Model Question University of Kerala MA Sanskrit General Examination Subject Code : SG – 211 Text of Early Period

Model Question University of Kerala MA Sanskrit General Examination Subject Code : SG – 211 Text of Early Period

MODEL QUESTIONS 25 Model Question University of Kerala MA Sanskrit General Examination Subject Code : SG – 211 Text of Early Period Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75 ∫…⁄S…x……& - n‰˘¥…x……M…Æ˙“ ±… {…®…÷{…™…÷V™… ∫…∆∫EfiÚi…¶……π…™…… =k…Æ˙… h… ±…‰J…x…“™…… x… * Instruction : 1. Answer may be written in Sanskrit or English) 2. In writing Sanskrit Devanagari Script used. Part – A I. ∫…¥…Êπ……∆ |…∂x……x……®…¬ =k…Æ˙… h… ±…J…i… * (Answer the following. Each carries one Mark) (10 x 1=10) 1. ∏…fiM¥…‰n˘∫™… |…l…®…∫…⁄HÚ∫™… n‰˘¥…i……™……& x……®… EÚ®…¬ ? 2. UÙxn˘& _________ i…÷ ¥…‰n˘∫™… * 3. x……∫…n˘“™… ∫…⁄H∆Ú +l…¥…«¥…‰n˘∫™… EÚŒ∫®…x…¬ ®…hb˜±…‰ +Œ∫i… ? 4. +l…¥…«n‰˘∫™… u˘…n˘∂…EÚ…hb˜∫™… |…l…®…∫…⁄HÚ∫™… x……®… EÚ®…¬? 5. ∫…EÚ±…V…“ ¥…x…& S… |…‰Æ˙h……n˘…™…E∆Ú n‰˘¥…i…… EÚ& ? 6. EÚ…±……i®…E∆Ú ∫…∆¥…i∫…Æ∆˙ EÚ i… S…GÚ…x…¬ ¥…Ω˛ i… ? 7. +…i®……x…∆ Æ˙ l…x…∆ ¥… r˘ ______ Æ˙l…®…‰¥… S… * 8. +x™…SU≈‰Ù™……‡%x™…n÷˘i…Ë¥… ______ 9. + x…i™…Íp˘¥™…Ë& |……{i…¥……x…Œ∫®… x…i™…∆ * EÚ∫™… ? 10. x…Ø˚HÚEÚ…Æ˙& EÚ& ? Part – B II. {…\S……x……∆ |…∂x……x……®…¬ =k…Æ˙… h… ±…J…i… * (5 x 2=10) (Answer any five questions. Each carries 2 marks) 11. ¥……E¬Ú EÚl…∆ ∫…\S…Æ˙ i… ? 12. +x…‰x… ¶…÷¥…x…M…¶…» •…¿…hb∆˜ x… π…r˘®…¬ * E‰Úx… EÚ…Æ˙h…‰x… * 13. GÚ…xi…n˘Ã∂…x…& ∫…i…¬ < i… EÚl…∆ ¥… S…xi…™… i… ? 14. Bπ……∆ ¥…“Æ˙…h……∆ ¥…Æ˙…V…… x… V…x…∫™… S… * EÚl…®…¬ ? 15. ∫…¥…«¥…‰n˘∫…∆ n˘n˘…Ë * EÚ& ? EÚ®…l…«®…¬ ? ˜ 16. ∫¥…M…«±……‡E‰Ú ®……‡n˘i…‰ * E‰Ú ? EÚl…®…¬ ? 17. +…S……™…«& < i… {…n˘∫™… x…Ø˚ HÚ ±…J…i… * 26 Part – C III. {…\S……x……∆ |…∂x……x……∆ {…÷]ı…i®…EÚ®…÷k…Æ˙… h… ±…J…i… * (5 x 5=25) (Answer any five questions. Each carries 5 marks) 18. @ÒM¥…‰n˘ n˘∂…… ¥……E¬Ú ∫…⁄H∆Ú ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * 19. x……∫…n˘“™…∫…⁄H∆Ú ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * 20. +l…¥…«¥…‰n˘∫™… EÚ…±…∫…⁄H∆Ú ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * 21. +l…¥…«¥…‰n˘∫™… Æ˙…π]≈ı… ¶…¥…v…«x… ∫…⁄H∆Ú ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * 22. x… S…E‰Úi…∫…… |……‡HÚ∫™… ¥…Æ˙∫j…™…∆ ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * 23. ™……∫EÚ®…i……x…÷∫…fii™…∂…§n˘…‡ x…i™……‡ + x…i™……‡ ¥…… * ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * 24. π…b¬˜¶……¥… ¥…EÚ…Æ˙…& E‰Ú * ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * IV. u˘™……‡& x…§…xv……i®…EÚ®…÷k…Æ∆˙ ±…J…i… * (2x15=30) (Answer any two questions. Each carries 15 marks) 25. ∏…fiM¥…‰n˘…‡HÚÆ˙“i™…… ¥…Ø˚h…& {…÷Ø˚π…™……‡& ¥…… ®…Ω˛i¥…∆ ¥…h…«™…i… * 26. +v…¥…«¥…‰n˘®… v…EfiÚi™… {…fi l…¥…“∫…⁄H∆Ú ¥…¥…fih…÷i… * 27. ={… x…π…i∫…÷ EÚ`ˆ…‡{… x…π…n˘& ¥…Ë ∂…π]ı¨∆ |… i…{……n˘™…i… * 28. x……®……J™……i…‰ S… x…∞¸{™… ∫……‡n˘…Ω˛Æ˙h…∆ ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * 27 Model Question University of Kerala MA Sanskrit General Examination Subject Code : SG – 212 Poetry Prose and Drama Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75 ∫…⁄S…x……& - n‰˘¥…x……M…Æ˙“ ±… {…®…÷{…™…÷V™… ∫…∆∫EfiÚi…¶……π…™…… =k…Æ˙… h… ±…‰J…x…“™…… x… * Instruction : 1. Answer may be written in Sanskrit or English) 2. In writing Sanskrit Devanagari Script used. Part – A I. ∫…¥…Êπ……∆ |…∂x……x……®…¬ =k…Æ˙… h… ±…J…i… * (Answer the following. Each carries one Mark) (10 x 1=10) 1. x…Ëπ…v…“™…S… Æ˙i…‰ EÚ i… ∫…M……«& ∫…Œxi… ? 2. x…Ëπ…v…“™…S…Æ˙ Æ˙i…®…Ω˛…EÚ…¥™…∫™… EÚi……« EÚ& ? 3. x…±…∫™… EÚl…… EÚ ±…n˘…‡π… ¥…x……∂x…∆ <i™…Œ∫®…x…¬ |…®……h…∆ EÚ®…¬ ? 4. +π]ıÙ nM{……±…EÚ…& E‰Ú ? 5. ∫i…÷ i…{……`ˆEÚ…& x…±…∫™… M…÷h…M…h……x…¬ EÚŒ∫®…x…¬ ∫…¶……™……∆ +¥…i……Æ˙™…Œxi… ? 6. n˘Œhb˜x…& M…tEÚ…¥™…∫™… x……®… EÚ®…¬ ? 7. ®…M…v…Æ˙…V…∫™… Æ˙…V…… EÚ& ? 8. Æ˙…˙V…˜¥……Ω˛x…& EÚ& ? 9. ¶…I…∞¸{…… h… ®…‰ {…Æ˙…GÚ®…xi…‰ - EÚ… B¥…∆ ¥…n˘ i… ? 10. _____ ¥…|… i…{…z…& ∫¥…™…®…‰¥……M… ®…π™… i… * Part – B II. {…\S……x……∆ |…∂x……x……®…¬ =k…Æ˙… h… ±…J…i… * ¥™……J™……i…& (5 x 2=10) (Answer any five questions. Each carries 2 marks) 11. n˘®…™…xi™……& +x…÷Æ˙…M…∆ Y……i¥…… x…±…& ÀEÚ EÚÆ˙…‡ i… ? 12. n˘®…™…xi…“ x…±…∫™… ¥…fik……xi…∆ EÚl…∆ Y……™…i…‰ ? 13. ®……x…∫……Æ˙& EÚ& ? ∫…& EÚl…∆ Æ˙…V…Ω∆˛∫…∆ {…Æ˙… V…i…& ? 14. +¥…xi…“∫…÷xn˘™……«& ∫…®…“{…∆ ={…M…i…& * EÚ& ? EÚ“o˘∂…& ? 15. ¥…∫…÷÷®…i…“Æ˙…h™……& ∫¥…{x…∆ EÚ®…¬ ? 16. "+Œ∫®…z…÷¶…™…l…… {… ™…ix…& EÚi…«¥™…&' -EÚ“o˘∂…& ™…ix…& ? 17. Æ˙…¥…h…& ∫…“i……™……& ∫……Ëxn˘™…» EÚl…∆ |… i…{……n˘™… i… ? 28 Part – C III. {…\S……x……∆ |…∂x……x……∆ {…÷]ı…i®…EÚ®…÷k…Æ˙… h… ±…J…i… * (5 x 5=25) (Answer any five questions. Each carries 5 marks) 18. x…±…∫™… M…÷h…¥…Ë ∂…π]ı¨∆ x…∞¸{…™…i… * 19. x…±… ¥…Æ˙Ω˛ EÚ…Æ˙h…‰x… n˘®…™…xi™……& ¶……¥…¥™…i™……∫…∆ ±…J…i… * 20. ∫¥…¶……¥… S…j…h…∆ E÷ÚØ˚i… - Æ˙…V…Ω∆˛∫…Æ˙…V…& * 21. Æ˙…V…¥……Ω˛x…∫™… ¥…t…¶™……∫… x…{…÷h…i……∆ ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * 22. ±…±……]ıi…]ıS…÷®§…n˘\V… ±…{…÷]ı& + ¥…x…™…®…±…{…i…¬ * EÚ®…±…{…i…¬ ? ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * 23. ∂…“i……& ∂…“EÚ…Æ˙ ∫…R¬ÛM…®……i…¬ Æ˙I…h…“™……& ∫…÷æ˛n˘∫…¥…& * 24. EÚ& EÚ±……∆ ∂… ∂…x……‡®……–π]ı EÚ…Ë∫i…÷¶…& E‰Úx… Æ˙V™…i…‰ * IV. u˘™……‡& x…§…xv……i®…EÚ®…÷k…Æ∆˙ ±…J…i… * (15x 2=30) (Answer any two questions. Each carries 15 marks) 25. x…Ëπ…v…∆ ¥…u˘n˘…Ëπ…v…®…¬ * ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * 26. n˘Œhb˜x…& {…n˘±…… ±…i™…®…¬ * ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * 27. ∂… HÚ¶…p˘∫™… Æ˙S…ıx……{……]ı¥…∆ +…∂S…™…«S…⁄÷f¯˘…®… h…- x……]ıEÚ n˘∂…… E÷ÚØ˚i… * 28. +…∂S…™…«S…⁄f¯…®… h… n˘∂…… Æ˙…®…±I®…h…™……‡& ∫¥…¶……¥… S…j…“EÚÆ˙h…∆ ¥…∂…n˘™…i… * 29 Model Question Paper II Semester M.A Sanskrit General S.G. 213- Contribution of Kerala to Sanskrit Literature Time: Three Hours Maximum: 75 Marks ∫…⁄S…x……& - n‰˘¥…x……M…Æ˙“ ±… {…®…÷{…™…÷V™… ∫…∆∫EfiÚi…¶……π…™…… =k…Æ˙… h… ±…‰J…x…“™…… x… * Instruction : 1. Answer may be written in Sanskrit, English or Malayalam) 2. In writing Sanskrit Devanagari Script used. Part – A I. ∫…¥…Êπ……∆ |…∂x……x……®…¬ =k…Æ˙… h… ±…J…i… * (Answer the following. Each carries one Mark) (10 x 1=10) 1. Who wrote Mukuntamala ? 2. Name the works of Royal Dramatist Kulasekhara. 3. Who is the author of ‘Mallikamarutam’. 4. Name the Yamaka poet. 5. Write the Mahakavyas of Ramapanivada. 6. Name the grammatical works of Narayana Bhattatiri. 7. Name the poem based on the story of Jesus Christ. 8. Who wrote the poem based on the British Rule ? 9. Write the work of Vilvamangalam. 10. Who is known as Dharmaraja of Travancore. Part – B II. {…\S……x……∆ |…∂x……x……®…¬ =k…Æ˙… h… ±…J…i… * ¥™……J™……i…& (5 x 2=10) (Answer any five questions. Each carries 2 marks) 11. Write the importance of Krishnagiti. 12. What is the significance of Raghudaya of Srikanta. 13. Name some rules of Tranvancore royal family. 14. Write the significance of Schasyachadanai. 15. Write the contribution of Muthukulam Sreedhara. 16. Who is Tholan. What was his contributions. 17. Write the translated works of A.R. Rajarajavarma. 30 Part – C III. {…\S……x……∆ |…∂x……x……∆ {…÷]ı…i®…EÚ®…÷k…Æ˙… h… ±…J…i… * (5 x 5=25) (Answer any five questions. Each carries 5 marks) 18. Mushakavamsam. 19. Dr. K.N. Ezhuthachan. 20. T. Ganapathy Sastri. 21. Narayana Pandita. 22. Aswathy Tirunal Ramavarma. 23. Manaveda. 24. Court poets of Karthika Tirunal. Part D IV. u˘™……‡& x…§…xv……i®…EÚ®…÷k…Æ∆˙ ±…J…i… * (15 x 2=30) (Answer any two questions. Each carries 15 marks) 25. Contribution of Narayana Bhattairi to Sanskrit Literature. 26. Contribution of Royal Dramatist Kulasekhara to Kerala stage. 27. Contribution of Manaveda to Sanskrit literature. 28. Contribution of Patinettarakavikal. 31 Model Question University of Kerala MA Sanskrit General Examination Subject Code : SG – 214 GRAMMAR -I Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75 ∫…⁄S…x……& - n‰˘¥…x……M…Æ˙“ ±… {…®…÷{…™…÷V™… ∫…∆∫EfiÚi…¶……π…™…… =k…Æ˙… h… ±…‰J…x…“™…… x… * Instruction : 1. Answer may be written in Sanskrit or English) 2. In writing Sanskrit Devanagari Script used. Part – A I. ∫…¥…Êπ……∆ |…∂x……x……®…¬ =k…Æ˙… h… ±…J…i… * (Answer the following. Each carries one Mark) (10 x 1=10) 1. = M…i…∂S… < i… ∫…⁄j…∫™… EÚ…‡%l…«&? 2. Ω˛®……x…“ i… ∂…§n˘∫™……l…«& EÚ& ? 3. B‰xp˘∫™… ∫j…“ __________ 4. ∂…⁄{…«h…J……- +j… b˜“{…¬ E÷Úi……‡ x… ? 5. ∫……¥…«v……i…÷EÚ∫…∆Y…… ¥…v……™…E∆Ú ∫…⁄j…∆ EÚ®…¬ ? 6. + ¶…Y……¥…S…x…‰ ±…fi]¬ı < i… ∫…⁄j…‰h… __________ ı ¥…v…“™…i…‰ * 7. ±…EÚ…Æ˙…& EÚ i… ? 8. +x…ti…x…¶…⁄i……l…Ê ¥…fik…‰v……«i……‡& __________ ∫™……i…¬ ? 9. +¥…∫……x… ∫…∆Y…… ¥…v……™…E∆Ú ∫…⁄T…∆ EÚ®…¬ ? 10. ∫…∆§…÷ r˘∫…∆Y…… ¥…v……™…E∆Ú ∫…⁄j…∆ EÚ®…¬ ? Part – B II. {…\S……x……∆ |…∂x……x……®…¬ =k…Æ˙… h… ±…J…i… * ¥™……J™……i…& (5 x 2=10) (Answer any five questions. Each carries 2 marks) 11. x…i…«EÚ“ +j… EÚ& ∫j…“|…i™…™…& ? E‰Úx… ∫…⁄j…‰h… ? 12. ∫…⁄™……«- ∫…⁄Æ˙“ +x…™……‡Æ˙l…«¶…‰n˘& EÚ& ? 13. ™…¥…x…… x…i™…j… EÚŒ∫®…z…l…Ê b˜“{…¬ ? 14. ¥…{…Æ˙…¶™……∆ V…‰& < i… ∫…⁄j…∫™… +l…» ±…J…i… * 15. ∫…÷{…& < i… ∫…⁄j…∫™… +l…» EÚ®…¬ ? 16. Æ˙…®……Ë < i… ∞¸{…∆ EÚl…∆ ∫…∆V……™…i…‰ * 17. "+ ¶…|…i™… i…¶™…& I…{…&' =n˘…Ω˛Æ˙h…∆ ±…J…i… * 32 Part – C III. {…\S……x……∆ |…∂x……x……∆ {…÷]ı…i®…EÚ®…÷k…Æ˙… h… ±…J…i… * (5 x 5=25) (Answer any five questions. Each carries 5 marks) 18. +V…… < i… ∞¸{…∫™… |… GÚ™…… ¥…¥…fih…÷i… * 19. ¶…¥…… x… < i… ∞¸{…∫™… |…… GÚ™…… ¥…¥…fih…÷i… * 20. ™…÷x……Œ∫i…& < i… ∫…⁄j…∆ ¥™……J™……i… * 21. "Æ˙l…‰x… ∫…\S…Æ˙i…‰' <i™…j… |… GÚ™…… ±…J…i… * 22. ={…{…Æ˙…¶™……∆ < i… ∫…⁄j…∆ ¥™……J™……i… * 23. ¥™…HÚ¥……S……∆ ∫…®…÷SS……Æ˙h…‰ < i… ∫…⁄j…∆ ¥™……J™……i… * 24. Æ˙…®…& < i… ∫…÷|…i™…{…∞¸{…∫™… |… GÚ™…… ±…J…i… * IV. u˘™……‡& x…§…xv……i®…EÚ®…÷k…Æ∆˙ ±…J…i… * (15x 2=30) (Answer any two questions. Each carries 15 marks) 25. |… GÚ™…… ¥…{…fih…÷i…- x…i…«EÚ“, +∑……, M……‡{…“ * ∫…⁄j…“ h… ¥™……J™……i… - ¥…™… ∫…|…l…®…‰, ¥……‡i……‡ M…÷h…¥…S…x……®…¬, GÚi……iEÚÆ˙h…{…⁄¥……«i…¬ * 26.

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