www.ukrweekly.com THE I CBOEOAAXSVOBODA І І " " """ Щ УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОЛІННИК ЧШр' UKRAINIAN DAILV Щ Щ UkrainiaENGLISH^ LANGUAGnE WEEKL Y WeekEDITION l VOL.LXXXV No. 124 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 4,1978 v 25 CENTS Dr. John Flis Elected Supreme President of UNA Dr. Myron Kuropos Chosen Supreme Vice-President; Sen. Paul Yuzyk, Mary Dushnyck, Walter Sochan and Ulana Diachuk Re-elected; Wasyl Orichowsky Elected Supreme Organizer PITTSBURGH, Pa.-Dr. John O. Flis, a Lawyer by profession and an energetic Soyuz and community acti­ vist, was elected Supreme President of the Ukrainian National Association at its 29th Regular Convention held here at the Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel Mon­ day, May 22, through Saturday, May 27. Dr. Flis, a perennial convention chairman who held the post of Su­ preme Vice-President during the past four years, received a plurality of 175 votes, outpolling the incumbent, Joseph Lesawyer, and I wan Wynnyk. two-term Supreme Auditor. Mr. Lesawyer received 130 votes and Mr. Wynnyk 121 votes. Mr. Lesawyer served as Supreme President since 1961, advancing to the post from the vice-presidency fol­ Sen. Paul Yuzyk lowing the death of Dmytro Halychyn. Mr. Lesawyer was elected Supreme President at the 1962 Convention in New .York and re-elected for three Dr. John O. Flis additional four-year terms in 1966, Flis, with 68 votes, withdrew their 1970 and 1974. candidacies for this post. Succeeding Dr. Flis as Supreme Also re-elected by acclamation were: Vice-President is Dr. Myron Kuropas, Supreme Director for Canada Sen. an educator by profession who held the Paul Yuzyk, having received 225 votes post of Supreme Advisor since 1962. In in the primaries (Wasyl Didiuk, with 1976, Dr. Kuropas served as Special 102, and John Hewryk, with 4, with­ Assistant for Ethnic Affairs to drew); Supreme Secretary Walter President Ford, a post that was created Sochan with 391 votes in the primaries for the first time in the history of the (with Stefan Hawrysz, with 7, and Mrs. U.S. Dr..Kuropas received 202 votes in Ulana Diachuk, with 2, withdrawing); the primaries and was elected by accla­ and Supreme Treasurer Mrs. Diachuk mation after Dr. Bohdan Futey, who with 384 votes (with S. Hawrysz and W. had 122 votes in the primaries, and Dr. (Continued on page 3) 600 Attend UNA Mary Dushnyck Walter Sochan Convention Banquet PITTSBURGH, Pa.-Some 600 cused his talk on the Conference on persons, including delegates to the Security and Cooperation in Europe in UNA Convention, Supreme Officers, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, singling out the community representatives and other importance of the humanitarian provi­ guests, attended the traditional UNA sions included in Basket Three of the Convention Banquet Thursday even­ Final Act. ing, May 25. The American ambassador also The keynote speaker at the affair spoke about the negotiations between was Richard T. Davies, U.S. ambassa­ the United States and the Soviet Union dor to Poland. Mr. Davies, who was concerning the limitation of strategic introduced by Joseph Lesawyer, began weapons, the USIA argicultural exhi­ his address by reading personal greet­ bit, Communist intervention in Africa, ings to the convention from President and the arrests of members of the pub­ Jimmy Carter. lic groups to promote the implementa­ Mr. Davies, who also served as U.S. tion of the Helsinki Accords. ambassador to the Soviet Union, fo­ (Continued on page 3) Ulana Diachuk Wasyl Orichowsky THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 4,1978 No. 124 Five Ukrainian Dissidents Ivanna Rozankovsky Is Re-elected Given Membership in P.E.N. FREIBURG, West Germany.-Five Dr. Tarnawsky originally requested UNWLA President at 18th Convention incarcerated Ukrainian rights advo­ the Internation P.E.N. to help 10 Uk­ cates have been made members or asso­ rainian political prisoners get member­ NEW YORK, N. Y.—Ivanna Rozan­ ciate members of various branches of ship in the association. kovsky, a veteran community and the International P.E.N., the world UNWLA activist, was re-elected presi­ association of writers. dent of the Ukrainian National Wo­ In a letter to Dr. Ostap Tarnawsky, "We hope very much that it will be men's League of America at the or­ president of the "Slovo" Ukrainian possible to let these writers know (in ganization's 18th triennial convention Writers Association, Kathleen V. the case of Stus and Chornovil without held here at the Statler Hilton Hotel Simpson, secretary of the writers-in- difficulty since they are both now in during the Memorial Day weekend, prison committee for P.E.N., wrote banishment). But I hope also, in order May 27-29. that Vasyl Stus has been given mem­ to encourage these centers to work for bership in the English center, Mykhay- Joining Mrs. Rozankovsky on the their members, that you will give them executive board are: Alexandra Riz- lo Osadchy in the Swiss center, Mykola any news which comes your way about Rudenko has been given associate nyk, Lubov Wolynetz,i Christine Naw- the writers in question, beginning with rocky and Olya Stawnychy, vice-presi­ membership in the French center, any press announcements which Danyio Shumuk in the Australian cen­ dents; Irene Chaykiwsky and Maria 'Slovo' can persuade American papers Sawchak, secretaries; Alexandra Kir- ter, and Vyacheslav Chornovil in the to print about the membership," wrote Dutch center. Miss Simpson. shak, treasurer; Ivanna Ratych, finan­ cial secretary; Irene Kindrachuk, or­ ganization; Irene Lonchyna, educa­ tional affairs; Daria Markus, cultural Ivanna Rozankovsky Ukrainians Honor Diefenbaker affairs; Irene Rusnak, arts; Marta Ter- lecky, liaison; Teodosia Sawyckyj and "Women's Movement Yesterday SASKATOON, Sask.—Two days of Irene Kachaniwsky, welfare; Helen and Today" was the theme of the first academic pomp and ceremony ended Prociuk, press; Louise Sachs, by-laws; panel discussion Saturday afternoon Friday, May 19, for John Diefenbaker Maria Tomorug and Olya Hnateyko, with the following participating: Haly­ with the former prime minister on the members. na Kutko, Motria Kushnir and H. Pro­ receiving end of the honors line, Heading the auditing committee is ciuk; Anisa H. Sawyckyj served as according to local newspapers. Olha Mussakowsky, with Paula moderator. After conferring three honorary de­ Knysh, Nadia Popel, Eugenia Nowa- Dora Horbachevsky, Maria Odezyn- grees as chancellor of the University of kiwsky and Oksana Mykytyn elected as sky and Dr. Bohdan Cymbalisty were the Saskatchewan during its two-day members. three panelists for the second round- spring convocation, Mr. Diefenbaker A total of 141 delegates and 10 robin that dealt with the upbringing of exchanged one set of ceremonial robes alternates, representing 3,662 mem­ Ukrainian children. I. Lonchyna for another as he was honored by the bers, took part in the three-day con­ served as moderator. international Ukrainian community. vention. They were joined by 33 mem­ Sunday afternoon, Dr. Martha The special day of tribute to Mr. bers of the executive board and 111 Bohachevsky-Chomiak spoke on the Diefenbaker began with a special con­ guests. "Contributions of Women to the Deve­ vocation of the Ukrainian Free Univer­ 4'Today's Ukrainian Child is the Fu­ lopment of the Ukrainian Com­ sity of Munich, Germany, which con­ ture of the Ukrainian People" was the munity," while L. Wolynetz spoke on ferred an honorary degree in recogni­ main theme of the convention, in line the UNWLA vis-a-vis the Ukrainian John G. Diefenbaker tion of his promotion of cultural min­ with the internationally designated community. orities and human rights. "Year of the Child" to be observed in In the course of the business ses­ The convocation, held at the Univer­ Dr. Goy said assimilation, expulsion 1979. Consequently, some of the work­ sions, the UNWLA-established Ukrai­ sity of Saskatchewan, drew a host of and genocide are some of the ways in shops, panel discussions, addresses as nian Museum in New York was the international dignitaries and was fol­ which countries have dealt with their well as exhibits at the convention were focus of attention. Apart from the dis­ lowed in the evening by the unveiling minorities, but through Mr. Diefen­ devoted to the upbringing of Ukrainian cussion of many of its aspects, the con­ of a bronze bust portrait of Mr. Die­ baker's inspiration multiculturalism is youth and children in the Ukrainian fenbaker. vention adopted a series of changes in "the Canadian way.'' spirit. the by-laws regarding the future relation­ The Ukrainian Free University was "As we see it from the outside, it is Conducting the convention was a ship between the UNWLA and the mu­ founded in 1921 at Vienna and later the most important contribution Cana­ presidium consisting of Ivanna Ratych, seum. moved to Prague where the Czecho- dians are making to the world." chairlady, Irene Rusnak and Myrtle During Saturday's luncheon, the Slovakian government recognized its Dr. Goy said Mr. Diefenbaker Slaby, vice-chairladies, Halyna Caryn- delegates honored 18 branches and departments of philosophy and law. It quickly caught the attention of the out­ nyk and Anya Maksymowych, secreta­ gave recognition to 14 others. Several relocated to Munich in 1945 and its side world with his campaign on behalf ries, and Louise Sachs, parliamenta­ regional councils were also cited. graduate programs in Slavic studies of cultural minorities, self-determina­ rian. Some 400 delegates and guests took and Eastern European history, law and tion for Ukrainians and other nations, Chosen to the honorary presidium part in the Sunday evening banquet. economics were recognized in 1950. and his defense of intellectuals and dis­ were: Lydia Burachynsky, Anna Dmy- Among scores of personal and oral Many of its 60 faculty members also sidents in the Soviet Union remained." terko-Ratych, Stephania Pushkar and greetings, the delegates heard a mes­ teach in North and South America and Dr.
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