1040 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE February 13 By Mr. TOLLEFSON: dom comes. In the dear Redeemer's 1ng paper); to the Committee on Interior H. R. 3047. A bill for the relief of Elmer E. name. Amen. and Insular Affairs. Johnson; to the Committee on the Judiciary. PUBLICATION ENTITLED "FEDERAL POWER By Mr. TEAGUE: COMMISSION REPORTS, VOLUME 9" H. R. 3048. A bill for the relief of Tatyana THE JOURNAL A letter from the Chairman, Federal Power Karapancsa; to the Comii,littee on the Judi­ Commission, Washington, D. C., transmit­ On request of Mr. KNOWLAND, ·and by ciary. ting, for the information of the Senate, a .By Mr. WARBURTON: unanimous consent, the reading of the copy of the Commission's newly issued pub­ H. R. 3049. A bill for the relief of Roman J. Journal of the proceedings of Tues­ lication entitled "Federal Power Commission Halla; to the Committee on the Judiciary. day, February 10, 1953, was dispensed Reports, Volume 9" (with an accompanying By Mr. WATTS: with. · document); to the Committee-on Interstate H. R. 3050. A bill for the relief -of Kenichi and Foreign Commerce. Kaneko; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. WILSON of California: MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT REPORT OF CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD H. R. 3051. A bill for the relief of Jj:ugenie A letter from tbe Chairman, Civil Aero­ Hoch, and her child, Yolanda Hoch; to the Messages in writing. from the Presi­ nautics Board, Washington, D. C., transmit-· Committee on the Judiciary. dent of the United States submitting ting, pursuant to law, a report of that Board nominations were communicated to the for the fiscal year 1952 (with an accompany­ PETITIONS, ETC. Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ ing report); to the Committee on Interstate taries. and Foreign Commerce. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions USE OF CERTAIN CERTIFICATES BY OFFICERS OP and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE THE ARMED FORCES. and referred as follows: A letter from the General Counsel, Office 51. By Mr. BETTS: Petition of S. S. A message from the House of Rep­ of the Secretary of Defense, transmitting a Weaver, requesting consideration of certain resentatives, by Mr. Maurer, its reading draft of proposed legislation to authorize alleged copyrights set forth therein; to the clerk, announced that the House had the use of certificates by officers of the Armed Committee on the Judiciary. agreed, without amendment, to the con­ Forces of the United States, in connection 52. By Mr. CANFIELD: Resolutions of the current resolution (S. Con. Res. 1,2) ex­ with certain pay and allowance accounts of executive board and general executive coun­ pressing sympathy for the peoples of the military and civilian personnel (with an cil of the New Jersey State Federation of accompanying paper); to the Committee on Labor, affiliated with the American Federa­ Netherlands, Great Britain, and Belgium in the disaster suffered by them. ~med Services. tion of· Labor, favoring restored residential REPORT ON CONTRACTS NEGOTIATED BY NATIONAL mail delivery service at the earliest possible ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS date; to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. ENROLLED BILL SIGNED A letter from the Executive Secretary, Na· 53. By Mr. JENSEN: Petition of Ellen tional Adyisory Committee for Aeronautics, The message also announced that the Washington, D. C., reporting, pursuant to Mayo, recording secretary, and 136 other Speaker had affixed his signature to the members of the Departmental Club, Corning, law, that no contracts were negotiated by Iowa, urging amendment of the election laws enrolled bill <H. R. 568) to continue that committee for the 6-month period which pertain to the United States Congress; until the close of June 30, 1954, the sus­ ended December 31, 1952; to the Committee to the Committee on House Administration. pension of certain import taxes on cop­ on Armed Services. 54. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Ber­ per, and it was signed by the Vice Presi­ ST:A TISTICAL TABLES REFLECTING BUSINESS nardino Malong, Laois, Labrader, Pangasinan dent. TRANSACTED BY BANKRUPTCY" COURTS Philippines, relative to stating a grievance A letter froni the Director, Administrative regarding his claim filed with the War Claims LEAVE OF ABSENCE Office of the United States Courts, Washing• Commission; to the Committee on Interstate ton, D. C., transmitting, pursuant to law, and Foreign Commerce. On his own request, and by unanimous statistical tables reflecting the business 55. Also, petition o~ Nunilo D. Marapao, consent, Mr. YoUNG was excused from transacted by the bankruptcy courts and Province of Bohol, Municipality of Ubay, attendance on the sessions of the Senate • other pertinent data (with an accompanying ' Philippines, relative to stating the grievances on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday document); to the Committee on the Judi• of a number of Filipinos regarding the loss of certain foodstuffs and money due to mis­ of next week. ciary· REPORT OF DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE 0FFICB treatment by the Japanese in 194~; to ·the Committee on Interstate and Foreign OF UNITED STATES COURTS Commerce. EXECU';['IVE COMMUNICA TIO~S. ETC. A letter from the Director, Administrative The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Office of the United States Courts, Washing• Senate the following letters, which were ton, D. C., transmitting, pursuant to law, referred as indicated: his report for the fiscal year 1952 (with an SENATE · I accompanying report); to tlie Committee on REPORT ON SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM OF CLINTON the Judiciary. · ·J. RILEY, JR., BY TREASURY DEPARTMENT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1953 A letter from the Acting Secretary of the The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Treasury, reporting, pursuant to law, that PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS . the Treasury Depar.tment had settled the Harris, D. D., offered the following claim of Clinton J . Riley, Jr., in th·e amount Petitions, etc., were laid before the prayer: Of $3,710; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Senate, or presented, and referred as in- 0 God, our Father, in this pavilion AMENDMENT OF SECTION 3841 OF REVISED STAT- dicated: · of prayer, help us to fling open the shut­ UTES RELATING TO ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE By the VICE PRESIDENT: tered windows of our darkened lives to OF MAIL . Resolutions of the General Court of the the effulgent light of Thy presence, so A letter from the Postmaster General, Commonwealth of Massachusetts; to the that in our daily work we may reflect transmitting a draft of proposed legislation Committee on Finance: some broken beams of Thy glory. Teach to amend section 3841 of the Revised Stat­ "Resolutions memorializing Congress to ex­ utes relating to the schedules of the arrival tend the provisions of the Social Security us by the adventure of faith how to be and departure of the mail, to repeal certain Act relating to Federal old-age and surviv­ victors over life, not victims of it, and obsolete laws relating to the postal service, ors' insurance ,benefits to additional ·and that to live worthily we must have a and for other purposes (with an accompany- _ certain other classes of employment and faith fit to live by, a self fit to live with, ing paper); to the Committee on Post 01fl.ce workers and a cause fit to live for. and Civil Service. "Resolved, Tliat the General Court of Mas­ Enlarge the sensitive area -of our sym-· LAW ENACTED BY MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OJ' ST. sachusetts hereby urges the Congress Qf the pathy, we pray. Write deep upon our THOMAS AND ST. JOHN, V. 1 •. United States to enact legislation to extend hearts the suffering and pain of the A letter from the Assistant Secretary of the provisions of the Federal old-age and shepherdless multitudes so broken by the Interior, transmitting, pursuant to· law, -survivors' insurance benefits sections of the the burdens and stress of these cruel a copy 9f a law enacted by the Municipal Social Security Act to include additional Council of St. Thomas and St, John, V. 1., and certain other classes of employment and years. Grant us such a vision of our entitled "Authorizing the Sa.le to the Virgin workers; and be it further · world and its appalling need as to make Islands Corporation, a Federal instrumental­ "Resolved, That copies of these resolutions us sharers with Thee in saving it from ity, of the electric light and power !acUities be sent fort,hwith by the secretary of the the worst that is in man, to. the best that and related assets of th.e municipal~ty of St. Commonwealth to the President of the is in Thy will and plan when Thy king- Thomas and St. John" (with an accompany_. :United States to the presiding officer of each 1'953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 1041 branch of Congress, and to the Members hower, each Member of the congressional thereof from this Commonwealth. delegation from Utah and the Governor of FLOOD CONTROL IN VERDIGRIS "In senate, adopted, January 26, 1953. tlle State of Utah." RIVER VALLEY-RESOLUTION OF "IRVING N. HAYDEN, VERDIGRIS RIVER FLOOD CON­ uczerk. "In house of representatives, adopted, in "Senate Concurrent Resolution 2 TROL ASSOCIATION, NEODESHA,· concur1ence, February 2, 1953. "Concurrent resolution of the Senate and KANS. "LAWRENCE R. GROVE, House of Representatives of the 30th Leg­ Mr. SCHOEPPEL. Mr. President, the «clerk." islature of the State of Utah, congratulat­ past 2 years, and particularly since the Resolutions of the General Court of the ing Ivy Baker Priest upon her appoint­ great flood of 1951, the people of Kansas Commonwealth of Massachusetts; to the ment as Treasurer of the United States have been keenly aware of the need for Committee on Labor and Public Welfare: of America · flood-control measures.
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