Atmospheric Drag, Occultation 'N' Ionospheric Scintillation (ADONIS) Mission proposal Alpbach Team Orange: M. Edl F. Gini J. Gorski S. Hettrich Y. Kempf N. Magnet L.-K. Glesnes Ødegaard N. Perakis J. Praks O.W. Roberts D. Sarria M. Schemmer S. Schindler D. Steenari J. Urb´aˇr M. V. D´osa M. Volwerk 25th July 2013 The Atmospheric Drag, Occultation 'N' Ionospheric Scintillation mission (ADONIS) is a space weather mission that studies the dynamics of the terrestrial thermosphere and ionosphere over a full solar cycle in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The objectives are to investigate satellite drag with in-situ measurements, and the ionospheric electron density profiles with radio occultation and scintillation measurements. With a constellation of two spacecraft it is possible to provide near real-time data (NRT) about ionospheric conditions over the northern polar region where current measurements are currently insufficient. The mission shall also provide global high-resolution data to improve ionospheric models. The low-cost constellation can be launched using a single Vega rocket and most of the instruments are already space-proven which allows rapid development and reliability. 1 Introduction the drag felt by satellites. Common examples are the re-entry of the Skylab mission [3] or the fast decay The Sun is continuously emitting particles and of the International Space Station's orbit requiring electromagnetic radiation into interplanetary space. frequent altitude boosts. In addition to the constantly flowing solar wind, Studies of the ionosphere with sounding from the Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), Corotating Interac- ground (ionosondes, radars), satellites and sounding tion Regions (CIRs) and flares are typical examples rockets have been performed over decades, however of solar activity which have significant impact also on the effects in the thermosphere and ionosphere due near-Earth space and the Earth's atmosphere. When to space weather are still not well understood and particles and electromagnetic energy from the Sun modelled on a global scale. reach Earth, both can affect its atmosphere by heat- Numerous missions have been carried out to study ing and ionisation. This coupling between Sun and the atmosphere and the ionosphere. Kosmos and Earth is responsible for forming the ionosphere. The CHAMP applied radio occultation measurements, Sun follows an eleven year activity cycle correlated and there was also a microsatellite mapping iono- with the occurence rate of typical solar events. spheric scintillations, called STPSAT1. Drag meas- Variations in the ionised particle density in the urements have been performed by the GOCE satel- ionosphere cause satellites signals and other radio lite, at altitudes below 300 km. The QB50 mission, waves to be bent. At times of enhanced solar activity which is going to use a constellation of 50 cubesats, dramatic changes in ionospheric and thermospheric plans to investigate the drag in the lower thermo- properties are observed, often followed by a fallout sphere over a period of three months. of communication systems as well as Global Naviga- To improve our understanding of the dynamical be- tion Satellite Systems (GNSS). The nature of this sig- haviour of the ionosphere and thermosphere due to nal refraction has to be determined accurately, since changes in the solar activity, we propose a satellite it can result in errors to positioning and can render mission that shall provide necessary in-situ measure- High-Frequency (HF) radios unusable. During espe- ments of atmospheric parameters important for the cially energetic events the error on navigational sys- drag on satellites at different altitudes. The ADONIS tems can be above the accepted limits set out by the mission also aims at providing measurements import- United States' Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) [1]. ant for the refraction of radio signals through the Also systems such as power lines and telecommunic- ionosphere. ADONIS is unique in the sense that it ation lines are at risk from ionospheric currents (see applies both techniques (radio occultation and scin- [2]), and can affect safety-critical or emergency sys- tillation measurements) simultaneously, and by hav- tems. Additionally, thermal expansion of the atmo- ing two satellites on different orbits, an unpreceden- sphere due to the enhanced solar activity increases ted coverage is obtained. 1 Our proposal is organised as follows: In Section 2 the spacecraft, the atmospheric composition, and the a mission overview is given, Section 3 and 4 describes spacecraft temperature in order to provide key para- the mission and the spacecraft designs. The develop- meters for better understanding of atmospheric drag ment and cost are presented in Section 5, and finally, in the high atmosphere (Obj. 1 ). In order to provide conclusions are given in Section 6. the latter affecting telecommunications and naviga- tion, global electron density profiles as well as the 2 Mission overview plasma parameters shall be determined (Obj. 2 ). The 2.1 Mission statement mission shall last at least 11 years (Obj. 3 ). In more detail, the following requirements are identified: ADONIS is proposed here to study the dy- Req. 1 : The mission shall determine in-situ namics of the terrestrial ionosphere and ther- the drag acceleration as well as the plasma mosphere for the duration of a full solar cycle. and neutral density, temperature, velocity and ADONIS shall determine the key parameters in the the spacecraft surface temperature, which are ionosphere and the thermosphere in relation to satel- relevant to model spacecraft drag at altitudes lite drag and signal propagation. The long mission of 300{800 km. lifetime shall facilitate investigation of the effects of The drag experienced by a spacecraft is described the variability of solar conditions on Earth's atmo- by: sphere. 2.2 Objectives 1 2 a = ρv Acd; (1) Obj. 1 : Study the dynamics of the thermo- 2m c = c (T ;T ; n ; m ) ; (2) sphere and its effects on satellite drag in-situ, d d 0 S p p in the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) region at 300{ where a is the acceleration of the spacecraft, c the 800 km. Drag models of LEO satellites show de- d drag coefficient, m the mass of the spacecraft, A the viations up to 20% from the actual behaviour [4]. spacecraft cross section, v the velocity with respect This leads to satellite operators overestimating the to the atmosphere, n the particle average number fuel required, and also to less accurate orbit predic- p density, m the average particle mass, ρ the particle tions. Current modelling for satellite re-entry is not p average mass density and T ;T the temperatures of suited for a precise determination of the re-entry po- 0 S the atmosphere (neutrals) and the spacecraft respect- sition, which is essential to ensure that satellites are ively. The dependence of drag on these parameters de-orbited safely. is one of the main problems in building an accurate Obj. 2 : Measure the ionospheric response drag model. to space weather events in order to derive The mission gives better coverage in latitude, lon- electron density maps. Ionosondes and Incoher- gitude, altitude and local time and longer duration ent Scatter Radars (ISRs) measure most of the iono- of the measurements than the planned QB50 [5] and spheric data from the ground. Both have their lim- GOCE missions [6], which can also measure drag. itations such as sparse global coverage and limited Req. 2 : The mission shall determine the ac- vertical distribution. The ADONIS mission shall im- {8 {2 prove the global coverage and the provision of Total celeration with an accuracy of 10 ms and Electron Content (NRT) data for the northern polar a cadence of 1 Hz. Using the NRLMSIS-00 model [7], the expected average drag acceleration is determ- region. −6 −2 Obj. 3 : Provide measurements relevant to ined as 10 ms . In order to cover small changes of satellite drag and to the ionospheric response drag, an accuracy of two orders of magnitude higher to space weather events over a full solar cycle. than the expected average acceleration is required. A long mission lifetime allows the observation of a ADONIS shall measure the acceleration of the space- large number of similar solar events and the iono- craft with the cadence 1 Hz. spheric and thermospheric response to the electro- Req. 3 : The mission shall provide a global magnetic flux and particle precipitation. This yields daily coverage with a resolution higher than a comprehensive dataset for statistical studies and 15° longitude and at different altitudes in or- improved modelling of drag as well as the ionospheric der to cope with ionospheric dynamics. Obj. and thermospheric response to Space Weather Events 1 and 2 require a low longitudinal separation with a (SWE). short repetition time. Drag measurements require low passes whereas ionospheric measurements are 2.3 Requirements more complete from higher altitudes. The general requirements for the space mission de- Req. 4 : The mission shall provide Near rived from the objectives are the following: The Real-Time (NRT) coverage of the northern ADONIS mission shall measure the acceleration on polar region. The strongest and most recurrent 2 ionospheric space weather effects occur at high latit- udes, but ground-based measurements are sparse in these regions. A uniform spatial coverage in NRT above the northern polar region is required in addi- tion to Req. 3 to meet Obj. 2. Req. 5 : The mission data shall enable the derivation of global electron density maps with altitude resolution comparable to ground based system. The mission shall use radio occulta- tion to derive the electron density profile. Ionospheric Figure 1: The orbits of A-DONIS (green) and B- scintillation shall also be used, to gain information DONIS (yellow) in their final configuration (eccent- about transient ionospheric phenomena such as polar ricity exagerated). cap patches and how they affect signal propagation.
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