1916. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 12275 PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Mr. OAKEY (by request) : Memorial of American Braneh of the Socialist Pm·ty of Hartford, Conn., favoring 1-cent post­ Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills were introduced age; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. nnd severally referred as follows : By Mr. RANDALL: Memorial of Joseph G. Rickels and 230 By Mr. ADAllt: A bill (H. R. 17340) granting a pension to others, of San Fernando, Cal., protesting against bills to amend Margaret A. Weed; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the postal-laws; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post By 1\Ir. BLACKMON: A bill (H_. R. 17341) granting a pen­ Roads. - sion to Deborah Harrison; to the Conimittee on Pensions. By Mr. DRUKKER: A bill (~. R.17342) granting an increa. ) of pension to Emily Davison; to the Committee on Invalid Pen- SENATE. sions. - By Mr. FULLER: A bill (H. R. 17343) granting an increase TuEsDAY, August 8, 1916. of pension to William. M. Haines; .to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. · . (~egislatit'e day of Saturday, August 5, 1916.) · Also, a bill (H. R. 17344) granting an increase of pension to The Senate reassembled at 10 o'clock a. m., on the expiration Byron See; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of the reeess. By Mr. GOOD: A bill (H. R. 17345) for the relief of John · Mr. BUSTING. Mr. President, I suggest the ·absence of a Dauberman ; to the Committee on Military Affair:;. quorum. By Mr. KENNEDY of Iowa: A bill (H. R. 17346) granting The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will can the roll. an increase of pension to Margaret Tschoepe; to the Committee The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an· on Invalid Pensions. swered to t_!l_eir names : . By 1\lr. NICHOLS of Michigan: A bill (H. R. 17347) granting As burst Dillin_gham Lni!.e Smith, Ga. an increase of pension to William E. Meadows; to the Com­ Brady Gallinger Martin. Va. Smltb, S.C. mittee on Invalid Pensions. Brandegee Gronna Mvers Rmoot Bryan Hardwick Nelson 'l'aggart By Mr. OLDFIELD: A bill (H. R. 17348) granting a pension Chamberlain Hitchcock Overman Tillman to Tilman L. Crafton ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Clapp Husting I'cnrcse Vardaman .Also, a bill (H. R. 17349) for the relief of R. W. Earnheart; Clark, Wyo . James RansrteU "Warren Co It Johnson. S. Da.Jr. Robinson Williams to the Committee on Claims. Culberson Jones Shafrot'1 Works Cummins Kenyon Sheppmd Curtis Kern Simmons PETITIONS, ETC. The VICE PRESIDENT. Forty-two Senators have answered U"!lder clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid to the ron call. There is not a quorum present. The Secretary on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: will call the roll of absentees. By the SPEAKER (by request): Petitions of women-voters The Secretary called the ·names of the absent Senators. and of Garfield and Lake Counties, Colo., favoring woman-suffrage 1\Ir. STEBUNG and Mr. THoMPSON answered to their names amendment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. when called. By 1\lr. BUTLER : Memorial of Board of Trade of West l\11'. CHILTON and :Mr. CLARKE of Arkansas entered the Cham­ Chester, Pa., indorsing the Smith-Hughes bill; to the Committee ber and answered to their names. on Education. Mr. KERN. I desire to announce the absence of the senior Also, petition of citizens of Pennsylvania, opposing House bill Senator from :Maryland [Mr. SMI~H], the senior Senator from 10845'; to the Committee on Military Affairs. New Jersey [Mr. MARTINE], the junior Senator from Louisiana Also·, petition of citizens of Chester County, Pa~, opposing [Mr. BRoussARD], and the senior Senator from Ohio [Mr. PoM­ House bill 6468; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post ERENE], who are necessarily detained from the Senate. Roads. Mr. ToWNSEND, Mr. THOMAS, Mr. BECKHAM, and Mr. BANK· Also, petition of woman's section of the Navy League of the HEAD- entered the Chamber and answered to their names. United States, Coatesville Division, Philadelphia Branch, and The VICE PRESIDENT. Fifty Senators have answered to Devon Division, Philadelphia Branch, favoring adequate prepara­ the roll call. There is a quorum present. tion ; to. t;he Committee on Military Affairs. Also, memorials of public meetings of Chester, Pa., favoring ARMY APPROPRIATIONS--cONFERENCE REPOR'r (8, DOC. NO. 526). adoption of ronstitutional amendment forbidding polygamy; to Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. I ask unanimous consent that the con­ the Committee on the Judiciary, ference report on the Army appropriation bill be taken up for Also, memorials of union meeting of Presbyterian, Baptist, consideration. · and Methodist Churches of Media; union meeting of West The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? Chester; Presbytery of Chester; union congregational meet­ There being no. objection, the Senate proceeded to consider ings of Borough of Ridley Park, Pa. ; mass meetings of Darby ; the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing Methodist Episcopal Church of Parkesburg; union mass meeting votes of the two Houses on the amendm-ents of the Senate to of Phoenixville ; Darby Methodist Episcopal Church, of Darby ; the bill (H. R. 16460) making appropriations for the support of public meeting of Haven Church ; union meeting of the Parkland the Army for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917. churches of :Media, Pa., favoring constitutional amendment: for­ Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. I ask for th~ adoption of the report. bidding polygamy; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. CLAPP. I think we ought to have the report read or By 1\lr. CONNELLY: Petition of citizens of Russell, Ellis, some slight intimation given the Senate as to what the report Gransfield, Osborn, and Palco, all in the State of Kansas, per­ contains. I should like to ask the Senatm· from Oregon what taining to enactment of such legislation as will enable the Inter­ the conference committee did with the provision relating to state Commerce Commission to arbitrate and settle certain in­ the age at which young men may enlist without their parents' dustlial disputes; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign consent? Commerce. Mr ~ CHAMBERLAIN. · In asking that the conference. report By Mr. DALE of New York: Petitions of J. 0. Crowell, of Den­ be adopted I had no desire to hasten it through without con­ nis, and A. Youn~ of Boston, 1\!ass., favoring woman-suffrage sideration. The conference report was submitted yesterday and amendment; to the Committ~ on the Judiciary. printed in the REcmm and it bas been printed in docmnent form Also, petition of Liquor Dealers' Protective Association of and laid on the desk of Senators. I shall be glad to make any illinois, relative to enforcement of United States revenue laws statement in reference to it. governing sale of intoxicating liquors; to the Committee on I may state to the Senate fiTst, generally, that the bill as Ways and l\1eans. reported to the Senate originally appropriated $330,599,010.10. By Mr. EAGAN: Petition of Liquor Dealers' Protective As­ Tlle net ded11ctions on the floor of the S.ena.te were $16,628,563. sociation of lllinois, relative to United States revenue laws gov­ In tabular form, I may state it as follows : · erning the sale of intoxicating liquor at retail; to the Committee Ot~o jloo1' oJ Senate. on "\ Vays and Means. Deductions------------------------------------- $29, 318, 295. 00 By l\1r. FLYNN: Petition of Seggerman Bros., of New York Additions ____________ ...: __________ _:____ ~ 689, 732. 00 against Senate amendment to revenue bill, relative to suspen: sion of drawbacks; to the Committee on Ways and Means. · Net deductions-------------------------- 16", 62&, 563. 00 By 1\lr. FULLER: Papers to accompany bill granting an in­ As reported to Senate__ _____________ ~--- 33~, 599, 010. 10 crease of pension to Byron See; to the Committee on Invalid Net dednctions ________________________;'"--- 16, 1528, 56a. 00 Pensions. As passed Senate _____ _..:. _________________ 313, 070, 447. 10 · By Mr. MATTHEWS; Evidence to slipport House bill 17308, As passed Rouse---------~----_;_.._: _ _._ ___:_ 182. H03, 3:56. 10 granting an incr~ase of pension to Dailiel E. Warner; to the Committee on Pensions. Increase over Ilouse bin------------------~--- ~31,667,091.00 ;12276 CONGR.ESSION AL RECORD-SENATE. AUGUST. 8, r--------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------- Reductions in conf{'rence-------------------------- $48, 363,917.00 lation of thls character. It is found in a book, which is a col­ Additions in conference--------------------------- 1, 990, 000. 00 lection of lectures delivered at one time by the present Chief Net reductions- ---------------------------- 46,373,917.00 Executive. - I do not attempt to quote literally the language used by the As p::~ ssed Senate--------------------------------- 313, 970, 447. 10 Net reductions in conference----------------------- 4G, 373, 917. 00 Senator from Georgia, but I intend to state the impressions which were made upon my mind by his references to the Presi­ As agreed to in conference------------------ 267.596,530.10 dent of the United States. A s pa. sed House---- ----------------------------- 182,303,350.10 He made two charges against this distinguished citizen, both Increase oYer House bilL------------------- 85,293, 174.00 of which are gra'""e and serious. In substance, he said, first, l\k HARDWICK. It is al>out 250 per cent increase over an that the President is attempting to coerce the Democratic ordinary Army aQpropriation l>ill in normal time·, is it not? majority into a support of the bill we are now considering. Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. Just about that. Substantially, he said that the President is using his vast In answer to the question of the Senator from Minnesota power, his almost illimitable influence to compel the Senators as to the amendment which was proposed and passed by the who share his political belief and participate with him in n Senate referring to the consent of parents to the enlistment political organization to support this bill against their better of young men between the ages of 18 and 21, the House con­ judgment.
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