A Newspaper Devoted News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, dearly Full Local Coverage Impartially Each Week Snbepenbent-Ieaber PBICl HOHT CINT3 OnOTinRfl intered »• Second Clmu Mstirr WOODBRIDGE. N. J.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1955 , .. ^""^ «'P2 XI.VII—NO. 36 It th« Post omen. Wnmltirlitui!, N J Sweetness and Light Board Architect Adds Ily CHARLES E. GREGORY awaiting my consultant's judgment on thfc Approval to Low-Cost |th of now school building concepts, I think I can in the time to advantage by clarflylng a point or concerning them which have been distorted. School Construction « * « * Whether these have been deliberate distortions, or Teen Vandals Leibowitz Asserts 4Careful Planning' Leiy the fruit of ignorance, I am not sure and I do • j particularly care. I am determined, however, that (hiu<*httnAct ^*" Assure Buildings 'Just as Good' will not be permitted to becloud the issue or igh bill rational consideration of it merely to accom- As at Present, with Bids Open to All flate reaction or some cynical interest. I want the Pros at 15 WOODBRIDGE Km; -•<> -lint! that the Board of Eriucntinu "live jessities of our children for 300 more classrooms WOODBRIDOE — Three 15- the people wh»t they want." in .vtmr-iilfl Woodbrldae boya, who 'Operation Muster' met as economically and promptly as the best the w»y of low-cost schools. YT- styled themselves as "school spe- ray LelbowiU, one of ihc B'vmi Mom of "a responsible community will permit. cialists." were caught red-hand- Due at 6 Tonight architects presented thiw pre- liminary sketches for eiuh ot tin' ed .Sunday afternoon while "In * * * * WOODBRIDGE — The New proposed elementary school* in the act of looting the. Middlesex Jersey Civil Defense oranizatlon the Menlo P«rk Terrace develop- i the first place, I am not beating the drums for County Girls' Vocational School and selected units of the National ment and Hoffman Boulrvnni. Udo Schools. If this were the case, I "doubt if I on Convery Boulevard. Guard will join today ln a gigan- Colonlft, at an adjourned metiui; ot the Board Monday night.. Sst. Kenneth Van Pelt «ho tic state-wide mobilization. "Oper- lid have approached an authority with the inde- aton Muster," the first of Its kind Mr. LelbovlU informed li>o «IV,S ANNUAL ^J led the officers making the ar- dence and integrity of the head of the Depart- ever attempted ln the JJnlted Board he had an appointment pices of the Academy of Medicine of rests said that the boys ad- with Dr. O, R. Westby. coovdinn- Metuchen, by I)r. Emit Novak, Baltimore, on. States. of Building Engineering and Construction at "m members of the academy, mitted "breaking Into the Hlsh Joseph A. Dambach, head of the tor ot construction of the .stute pathology. In the above photo Dr. Novak of J Board of Governors of Department of Education. Ti it- isachusetts Institute of Technology for guidance. School, Schools 1 and 11, St. Woodbrldge Township Civil De- fense, said thatMhe red signal will ton. today to to over the skew-lies. ould have sought out some pip-squeak engineer James' School and the Voca- be sounded at 6 P.M.. and the all- One of the plans calls for class- tional School, twice. clear at 6:10 P.M. The public will rooms only, eliminating ihp all- would embroider his decision for the occasion. Acting on a tip, Sgt. Van Pelt be expected to take cover. purpose room Another si'!i<mr looking fot the truth about Structo, because if 9 and Patrolmen Walter Marcl- Mr. Dambach said that plans combines the lobby with tiic alu Parents Aid Askedby Egan Pension Plan Cost niak, Felix Galasso, Charles for "Operation Muster" call for purpose room omitting some of so that we B&n build satisfactory classrooms at Bahr, Charles Nler and Amt Civilan Defense and Guard units the corridor and separates U.<' the cost of current prices and in far less time, Is Put at $65,766 Petersen, went to the school. As to move personnel from local as- vu.oo.uv..., „Int, o three.. wmi:s, the officer entered the building sembly points to pre-deslgnated the kindergarten and elementary our course ll clear. To Curb Halloween Damage the trio tried to hide ln one of assembly areas In each of the 31 rooms In one wing, the mternifdi- WOODBRIDGE—The proposed counties. The Township units will ates, ln another and ihe hicivi- WOODBRIDGE — Halloween vandalism was denounced, today pension plan for Township em- the teachers' rest rooms. by Police Chief John R. Egan in a statement urging parents, school After a short period of ques- go to Highland Park In convoys, classes In the third wins. T<>,M, ployes, other than the police de- DurlnK this phase of the exer-, facilities are near the all-puipor-n fly efforts to evaluate Structo precisely have teachers and the police officers on the beats to impress on young- partment which has its own pen- tioning the youths readily ad- sters that destructive pranks, are. crlmlnaljrather than funny. mitted • th« -theita. -In_aH.-Cflsj$_ iUSfi JM'AllyJrjousandsof pieces room. Mr. Leibowltz estimahd the T*nr system, -wllV ^ost-WMW- the. of equipment and scores of IKou- is-classroom bunairii! at HnTTyvvTrt _kencd wide interest throughout the state tra- "Considering the high cost of ownership and malntenarfcT'bT year, Mayor Hugh B. Quigley they were after money, breaking tiomes arW-TtntoTTiobiles:" th*.chief .said, ."it-te impel* tivft. that chiW into coke and candy machines, sands of personnel, both Guard Boulevard can be built for ••$:UiO,- pse, even though I don't hold a card in a~taxpayers' ranttd^today. The~sum-in- and iD volunteers, will be moving 000 to $400,000' or appioxim.iuly dren be warned against deface^ cludes $12482 in social security but they also made quite a hall ciation or an oath of office in a Board of Educa- ment and breakage' In the mis- in things like pens, desk clocks throughout the state at virtually $20,000 a classroom with mxxl WH which is already in the budget. the same time. The majority of nomlcal construction." I seem to have been the only one to take the taken belief they are having 'fun'. Mayor Quigley said he received and ladles, some of which were Parents should make certain the recovered. They also admitted planning has been done at local "Your Township debt oi $n.- |uble to find out if there is a practical way out of Row Continues Hot his Information from George M. levels, working closely with county 000,000 with assessed valuation. ,f youngsters do not overstep the Borden, secretary of the Public stealing car aerials which they ( bounds of legitimate revelry. The used to manufacture zip-guns. heads and unit commanders. 155,000,000 Is backbreukmu I mm dilemma most school districts are facing. What Employes Retirement System of Prior to the movement of per- the standpoint of economics." the Over Road Charges police will try their best to see New Jersey who wrote m part: Two glass cutters and a screw _ be the results of these first efforts I cannot for- to It that private propery Is not driver with a piece of rubber sonnel and equipment, the public architect declared. "With -MIXI "We have analyzed the list con- participation phase of the opera- planning, the low-cost schools lfi |l, but I can offer the assurance that if they fail for WOODBRIDGE — The battle of made a target for unthinking dem- sisting of 173 employes together tubhing over it were found In words between Mayor Hugh B. onstrators, But they cannot be their possession. Uon will take place during whioh year* from wjw will be just as -atever reason I wftl search elsewhere with the same I with .their, titles, salaries, with all traffic will be halted and pe- good as the present school*.' Qutgley and Kenneth Rubel, presi- everywhere. Punitive action should" dates and years of service and ale The boys are now In the de- lustry and persehrerance as I have applied to my dent of the Westbury Park Veter- be taken where such practices re- tention home in New Brunswick destrians will be required to take He also stated "anyone c:m fid tabulating below the annual cost shelter when the red alert signal on these plans," evidently ivien- ans Home Owners League, Inc., sult in damage. to the Township of Woodbridgc awaiting action by the Juvenile it exploration. dyer the condition of the homes "Motorists long have been sub- Authorities. sounds. ing to firms like Structo. He .a, I If their employes participate in the he Is "shooting for $15 a MW.UO * * * * arid roads in the development, jected to destructive acts that are plan: , foot There has been considerable loose talk about \he continues. totally Inexcusable. Painting and "Prior service, $18,684; member WALLETS LIFTED HURT ON CYCLE " jwaj, Mayor Quigley announced marking cars with chalk Is a most service $33,389; cost of adminis- WOODBRIDGE—Wallets owned WOODBRIDGE - Martin Mar- Merchant Complaint [itude of the State Department of Education toward obnoxious practice. The finish on Ale der Mrs. Rubel had refused entrance tration $1,211,.or a total of $53,-by two employes at the General tlno, 17, 442 Woodbridge Avenue. »* Merchant ,ucto Schools, generally with, the conclusion they to Board of Health Inspectors once many expensive cars has been vir- 284. Added to this is added social tually ruined on 'mischief nights. Coating Company, 405 Main was Injured Sunday when a mo- School on New Dov*>r Road.
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