Former Fletcher professor John Curtis Perry recounts highlights of 35-year teaching career at Tufts Tufts falls to Middlebury in see FEATURES / PAGE 5 NESCAC semifinals SEE SPORTS / BACK PAGE Ellie Goulding cements status as verifiable hit-maker with third album “Delirium” see ARTS AND LIVING / PAGE 7 THE INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF TUFTS UNIVERSITY EST. 1980 THE TUFTS DAILY VOLUME LXX, NUMBER 42 MEDFORD/SOMERVILLE, MASS. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2015 tuftsdaily.com Greek community aims to address sexual assault, behavioral problems by Miranda Willson monitor] was?” she said. “We want to Assistant News Editor get a unifying color that they’re wearing so that when [someone] goes to each The Inter-Greek Council (IGC), house, [they] know who to go to.” the Greek Life Anti-Sexual Assault President of the IGC Will Initiative Task Force and the broad- Lorenzen said he hopes every member er Greek community are working to of the Greek community will have gone prevent sexual assault and behavioral through Donovan’s training by the end issues in Greek life this semester. of the semester. He explained that the Donovan said she is working to help IGC and the Task Force are now starting the IGC determine specific ways to to look toward next steps. In addition to make social events hosted by Greek training existing members of the Greek organizations safer. She began by giv- community, Lorenzen hopes the IGC ing all the Greek organizations training will establish a policy for training new on how to prevent assault or other dan- members to feel comfortable interven- gerous situations in social settings. ing in a potentially dangerous situation. “[The IGC] asked me to design a “This is something we’re working training specific to what my responsi- to improve so we don’t turn into one bilities would be if I were the host of a of those big state-school systems,” party,” she said. Lorenzen, a senior in the fraterni- According to Donovan, most of the ty Delta Tau Delta (DTD), said. “In my houses have gone through the two- opinion, we’re a very different commu- hour training since she started holding nity than those big state schools, and sessions last spring. She said she hopes we want to continue to be a different the training and other initiatives will community.” help Greek houses ensure that there is Vice President of Governance in the a sober party monitor at every social IGC Harrison Shapiro said Donovan has event, who is visible and distinct from also helped the IGC develop initiatives the rest of the partygoers, to act as to improve the way Greek life is per- intervention if needed. The party mon- ceived by those outside the community. itors will be identifiable by their shirts, “She’s been encouraging us when it which will be in a uniform color across comes to…counteracting the percep- fraternities, Donovan said. tions and realities of sexual assault on “If I were a new student in one house campus,” Shapiro, a senior in the fra- KATLYN KREIE / TUFTS DAILY ARCHIVE and recognized one person as the party ternity Theta Chi, said. Vice President of Governance in the Inter-Greek Council Harrison Shapiro, a member of the monitor, and if I then went to a differ- fraternity Theta Chi, whose house is pictured above, is one of several people participating in ent house, how would I know who [the see GREEK, page 2 efforts to prevent sexual assault in Greek Life spaces. Tufts ALLIES hosts second annual Civil-Military Affairs Conference by Joe Walsh cross-section of the Tufts popula- Associate Director of the IGL fessor at the Fletcher School of Law Staff Writer tion,” Pollock, a senior, said. Heather Barry added that the IGL has and Diplomacy, delivered a keynote ALLIES, a program under the invited delegations from the Military address. De Waal, who is also the exec- Tufts Alliance Linking Leaders in Institute for Global Leadership (IGL), Academy before. utive director of Fletcher’s World Peace Education and the Services (ALLIES) held hosted participants in the conference “For a number of years, we’ve Foundation, studies security and diplo- its second annual Civil-Military Affairs from the U.S. Military Academy at West invited delegations from the Military macy in Africa. Conference to discuss civil-mili- Point and the U.S. Naval Academy, who Academy to participate in different De Waal spoke about the importance tary relations and the role of the mili- stayed with Tufts students for the events,” Barry said. “[ALLIES] is run of effective peacekeeping operations, tary last Friday and Saturday. duration of the conference. This by students … They consult and meet broad participation in peace negoti- The conference’s theme this year was helped achieve the goal of connect- with us regularly, and we provide some ations, governments’ construction and “Where Do We Go From Here: Post-Conflict ing students at Tufts with cadets and of their funding.” maintenance of legitimacy and the role Peacekeeping and Reconstruction in the midshipmen from the service acade- The conference kicked off Friday with of international groups such as the 21st Century.” It featured panel discussions mies, Pollock said. a panel called “Reconstructing Identities African Union. and a crisis simulation, according to Brian “Essentially, the idea with all of these and Institutions.” Members of the panel According to the IGL’s web- Pollock, a co-director for the conference. conferences on a year-to-year basis included Shamil Idriss, the president site, the conference’s second panel “We’ve traditionally done a very is to provide a forum to bring civil- and founder of Search for Common was called “The Peacekeeper in good job of appealing to our security ians…together with students from West Ground, and Pamela Aall, a senior advi- the 21st Century,” and its panel- studies student base, and this year Point and the Naval Academy,” he said. sor for the U.S. Institute of Peace. ists included Arturo Sotomayor from we’re really excited to maintain that “In a broader sense, we see this as a Following the panel discus- base but also reach out to a wider chance to build bridges.” sion, Alex de Waal, a research pro- see CONFERENCE, page 3 Contact Us P.O. Box 53018, NEWS............................................1 ARTS & LIVING ......................7 Medford, MA 02155 For breaking news, our content /thetuftsdaily 617 627 3090 COMICS ......................................4 OPINION ....................................9 Showers archive and exclusive content, visit FAX 617 627 3910 FEATURES ................................5 SPORTS ........................... BACK 56 / 48 TUFTSDAILY.COM @tuftsdaily [email protected] 2 THE TUFTS DAILY | NEWS | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 tuftsdaily.com THE TUFTS DAILY NEWS JOE PALANDRANI NEWS Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL Lancy Downs Greek life goes through training, new initiatives to prevent Abigail Feldman Managing Editors sexual assault Sarah Zheng Executive News Editor fraternities in recent years, such as the munity. No one should feel uncomfort- Marianna Athanassiou News Editors GREEK Melissa Kain continued from page 1 suspension of Sigma Nu at the end of able being in or near a Greek house.” Reena Karasin Maya Zeigler, a former member of the last academic year and the proba- Lorenzen said that sexual assault Arin Kerstein Safiya Nanji the sorority Alpha Omicron Pi (AOII), tion of Delta Upsilon (DU). prevention is only one of many issues Sophie Lehrenbaum expressed concerns over the high According to Judicial Affairs Officer the Greek community is working to Emma Steiner Annabelle Roberts emphasis placed on bystander inter- Mickey Toogood, DU is currently sus- address, especially since it has been Roy Yang vention. She said she is unsure whether pended, Sigma Phi Epsilon (SigEp) is expanding over the past few years. Isha Fahad Assistant News Editors Miranda Willson meaningful changes can happen with- “As we expand, we want to make sure in the Greek system and that sexual we’re not just expanding for the sake of Mengqi Sun Executive Features Editor assault may be an implicit aspect of expansion, but because we want to grow as Kendall Todd Features Editors Arin Kerstein Greek life. a community and work on the issues that Nicole Brooks “Leeway is given to Greek life on are inherent in Greek life,” Lorenzen said. Becca Leibowitz “I feel like bystander in- Nina Joung Assistant Features Editors many fronts when it comes to behav- Shapiro added that the IGC is also ioral issues and sexual misconduct,” tervention is so great, but trying to improve communication Joshua Podolsky Executive Arts Editor Zeigler, a senior, said. “Why will training also a perpetuation of between the Greek community, indi- Anjali Nair Arts Editors Yotam Bentov Assistant Arts Editors internally change any of that? Sexual vidual Greek houses and the greater Merilla Michael assault will continue to happen in light the idea that [sexual as- Tufts community. People are often mis- John Gallagher Ascher Kulich of it, and survivors are treated horribly sault] will happen,” [Jen- informed about which organizations in many cases, by the university and by ny] Duong, a junior, said. are facing suspension or probation, so Yuki Zaninovich Executive Op-Ed Editor members of Greek life.” the IGC would like to be improve the Nick Golden Op-Ed Editor Jenny Duong, also a former mem- way changes or issues facing the Greek Erin Sifre Katie Matejcak ber of AOII, expressed similar sen- community are announced, he said. Hannah Hoang timents. She said she felt that party “If you go down to the Office for Ty Enos Cartoonists Fury Sheron monitors may provide a certain level of Fraternity and Sorority Life, they’re Natasha Khwaja Editorialist protection in individual situations, but in the process of coming off probation always able to tell you which groups Nick Golden that their role does little to help end and DTD is still under probation fol- are on probation, and a limited under- the culture of sexual assault that can lowing the stabbing incident.
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