US 201701 35386A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2017/013538.6 A1 ARMENTROUT et al. (43) Pub. Date: May 18, 2017 (54) COATING COMPOSITIONS FOR Related U.S. Application Data CONSUMABLE ARTICLES (60) Provisional application No. 62/018.999, filed on Jun. (71) Applicant: Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas 30, 2014. LLC, Hoffman Estates, IL (US) Publication Classification (72) Inventors: Richard W. ARMENTROUT, (51) Int. Cl. Carpentersville, IL (US); Susan A2.3L 7/22 (2006.01) MATTHEW, Hoffman Estates, IL A23P 20/0 (2006.01) (US); Josh FLETCHER, Hoffman A23P 20/8 (2006.01) Estates, IL (US); Rohit MEDHEKAR, A2.3L 29/30 (2006.01) Schaumburg, IL (US) (52) U.S. Cl. CPC ............... A2.3L 7/122 (2016.08); A23L 29/30 (2016.08); A23P 20/10 (2016.08); A23P 20/18 (73) Assignee: Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas (2016.08); A23 V 2002/00 (2013.01) LLC, Hoffman Estates, IL (US) (57) ABSTRACT (21) Appl. No.: 15/322,395 Opaque coatings are formed on consumable articles by applying an aqueous composition of one or more trisaccha (22) PCT Fed: Jun. 29, 2015 rides such as melezitose (optionally, in combination with one or more other ingredients such as a high intensity (86) PCT No.: PCT/US2O15/038292 Sweetener) and then drying the applied aqueous composi S 371 (c)(1), tion. "Frosted coatings having a reduced Sugar (Sucrose) (2) Date: Dec. 27, 2016 content may thereby be obtained. Patent Application Publication May 18, 2017. Sheet 1 of 3 US 2017/O13538.6 A1 SUCROSE MELEZITOSE & & : Patent Application Publication May 18, 2017. Sheet 2 of 3 US 2017/O13538.6 A1 MELEZITOSE FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication May 18, 2017. Sheet 3 of 3 US 2017/O13538.6 A1 US 2017/O 13538.6 A1 May 18, 2017 COATING COMPOSITIONS FOR article, wherein the composition is comprised of water and CONSUMABLE ARTICLES at least one trisaccharide Such as melezitose. 0007 Also provided by the invention are consumable CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED articles coated with a composition comprised of at least one APPLICATION trisaccharide (e.g., melezitose). 0001. This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Yet another aspect of the invention furnishes a method of Application No. 62/018,999, filed Jun. 30, 2014, the entire making a reduced Sugar-coated consumable article, com disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its prising forming a coating comprised of at least one trisac entirety for all purposes. charide Such as melezitose on a surface of a consumable article. The coating may be formed by drying an aqueous FIELD OF THE INVENTION Solution or slurry comprised of melezitose or one or more other trisaccharides on the consumable article Surface. 0002 The present invention relates to compositions use 0008. The invention further provides a method of form ful for forming opaque, reduced Sugar coatings on consum ing a reduced Sucrose coating composition for a food able articles. product, comprising the steps of a) removing a positive amount of Sucrose (e.g., from about BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5% to 100% of the sucrose) from a sucrose-containing 0003. Many food products, such as baked goods and coating composition; and ready-to-eat cereals, include an outer coating which is b) replacing the removed Sucrose with one or more trisac comprised mostly of Sugar (Sucrose). Such coatings may charides such as melezitose, thereby forming a reduced serve multiple purposes, including, for example, providing Sucrose coating composition. cereals with longer bowl life, imparting a crispy but non brittle texture to the food product, and giving the surface of DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES the food product a frosted, opaque appearance that consum 0009 FIG. 1 shows the results obtained when hot solu ers find appealing. Outer coatings of this type additionally tions of Sucrose (left) and melezitose (right) were applied on provide enhanced Sweetness and taste as compared to the parchment paper, cooled, and then transferred into dishes. uncoated food product, which typically is grain-based and 0010 FIG. 2 shows the results obtained when hot solu has a relatively low Sugar content. tions of Sucrose (left) and melezitose (right) were applied on 0004 Recently, however, consumers have expressed a aluminum foil and cooled. desire for sweet-coated food products that have the same 0011 FIG. 3 shows corn flakes produced using a melezi Sweetness and appearance as conventional Sugar-coated tose-containing coating. products, but with a reduction in the Sugar content of Such 0012 FIG. 4 shows corn flakes produced using a con products. A need therefore exists for ways to provide a sweet ventional Sucrose-containing coating. coating for a food product that has a reduced Sugar level while maintaining the bulk, taste and appearance of a DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE traditional full Sugar coating. In particular, it has proven INVENTION difficult to formulate such sweet coatings which when dry have a pleasing opaque appearance, since the crystallization 0013 The present invention utilizes trisaccharides such of Sucrose is generally responsible for providing the desired as melezitose, a naturally occurring, non-reducing tri-sac opacity. As the Sucrose content is reduced, a coating gener charide, in edible coating compositions capable of imparting ally becomes glazed or translucent in appearance, rather than an opaque, "frosted' appearance to consumable articles. fully opaque. Moreover, ingredients introduced to partially Since, according to FDA regulations, only mono- and disac charides are classified as "sugar, the use of a trisaccharide replace Sucrose can inhibit the crystallization of the Sucrose as a full or partial replacement for the mono- and/or disac which is still present in the coating formulation. charides conventionally employed in a food product permits 0005 Titanium dioxide (TiO) is a pigment that has been the trisaccharide-containing food product to potentially be used as an opacifying ingredient in certain types of food labelled and marketed as a “low sugar or “reduced sugar coatings, such as glazes for doughnuts and other pastries. product. While it is effective for such purposes, there has been growing consumer concern that the consumption of titanium 0014 Trisaccharides are oligosaccharides composed of dioxide may lead to possible health risks. Accordingly, it three monosaccharides with two glycosidic bonds connect would be desirable to develop alternative coating composi ing them. Each glycosidic bond can be formed between any tions that are free of titanium dioxide and yet remain capable hydroxyl group on the component monosaccharides. The of creating a fully opaque (white) coating on a food product. glycosidic bonds may be C.(1->6), C.(1->3), C(1->4), C(1- >2), C.(1<->2), B(1->2), or B(1<-2). The component mono saccharides may, for example, be glucose, fructose and/or BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION galactose. 0006 Trisaccharides such as melezitose have been dis 00.15 Examples of trisaccharides suitable for use in the covered to be capable of providing an opaque, aesthetically present invention include, for example, isomaltotriose, nige pleasing coating on food article Surfaces, thereby creating a rotriose, maltotriose, melezitose, maltotriulose, raffinose, "frosted' appearance. The Sweetness of the coating may be kestose, panose and erlose and combinations of two or more enhanced by the incorporation of one or more high intensity of such trisaccharides. Melezitose is also referred to by the Sweeteners in the coating. chemical name C-D-glucose (1-3)-B-D-fructose (2-1)-C-D- Thus, one aspect of the invention provides a composition glucose and has the empirical formula CH2O. Melezi useful for forming an opaque coating on a consumable tose has been assigned CAS #10030-67-8 and has a molecu US 2017/O 13538.6 A1 May 18, 2017 lar weight of 504.44 Da. This tri-saccharide can be be responsible for the biosynthesis of melezitose by the considered as fructose Substituted with two glucose residues, insect. This enzyme or a similar activity may be used for or as turanose (an isomer of Sucrose) Substituted with biosynthesis of melezitose from Sucrose. glucose, or as Sucrose Substituted with glucose. Melezitose 0022. In addition, honey contains an O-glucosidase can be partially hydrolyzed to glucose and turanose, is enzyme derived from the hypopharyngeal gland of the readily soluble in water (e.g., 26.8g of melezitose dissolves honeybee (Apis mellifera L.). Some fraction of the oligosac in 100 g water at 21°C.), and has a slightly sweet taste. The charides in honey may be derived from the transglycosy melting point of melezitose is reported to be 153-154 C.; lation (reversion) of honey Sugars by this enzyme. The the glass transition temperature of melezitose is approxi enzyme has been cloned and expressed in the yeast Pichia mately 60° C. pastoris and could potentially be employed in the production 0016. The use of melezitose in particular as a component of melezitose. of a coating composition in accordance with the present 0023. A composition useful for forming an opaque coat invention is advantageous because, unlike most other trisac ing when applied to a consumable article and dried may charides, it has been found in recent studies not to be comprise trisaccharide (e.g., melezitose) or a combination of digestible by in vitro assay and also not utilized by S. mutans trisaccharides and water. Generally speaking, an amount of in dental caries assay (Oral and intestinal digestion of water is combined with the trisaccharide(s) which is effec oligosaccharides as potential Sweeteners: A Systematic tive to solubilize at least a portion and preferably all of the evaluation. Hodoniczky et. al. Food Chemistry 132 (2012) trisaccharide(s) (e.g., melezitose). The resulting admixture 1951-1958). may be in the form of a paste, slurry, concentrated syrup or 0017 Thus, melezitose may be considered a reduced dilute syrup.
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