r k jyAiLY SIJNDIAL VOL. 26 NO. 32 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23.1981 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY NORTHRIDGE. CALIFORNIA AS compromises on North Campus By GEORGE A. STEZ District Agricultural Association. Originally, the 51-acre lot, along with Ending seven months of disagreement its exhibit buildings and storage bams, between Associated Students and the was obtained in 1948 by the Slst District university administration, the AS Senate Agricultural Association, which stages the voted Tuesday to allocate $15,000 toward annual San Fernando Valley Fair. the renovaUon of CSUN's North Campus In 19S9, the agricultural association was facilities. dissolved and the pn^rty was tran­ The renovation project includes the sferred to the state department of finance conversion of a bam located on the North to hold for future educational needs. Campus facilities, which will be used by Parcels of the property were transferred both home and visiting football teams and over to the trustees in 1963 and again in a storage room facility that would 1967. alleviate storage problems on the CSUN Last summer the agricultural campus. association, which was re-established in Early in the fall 1981 semester, the AS 1974, filed suit against CSUN, claiming Finance Committee presented its that the land should never have been recommendation to the AS Senate to turned over to the university, and that it allocate $35,000 for the renovation, con­ should now be returned to the agricultural tingent upon two stipulations: association. The first was that the AS accounting The hearing for CSUN's request for a office be moved from the administration summary judgement has been delayed to buildtng to the AS business office, located^^ Nov. 30 because <A a technical pr(^lem, in the University Student Union. The ac­ not because of the merits of the case, said counting staff must be hired as AS em­ Dr. Charles A. Manley, director of ployees, the stipulation said, rather than facilities planning and management. being university employees, who are In addition to tiie $15,000 from AS, the I currently reimbursed by AS. California State University Foundation This' stipulation was presented to has recently agreed to allocate $35,000 for University President James W. Cleary, the renovation. who denied the request. Cleary had said Early in the academic year, the that he "didn't think it fair to say, 'You foundation said it would allocate the give us this and we'll give you the $35,000, if AS provides funding. $35,000.' " "At the time it originally came up to the Cleary said he turned down the request (foundation) board, they (the university) by AS, because he felt centralization of the APPROVES MONEY — Associated Students Vice President Darren were asking for $%,000 from each area, accounting office with the other university Levine and AS President Susan Ettinger preside at meeting Tuesday and then the way the motion was niade by auxiliaries promotes greater efficiency. wlien the AS Senate approved flS.OOO for the North Campus renovation the foundation, it was felt that they would The second stipulation, which was allocate $35,000, subject to AS allocating agreed to by Cleary, involved the passage project. The AS had previously balked at an administration request for the $35,000," Donald Queen, director of the of a special merit salary adjustment 135.000. (Sundial photo by Audrey C. Johnson) foundation, said. (SMSA) approved by the AS Personnel Board, which would become effective upon request, really at the whole $%,000, in renovation," Ettinger said. "However, Queen said that although AS is provkling approval by the AS Senate. terms <k what the other AS priorities were they felt that project was worth some only $15,000, that it would have no affect on 'Cleary wrote a letter to the AS Senate for this year," AS President Susan Et­ decree of funding from AS and felt that the foundation's providing the full $35,000 and the Finance Committee asking them tinger said. $15.000was a more realistic figure." because the AS staff had come before the to reconsider the request for the "And then, they, (the Finance Com­ Ettinger said that AS woulcl provide foundation and asked for the removal of stipulation. mittee) felt that based on that (other the money, despite the possibility of tbe the contingency stating that the foundation "The Finance Committee looked at the priorities), we could not afford to allocate money not being retumed, should CSVti would provide funds only if AS con- reconsideration and tooked at the total a full 130.000 to tte North Campus lose the North Campus facilities to the Slat trilNited. INSIDE THE SUNDIAL Lazarus: is he a Momma s boy? By DAN SODERSTROM • A man wrongfully The medium of comic strips is skwiy convicted of murder becomming more receptive to social commentary within humorous cartoons, speaks to MEChA Mell Lazarus, the creator of the popular meeting about the cartoon strips "Momma" and "Miss justice system in the Peach," told a mass communication class this week. United States. Page 2 Referring to the famous cartoon strip "Blondie," Lazarus said, "It's not enough to make a funny situation out of Dagwood • Ifoiled again! Fencers missing tbe bus. Today, we might want to open season against UC deal with the whys involved in his missing San Diego Sports, Page the bus." Lazarus said cartoons reflect social •'7 • conditions, and in so doing, they shoukl be allowed more room for harmless humwous commentary. Ifomecoming However, Lazarus told Kathleen Hale's journalism class that since most comic rally today; strips are created for the funnies page, not the opinion page, many newspaper sydicates and publishers are slow to en­ game Saturday courage cartoons containing commentary. "I'd love to use my characters in more The 1981 Homecoming King and Qiwen innovative ways and settings, but many MELL LAZARUS and MOMMA will be crowned SatunUiy at the football publishers feel cartoons should stick with team's 7:30 game against Cal Lutheran the child-oriented, light humor kind of felt lik* Francis, Mary Lou, or even world," Lazarus said. "Using Miss College at North Campus Stadium. approach. So often cartoons are 10 years Momma at some time or apother." Peach's classroom as a setting, I'm not as Voting took place Tuesday and Wed­ behind the real world," Lazarus said. Lazarus said to a certain extent, restricted and I can be broader in terms of nesday, but the royal court ^iil not be But while cartooning is not as open as he "Momma" fo autobiographical. During my ideas concerning the day's relevant announced until the game. In addition, would like, Lazams said many of the the 10-year running of the strip a lot of issues." there will be a Homecoming rally at noon creative restrictions are self-imposed. ideas have come directly from his own In addition to his cartoon strips, which today on the Science Field. "I'm always aware of the hmits," said family, particularly his 83-year-old have won him the National Cartoonists A Homecoming parade will make its Lazarus. "Change is slow in this business. mother. Society Humor Cartoonist of the Year way down from Northuidge Park on It wasn't until about eight years ago that "She's a wonderful lady, and she'istiU- Award In 1971 and 1979, Lazariis is active Reseda Boulevard, featuring Mayor Tom the word sex could even be mentioned in a alive and nagging in Woodland Hills." in other areas as well. He is currently Bradley as Grand Marshall and eight strip." Asked what his mother's reaction is to the working on various formats to transform floats designed in the "CSUN Salutes the Asked what accounts for the enormous cartoon, Lazarus quipped, "She loves it, his cartoons and their characters into Soaps" theme. popularity of his cartoons, which appear in but she thinks I'm doing my Aunt Helen.' television programs. The rock group Baywood will headline a approximately 250 newspapers across the Lazarus said his 2S-year-old strip "Miss dance after the game in the University country, Lazarus said that relating tp the Peach," while also intended as humor, can While optimistic, Lazarus said, "My gut Student Union San Fernando Valley room reader is most important. acknowledge relevent social issues. instinct tells me it's not going to happen." from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thje $2 tickets are' '^Everyone can relate to Momma in "Miss Peach and her classroom of kids Lazarus has also written a book and three available at the ticket office. some Way," Lazarus said. "All of us have Und Oi represent a microcosm (A the adult off-Broadway plays. msmmf.mmmwmsmsMSMvmm>'miS!mgmm^mtmfs>fmmmf&mmmKJii^m,mHmtiimiLiiiKasK 2tkE bA{L'YSUNDIALi'RlDA'ir,OCfOBER'2i\ iWl ^^^™BVBAL^"THE HEALTH^ Y INDULGENCE" CHEAPER EDUCA TION By RANDY FOSTER ALL /2(&Hr,aA^S, TODAY >\ IBiCOSt A4E, Bof IS ,Y(IMYUM K:f^^;* "USES foii Yoofi. PHIUKOPHY WE'LL EXAMINE ^M£ OTMEfc \ THIS fME PMILO^OPHV RA.", <*<HMHf THE LEC- ppACTKAL A«*LICAriONS FOe DEPACTMENST> VoUft- &E<yiE6. TAIC^ OUT YOUfel I V/Vlvll\ 1 Frenhly Squeezed -njp-es <.TARTi'J&- Lite, SAMPLE t>EC3e.E.e , SClSSOft S / Yoo I^MOUJ? 6NARLY y^WNT ANt> C«^Vo>JS... ^ 15% OFF on purchas* of $1.00 or mor* 763-5931 Health Food Sandwirheti, Saladu, Demierin, Beverage* RNMO PI«« • 16545 V«irtw« Mvd. • Endno ^ . On* coupon p«r person ^^ Victorian '^ose >y f^dir $tij[in^ Co. "^'^^ HIM & HER % Special Student Rates HAiRCUT $12.00 Wrongfully convicted man HAiRCUT STYLE $17.00 PERM H / C $42.00 349-4080 speaks at MEChA meeting 9670 Lindley By LAURIE BERTELSON killer was.
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