PLANS It Is Now Too Late! 189/13 AN DL Class diesel electric locomotive 182/27 Novices and Beginning 182/13 Dunbible School 181/51 VOLUME 16 Space 183/13 NSW PTC BDY/NODY open wagon 181/25 Stop Whingeing and Do Something Taking 186/13 NSW PTC WSC Sleeper wagon 188/40 Stock 184/13 NSWR BWF Flat wagon 185/43 INDEX The Discount War – Can the Hobby Benefit? 181/13 NSWR Cattle Wagon circa.1962,1869 180/53 Compiled by AMRM Staff The Learning Curve 188/13 NSWR MLE flat wagon 187/29 The Passing of Steam 178/13 TGR ABL 7 Composite carriage 187/51 Issues 178-189 The Volunteers – the Unsung Heroes 179/13 TGR C wagon with elephant carrying frame 180/33 Tolerances 185/13 V/Line NFHF slab steel wagon 189/41 1993-1994 Commonwealth Bogies 185/28 VR F class horse box 187/54 Editor Allan Brown Constructing a QR 39 Class 184/18 VR Station Building -1914 179/16 Managing Editor Bob Gallagher Control Panel Construction, Simple 189/15 WAGR/Midland Railway AE open wagon 178/38 Control, Adapting the FMZ-Control 4 186/16 Issue Numbers ARTICLES Convention Reports No.178 February 1993 1914 Station Building 178/16.178/16 Assn Vic. Model Railway Societies – 1993 183/22 No.179 April 1993 1914 Station Buildings, Part 2 - Service Areas 179/16 Assn Vic. Model Railway Societies – 1994 189/21 No.180 June 1993 39 Class, Constructing a QR 184/18 Branchline Modellers Forum – 1993 186/61 No.181 August 1993 42218, Titivating 188/35 Modelling the Early Days of NSW – 1993 184/24 No.182 October 1993 48 Class, Improving the 184/39 Modelling the Railways of NSW – 1993 182/17 No.183 December 1993 48/830 Class, Titivating the 189/52 Modelling the Railways of NSW – 1994 188/58 No.184 February 1994 6, 8 and 8N Classes on the Old NSWR 185/39 New Zealand Convention – 1994 187/55 No.185 April 1994 710 in Australia, The - Part 1 182/25 NMRA Australasian Region – 1993 181/36 No.186 June 1994 82 Class, The NSW SRA 186/67 NMRA Australasian Region – 1994 187/18 No.187 August 1994 830 Class, Driver Only Conversion of Powerline 179/28 SCMRA Seminar – 1993 181/48 No.188 October 1994 ABL Composite Carriage, The TGR 187/50 Couplers, New for HO Scale 184/52 No.189 December 1994 AD60 Class Valve Gear, NSWR 180/34,182/18 Cover a Multitude of Tins, To Issue number quotes first, then page number Adapting the FMZ-Control 4 186/16 AE Wagons of the The Gentle Art of Painting Model 180/61,181/18 Midland Railway Co. of WA, The 178/38 Crossing Your Bridges 186/21 Alexander Graham Bell Where Are You? 185/41 Decalling, The Art of 186/46 Alternative Windows for the N Cars 181/15 On Learning 188/33 Detail with Signs 186/22 Alynvale, Building the Layout 180/22 On Time Running 182/23 Detailing and Exhibiting 180/27 AM, Detailing the 187/15,188/46 Strange Forces at Work 184/19 Detailing Headlights 183/15 AMRM News 178/50,179/51,180/55,181/44,182/36 Train Control Courtesy of Santa 179/27 Detailing the AM 187/15, 188/46 183/28, 184/51, 185/33, 186/64, 187/57 Travelling North 187/39 Detailing the MLE 187/40 188/48,189/48 Bright Spot in Victoria, A 178/42 Detailing the Tiger Models’ TGR C Wagon Kit 180/32 AN, DL Class Locomotive, Modelling 183/30 BS & FS Cars 180/45 Different Kind of GY, A 184/30 AN, Driver Only Conversion of Powerline 179/28 Build a VR Six Wheel Horse Box 187/53 Discount War – Can the Hobby Benefit?, The 181/13 AN, The 710 (DL) in Australia, Part 1 182/25 Building a Manning Wardle 184/51 DL Class Locomotive, Modelling AN’s 183/30 AN/SAR, Titivating the 48/830 Class 189/52 Building a Sleeper Wagon 188/38 Driver Only Conversion of Powerline 830 Class 179/28 Anyone Can Catch It 180/21 Building an SRA Maintenance Truck 186/50 Dunbible School – A Small Structure to Build 181/51 Art of Decalling, The 186/46 Building-Led Recovery on Werris Creek, A 183/17 Exhibition Reports 178/22,178/22,180/51, 181/48 Ashbury & Russell Cattle Vans, The 180/52 Building Precision Brass Locomotives: 183/23, 184/25, 184/26,185/54,186/64 Auntie Lil’s House at Moanna 186/15 5: Building the Tender 178/44 187/23, 188/60, 189/22 Australian Station Building, An 184/42 6: Automatic Power Shift 179/42 Eyre Peninsula Division Revisited, The 179/36 Avenel 186/24 Bungeron: NSW N Scale 178/35 F351 Class on Finer Lines, The 184/27 Balancing Time 180/13 BWF Flat Wagon, The 185/43 Farewell Woodend 189/57 Baseboards, On – Timbers 188/24 Can We Teach the Hobby? 180/16 Few Handy Ideas, A 178/40,178/40 BDY/NODY Wagon, The NSW 181/23 C Class Open Wagon, Detailing Tiger Models’ Fine Tuning Point Work 186/40 Benchwork Friends 185/25 TGR 180/32 Fine Tuning Track and Points 187/19 Bogies, Commonwealth 185/28 Change on Werris Creek 181/23 Flying Scotsman, LNER No.4472 189/32 Brake Rigging for Four Wheelers 185/29 Changes in Queensland 183/26 Footplate Models’ 10th Anniversary 189/49 Branch Line Power in the North 186/42 Changing the Alphabet – A Tank in the Tropics 188/16 Freight Rail Blues 178/40,180/51, 181/22, 182/20 Branchline Ramblings Cheap Turntable, A 182/24 183/48, 184/24,187/60 A Bright Spot in Victoria 178/42 Chewton Magna 189/51 FS & BS Cars 180/45 A Building-Led Recovery on Werris Creek 183/17 Classes 6, 8 and 8N on the Old NSWR 185/39 Garden Railways, Weather-Proof Wiring for 180/17 A Short Industrial History of Werris Creek 189/37 Command Control – Lenz Digital Plus 189/16 Gauge 1 Points 183/16 Alexander Graham Bell Where Are You? 185/41 Command Control Comparison 189/20 Giving Spirit Cars Character 180/15 Anyone Can Catch It 180/21 Comment GP & GC Wagons, Individualising the: Change on Werris Creek 181/23 A Matter of Scales 187/13 Modelling W44 178/46 Crossing Your Bridges 186/21 Balancing Time 180/13 GY, A Different Kind of 184/30 1 Headlights, Detailing 183/15 NSW BDY/NODY Wagon, The – Prototype Notes 181/24 Slab Steel on the Broad Gauge 189/38 Helper Service: Superheated Locomotives 181/16 NSW SRA 82 Class, The 186/67 Sleeper Wagon, Building a 188/38 History on the Move 184/22 NSWR AD60 Class Valve Gear 180/34 Somerton 184/43 HOn3½ Standards for 181/20 NSWR, 48 Class, Improving the 184/39 South Australia, N Scale Models of Trains Seen Hopper, That Yellow, running in SA & NSW 184/20 NSWR, Alternate Windows for the N-Cars 181/15 Running in 189/36 Horse Box, Build a VR Six Wheel 187/53 NSWR, A Unique Locomotive 179/15 Space 183/13 Hovel at Menangle, The 178/43, 178/43 NSWR, Building a Manning Wardle 184/51 Spirit of Progress Cars, Part 3 182/53 Improved Model Railways: NSWR, BWF Flat Wagons 185/43 SRA, Building a Maintenance Truck 186/50 1: Peninsular Turn-Back Staging Yards 184/40 NSWR, Classes 6, 8 and 8N on the Old 185/39 SRA, The NSW 82 Class 186/67 2: Middleboro’ 185/20 NSWR, Detailing the AM 187/15, 188/46 Staging Yards, Peninsular Turn-Back 184/40 Improving the 48 Class 184/39 NSWR, Detailing the MLE 187/40, 188/45 Standards for HOn3½ 181/20 Improving the Plastic M Cattle Van 181/54 NSWR, Freight Rail Blues 178/40, 180/51, 181/22 Station Building, 1914 178/16 In Search of a Better Wheel 186/38 182/20,183/48,184/24,187/60 Station Buildings, 1914 – Part 2, Service Areas 179/16 Insured, Is Your Layout 183/18 NSWR, The F351 Class on Finer Lines 184/27 Station Building, An Australian 184/42 Investment (Lost Wax) Casting 185/21 NSWR, FS & BS Cars 180/45 Stop Whingeing and Do Something 186/13 Is Your Layout Insured 183/18 NSWR, GP & GC Wagons, Individualising the 178/46 Strange Forces at Work 184/19 It Is Now Too Late! 189/13 NSWR, MHG Goods Brake Van, Superheated Locomotives 181/16 Level, Water 186/29 The – A Model History 178/36, 178/36 Taking Stock 184/13 Levels – Plotting Grades 186/29 NSWR, Modelling NODY – Without Big Ears 181/33 Tank in the Tropics – Changing the Alphabet 188/16 Lima Diesel Locomotives, Repowering 179/21 NSWR, Modelling W44 Telecom’s Point Motors 185/26,186/20 Lineside 187/49, 188/34 Individualising the GP & GC Wagons 178/46, 179/45 TGR ABL Composite Carriage, The 187/50 Little Bit of Everything, A – A Wall Unit Layout 180/30 NSWR, MRC Refrigerator Car – TGR C Class Open Wagon, Detailing the Tiger Models’ Live Steam Pannier Tanks 187/56 Underfloor Detailing 179/50 180/32 LNER No.4472 Flying Scotsman 189/32 NSWR, NN (C35) Class – Nanny 186/31 There’s a Long Wait at the Silo This Week! 178/15 Locomotive Inventory 180/60 NSWR, NTC Wagon – The Prototype Prototype 182/35 Thirty Years Ago 179/52 Locomotives, Building Precision Brass NSWR, Siderods for the X200 179/44 Titivating 42218 188/35 5: Building the Tender 178/44 NSWR, The Ashbury & Russell Cattle Vans 180/52 Titivating the 48/830 Class 189/52 6: Automatic Power Shift 179/42 NSWR, Titivating 42218 188/35 Tolerances 185/13 Locomotives, Superheated 181/16 NSWR, Titivating the 48/830 class 189/52 Toy Fair Report, 1993 180/56 Lost Wax (Investment) Casting 185/21 NSWR, WSC Sleeper Wagons 188/45 Track and Points, Fine Tuning 187/19 M Cattle Van, Improving the Plastic 181/54 NTC Wagon – The Prototype Prototype 182/35 Tracks 182/15 Mailbag 178/20,179/45,180/43, 181/17,182/18 On Learning 188/33 Train Control Courtesy of Santa 179/27 183/18, 184/20,185/30, 186/41 On Time Running 182/23 Travelling North 187/39 187/20,188/18, 189/22 Page 14 TTn3½, Why Not 184/21 Mainline Diesels in the North 185/34 AMRA Victorian Branch 180/14 Turntable, A Cheap 182/24 Maintenance Truck, Building an SRA 186/50 Arthur Hayes 183/14 Twigg – Too Small to be a Branch 182/49 Manning Wardle, Building a 184/51 Barry Wood 182/14,184/14 Under the Ice Car – Manuka 188/50 Bob Dow 188/14 Underfloor Detailing of NSWR MRC Ref.
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