744 Notes to Pages 541-8 16 Admiral Karl Donitz, Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty Days, trans. R.H. Stevens (Westport, Ct. 1976), 316 17 Nos 5 and 162 Squadrons, daily diaries, Dec. I 942 and Jan. I 943, DHist 18 Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote [BdU] war diary, I -4 Feb. 1943, DHist 7914.46; PRO, Adm 22311 6; F.H. Hinsley et al, British Intelligence in the Second World War: Its Influence on Strategy and Operations (New York 1979-84),11,543 19 No 1 Group weekly intelligence report, Feb. I 943, DHist I 8 I .003 (~423);U-4 14 and U-403 logs, 4 and 6 Feb. 1943, copy and translation, DHist 85/77, pt 31 and pt 32; 5 Squadron, operations record book [ORB]daily diary, 6 Feb. 1943, DHist 20 Roskill, War at Sea, 11, 201, 357-8, 366-8; Marc Milner, North Atlantic Run: the Royal Canadian Navy and the Battle for the Convoys (Toronto 1985), 224 21 RCAF attack report, 24 Feb. 1943, DHist I 8 I .oo3 (DI 338); I Group weekly intelli- gence report, 5 March 1943, DHist I 81 .oo3 (~423) 22 RCAF attack report, 24 Feb. 1943, DHist 181.oo3 (DI338) 23 Ibid. 24 U-604 log, 24 Feb. I 943, DHist 85/77, pt 33; BdU war diary, DHist 791446 25 No 5 Squadron, ORB daily diary, 24 Feb. 1943, DHist 26 Ibid. 27 U-62I log, 24 Feb. I 943, DHist 85/77, pt 34; 5 Squadron, ORB daily diary, 24 Feb. 1943, DHist; RCAF Station Gander, daily diary, 24 Feb. 1943, DHist 28 Samuel Eliot Morison, History of United States Naval Operations in World War zz, I: The Battle of the Atlantic, September 1939-May 1943 (Boston 1947), 338 29 Annis to D/AMAS(operations), 16 Feb. 1943, I - 15-35 pt 2, PAC,RG 24, v01. 5 177 30 Ibid. 31 Commander Task Force [CTF]24 to EAC and us Army Newfoundland Base Corn- mand, I 2 Feb. I 943, ibid. ; report of conference, 26-7 Feb. I 943, DHist I 8 I .003 (~96) 32 Report of conference, 26-7 Feb. I 943, DHist I 8 I .002 (~96);CTF 24 to Newfound- land Base Command, 2 Oct. 1942, DHist I 81.002 (DI23); EAC and I Group weekly intelligence reports, March-May 1943, DHist I 8 I .003 (~264)and (~423); I Group to EAC,30 March 1943, DHist 181.002 (0124); us Antisubmarine Command, 'Missions, Sightings, Attacks, Hours Flown, Nov. 1942-July 1943,' Maxwell Air Force Base, microfilm reel ~0934,fol. 003 I, copy in DHist 80/208; 'Review of Anti-Submarine Intelligence in Area 40 to ON, 30 to 60w, 3-31 May 43,' para. ga, reel BO 933, fol. 1568-9, ibid. 33 AOC I Group to AOC EAC,6 March 1943, DHist 181.002 (~96);Canning to Slessor, 27 May I 943, PRO, Air 2/8400 34 Lund, 'Command Relations in the Northwest Atlantic,' 41-8; Tucker, Naval Service of Canada, 11,406-8; Great Britain, Air Ministry, Air Historical Branch, 'The R.A.F.in Maritime War, Iv: The Atlantic and Home Waters, the Offensive Phase, February 1943 to May 1944,' nd, 2-3, DHist 791599 35 Air Force Combined Staff [AFCS]Washington to Air Force Headquarters [AFHQ], signal ~432,2 Feb. 1943, AFHQ to ROYCANAIRF,signal c477,4 Feb. I 943, s.28-1-2, PAC, RG 24, vol. 5270; Air Ministry, 'The R.A.F.in Maritime War,' IV,7 36 Deputy CAS to minister, 4 Feb. 1943, Air Council minutes, 4 Feb. I 943, AFHQ to Notes to Pages 548-53 745 AFCS Washington, signal c479, 5 Feb. 1943, S.28-1 -2, PAC,RG 24, v01. 5270; Tucker, Naval Service of Canada, 11, 409; Air Ministry, 'The R.A. F. in Maritime War,' IV,7; CAS to chief of the naval staff [CNS],2 I Feb. 1943, Queen's University Archives, C.G. Power Papers, box 7 I, file ~2034;Naval Board min- utes, 22 Feb. I 943, DHist 37 Jurgen Rohwer, The Critical Convoy Battles of March 1943 (Annapolis, Md 1978); J. Rohwer and G. Hurnmelchen, Chronology of the War at Sea, 1939- 1945, trans. Derek Masters (London 1978), 308-10; PRO,Adm 223116, fol. 73,77; EAC weekly intelligence report, 23 March I 943, DHist I 8 I .oo3 (~308);Hin- sley , British Intelligence, 11, 750 38 'Report of Sub-committee on Command, Control and Responsibilities of Air Fort- es, 8-9 March 1943,' N.R. Anderson, 'Report on Convoy Conference 8-9 March 1943,' 1-15-350 Pt 3, PAC, RG 24, ~01.5177 39 Director of Operations Division to vice-CNSand CNS,5 March I 943, NSS I 27 I -24 pt I, PAC,RG 24, vol. 8080; CNS to commanding officer Atlantic Coast [co~c], signal 14402, 4 Feb. 1943, AFHQ to AFCS Washington, signal c479, 5 Feb. 1943, EAC to AFHQ,signal ~359,5 Feb. I 943, s.28- I -2, ibid., vol. 5270; COAC to secretary Naval Board, 8 Feb. 1943, DHist NHS 8000, 'Flag Officer Atlantic Coast' 40 'The Nineteenth Antisubmarine Squadron Diary,' I 132-4, Maxwell Air Force Base, microfilm reel ~0523,copy in DHist 80/207; chief of staff, Army Air Forces Antisubmarine Command, movement order no 8, 3 I March I 943, 0884-7, reel B0993; ibid.; 'History of Antisubmarine Squadrons, 25th Antisubmarine Wing,' 0749, reel B093, ibid. ; I Group to EAC,signal AI 27,30 March I 943, DHist 18I .oo2 (DI24); 'Fleet Air Wing Seven History Narrative, ' 37-8, DHist 8011 5 41 RAF delegation Washington [RAFDEL]to Air Ministry, 20 March 1943, PRO,Air 201848. See also Air Ministry, 'The R.A.F.in Maritime War,' IV,20. 42 Anderson to Breadner, 8 March 1943, citing Combined Chiefs of Staff memoran- dum 6111, 1-15-350 pt 3, PAC,RG 24, vol. 51-77 43 Anderson to Breadner, 9 March I 943, ibid. 44 Breadner to Portal, 9 March I 943, Breadner to Johnson, 10 March I 943, ibid. 45 Portal to Breadner, I I March 1943, ibid.; 'Extract from Minutes of c.0.s. (43) 2 I st Meeting held 25th January, 1943,' and minute to CAS,28 Jan. 1943, PRO,Air 81673 46 Air Ministry to RAFDEL, 19 March 1943, PRO, Air 201848 47 Portal to Breadner, 25 March 1943, I - I 5-350 pt 3, PAC,RG 24, vol. 5 I 77 48 Adjutant general us Army Antisubmarine Command HQ to commanding general Army Air Forces Washington, 16 May 1943, Maxwell Air Force Base, micro- film reel A0523, fol. 1259-60, DHist 801207; note by the chief of the air staff, Sir Charles Portal, 'Reequipment of Coastal Command Squadrons with Liberators,' ~u(43)93,PRO, Cab 8613 49 J. Rohwer and W. A.B. Douglas, "'The Most Thankless Task Revisited: Con- voys, Escorts and Radio Intelligence in the Western Atlantic, I 941-43 ,' in J .A. Boutilier, ed., The RCN in Retrospect, 1910-1968 (Vancouver I 982), I 87-234; USAAFGander periodic intelligence report, 1-8 May 1943, I Group weekly intelligence report, 10 May 1943, DHist I 8 I a03 (~308);5 Squadron, ORB daily diary, 4 May I 943, DHist; RCAF attack report, 4 May I 943, DHist I 8 I .003 (DI341) 746 Notes to Pages 553-9 50 RCAF attack report, 4 May 1943, DHist I 81.003 (DI341) 51 U-438 to BdU, signal of 5 May 1943, DHist 85/77, pt 41 52 RCAF attack report, 4 May 1943, DHist I 8 I .003 (DI342) 53 No 5 Squadron, ORB daily diary, 5-6 May 1943, DHist; I Group weekly intelli- gence report, 10 May 1943, DHist I 8 I .oo3 (~308);comments by Commander Peter Gretton, NSS 8280 ONS 5, PAC,RG 24, vol. I 1329 54 AOC EAC to controllers, I 6 March I 943, AOC EAC to AOC I Group, I o May I 943, and Heakes minute, 24 May 1943, DHist I 81.002 (DI25) 55 BdU war diary, 3 May 1943, DHist 79/46 56 No I Group weekly intelligence report, 24 May I 943, DHist I 8 I .oo3 (~308); review of anti-submarine intelligence, DHist 80/208; Hinsley, British Intelli- gence, 11, 636-7 57 Donitz, Memoirs, 339; BdU war diary, 6 and 24 May 1943, DHist 791446; Hilary St George Saunders, Royal Air Force 1939-45, 111: The Fight is Won (London 1954, paperback edition 1975), 50-7 58 Saunders, Royal Air Force, 111, 57; Great Britain, Admiralty, Historical Section, Defeat of the Enemy Attack on Shipping, 1939-1945: a Study of Policy and Operations (BR1736 (51) (I), Naval Staff History Second World War; np [1957]), IA,App. 2; 10 Squadron, ORB daily diary, DHist 59 George Lothian, Flight Deck: Memoirs of an Airline Pilot (Toronto I 979), I 04-5; 10 Squadron, ORB daily diary, 10 May, 25 July 1943, DHist 60 ~ocincCoastal Command, messages, 7 May, I June I 943, DHist I 8 I .002 (~121);I Group to EAC, 23 July 1943, DWist 181.002 (~122) 61 Allied Anti-Submarine Survey Board to CNS,I 8 May 1943, CAS to ~ocinc,15 June 1943, s.28-6-7 pt I, PAC, RG 24, ~01.5274; Joint RCN-RCAF Anti-Submarhe Warfare Committee minutes, 22 June 1943, DHist I 8 I .002 (~145) 62 Allied Anti-Submarine Survey Board to CNS,I 8 May 1943, s.28-6-7 pt I, PAC,RG 24, vol. 5274; Naval Staff minutes, 3 June 1943, DHist; commander-in-chief Canadian Northwest Atlantic [cinc CN A] to NSHQ,signal I 6202, I 2 July I 943, DHist NHS 8000, 'Flag officer Atlantic Coast'; EAC HQ,daily diary, 20 July 1943, DHist 63 Canning to Slessor, 27 May 1943, PRO,Air 218400 64 Anderson to Slessor, 2 I June 1943, DHist I 8 I .oo9 (~6734) 65 Slessor to Anderson, 24 June 1943; ibid.
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