SPATIAL LAYOUT AND ARCHITECTURE OF INTER-WAR VILLAS OF THE FORMER POGORZEL MANOR, NOW PART OF THE TOWN OF OTWOCK ANNA DYMEK EWA POP AWSKA-BUKA O Introduction The parcel plan of the Pogorzel manor The following article presents one of the threads Important period of building development in the which were undertaken along years of research town and health-resort was enlargement of the Ot- about Otwock’s spatial development and buildings wock’s boundaries in the 1932, which included es- by its authors. 1 It considers couple of forgotten villas tates belonged to different rural districts: Wi =zowna, from inter-war period which these days are located Glinianka and Karczew. In those territory were ad- in South-West part of Otwock placed on the territory joined inter alia The Of [ cial’s Housing Estate “So- of the Pogorzel manor, which are incorrectly called plicowo” (created between 1921-1922 on estate of “Soplicowo” (il.1) 2. They were presented on the his- Wawrzy Lców Glinianka, district Glinianka and torical spatial layout, incorporated into the boundar- neighboyring parts of parcelled lots of the Anielin ies of the town of Otwock in 1932, kept in geodetic and Pogorzel manors, district Karczew. Planning division of this grounds. The point of reference to and existing boundaries of the town of Otwock at the research were archival materials assembled in that time was shown on General map of the Town the Otwock Division of The State Archive of the of Otwock situated in Warsaw district and voivode- Capital City of Warsaw, The Central Archives of ship with marked lands which were planned to in- Modern Records in Warsaw and the Land and Mort- corporate into its boundaries 3. drawn in January in gage Register Department of the Regional Court 1929 by certi [ ed surveyor eng. Marceli Je bowski. of Otwock. Those [ les let look at preserved villas On this plan were put lines which are dividing par- among pine wood as extraordinary original buildings ticular parts of craved up estates with given surface with surprising architectural style, interior decor and area and drawn out sanitary protection zone of the reference to capital’s villas.Unfortunately, periph- health resort( il.2) 4. Description of the boundaries eral location and former lack of recognition of their together with register of new lands was placed in architectonic and landscape values have led to sub- “05.09.1932 in Ministers Council Regulation about stantial transformations and therefore degradation or Otwock’s boundaries change in district and voivode- - in radical situations- complete dismantling of the ship of Warsaw” 5. buildings.Article hereby continues previous research The Pogorzel manor was owned by count inspired by Professor Jadwiga Roguska. The authors Wadys aw Jezierski. According to foregoing Plan are grateful to Professor Joseph Rykwert, without his 97 ha 5529 square meters of forest lands were ex- kindness and unpublished reminiscences about his cluded from this territory. Unfortunately there is no family house and autobiography this piece wouldn’t saved the plan of parcelling out Pogorzel’s grounds have been written. in the property’s Registration 6. The author and the 1 E. Pop awska-Buka o, Abram Gurewicz’s Spa in Otwock 3 The Central Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw (ANN) w: „Mazovia”, 1994, nr 2, p. 39-42, B. Chmielarska- oV, Records Ministry of Interior (MSW), folder The widing the town E. Pop awska-Buka o, Unknown Buildings of Modern Otwock’s borders, syg.9.This Plan is preserved to in the Otwock Architekture of the 1920s and 1930s in Uródborów ,“Architectural Division of The State Archive of the Capital City of Warsaw and Town Planning Quarterly”, t. LVI, 2011, z. 1, p. 82-102. (APW Otwock Division), Records of the town of Otwock(AmO), 2 In the literature and the titles archival Design of buildings on sig.4386. this territory often is used incorrect locations’ name. One part of 4 The Report on 29.07.1923th, of Komision of Spa. objects is called “Osada Soplicowo”, another “ Uródborów” or 5 Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland nr 79, on 24.09.1932 “Anielin” it depend on the neighbourhood of property. Historic th, poz.701. area of the housing estate Soplicowo was bordered on former 6 The Land and Mortgage Register Department of the Regional manor of Pogorzel in the West, it was sorounded by Streets: Armii Court of Otwock. Land Registry”Folwark Pogorzel”, t.1-4, sig. Krajowej, Narutowicza, Poniatowskiego i Skrzyneckiego. 130,131. 77 date of its creation remains unknown as well. Like- The Rykwerts’ villa “Arcy” designed by Lucjan lihood we can assume that the plan was made be- Korngold tween 1931-1935 7. Its redrawn fragments appeared in subsequent indicative sketches concocted by in- In 1935 Mrs. Eli bbieta Rykwert and Mr. Szymon corporate surveyor W adys aw Bem between years Rykwert 9 bought the biggest parcel of land of the 1933-1935 8 and placed in plans of separation sev- former Pogorzel manor (surface area 4,7 ha). This eral lots. They present road system, numeration of corner parcel included nine plots and was located contiguous lots and planned function of the terrain. on con \ uence of Hrabiego and My Vliwska Streets On their bases we can say that parcells had varied (todays it’s address is 2 My Vliwska Street). It was creage from 4000 to 6000 square meters.Borders of extending along borders of adjoining part of land of parcelling out lands of Pogorzel manor incorporated Anielin manor (called The Soplicowo Settelment). it the town of Otwock area were running through Maybe it was the size of the real estate located on a today’s Skrzyneckiego Street (from the North side) small hill and its domination in the area inspired the Hrabiego Street (from the South side) and in par- owners to call the “Arcy” Villa. The errand for the allel to Jastrz Bbia Street (from the East side) and project of the villa was given to Lucjan Korngold Bernardy Lska Street (from the West side – il.3). well-respected architect from Warsaw. Together Settlement of the streets had a character of the for- with Piotr Maria Lubi Lski or Henryk Blum 10 he de- est roads. Up to present the least clear is the western signed many residential houses: villas and apartment border, running parallel to Bernardy Lska Street (the houses. last street of the former Anielin manor) and east- To his achievements adhere projects of residential ern parallel to Jastrz Bbia Street. The axis of the old house on 10 Koszykowa Street, 12 Marsza kowska parcel plan is Redutowa Street perpendicularly run- Street and the villa on 2 Fracuska Street as well as ning from Skrzyneckiego Street and dividing it on interior arrangement and furniture design. Accord- two parts. From the East side lots were parcelled out ing to information gained from the professor of ar- perpendicularly to Redutowa Street. From the West chitecture Joseph Rykwert 11 , Korngold designed side of the same street there is a cuneiform set of inter alia living and dining room in Rykwerts’ War- big irregular lots which were probably typed under saw \ at on 9 Kaliska Street. In the living room there public usage and park. Redutowa Street is perpen- were “ottoman and armchairs with beige upholstery dicularly crossed by four others My Vliwska, Lipowa. and rococo-chippendale wooden framing (more or Litewska, Bukowa Streets they don’t have continu- less)”[…], in the dining room were “table, chairs ation in neighbouring grounds of the Anielin manor. and glass cupboard all made of light yellow wood Between Hrabiego and Litewska Street is a group of (sycamore?) with black details […] rather neoclas- building plots and the land between Litewska and sical, ‘empire’ style” 12 . Professor mentions that it’s Bukowa Street includes local hill. thanks to Korngold- who was an often guest at his 7 The layout of parceling was showed on The programme’s 11 Joseph Rykwert was born in Warsaw 1926, son of Elisabeth sketch of the common building of Otwock by A. Paprocki, W. and Simon Rykwert. In 1939 Rykwerts’family emigrated from Brzozowski, on 14.12.1935 th. ( APW KII sig.201). Poland to England and lived in London. Joseph Rykwert is 8 The Plans preserved in Register of Pogorzel property, t. IV, Paul Philippe Cret Professor of Architecture Emeritus at the Department of the Regional Court of Otwock. University of Pensilvania. He has lectured or taught at the 9 Simon M. Rykwert was born in Warsaw in 1895, he was most major schools of architecture throughout the word and an engineer of electro-mechanic. His project the electro- has held visiting appointments at Princeton, the Cooper Union, locomotive’s brake was patent (PKP) in 1932, http:pubserv. New York, Harvard Graduate School of Design, the University uprp.pl of Sydney, Louvain, the Institut d’Urbanisme[…]. His major 10 The Works of L.Korngold is broadly described in doctoral publications include: The DancingColumn (1996), The Seduction dissertation of dr in b. arch. G.Rytel Polish Architects of XX of Place (2000), The Judicious Eye (2008). century.Lucjan Korngold 1897-1963 ,Faculty of Architecture Information by Sketches and eseys for twenty Years of ICC Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw 2008 and his article 50/20 , Kraków 2011, p. 220. Creative continuation-the rules of polish school of architecture 12 According to prof. J.Rykwert’s correspondence. in works of polish architects -immigrants in Brasil, during 13 The State Archive of the Capital City of Warsaw, the two post-war decade , Bia ystok 2011, p.151-173. Secondarily Otwock Division ( APW Division Otwock) Archival Records attention diserves Anat Falbel’s doctoral dissertation Lucjan Korngold: the trajectory of an immigrant architect Sao Paulo 2003.
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