ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE LETTERS AND REMINISCENCES ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE LETTERS AND REMINISCENCES BY JAMES MARCHANT HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS NEW YOR K AND LONDON ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE Copyright. 1916, by Harper & Brothers Printed in the United States of America Published June, 1916 F-Q To the Memory of ANNIE WALLACE CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 PART I I. WALLACE'S EARLY YEARS 5 II. EARLY LETTERS (1854-62) 37 PART II I. THE DISCOVERY OF NATURAL SELECTION II. THE COMPLETE EXTANT CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN WALLACE AND DARWIN (1857-81) 105 PART III I. WALLACE'S WORKS ON BIOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRI- BUTION II. CORRESPONDENCE ON BIOLOGY, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, III. CORRESPONDENCE ON BIOLOGY, GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, ETC. (1894-1913) . 312 PART IV HOME LIFE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 349 PART V SOCIAL AND POLITICAL VIEWS • • • • • • • • • • • • 379 PART VI SOME FURTHER PROBLEMS I. ASTRONOMY 401 II. SPIRITUALISM 413 PART VII CHARACTERISTICS 442 APPENDIX: LISTS OF WALLACE'S WRITINGS INDEX PREFACE HIS volume consists of a selection from several thou­ T sands of letters entrusted to me by the Wallace family and dating from the dawn of Darwinism to the second decade of the twentieth century, supplemented by such biographical particulars and comments as are required for the elucidation of the correspondence and for giving movement and continuity to the whole. The wealth and variety of Wallace's own correspondence, excluding the large collection of letters which he received from many eminent men and women, would be sufficient material to make four volumes. The family has given me unstinted con­ fidence in using or rejecting letters and reminiscences, and al­ though I have consulted scientific and literary friends, I alone must be blamed for sins of omission or commission. Nothing has been suppressed in the unpublished letters, or in any of the letters which appear in this volume, because there was any­ thing to hide. Everything Wallace wrote, all his private letters, could be published to the world. His life was an open book "no weakness, no contempt, dispraise, or blame, nothing but well and fair." The profoundly interesting and now historic correspondence between Darwin and Wallace, part of which has already ap­ peared in the "Life and Letters of Charles Darwin" and part in Wallace's autobiography, entitled "My Life," is here pub­ lished, with new additions, for the first time as a whole, so that the reader now has before him the necessary material to form a true estimate of the origin and growth of the theory of Natural Selection, and of the personal relationships of its noble co discoverers. ... Vlll PREFACE My warmest thanks are offered to Sir Francis Darwin for permission to use his father's letters, for his annotations, and for rendering help in checking the typescript of the Darwin letters; to Mr. John Murray, C.V.O., and to Messrs. D. Appleton & Co., for permission to use letters and notes from the "Life and Letters of Charles Darwin" and from "More Letters"; to Messrs. Chapman and Hall, and to Messrs. Dodd, Mead & Co., for their great generosity in allowing the free use of letters and material in Wallace's "My Life"; to Prof. E. B. Poulton, Prof. Sir W. F. Barrett, Sir Wm. Thiselton-Dyer, Dr. Henry Forbes, and others for letters and reminiscences; and to Prof. E. B. Poulton for reading the proofs and for valuable suggestions. An intimate chapter on Wallace's Home Life has been contributed by his son and daughter, Mr. W. G. Wallace and Miss Violet Wallace. J. M. MARCH, 1916. ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE LETTERS AND REMINISCENCES ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE LETTERS AND REMINISCENCES INTRODUCTION N Westminster Abbey there repose, almost side by side, by I no conscious design yet with deep significance, the mortal remains of Newton and Darwin. '''The Origin of Species,'" said Wallace, "will live as long as the 'Principia' of Newton." Near by are the tombs of Sir. J. Herschel, Lord Kelvin and Sir Charles Lyell; and the medallions in memory of Joule, Darwin, Stokes and Adams have been rearranged so as to admit similar memorials of Lister, Hooker and Alfred Russel Wallace. Now that the plan is completed, Darwin and Wallace are together in this wonderful galaxy of the great men of science of the nine- teenth century. Several illustrious names are missing from this eminent company; foremost amongst them being that of Her­ bert Spencer, the lofty master of that synthetic philosophy which seemed to his disciples to have the proportions and qualities of an enduring monument, and whose incomparable fertility of creative thought entitled him to share the throne wtih Darwin. It was Spencer, Darwin, Wallace, Hooker, Lyell and Huxley who led that historic movement which garnered the work of Lamarck and Buffon, and gave new direction to the ceaseless interrogation of nature to discover the "how" and the "why" of the august progression of life. Looking over the long list of the departed whose names are enshrined in our Minster, one has sorrowfully to observe that contemporary opinion of their place in history and abiding 2 ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE worth was not infrequently astray; that memory has, indeed, forgotten their works; and their memorials might be removed to some cloister without loss of respect for the dead, perhaps even with the silent approval of their own day and generation could it awake from its endless sleep and review the strange and event­ ful course of human life since they left " this bank and shoal of time." But may it not be safely prophesied that of all the names on the starry scroll of national fame that of Charles Dar­ win will, surely, remain unquestioned? And entwined with his enduring memory, by right of worth and work, and we know with Darwin's fullest approval, our successors will discover the name of Alfred Russel Wallace. Darwin and Wallace were pre - eminent sons of light. Among the great men of the Victorian age Wallace occupied a unique position. He was the co-discoverer of the illuminat­ ing theory of Natural Selection; he watched its struggle for recognition against prejudice, ignorance, ridicule and misrep­ resentation; its gradual adoption by its traditional enemies; and its final supremacy. And he lived beyond the hour of its signal triumph and witnessed the further advance into the same field of research of other patient investigators who are dis­ closing fresh phases of the same fundamental laws of develop­ ment, and are accumulating a vast array of new facts which tell of still richer light to come to enlighten every man born into the world. To have lived through that brilliant period and into the second decade of the twentieth century; to have outlived all contemporaries, having been the co-revealer of the greatest and most far-reaching generalisation in an era which abounded in fruitful discoveries and in revolutionary advances in the applica­ tion of science to life, is verily to have been the chosen of the gods. Who and what manner of man was Alfred Russel Wallace? Who were his forbears? How did he obtain his insight into the closest secrets of nature? What was the extent of his contri­ butions to our stock of human knowledge? In which directions did he most influence his age? What is known of his inner life? These are some of the questions which most present-day readers and all future readers into whose hands this book may come will ask. As to his descent, his upbringing, his education and his esti- INTRODUCTION 3 mate of his own character and work, we can, with rare good for­ tune, refer them to this autobiography, in which he tells his own story and relates the circumstances which, combined with his natural disposition, led him to be a great naturalist and a courageous social reformer; nay, more, his autobiography is also in part a peculiar revelation of the inner man such as no biog­ raphy could approach. We are also able to send inquirers to the biographies and works of his contemporaries-Darwin, Hooker, Lyell, Huxley and many others. All this material is already available to the diligent reader. But there are other sources of information which the present book discloses-Wal­ lace's home-life, the large collection of his own letters, the reminiscences of friends, communications which he received from many co-workers and correspondents which, besides being of interest in themselves, often cast a sidelight upon his own mind and work. All these are of peculiar and intimate value to those who desire to form a complete estimate of Wallace. And it is to help the reader to achieve this desirable result that the present work is published. It may be stated here that Wallace had suggested to the present writer that he should undertake a new work, to be called "Darwin and Wallace," which was to have been a comparative study of their literary and scientific writings, with an estimate of the present position of the theory of Natural Selection as an adequate explanation of the process of organic evolution. Wal­ lace had promised to give as much assistance as possible in select­ ing the material without which the task on such a scale would obviously have been impossible. Alas! soon after the agree­ ment with the publishers was signed and in the very month that the plan of the work was to have been shown to Wallace, his hand was suddenly stilled in death; and the book remains un­ written. But as the names of Darwin and Wallace are in­ separable even by the scythe of time, a slight attempt is here made, in the first sections of Part I. and Part 11., to take note of their ancestry and the diversities and similarities in their re­ spective characters and environments-social and educational; to mark the chief characteristics of their literary works and the more salient conditions and events which led them, independ­ ently, to the idea of Natural Selection.
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