Le FORUM “AFIN D’ÊTRE EN PLEINE POSSESSION DE SES MOYENS” VOLUME 33 #1 PRINTEMPS/SPRING––ÉTÉ/SUMMER 2007 Bailey and Koda (Angel Sirois' Cat & Dog) www.FrancoMaine.org www.Francoamerican.org other pertinent websites to check out - http://users.adelphia.net/~frenchcx/index.html and www.FFA-USA.com/ Franco-American Women’s Institute: http://www.fawi.net $6.00 US Le Forum Sommaire/Contents Le Centre Franco-Américain Features Université du Maine Orono, Maine 04469-5719 Letters/Lettres..................................................................................3 [email protected] L’États du Maine.........................................................................4-21 Téléphone: 207-581-FROG (3764) Télécopieur: 207-581-1455 L’États du New Hampshire......................................................22-25 Volume 33, Numéro 1 L’États du Massachusetts..............................................................26 Mai-Juillet Éditeur/Publisher L’États du Connecticut ............................................................27-30 Yvon A. Labbé Books/Livres..............................................................................31-36 Rédactrice/Gérante/Managing Editor Lisa Desjardins Michaud Poetry/Poésie..................................................................................31 Mise en page/Layout Recipes/Recettes.............................................................................37 Lisa Desjardins Michaud Artist/Artiste.............................................................................38-40 Composition/Typesetting Music/Musique..........................................................................44-49 Angel Sirois Lisa Michaud Genealogy/Généalogie.................................................50, 51, 54, 55 Aide Technique Lisa Michaud Thank You!/Merci! To our Le Forum Donors, Yvon Labbé Tirage/Circulation/4,500 volunteers, contributors... Imprimé chez/Printed by Bob & Gloria (Berube) Violette Patrick & Doris Lausier Centre Franco-Américain, Orono, Maine Pauline Nelson Marlene Charron Publié 4 fois l’an par le Centre Fran- Paul & Germaine Cormier Marie Hatch co-Américain. Le Forum est distribué surtout Maurice & Rejeanne Berube aux Franco-Américains des États-Unis. Les Dawna & Louis Basl énoncés, opinions et points de vue formulés Pauline Wilder Kathleen Valdez dans Le Forum sont ceux des auteurs et ne Marie-Anne Gauvin Victor Roy représentent pas nécessairement les points André Lagassé Alcee Vigue de vue de l’éditeur ou de la rédactrice, ou de John & Karen Violette la Division pour l’Éducation Permanente à Henri & Sheila Théberge l’Université du Maine. Jacqueline Blesso Bob & Louise Lagassey Le Forum is published 4 times a year Mr. & Mrs. Charles Guerin Maine School Administrative Dist. #33 by the Franco-American Center. Le Forum is Norman & Lucille Beaupré Donald Willey distributed in particular to Franco-Americans Wilfred & Ann (Berube) Desjardins in the United States. Statements, opinions and Gilles & Claire Auger points of view expressed are not necessarily Dr. Françoise Paradis Michelle Barany those of the editor, the publishers or the Division Mrs. Jeanne Lapierre Rev. Maurice L. Brindamour of Lifelong Learning or of the University of Maureen Perry Mary Ann & Charles McCoy Maine. Margaret Langford Tous les textes soumis doivent parvenir Adrian & Leola Gagnon à —Forward all submitted texts to: Lisa D. Lucille Langlois Rita & Albert McKeown Michaud, Rédactrice-en-chef/Editor-in-chief, Siméon Bouchard Richard Gay Le Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine Jean-Paul Paquin Jacques Berard 04469-5719, U.S., au plus tard quatre semaines Will Bernier précédant le mois de publication—at least four Leonard Leblanc weeks prior to the month of publication. Rina & Reynold Soucy William & Leola Moss Les lettres de nos lecteurs sont les bienv- Lionel & Jeanine Desjardins Salmon Falls Charitable Fund enues—Letters to the Editor are welcomed. Dianne Côté Everett & Vera Gerard La reproduction des articles est autorisée Russ & Phyllis Thayer sans préavis sauf indication contraire—Our Du Monde d’a Côté original articles may be reproduced without Betty Ann & Michel Courchesne Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Schmitt notice unless otherwise indicated. TV5 Lawrence Michaud L’équipe de rédaction souhaite que Le Fo- Francophone Association Betsy & Theodore Wooster rum soit un mode d’expression pour vous tous Estelle & Leo Mc Cullough les Franco-Américains et ceux qui s’intéressent Roger Roy à nous. The staff hopes that Le Forum can be a Frank Bernard Dean Louder vehicle of expression for you Franco-Americans Sadie Kendall Loria Kelly and those who are interested in us. Kathy Comer Roland & Ursula Ouellette Le Forum et son staff—Universi- Lt. Col. Richard E. & Patricia Michaud taires, gens de la communauté, les étudi- Nicole & Marcel Gagné ants -- Angel, Naomi, Aric &Brandon. Celeste Roberge Paul & Anne Garriepy Richard R. Côté Leon Guimond Norman Surprenant Maurice & Lorraine Dubois Richard Belair James Natsis Thomas & Nanette Lavergne (Continued on page 3) 2 Vol. 33 # 1 • PRINTEMPS/ÉTÉ (Le Forum donors continued from page 2) Dear Rédactrice; Dear Rédactrice; Patricia Luchetti Enclosed is a check for Enclosed is a check for a subscrip- a donation towards your con- tion to Le forum. I would be interested to Michael Parent tinued good work with regards read Bob Chenard's article in the fall-winter Paul & Margery Dumaine to the FAROG (Le Forum). 2006 issue of Le Forum and request that Rella Bezanilla I really enjoy receiving this newspaper my subscription be dated back to the re- Marjorie Lachance and I commend you for the different ar- lease of that issue. If that is not possible, William & Joan Nauss ticles and the content of your newspaper. please tell me how I can obtain a copy. William B. Horn Sincerely, As you can see, my name is Lagassé. Kenneth & Lillian Rogers Priscille Michaud I was born in Nashua, N.H. on October 9, Patricia Romanov Augusta, ME 1918. Although I did not have the pleasure Marc & Priscilla Chassé of making his acquaintance, I, like Leo Cyr, Dear Priscilla; graduated from the Georgetown University Earl Bradford Jr. Thank you for your generous donation School of Foreign Service in 1939 and was, for Ann E. Romano towards production costs of "our" publication, over 30 years, a Foreign Service Officer of the Therese Genest McGrath Le Forum . Without your continued support U.S. Department of State. I retired in 1979, Robert Laprel "our" journal would not be. Le Forum is what after serving as Consul General and Principal Danielle Aubuchon our readership sends in, I just put it together. Officer in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dr. & Mrs. Leonidas Hayes Again, I thank you for your kind Thank You!/Merci! To our Le Forum Donors, Frank Morin words and your continued support. Sincerely, Steve Giambrone Henry A. Lagassé volunteers, contributors... La Rédactrice Paul Laflamme Patrick & Doris Lausier Dear Henry; Dear Rédactrice; Marlene Charron Ludger Duplessis Thank you for your subscription I am a 72 year old woman. Native Donald Fournier to "our" publication Le Forum. We Marie Hatch of Northern Minnesota. Born and raised in Sally Bouchard welcome you to share your story with Dawna & Louis Basl Duluth Minn. Now residing on a Lake 10 Francis & Anna Poulin our readership....perhaps in the fall issue? Kathleen Valdez miles North of town. When my birth mother Claudette Couture Lavoie Victor Roy died in 1986 I learned that the man she mar- Alcee Vigue Claire Quintal ried, Lyndon McPhee, was not my birth Henri & Sheila Théberge Margaret Campbell father. Lyndon legally adopted me in 1946 Bob & Louise Lagassey Dr. George Lussier eight years after he and mother were wed. Maine School Administrative Dist. #33 Patrick Voisine I learned in 1986 that I was not at all a Donald Willey André & Marion Giroux Scottish lassie. My birth father was Earnest Priscille Michaud Michaud, a man from Edmonton Alberta Gilles & Claire Auger Canada. I did some questioning of relatives to Michelle Barany Ann G. Forcier Glen & Pauline Tinkham learn more of Earnest Michaud. Some things Rev. Maurice L. Brindamour I learned––Michaud is a very common name Sarah Landry Mary Ann & Charles McCoy in the US and Canada, my father allegedly Adrian & Leola Gagnon Dan & Bernice LaPierre came from Canada to do labor organizing Rita & Albert McKeown Albert Marceau for railroad workers. He was a Roman Richard Gay Alice Gélinas Catholic (as I am) and he was born about 1911. Jacques Berard Paul & Kim Marquis So since 1986 I have subscribed to Leonard Leblanc Jacqueline Chamberland Blesso French/Canadian papers first Chez Nous The Maine Acadian Heritage Council and that led to Le Forum. I now feel com- William & Leola Moss Richard Gay is proud to present their Passport Guide to fortable being one of many of Minnesotans 10 local sites throughout the St. John Valley, Salmon Falls Charitable Fund Sr. Pauline Gastonguay Sr. Ella Germain of the French Canadian connection (in The Roosevelt School House in Hamlin; the Everett & Vera Gerard spite of having all the unanswered ques- Dr. George André Lussier Governor Brann School in Cyr Plantation; Du Monde d’a Côté tions to my fathers genealogy and life). the Acadian Village Historical Site in Van Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Schmitt And Many, Many others who help I, of course, am impressed Buren; the Musée Culturel du Mont-Carmel Lawrence Michaud to keep "our" Le Forum afloat. I am that a Michaud is the Le Forum man- in Lille; the Tante Blanche Museum Complex Betsy & Theodore Wooster pleased to inform you that
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