Wagon Tracks Volume 25 Issue 1 Wagon Tracks Volume 25, Issue 1 (November Article 1 2010) 2011 Wagon Tracks. Volume 25, Issue 1 (November, 2010) Santa Fe Trail Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wagon_tracks Part of the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Santa Fe Trail Association. "Wagon Tracks. Volume 25, Issue 1 (November, 2010)." Wagon Tracks 25, 1 (2011). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/wagon_tracks/vol25/iss1/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Wagon Tracks by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. : Wagon Tracks. Volume 25, Issue 1 (November, 2010) NTRA SANTA FE TRAIL'ASSOCIATION QUARTERLY VOLUME 25 NOVEMBER 2010 NUMBER 1 chair of Trail preservation com~ SFTA SYMPOSIUM mittee, a~d the grand lady of the DODGE CITY, KANSAS SEPTEMBER 22·25, 2011 SFTA RALPH HATHAWAY MEMORIAL HERI­ SFTA AWARDS TAGE PRESERVATION AWARD Mary and Kerth Lundell ofSanta Fe, SFTA awards have been presented who have ruts running through at every symposium since 1986, and their back yard. They preserve this year awards were presented for these ruts and open their back the first time at the Rendezvous. yard to chapter field trips and to From now on awards will be given others interested in the Trail \ annually, at the symposium in odd­ MARC SIMMONS ~IUTINGAWARD number years and at the rendezvous Priscilla S. Gutierrez for "Out from I in even-numbered years. Also, some theShadow of Giants: The Life of new awards have been added, as Thomas Oliver Boggs," Wagon noted in previous issues. Nomina­ Tracks, 23 (May 2009): 7-14. tions for the awards committee to consider are always welcome (send SFTA BOARD CHANGES '---------_..._--' to Editor Leo Oliva). The 2010 THE untimely death of Association awards are listed below. Congratula­ Manager Harry Myers has led to 1~_...;H;.;;;;A~R;.;.;,;R~y_c_._MY_E_R_S _I tions to all. changes on the governing board. Tribute by Mike Olsen AWARD OF MERIT President Joanne VanCoevern re­ Kansas Daughters of the American Harry C. Myers, SFTA Associa­ signed that office to become the new Revolution (KSDAR) for Santa Fe association manager. Vice-President. tion Manager since 2007, died sud­ Trail marker restoration project denly of heart failure in Santa Fe on Roger Slusher became .president, (funded in part with grant from and Mike Olsen was selected by the August 31, 2010. He was interred at SFTA). the Santa Fe National Cemetery. board to serve as vice-president. Bent's Fort Chapter for tours of his­ Olsen's vacancy as Colorado director Harry was born June 6, 1950, in toric Trail sites and an outstand­ was filled by Rod Pods:luS of Colo­ Pontiac, Illinois. He served in the ing chapter newsletter. rado Springs. Rene Harris resigned United States Army from 1969 to Cimarron Heritage Center Museum, as New Mexico director, and the 1972 and was a veteran of the Viet­ Boise City OK, for Trail exhibits board selected Faye Gaines to com­ nam War. Mter discharge from the and outstanding museum com­ plete her term. The willingness of Army, he received a B. A from West-' plex. everyone to step forward to fill these ern Illinois University. He began his Morton County History Museum, positions makes for a smooth transi­ career with the National Park Serv­ Elkhart KS, for Trail exhibits and tion of leadership. The SFTA lives ice in the mid-1970s and over the outstanding museum complex. on! years was on the staff at Fort Scott. PAUL F. BENTRUP AMBASSADOR RENDEZVOUS REVIEW (Kansas) National Historic Site, AWARD Perry's Victory and International Steve Schmidt, former member of RENDEZVOUS 2010, the biennial Peace Memorial (Ohio), and Fort Un­ SFTA board, president of Cotton­ conference sponsored by SFTA, San­ ion National Monument (New Mex­ wood Crossing Chapter, research ta Fe Trail Center, and Fort Larned ico), on the Santa Fe Trail, where he and publication ofLost Spring his­ NHS, was another successful pro­ was superintendent. He spent his tory, and leadership in rededica­ gram, a combination of tributes to last few years with the NPS at the • tion of Lost Spring markers. Harry Myers and outstanding pres­ National Trails Intermountain Re-. LOUISE BARRY WRITING AWARD entations by a variety of speakers gional Office in Santa Fe, where he WilliamY. Chalfant for Hancock's looking at many face.ts of the theme, was instrumental in the creation of • • War:" Conflict on the' Southern "Communication on the Santa, Fe the EI Camino Real de Tierra Aden- . Plains (Norman: Arthur H. Clark Trail." Special thanks to Ruth Olson tro National Historic Trail and in the­ Co., 2010) Peters and all who. planned and study for a Long Walk National His-' GREGORY M. FRANZWA MEMORIAL made it possible, including a grant toric Trail. He retired. from. the NPS LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD from the Kansas Humanities Coun­ in 2007, when he became Association Faye Gaines, Point of Rocks Ranch, cil, and thanks to all who partj., Manager for the SFTA- " New Mexico, SFTA board mem- pated. Now we look forward to th,' (continued on page 5) ber, former chapter president, symposium in Dodge City in 2011. November 2010 1 Published by UNM Digital Repository, 2011 1 Wagon Tracks, Vol. 25 [2011], Iss. 1, Art. 1 PRESIDENT'S COLUMN All matters relating to Wagon WAGON TRACKS (ISSN 1547-7703) fi~st Tracks should be directed to SFTA is the official publication of the Santa As your new president, I want Editor Leo E. Oliva, PQ Bo?, 31, . Fe Trail Association, a nonprofit or­ to say that the passing of Harry My­ Woodston KS67675. ganization incorporated· under the ers' was a great shock to me, as I'm Toll-free Phone: 888-321-7341 laws of the State of Colorado. Letters sure it was to ,you:lnJune, Sandy '. FAX: 785-425-6865 .and articles are welcome, but they ~ndI E-Mail: <~ditor@santafetrai(6rg> become the property of WT and may went to Cimarron, NM, for the . be edited or abridged at the editor's dedication bftheir new Trail-related Headquarters of the Santa Fe Trail discretion. All rights reserved. An­ park. We met with the Corazon . Association are located at the office nual 'subscriptions are obtained Chapter and went to the dedication of Treasurer Ruth Olson Peters, through membership in SFTA; dues Santa Fe Trail Center, 1349 K-156 with them. Then Harry gave us a are set per calendar year. Checks Hwy, Larned KS 67550; Office Man­ should be made payable to the Santa great tour of Trail sites in the area. ager Linda Revello. Fe Trail Association and sent to the As usual he had tons of jokes and in­ Telephone: 620-285-2054 treasurer (address below). formation. I would never. have. FAX: 620-285-7491 Membership Categories guessed that we would never see him E-Mail: <[email protected]> Life $1,000 again. Harry was a great Association Association Manager is Joanne Patron $100/year Manager, a great scholar, and a VanCoevern, 4773 N Wasserman Business $50/year great friend to everyone he met. Way, Salina KS 67401. Phone: 785­ Nonprofit $40/year' 825-8349. Cell: 785-820-0415. E­ Family $30/year Rendezvous at Larned was differ­ Mail:<[email protected]> Individual .$25/year ent this year. I would describe it as a VISIT SFTA ON THE INTERNET Youth (18 & under) $15/year combination of wake for Harry and <http://www.santafetrail.org> Editor: Leo E. Oliva, PO Box 31, celebration of the Trail. We all had a Woodston KS 67675,888-321-7341, lot of grief, and there were many <[email protected]> Sites and Dodge City. chances to get that out of our sys­ President: Roger Slusher, 1421 tems. We also wanted to carryon in a The only ongoing business was an South St, Lexington MO 64067, 660­ meaningful way that would not update by Larry Justice on the col­ 259-2900, <[email protected]> threaten the future of the Associa­ lege symposium to be held at North­ Vice-President & Parliamentarian Mike Olsen, 5643 Sonnet Heights, tion. I think both of those goals were western Oklahoma State University in October. Colorado Springs CO 80918, 719­ met. 590-1048, <[email protected]> On September 16 we started with In new business I recommended Secretary: Marcia Fox, 4485 Blue­ the Board meeting. Joanne reported on behalf of the Personnel Commit­ bird Rd, Wamego KS 66547,785-456­ that we have a good supply ofrevised tee that Joanne VanCoevern be 9763, <foxmjr@wamego. net> membership brochures, many chap­ hired as Association Manager, that I Treasurer: Ruth Olson Peters, be appointed President, that Mike Santa Fe Trail Center, 1349 K-156 ters took advantage of the NPS Edu­ Hwy, Larned KS 67550, 620-285­ cation Grants, the tabletop displays Olsen be appointed Vice-President, 2054, FAX 620-285-7491, <trailassn for the chapters were progressing, and that Rod Podszus be appointed' @gbta.net> . improved placemats had been or­ Board member from Colorado to take 2011 Symposium Coordinator: dered, our NPS funding request for Mike's place as of thl? end of the up­ Jim Sherer, 1908 La Mesa Dr, Dodge City KS 67801, 660-227-7377, <jim. FY-2011 was approved, a second coming membership meeting. Mo­ tions to that effect passed. [email protected]> Tribal Listening Session will be held Publicity Coordinator: Michael E. in November, and. the 2021 Task On a personal note, I think J 0­ Pitel, 2301 Brother Luke Place, Force has been meeting to prepare anne will be an excellent Manager.
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