M(IUN "UICOCt1"1' COLOGH!/ -M .....,..IIC).UO 100nVOO'"' , ..... ~,1,11111 STOCitiOOL,. $AH'IU.HCIS«< GU<EVA ~~" ~ - UGO ...Y ~ ~ .. U<HNt -· OAAUSAlAA" To over 70 gateway cities around the world. REGIONAL•t•••u•••••n•••••v••u• SALES and CARGO OFFICE · TELEPHONE 379-6322 \C)a Lufthansa PASSENGER RESERVATIONS and TICKET OFFICE . TELEPHONE 377-2661 Ofl..:•"~ .,. ,.. , ,..,,~,..., , ,..us.o, _,C• ••~ • peru inlernacional Air Freight and Air Cargo To Maracaibo - Venezuela and lquitos - Peru PERU INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT CORP . Bu ilding C-3 Miami Intern ational Airport Tel. (305) 887-9522 AVIATION - AIRCRAFT CHARTER AIR CHARTER SERVICE PHONE 1Jflimale in f:xeculive Jravef 688-6591 BUSINESS- INDUSTR Y - PRIVATE "It 's Smarter To Charier" ISCAYNE IT 'S SMARTER TO CHARTER • GO w~en YOU wont to GO SERVICE • luxu rious Interiors - lnflight Bar Spacious Wardrobe Comportment CORP. • Radar ond oil-weather equipped B • FAA Certified-NBAA Member Ad: oboul economical, convenient Bldg. 14 7, Hanger One Flight Controcl Plans for Opa-locka Airport, Opa-locka, Fla. e11fended trove/. 114 AVIATION • AIRCRAFT CHARTER MIAMI HELICOPTERS SERVICE, INC. Opa-l otka HELICOPTER SA LE S A;rpor1 Tel.688-6778 HELI COPTER SERVICE Heliport HELICOPTER MAINTENANCE HELICOPTER CHAR TER McArt hur Causeway Tel.377 -9010 Main Office: Bldg. l47, Op a l ocka Airp ort, Opa-Locka, Fla. CASHIERS! TELLERS! -CLERKS! * Do your employen brniah you with the la.teat edition of the City Directoq'l * You need it at your elbow at all times, to protect your.. company from forgers and bad-check artists. A few .quee­ tions, checked against City Directory information, will trip them at once. Intelligent use of the City Directory for' this purpose bas saved thousands of dollars and helped make some cities "too sharp" for bad-check "operators." AVIATION - AIRCRAFT ENGINE REPAIRS '" !M AIRCRAFT, Inc. APPROVED REPAIR F.A.A. STATION NO. 5043 SERVICES LYCOMING MAJOR OVERHAUL CYLINDER OVERHAUL ACCESSORY OVERHAUL MAGNAGLO METALIZE AND BLA STING COMPLETE LINE FUEL and OI L SER VICE • Tie Down and Storage Facilities • Minor and Major Repairs and Service • Pick-Up and Delivery Service To All Florida Airports Telephones POWER PLANTS (305) 681-8534 POWER PLANTS CONTINENTAL (305) 888-4275 ~NG~ LYCOMING FRANKLIN (305) 681-5292 P & W·R·985 Bldgs. 408-409-410 Opa-Locka Airport Opa-Locka-Miami, Fla. 116 AVIATION - AIRCRAFT INTERIORS D & B CUSTOM AIR INTERIORS, INC. r) J ~.1"1~1~ SPECIA LI ZING IN PRI VATE AND EXECUTI VE AIR CRAFT • DESIGN • AIR LI NE INTERIORS e SHE ET METAl • UPHOLSTERY • SLIP COVER FABRICATION • CABIN ET MAK ING o INTERIOR ACCESSOR IES 'Z)~ ad 1... ~ " ' 'Z)., .11fd &u=twe 1~ L'-> Bldg. 408A, Opa-Loc ka Ai rporl Mi ami, Florida (33054) TELEPHONE (305) 681-3355 AVIATION -AIRCRAFT PARTS ~DELCO SALES 361•"'YI SURPLUS AIRCRAFT PARTS Instr umen t- El ectrica l- Hydraulic- Mechanical Accessories Call F. S. "DE" Degroff 634-7757-634-4246 Cost of REFERENCE ADVERTISING is decidedly on important consid­ eration in determining its value as to the PROTECTION secured AVIATION-AIRCRAFT PARTS AND REPAIR SERVICE 111 SENTINEL Magneto Service Corp. FAA REPAIR STATION 3647 We Are Overhaul Specialis ts On Magnetos and Ignition. CLASS II LI M ITED ACCESSORIE S FACTORY DISTRIBUTOR FOR MRC BEARINGS We Can--., Supply Spa re P'arts For Ignition Sys tems and Components Such As Magnetos etc. Cable Address Magneto Miami SENTINEL MAGNETO SERVICE CORP. 3947 N.W. 26th St. Tel. 635-0789 11 8 AVIATION · AIRCRAFT RADIO AVIATION • AIRCRAFT RADIO 119 total avionic 1ng• Aero Systems' " To t.JI Avionic Programmong" encompasses everythong from the ule and delivery of both new and overhauled certifoed equipment and inslruments at competitive proces, to the engineering and inslallation of complete com­ munication, navog.Jtion, radar and fl1ght control systems .Jnd related electronic sys tems for aircraft. In addition to our executiVe headquarters and sales, service, engineering, inslfument.Jtoon and insto1llation fa cili ties in Mio1mi , Florida, we now have 3 excellent service facilities with 3 C)(Cellent loca tions in the Northeastern Unot ed States. They are: Aero Sys tems' Airmar Division at JFK Airport, New York; Aero Sys tems' Ao rmar Division at Newark Airport, New jerseY; Aero Systems' Airmar D ivision at MacArthur Field, L. 1. , New York. Aero Systems an swers th e induwy·s need for the f.Jcilities and services of 3 larse. multi -l ;~ceted organization that provides total "one-stop" sales, service, engineering and install;~tion . Look first to Aero Systems, th e first name in internationoillavionics. SYSTEMS Inc. 5700 NORTHWEST 36111 STRUT, MIAMI, flORIDA 33166 I PHONE 13051 &3H S24 I TWX &10-&48-6681 I HUX 051-518 AVIONIC SAlES DIVISION • AVIONIC S£RVICE DIVISI ON • INSTRUMEN T DIVISION • AVIONIC MANUfACTURING DIVISION Mtm~fl of N.8.A.A.. N.A.S.S. A. I FAA Approved Rtpiit St•loon Certol iutes lflS'il?,lS'il8, )659, 41)), ~nd 50-17 coveung R~dio Cluol, Clus 2, ~nd Clns l unlimited; ~nd instrumcn1S Cli•sl, ~nd Clns 2 unhm•tcd. 110 AVIATION· FREIGHT FORWARDERS ~ AMERFORD ~ INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION AIR and MARINE INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDERS Complete Service Airlines and Ocean Shipping BUILDING 2140, MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT P.O. BOX 475 (33148) Tel. 888-6911 • CABLES ZUGARMIL Cab le: "K ellertrad" Feder al Ma ritime Comn .
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