Planning Committee 20/02/2019 Schedule Item 01 Ref : 183673OUT Address: MIDDLESEX BUSINESS CENTRE, BRIDGE ROAD, SOUTHALL, UB2 4AB Ward: NORWOOD GREEN Proposal: Outline Planning Application (with all matters reserved except access) for the demolition of existing buildings and structures; the retention, refurbishment and alteration of the Sunrise Radio Building and Maypole Margarine Factory façade; and the redevelopment of the site to include up to 2,083 residential units (use class C3), up to 7,199 sqm hotel floorspace (use class C1) (Gross Internal Area (GIA)), up to 2,688 sqm of flexible retail floorspace (use classes A1-A5) (GIA), and up to 10,076 sqm of flexible office and community floorspace (use classes B1, D1/D2) (GIA); any ancillary parking, amenity, plant, and services floorspace (including a new energy centre) and all other associated public, semi public and private realm, soft/hard landscaping, infrastructure and highway works, access and a new internal road network connecting with the existing road network Drawing numbers: Refer to relevant conditions Type of Application: Outline application Application Received: 27/07/2018 Revised: 19/12/2018 Report by: Chris Maltby Having taken into account all environmental information received by the Council under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process and giving full consideration to the environmental impacts of the proposed development, it is concluded that the proposed development is in accordance with the development plan taken as a whole and that there are no other material considerations that should outweigh the granting of planning permission and it is recommended that the Committee resolve to approve the proposed development subject to: 1) That the applicant and the other relevant persons having a requisite interest, be invited to complete the Section 106 Agreement in accordance with the detailed summary of the proposed terms of the planning obligations for this application in the ‘Legal Agreements and Community Infrastructure Levy’ section of this report, subject to: a. such reasonable amendments as may be approved by the Chief Planning Officer having due regard to any comments of the (Stage II referral to) Mayor of London and/or TfL and/or any other relevant comments on the Revised Section 106 Agreement; and, 1 of 73 Planning Committee 20/02/2019 Schedule Item 01 2) That upon completion of the Revised Section 106 agreement the Borough Planner be instructed to APPROVE the application ref: 183673OUT under delegated powers and grant planning permission subject to conditions substantially in the form contained in the subsequent recommendation (with such detailed amendments as the Chief Planning Officer may consider to be reasonable and necessary in the course of negotiating the final Revised Section 106 Agreement and having due regard to any comments of the Mayor and/or TfL and/or the Secretary of State and/or any other relevant comments on the Conditions). PROCEDURE FOR DETERMINING THE PLANNING APPLICATION This planning application for an Outline Planning Permission for the redevelopment of the Middlesex Business Centre was submitted on 27th July 2018 and supported by an Environmental Statement and other supporting documents. The Outline Application has undergone consultation for a period in excess of 16 weeks, including consultation in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2017 (“the EIA Regulations 2017”). Approximately 23 site notices notifying of the planning application were erected within areas surrounding the application site. A summary of the consultation process and responses is contained in the ‘Statutory Consultation’ section of this report, below. The Greater London Authority has been notified, as the application is within the thresholds of potential strategic importance to London. The application has been referred under the following categories: (1A) new housing exceeding 150 units; (1B) mixed uses exceeding 15,000 sqm and (1C) new buildings over 30 metres high. The Mayor of London considered the proposal on 10th December 2018 and issued a letter of response containing the Mayor’s observations on the application. These comments are generally supportive of the application proposals and are reported in the consultation section of this report. The contents of this report have been considered by both the applicant and the Council and the Mayors comments have been properly addressed as far as is reasonably practicable through the planning conditions and obligations. Executive Summary: This application seeks outline planning permission for a mixed use redevelopment of this existing employment site. The site is designated as a development site SOU6 in the adopted local plan and it falls within an opportunity area identified by the Southall Opportunity Planning Framework. The application proposes outline permission with only access being determined at this stage with all other matters reserved for determination at a later stage. The proposals comprise of the demolition of all existing buildings and structures with the exception of the locally listed Margarine Works façade and the Sunrise Radio building which are retained. The redevelopment of the site will provide: • Up to 2,083 residential units (use class C3) • Up to 7,199 sqm of hotel floor space (180-bedrooms) (use class C1) • Up to 2,688 sqm of flexible retail floor space (use classes A1-A5) • Up to 10,076 sqm of flexible office and community floor space (use classes B1, D1/D2) The development comprises 7 development plots that will accommodate new buildings ranging in height from 11.5m (43.500m AOD, approx. 3 storeys) and 92.125m (124.125m AOD, approx. 27 storeys). 2 of 73 Planning Committee 20/02/2019 Schedule Item 01 In addition, the development will include a new public park (Maypole Park), other public open spaces and public realm, parking for a maximum 330 vehicles including 65 disabled bays, cycle parking in accordance with draft London Plan policy, a new east-west road (Healum Avenue) and associated plant including an energy centre, soft and hard landscaping, infrastructure and highway work including a new internal road network. 35% of all residential units (by habitable room) will be affordable comprising a total of 671 units. Of these 370 units (55%) will be shared ownership, 201 units (30%) will be London Affordable Rent and 100 units (15%) will be discount market rent (discounted to 80% of market rent). 158 units (79%) of London Affordable Rent units and 525 (78%) of the total affordable housing offer will be delivered in the first three phases of development which it is estimated will be completed by 2022. The affordable housing offer has been scrutinised by independent viability consultants and the GLA and is supported. The application is supported by an Environmental Statement (ES) prepared in accordance with the EIA regulations. The ES has been independently assessed by expert consultants appointed by the Council. The ES has been thoroughly assessed and tested and clarifications sought and as a result it has been concluded that whilst some adverse effects are acknowledged to occur during the construction phases of the development these are only temporary in nature. The proposals will also lead to a number of significant positive effects that are considered to outweigh the temporary adverse effects. A number of mitigation measures are secured by relevant planning conditions to address any adverse impacts. The proposals follow on from a resolved planning application that was presented to this committee in February 2016 (ref. PP/2014/6440). At that time Members voted in favour of outline proposals which included up to 835 new homes, 6,750sqm of student accommodation, 5,200sqm hotel and 8,725sqm of commercial and retail floor space. Taking into account the current development and planning policy context, this application proposes a more ambitious approach in order to maximise the potential of the site including bringing forward significantly more new homes including a greater number of affordable homes and employment/community floor space. The proposals are the result of extensive pre-application consultation with officers of Ealing Council, the GLA and TfL. Minor revisions have been made during the course of the application’s consideration to address comments made in the GLA Stage 1 Report and by other statutory consultees. The proposals have also been subject to a review by an independent Design Review Panel. The reviewers commended the proposals and provided a number of useful suggestions to be taken through to the final detailed designs. These suggestions have been picked up by the applicant in the submitted Design Codes and are secured by way of relevant planning conditions. The proposed development is submitted on the basis of a series of Parameter Plans that set the physical framework including plot locations, the positions and max. heights of buildings, the location of different uses, the location of public open spaces and public realm and the network of routes through the site for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. The Parameter Plans are supplemented by a Design Codes document that provides a set of design objectives and principles that will provide guidance for the detailed designs in respect of appearance, layout, scale and landscaping. All subsequent reserved matters applications will be expected to demonstrate conformity with both the Parameter Plans, Design Code document and all relevant planning policies at the time of submission. 3 of 73 Planning Committee 20/02/2019 Schedule Item 01 The proposals set out a detailed framework for a comprehensive mixed-use development that will bring forward a large number of new homes significantly contributing to the Council’s and the GLA’s housing supply. A significant proportion of those new homes being affordable dwellings helping to address housing need in the Borough. The proposals also include a significant amount of employment generating floorspace in the form of retail, high quality office and creative workspaces and the hotel.
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