THE NEPTUNE TIMES AND 97 Years Old . .a n d N E W Every Thursday PER COPY VOL. XCIVII, NO. 45 NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOV. 9, 1972 Board Appoints Keith I. BeLuca Flashers Replace Grove Now Bans Voting by-Districts In Neptune Lanterns At Gates Apt. Conversions Senior High School Principal OCEAN GROVE — No NEPTUNE TWP. — Keith I. OCEAN GROVE — It was the building within the limits of end of an era this week, when the DeLuca of 411 Hawthorne Street, old fashioned kerosene lanterns Ocean Grove will be allowed Neptune, a 35. year old educator to be converted into apart­ that were regularly placed on the has been appointed the new princi­ ment units. chains closing Ocean Grove streets pal-of the Neptune Senior H igth to Sunday traffic were replaced - N o n e w apartment buildings School. The Neptune Board of Ed «kh new, yellow flashing lights. will be allowed to be construc­ ucation, acting on the recommen­ W fhe flashers, on all entrances to ted east of Central Avenue. Ocean Grove, replaced the lan­ Effective now, an applica­ dation of Superintendent of terns at midnight on Sunday. Po­ tion fee for all property trans­ Schools, Dr. V; J. W. Christie, un­ fers will be $100 and the fee lice Chief Kent Cole said 20 n e w animously approved the appoint­ Is not refundable. lanterns were put in operation. ment of the new principal, effec­ These control regulations Chief Cole also reported that were adopted at the recent tive November 20, 1972 at a pro­ Patrolman Sam Sluka and James meeting of the business com­ rata salary of $22,486. : ' W hite were Involved in the-inves­ mittee of Ihe Ocean Grove tigation that resulted in the arrest The new principal was selected Cainp Meeting Association. of two men on charges of break­ from a field of 52 applicants who ing and entering several homes represented eleven states. Four and business places in Ocean Grove applicants appeared for a final in­ and the Shore area. The men, terview session before the Board .Stephen Homiacek and John Mc- of Education on November 1, 1972. DBrmott, both of Highlands, are Dedicate Area Mr. DeLuca’s professional exper­ Keith I. DeLuca ience includes seven years as a awaiting court action. teacher of Advanced Biology in tional Administration and Super­ Patrolman Henry Fant, while on In A.F. Museum the Science Department of Nep­ vision from Rutgers, The State patrol at the Heck Street bridgfe tune Senior High School and he i University and has done graduate to' Asbury Park, thwarted the For Chaplain C< is presently in his sixth years as a study at Wayne State University theft of a tape deck and equipment 252 245 252 239 304 199 696 541 Secondary School Administrator. and Ohio Wesleyan University. from a car parked in Asbury Park. • DAYTON, Ohio — M ajor General 84 87 219 206 130 175 392 317 After serving two years as vice­ The Board of Education in mak­ Alerted by a passerby Patrol­ Charles I. Carpenter, immediate 4010 3B99 5986 5675 4798 5139 13246 1066B principal at Sterling High School ing the appointment noted several man Fant went to the scene and past president of the Ocean Grove, 132 120 277 262 151 251 (Absentee) he was appointed to his present po­ characteristics of the new princi- was able to recover the stolen N. J., Camp Meeting Association s itio n in 1969 as Asistant Princi­ | pal which influenced their deci­ equipment. Several juveniles, in­ and retired Chief of Chaplains of pal at Raritan High School. sion. It was indicated that Mr. De volved in the theft, ran from the the JJ.S. Air Force, gave the Litany While at Neptune as a teacher Luca had a reputation for main­ scene- when they saw Patrolman: of Commemoration at the dedica he was an assistant coach in bas taining strong disciplinary stand­ Fant approaching. tion of chaplains section in the ketball and football and was Head ards while enjoying a good rapport >Ionday, Mrs. Donald DeRose, new Air Force Museum, Wright Tennis Coach. He has served as with Staff and students. He was oadway, was injured when her Patterson Field, here. the advisor to the student councils considered by those that worked t car and one owned by Tony San­ The dedicatory address was de­ of both the Sterling High School with him to be a "fair but firm” tos, Cookman Avenue, Asbury livered by .Major General Roy M. Alvin E. Bills Recalls Life and Raritan High School. He holds outstanding administrator who is Park, were involved in an accident Terry, present Chief of Chaplains a B.S. degree from Geneva College, also strong in the area of curricu­ at Lawrence and Stockton Ave­ and know nto Ocean Grove Audi­ a Master of Arts degree in Educa- l u m . nues. Mrs. DeRose was treated torium congregations. Dr. Ches­ And Activities in the Township at .'Jersey: Shore Medical Center,- ter. Pennington, also well-known where she was taken by the Ocean in Ocean Grove as a regular sum­ India Missionary Grove :First Aid Squad. mer season preacher and former Richard Brooks Chief Cole said the occupants of youth leader, led devotions. He is In Church Nov. 14 the Santos car rim from the scene. now professor of Homiletics at Practicing Law One youth was apprehended and Iona Seminary in Iowa, OCEAN GROVE -r The November .police impounded the car pend- Edwin- K.: Williams, former WSCS will meet Tuesday, Nov. 14 In Athens, Ohio Swg further- investigation. :.. Y. - Ocean Grove business manager, at 7t30 P.M. at St. Paul’s Methodist and Mrs. Williams attended the Church, with guest speaker Miss Elsie OCEAN GROVE — Rich­ dedication of the chapel and ex­ I. Hugo. Miss Hugo, a Methodist ard Dickinson Brooks, Jr., Local Chairman hibit . area,. Highlighted by a 18 Missionary'Nurse serving at the Ellen who is associated with th e b y 20-faot stained glass window Thobum tCowen- Hospital ,• Kolar»,My- law firm of Rowland, Bridge­ commemorating the, ill-famed B-24 pore State, India, is on furlough for water, Robe and Stimmel in “Lady Be Good” bomber that land­ fiye-months. Athens, Ohio, was admitted to ed in the North African desert the bar for the practice of law durorig World W ar-.2 and was dis­ at a special Supreme C o u rt, covered 15 years later. All hands ceremony in Columbus, Ohio, died from thirst. .Mr. and Mrs. last Saturday. Williams-now reside in Greenfield, Mrs. Violet Brooks, 147 Indiana. He is with Goodwill In­ Cookman Avenue, attended d u s trie s. her son’s swearing-in cere­ mony in the new Veterans Memorial Building in Colum­ Mt. Holyoke Frosli bus. Administration of the oath was by Justice L o u is J . Schneider, Jr. A graduate rf Neptune High School in the class of 1963 a n d of Marietta (Ohio) Col- I-30 in 1967, he then began r udies at the Case-Western Reserve School of 1. a w in Ohio. This was interrupted aft-, REV. LOUIS W. MITCHELL, er a year when he was draft­ Ocean Grove trustee, has been ed by the U.S. Army, serving named local chairman of the two years including time in Camp Meeting Association’s V ie t N a m . U p o n c o m p le ­ “Now and Forever. Fund,” it tion of his military service, he was announced this week by returned to Case-Western Re­ George L. llergesheimer, pres­ Miss Elsie I. Hugo serve, graduating this past ident. He resides in the Bom in Massachusetts, she grew up J u n e . G ro v e a t 130 Inskip Avenue. in Rutherford, N. ]. and attended Richard is married to the the . Hackensack Hospital of Nursing former Betty Jane Huba of Officcr at Katharine Gibbs serving there two years. She served Cleveland, Ohio. She is a for­ as a nurse in World War II at .the mer United Air Lines stew­ American Red Cross Hospital in Eng­ ardess and is now completing land and Belgium. her education at Ohio Univer­ Miss Hugo attended Teachers-Coll­ sity in Athens. T h e y w e r e married this past August. ege, Columbia University, receiving a B.S. degree and Master of Arts.^She ivas with the Visiting Nurses Service CARD OF THANKS in New York City' from 1947-55. From My son Joseph and I have re­ 1956 -65 she was assistant Director of ceived many kindnesses because of Nursing for the Dept, of Health, your- affection for a fine good man, my husband, Joseph F. Kaiser, Philadelphia.i She entered missionary who died last Friday. Thank you service in 1968, and aftct visiting the for your expressions of sympathy, ETCM hospital, decided she wished cards, food, donations to the Mon. to be a part of it, embarking on her month Co. Unit N.J.A.R.C; and flowers, to my husband and also to missionary career. me at home. Special thanks to A warm welcome is extended t. Mrs. Douglas Walsh. Mrs. William everyone to attend the program. Engler, Elmer Slocum, Dr. William J. Koch, Rev. John Mcrwin, narry Lewis and George Garrabrant. O.G. First Aid, VFW Post 2233, Engle H o o k & Ladder Co. and the O.G. Memorial Home. Sincerely, Mclva B. Kaiser. — 45 CARD OF THANKS . r w nuM !((«’ ‘’•■'nit th e " o t c s of Ocean Grove and Neptune for their .o/pnort In n*v rcelection Nov.
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