APPENDIX G Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Phase-1 Environmental Services Taking the complexity out of environmental due diligence Silicon Valley Environmental Group LIMITED PHASE II SITE SCREENING November 21, 2016 Vacant Land Saratoga, Santa Clara County, California 95070 Assessor Parcel No. (APN): 389-06-20 & 389-06-21 Prepared for: Mr. Mike Sneper [email protected] Prepared by: Phase-1 Environmental Services 5216 Harwood Rd San Jose, CA 95124 (831) 422-2290 www.phase-1environmental.com Phase-1 Environmental Services 5216 Harwood Road, San Jose, CA 95124 LIMITED PHASE II SOIL SAMPLING REPORT SUBMITTED TO: SUBJECT PROPERTY: Mr. Mike Sneper APNs: 389-06-20 & 389-06-21 [email protected] Saratoga, CA 95070 3333 S. Bascom Ave., Campbell, CA Ph: (650) 771-6167 ___________________________________________________________________________________ November 21, 2016 Report # P-21103161 Page 1 of 2 History Briefing The Subject Property is being redeveloped for sensitive-receptor occupancy (retirement home facility). A Phase I ESA was performed at the Subject Property by Phase-1 ES in November 2015. This study identified that the site had a history of being part of a orchard from as early as 1944 through the mid- 1970s. To clear the Property of environmental concerns, the Phase I recommended that the near surface soils be sampled and tested in accordance with the California DTSC guidelines for previous agricultural properties. Based on the size of the Property, a total of 4 discrete samples were recommended to be collected from 0-6” below grade surface, and at a minimum, analyzed for Organo-Chlorine Pesticides (OCPs) and Arsenic. This document reports on the sampling and testing of soils from the Subject Property. All work was performed in accordance with the California DTSC and EPA Guidance for Sampling Agricultural Properties, Third Revision, dated; August 7, 2008 (copy in Attachment B). Soil Collection On November 07, 2016, a Phase-1 ES ASTM-Qualified Phase II Environmental Professional collected soil samples from 4 locations on the Property as shown on Figure 2. Soil samples were collected from between 0 and 6 inches Below Grade Surface (BGS) from each of the collection points using a spade shovel that was washed with TSP and water before, and between each sample collection. Samples were immediately placed in new 8-ounce glass sample jars, each of them discretely labeled, and placed on ice in an ice chest for transportation to a state certified analytical laboratory under documented Chain-of- Custody. Analytical Laboratory Testing The 4 samples were tested at BC Laboratories, Inc. of Bakersfield, CA (a state certified analytical laboratory) for Organochlorine Pesticides under EPA Method 8081A and for Arsenic and Copper metals under EPA Method 6010B. Laboratory analytical results and Chain-of-Custody documentation are contained in Attachment A. Lab Analyses Results Samples B-1, B-2, and B-3, contained no detectable quantities of Organochlorine Pesticides above laboratory detection limits. Sample B-4 was found to contain 0.0011 ppm of 4,4’-DDE and 0.0003 of 4,4'- DDT, which is well below residential Tier-1 ESLs. Arsenic was detected in B-1 @ 4.7 ppm, in B-2 @ 5.7 ppm, B-3 @ 4.6 ppm, and B-4 @ 3.4 ppm – all of which exceeded Tier-1 residential ESLs, however, all were within background range levels that are common for the San Francisco Bay Area region (see Attachment C 2011 study by Dylan Jacques Duvergé), and not actionable by regional standards. Copper was detected in all four samples at between 26 and 28 ppm, which are well below Tier-1 Residential ESLs. Recommendations No further environmental actions or studies regarding Organochlorine Pesticides or their respective Metals of concern are recommended for this Property. The shallow soils at this site do not appear to contain actionable levels of pesticides or metals under current regulatory agency residential and sensitive-receptor occupancy standards. Limitations This study was limited to the constituents that were analyzed for and is not representative of all materials that could exist on the site, such as fill or other import. Samples were collected from logical points in accordance with standard practices. Phase-1 ES is not responsible for conditions or materials at or on this site that were not made known or noted prior to the performance of this limited study. Respectfully submitted this 21st day of November, 2016, Phase-1 Environmental Services Stuart G. Solomon – Principal Partner Qualified Phase II Environmental Professional Figures 1) Site Vicinity Map 2) Sample/Boring Locations 3) Parcel Map 4) Aerial Photograph 5) Topographical Map Attachments A) Boring Logs, Chain-of-Custody and Laboratory Analytical Report B) California DTSC and EPA Guidance for Sampling Agricultural Properties C) Bay Area Arsenic Background Study by Dylan Jacques Duvergé SITE Legend Figure 1 N Phase-1 SITE VICINITY MAP Environmental Services COX Avenue Parcel #’s 389-06-20 & 389-06-21, Saratoga, CA 95070 W E Silicon Valley Environmental Group Project Number: P5-10-19-16 www.phase-1environmental.com S Co x A ven Office Complex ue Law Offices Dentist Endodontic Office Complex Medical Clinic Office Complex k Dentist Residential Homes e e r C a g o t a B-4 r a S B-3 B-2 B-1 SUBJECT SITE Vacant Land APN – 389-06-20 Vacant Land Vacant Land APN – 389-06-21 Vacant Land Legend Figure 2 N Phase-1 BORING LOCATIONS Environmental Services W E COX Avenue Parcel #’s 389-06-20 & 389-06-21, Saratoga, CA 95070 Silicon Valley Environmental Group Project Number: P5-10-19-16 www.phase-1environmental.com S Legend Figure 3 Phase-1 PARCEL OUTLINE Environmental Services COX Avenue Parcel #’s 389-06-20 & 389-06-21, Saratoga, CA 95070 Silicon Valley Environmental Group Project Number: P5-10-19-16 www.phase-1environmental.com Legend Figure 4 N Phase-1 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Environmental Services COX Avenue Parcel #’s 389-06-20 & 389-06-21, Saratoga, CA 95070 W E Silicon Valley Environmental Group Project Number: P5-10-19-16 www.phase-1environmental.com S Legend Topographical Map: Cupertino, CA Map MRC: 37122C1 Site is approx. 300' Above MSL Figure 5 N Phase-1 TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP Environmental Services COX Avenue Parcel #’s 389-06-20 & 389-06-21, Saratoga, CA 95070 W E Silicon Valley Environmental Group Project Number: P5-10-19-16 www.phase-1environmental.com S Attachment A Boring Logs, Chain-of-Custody & Laboratory Analytical Report DATE _1_1_/0_7_/_2_0_1_6__________ DRILLING CONTRACTOR _P_h_a_s_e_-_1_ E_n_v_i_ro_n_m__e_n_ta_l______ PROJECT NAME _V_a_c_a_n_t_ L_a_n_d_ _–_ S_a_r_a_to_g_a_ _C_A_______ DRILLING METHOD _4_"_ H__a_n_d_ A_u_g_e_r__________________ PROJECT NUMBER _P_5_-_1_0_-1_9_-_1_6________________ LOGGED BY _C__G_S________________________________ PROJECT LOCATION _S__a_n_ J_o_s_e_, _C_A______________ FIELD NOTES ___________________________________ GROUND ELEVATION _________________________ _______________________________________________ BORING DEPTH _6_"__________ _______________________________________________ GROUND WATER LEVEL: _______________________________________________ 1ST ENCOUNTERED _N_/_A_________ e l Depth p Odors or PID Sample ID Analyzed For Lithology SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft) m Discoloration (ppm) a S B-1 (0'-6") 8081, None Fill SILTY CLAY (CL): Light brown 1 6010B 2 (Arsenic), 6010 B 3 (Copper) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 WELL/BORING CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: Backfilled with neat cement (Portland I/II) Phase-1 BORING LOG BORING Environmental Services Silicon Valley Environmental Group Vacant Land – Saratoga, CA B-1 APN’s: 389-06-20 & 389-06-21 www.phase-1environmental.com DATE _1_1_/0_7_/_2_0_1_6__________ DRILLING CONTRACTOR _P_h_a_s_e_-_1_ E_n_v_i_ro_n_m__e_n_ta_l______ PROJECT NAME _V_a_c_a_n_t_ L_a_n_d_ _–_ S_a_r_a_to_g_a_ _C_A_______ DRILLING METHOD _4_"_ H__a_n_d_ A_u_g_e_r__________________ PROJECT NUMBER _P_5_-_1_0_-1_9_-_1_6________________ LOGGED BY _C__G_S________________________________ PROJECT LOCATION _S__a_n_ J_o_s_e_, _C_A______________ FIELD NOTES ___________________________________ GROUND ELEVATION _________________________ _______________________________________________ BORING DEPTH _6_"__________ _______________________________________________ GROUND WATER LEVEL: _______________________________________________ 1ST ENCOUNTERED _N_/_A_________ e l Depth p Odors or PID Sample ID Analyzed For Lithology SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft) m Discoloration (ppm) a S B-2 (0'-6") 8081, None Fill SILTY CLAY (CL): Light brown 1 6010B 2 (Arsenic), 6010 B 3 (Copper) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 WELL/BORING CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: Backfilled with neat cement (Portland I/II) Phase-1 BORING LOG BORING Environmental Services Silicon Valley Environmental Group Vacant Land – Saratoga, CA B-2 APN’s: 389-06-20 & 389-06-21 www.phase-1environmental.com DATE _1_1_/0_7_/_2_0_1_6__________ DRILLING CONTRACTOR _P_h_a_s_e_-_1_ E_n_v_i_ro_n_m__e_n_ta_l______ PROJECT NAME _V_a_c_a_n_t_ L_a_n_d_ _–_ S_a_r_a_to_g_a_ _C_A_______ DRILLING METHOD _4_"_ H__a_n_d_ A_u_g_e_r__________________ PROJECT NUMBER _P_5_-_1_0_-1_9_-_1_6________________ LOGGED BY _C__G_S________________________________ PROJECT LOCATION _S__a_n_ J_o_s_e_, _C_A______________ FIELD NOTES ___________________________________ GROUND ELEVATION _________________________ _______________________________________________ BORING DEPTH _6_"__________ _______________________________________________ GROUND WATER LEVEL: _______________________________________________ 1ST ENCOUNTERED _N_/_A_________ e
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