lHflinqfielb r)c(L)sLeffiep- ( IAMILY 4/ SOCIETY I "WvnkefeldThe Saxonheld honor and fee,ere William The Norman cameover the sea" V ..;lncirnt SrrffolkErrg/,rr'l /ihyrrre VoI.XIII,No. 4 Autumn,1999 Wingfield Colle Se, Suffolk England Great hall dates from early 13OOs How it was established from ter wasnot justa chantryto singfor his Wingfield-Digbys were not early Wingfield manorhouse soul.but therewere to be threesecular Duringthe MiddleAges one of the chaplains("to have the cure of the souls descended from Suffolk Line commonestinstitutions in Englandwas of the parish)"and up to nine priests. This is a resumeof an articlewritten the secularcollege. They remaineda There were alsothree foundationcho- by Jocelyn Wingfieldthat will be pub- popularand practicalidea until their risterswho were to recelvean educa- lishedin detailata laterdate. It contains extinctionin the wake of Henry VIII's tion.In additionto thedaily duties of the informationnot previouslyseen by the Dissolutionof the Monasteriesin ),542. priestsat thecollege, a schoolwas to be WFS and shows that the Wingfield- One of the collegesin the villageof attachedto the collegein whichsuitable Digbys of Sherbome Castle are not Wingfieldgives us an opportunityto educationwas given to the boyscoming descendedfrom the Wingfieldsof Suf- assessthe historyas it relatesto the from the neighborhood.It alsoinsured folk, as many have long believed.This Wingfieldfamily and euen reveallhe factcame to lightwhen HughWingfleld- pre-collegeexistence of significantparts Hayes,a former member of the WFS, of the buildingas a manorhouse. read an article by Timothy Cockerill It was clear frorn the foundation dated1992 in theJournalof the Society "A charterof the collegethat Sir John of Genealogists,entitled Grizzly Wingfieldhad already decided to estab Assignment." The articlewas about lisha collegebefore his sudden death by Tim'sarranging, as executor, the trans- the plaguein 1361. He had hopedto port of the remainsof Roy Hudleston overseethe establishmentof the col (theexpert on northemfamilies' gene- legeduring his lifetime,but when he alogies)frorn Carlislein the north of Englandto England'ssouthwest, over a died, the instructionsin his will pre- The WingfieldCollege, today vailed.His wife,Alianore (Ellinore) and similarroute to the transportationtwo his brother,Sir J'homasas executors.a residentParish priest to lookafter the centuriesearlier of the coffins of two of rueredirected to buildthe collegeand spiritualneeds of the Church and Roy Hudleston'skin, called William r-rpgradethe church. people,no littlething in thosedays Wingfieldand his son, George,from But first, what is the pr-rrposeo{ when many of the clergy were non Durhamin the northwestto Crowanin havinga secularcollege? Simply, the resident Cornwall.Tim Cockerillhaskindly rnade main expectationfor which Sir John Sir John Wingfieldwas indeeda Roy Hudleston'sresearch available to Wingfielddesired was to foundhis Col- mostinteresting member of the family. Hugh Wingfield-Hayesand Jocelyn legeof SecularChaplins to insurethat He wasa finesoldier and is bestknown Wingfieldfor useby the WFS. rnassesand prayerswere said daily for for hisassociation with the BlackPrince The Wingfieldsof SuffolkFamily hissouland the soulsof hisheirs - this as his chiefcounselor and closefriend. Tree displayedat SherborneCastle wasbecoming an increasingpractice in SirJohn married a richheiress, Alianore (Dorset,England), does not showany those days and was foundedon the (Ellinore);daughter of Sir Gilbert de link with the SuffolkWingfields, but the beliefthat "morethings are wrought by Glanville,and by thismarriage he came page showingWilliam Wingfield,third prayerthan this world dreams of " His into possessionof considerableprop- son of Charles& ElizabethWingfield (SirJohn Wingfield's)foundation char erty.He alsoreceived a significantpart nee Rich of Tempill, Lincs (a of the ransom for the French king LetheringhamCadet Line) is annotated INSIDE: capturedat theBattle of Poitiers(1356) "ls thisour line?"Jocelyn has never felt r EnglandTour Report- Page 32 which undoubtedlysubsidized many of comfortablewith the pedigreeshown in the coststhat went into the upgraclesJohn Hutchins'"History & Antiquities I NextWFS meetingMay 18-21 in and renovations. of the Countyof Dorset" 11774,up- TorontoSee details - Paoe33 So it wasby Sir John'swill thatthe dated1864), where the fatherof Welsh r VirginiaSettlers Memorial, London. Collegewas foundedand the adjacent Judgeand sometime Queen's Counsel, - Nowthere will be two SeePage 39 See Page 39- College See Page 37 - Digbys Paqe31 The 1999 Wingfield England Wingfields in Action TX. Congratulations! Tour - another success Son, Dan reports Evelyn and About6 monthsagoKarenand Ed Belt The reportscoming back say the Wayne Estes (allof Denver,CO) cel- movedfrom Irvine,CAto Durango, tour wasone of the bestever and the ebratedtheir 50'r'wedding anniversary CO. Ed is now semi retiredand travels membersare alreadytalking about the on August9. They slippedaway for a backto Californiaat leastonce a month. finishing next one. Spacedoes not allow a full secondand scenichoneymoon staying Theyare up thedetails of their report on all 16+ Winqfieldhistorical within the state.Just the two of them newhome. Karen says it isbeautiful, but sitesvisited so only someof the high- enjoyed exploring Colorado's Royal stoppedshort of an invitationfor us all lightsare beingmentioned. Gorge, and takingthe Denverand Rio to drop by. Perhapsit wouldbe bestto recount GrandeRR frorn ColoradoSprings to Lee and Charline Preston of somecomments from Jocelyn'sreport Canon City. They are going to cel- WalnutGrove, CA celebratedtheir 50'r' thatstates, "Each one of the groupwill ebratereally big on their 75'r'. anniversaryearlier this year by arrang- to grandsons havedifferent, favorite flashbacks. Some WFS MemberFrank Reinauer of ing be with their two Todd mightremember. ." A bit of history New York City got some nationwide and Scott Newsomein England.Todd beingmade when an exactcopy of the publicityin the WallStreet Joumal this accompaniedthem on Wingfieldtour three Wingfieldtennis patent was presented pastJune for a commenthe madein an and the of them met Scottwho bythe group to ProfessorBernard Neal, articleconcerning the difficultyin com- arrivedlater for continuingas an inde- pendent popular Chairman of the Wimbledon Lawn pleting Nasdaqforms in connection tour. The couplewas TennisMuseum. with a possiblelegal settlementthat marriedin Eugene,Lane County,Or- 26, 1949. couldmean only a few centsper share egonon June Ourcongratu- traded.Frank was quoted as saying,"I lationsto Charlineand Lee. hadno ideawhat (the form) was at first. On June 23"t, 1999, thirty-three It's very intimidating" Wingfieldsmet at the homeof Robert Dr. Burwell Wingfield of Lexing- P. Wingfield in Roanoke,VA for a picnic. The ton,VAwas recentlyelected to a 3-year following morning, nine term on the boardof directorsof the direct descendantsof William F. (b1835 VirginiaAssociation of Soil and Water wingfield d1904), erecteda new ConservationDistrict 5. I-lerepresents tombstonein his honor at a small plot 13 Virginiacounties of the stateorga- farnily in BedfordCounty, Virginia. nization. He was CivilWar veteran. BettyandGerny Duttonof Conroe, TX anangeda f ine celebration for Betty's INEW MEMBERS sister,Myrtle Davis in her hometown Pleasewelcome the followingnew of Portales,NM. lt wasfor Myrtle's85 membersto theWFS who joinedwithin birthdayand therewere about 65 that the pastfew months.All personsliving carneby and wishedher well in the at the sameaddress are alsoindicated parlor of the First Union Methodist membersif the names WFS President Vance Wingfield as were shown Churchon Sundayafternoon, May 30. the membership presenfscopy of tennispatent to on application. About 20 ol those rvere Wingfields Wimbledonchairman Bernard Neal New membersare askedto verify includingBetty and Myrtle's brother and notifythe newslettereditor if there At one of the dinnersthey had an Earl Robinson and his wife Mona. are any inaccuraciesor omissionsin opportunityto seeportraits of Sir Ed Everyone knows that Gail theselistings. ward and his wife LadyWingfield nee Wingfield Mansfield of ldalia, CO Mark A. Dubois from Mackinaw, AnneCromwell brought by guestPeter was the sparkplug behindthe popular IL; Diana and Roger Nester of Ford, Wingfieldof London. Wingfieldcookbook Delicious Memo' VA; Cindy L Wingfield-Norris and Who couldforget lunch at George riesqnd FineFatnily Food. So it ishard husband,Dwayne of Big Sandy,TX: Inn of Southwark(the London district to believethat Gailwouldbe anywhere Bill G. Coomer from Madison,IN; where John Wingfield,York Herald but in the kitchenchecking those reci- Simon Wingfield of Milton Keynes, diedin 1678)and its centralcourtyard pes.Wellhold onto yourhat folks.The England;Rita Sheridan and sister where Shakespeareused to be and otherday when we triedto contactGail, Cecilia Sheridan of Rugby, sometimesis stillacted. Lee Preston. as shewas not in the Kitchenbut wasout Warwickshire,England; Charles and wellasthe others willespecially remem- in the field in easternColorado. run- Kathryn Wills plussons Parker and berdriving to Bow Lane,where he has ning the colurnbine. Benjamin of Danville, CA; Adam all but proved the site where the It'stheir thirdl A grandson,that is Wingfield Roth of New York City; WingfieldYork Heraldlived. for WFS mernbersWinfield and Lester and Debbie Wingfield, son Otherswill rememberthe impres- Rebecca Massie of Spring,TX. The Scott, daughtersErika and
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