PO Box 182, Attleboro, MA 02703 774-254-4657 www.ma-hperd.org Spring 2019 Newsletter Mark Your Calendar MAHPERD Adapted Physical Education Conference 2019 Adapted PE Conference Adapt-ABILITY! Friday, May 3 NE Center for Children Friday, May 3, 2019 Southboro The New England Center for Children MAHPERD Award’s Southborough, MA Banquet Jody Duff Sunday, May 5 DoubleTree Hotel, 2018 National Milford 11:00 am Adapted Physical Educator of the Year MAHPERD Dance for Joy Workshop June 24-25, 2019 Wellesley HiGh School Health Educator’s Conf AuGust 7 & 8, 2019 Salem Waterfront Hotel MAHPERD Convention Nov 18-19, 2019 DCU Center Annual MAHPERD Worcester Honors/Awards Banquet Executive Board Mtgs Sunday, May 5, 2019 April 1, 2019 May 6, 2019 DoubleTree Hotel, Milford, MA Brunch: 10:00am Advance Reservations Only ~ $25.00 each Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance PO Box 182, Attleboro, MA 02703 774-254-4657 www.ma-hperd.org President’s Message by Barbi Kelley Spring has Sprung! I welcome professionalism, passion and enthusiasm for spring with open arms with its promoting quality physical education and health longer days, warmer weather, programs in our schools. I’m confident that this and an abundance of outdoor day will be a special, lifelong memory for them. activities - this is always something I look forward to. At our Fall convention, during the keynote However, in our professions presentation, I talked about the importance of spring can also be a very busy taking care of ourselves so we can take care of time for all of us! At our Spring our students and family. I’d like to share a Conference in March, Nate training program that my Health and Wellness Folan, our keynote speaker, Department in Harvard recently participated in along with other adventure and play consultants, during one of our professional development reminded us of the importance of play for our days. 15-40 Connection is an early cancer students and for ourselves. Play opportunities prevention program that is devoted to improving bring us joy and happiness and help us feel good. cancer survival rates through the power of early So during this busy time of year try to make time detection. Not just for cancer detection, this “3 to play, fit in that bike ride, jump on a trampoline steps to detect” program gives you a simple and with your love ones (but be careful!), fly a kite, easy way to notice any health changes, while it or take a walk on the beach - whatever it is that teaches teens to be strong advocates for their keeps you refreshed and recharged. health to help improve cancer survival rates. 15-40 provides free training and materials for This past month, we held our first Student Speak your staff to teach a lesson that can easily fit into Out Day. It was filled with excitement and your health and physical education classes. It’s passion for quality physical education and health also a program that would be beneficial for programs. Over 40 university students made their parents, teachers and school administrators. I presence known at the State House wearing highly recommend that you check out this sneakers and bright colored shoelaces! At the program at www.15-40.org and schedule a annual awards banquet I will be honoring training. Representative Joan Meschino for sponsoring the Student Speak Out Day and for her leadership As my presidency comes to an end, I would like and commitment to the health and well-being of to thank Heidi Bohler, past president and students within the Commonwealth. When welcome Brian McNally as he ventures into Representative Meschino spoke with our leading us as MAHPERD’s next president. It’s students she empowered them to always been an honor and a rewarding experience advocate for health and physical education in the serving as president. I would like to extend my public schools and to continue to educate the appreciation to our dedicated board members. I community on the importance of these two can’t say enough about these hard working disciplines. The students impressed us with their individuals who strive to make MAHPERD the outstanding organization that it is. Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance PO Box 182, Attleboro, MA 02703 774-254-4657 www.ma-hperd.org President Elect’s Message by Brian McNallly I write this message on the future professionals par9cipated in outstanding final weekend of March, as the sessions on adventure and experien9al learning. snow has melted and the Nate Folan facilitated the key/play note general temperature is star9ng to session and was joined by fellow presenters Lisa warm-up. I am eagerly Hunt and Phil Brown from High 5 Adventure Learning awai9ng the true signs of as well as Larry Childs and Laura MacDonald from Spring such as green grass, Project Adventure. This team of all-stars each flowers blooming, and the presented fun, engaging and informa9ve sessions increased opportunity for more outside ac9vi9es. throughout the day. Par9cipants also enjoyed fantas9c presenta9ons from MAHPERD members Reflec9ng back, it’s been a busy few months for Amanda Klein, Sarah Greeley, Meghan Notari, and MAHPERD. The Leadership Conference, held on Jake Jones from Lincoln-Sudbury High School, who February 27, was extremely well aOended and C- presented three sessions, as well as EmmeO O’Brien, TAHPE co-chairs Donna Ruseckas and Susan Cowell Carol D’Antuono, Sam Shannon, and Jim Athens from are to be commended for the outstanding the Diamond and Clarke Middle Schools in Lexington presenta9ons they facilitated along with our who collaborated on a super session. Thank you to execu9ve director, Maria Melchionda. Student all of our presenters as well as our host, Bridgewater Speak-Out Day at the MassachuseOs State House State University, and the behind the scenes work of on March 6 was a huge success. A strong Maria Melchionda, Barbi Kelley, Bill Riley and Susan collabora9ve effort by MAHPERD board members Brophy. Dr. Rebecca Shangraw, Legisla9ve Liason, our Advocacy Co-Chairs Jake Bersin and Jack Mosko, We have a busy Spring and Summer coming up, and our Public Rela9ons Chair, Sarah Cahill, star9ng with the SHAPE America na9onal conference working with Maria Melchionda and higher in Tampa beginning April 9. May 3 is the MAHPERD educa9on professors, prepared dozens of college Adapted Physical Educa9on Conference and two days future professionals to meet with legislators or later, May 5 is the MAHPERD annual awards banquet. their aides to advocate for proper funding for Once the school year has ended we have the Dance public educa9on and the importance of health and for Joy workshop on June 24 and 25 and our School physical educa9on programs. Representa9ve Joan Health Educa9on Conference on August 7 and 8. Meschino, from the Third Plymouth District, who is Please join us at one or more of these great the daughter of a physical educa9on teacher, professional development opportuni9es. hosted our group. Throughout the morning over 125 legislators were contacted and given a Thinking ahead to our annual conven9on on prepared packet from MAHPERD with important November 18 and 19 we are invi9ng you to submit a informa9on about health and physical educa9on. proposal to make a presenta9on. If there is something in your teaching that works great for you I The Spring Conference, (Ad)Venture Outside the encourage you to share it with your colleagues. Box, on March 29 at Bridgewater State University Please send in a proposal, the original deadline has was a wonderful day. More than 170 current and been extended. Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance PO Box 182, Attleboro, MA 02703 774-254-4657 www.ma-hperd.org An Update From the Desk of the Executive Director Maria Melchionda MAHPERD is BUSY!!! only two professional development One of the attributes events. Look how we have Grown! The in this association is Annual Convention, SprinG Conference, that there are such Adapted Physical Education Conference, caring individuals on MAHPERD Student SPEAK OUT Day, our Board and in our Dance Workshop, School Health membership. It is Education Conference…. it’s just amazinG! very clear to me that HavinG these events has placed our state we all seek to be the association on the map nationally and best teachers and internationally. As you read Barbi and administrators within Brian’s messaGes, you will know the our state. I have met many of you and positive inluence that each of you have as have heard your concerns and many members on a professional level, to use positive things that are happening around social media to Get the word out about our state. Social Media connects us on our professional development events and another level. When I irst went on then most important, attend and share Twitter, it was like someone Gave me a your talents! SharinG ideas and day at the beach! I could not believe how networking with one another brings in many professionals we could connect the human connection, which is vital for with about curriculum, proGrams, ideas our existence. Growth in technology, and professional development events. In professional development and speaking with our Business Manager, Bill networkinG makes us better professionals Riley, he and I were reminiscinG about and MAHPERD is full of them! how when we were Presidents, the Spring Conference and the Convention were the Have a wonderful SprinG! Upcoming Events Friday, May 3rd 6th Annual Adapted PE Conference - NE Center for Children, Southboro Sunday, May 5th 26th Annual Awards Banquet - DoubleTree Hotel, Milford, MA June 24 & 25 Dance for Joy Workshop - Wellesley High School, Wellesley, MA August 7 & 8 3rd Annual School Health Educa9on Conference - Salem, MA Nov 18 & 19 90th Annual MAHPERD Conven9on - DCU Center, Worcester, MA We are so proud to announce our Keynote Speaker! Jody Duff 2018 National Adapted Physical Educator of the Year MAHPERD Adapted Physical Education Conference Adapt-ABILITY! Friday, May 3, 2019 The New England Center for Children Southborough, MA Jody Duff is a certiied adapted physical education teacher who has been workinG in the ^ield for 13 years.
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