Biotechnology Biotechnol. J. 2015, 10, 552–563 DOI 10.1002/biot.201400499 Journal www.biotechnology-journal.com Research Article Transgenic switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) biomass is increased by overexpression of switchgrass sucrose synthase (PvSUS1) Charleson R. Poovaiah1,2, Mitra Mazarei1,2, Stephen R. Decker2,3, Geoffrey B. Turner2,3, Robert W. Sykes2,3, Mark F. Davis2,3 and C. Neal Stewart, Jr.1,2 1 Department of Plant Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA 2 BioEnergy Science Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA 3 National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, USA Sucrose synthase (SUS) converts sucrose and uridine di-phosphate (UDP) into UDP-glucose and Received 21 AUG 2014 fructose. UDP-glucose is used by the cellulose synthase to produce cellulose for cell wall biosyn- Revised 03 OCT 2014 thesis. For lignocellulosic feedstocks such as switchgrass, the manipulation of cell walls to Accepted 16 OCT 2014 decrease lignin content is needed to reduce recalcitrance of conversion of biomass into biofuels. Accepted Of perhaps equal importance for bioenergy feedstocks is increasing biomass. Four SUS genes article online 19 OCT 2014 were identified in switchgrass. Each gene contained 14 or 15 introns. PvSUS1 was expressed ubiq- uitously in the tissues tested. PvSUS2 and PvSUS6 were highly expressed in internodes and roots, respectively. PvSUS4 was expressed in low levels in the tissues tested. Transgenic switchgrass plants overexpressing PvSUS1 had increases in plant height by up to 37%, biomass by up to 13.6%, and tiller number by up to 79% compared to control plants. The lignin content was increased in all lines, while the sugar release efficiency was decreased in PvSUS1-overexpressing transgenic switchgrass plants. For switchgrass and other bioenergy feedstocks, the overexpression of SUS1 genes might be a feasible strategy to increase both plant biomass and cellulose content, and to Supporting information available online stack with other genes to increase biofuel production per land area cultivated. Keywords: Biofuel · Biomass · Overexpression · Sucrose synthase · Switchgrass 1 Introduction catalyzes the reversible conversion of sucrose to uridine di-phosphate (UDP) to UDP-glucose and fructose [1]. The In higher plants, photosynthates are transported from role of SUS in phloem loading and unloading and in car- source tissues (photosynthetically active mature leaves) bon partitioning for storage and metabolism in the plant to sink tissues (photosynthetically less active shoot apex, cell has been well characterized in many species of higher roots, tubers, fruits, seeds, and stems) via phloem load- plants [2, 3]. The breakdown of sucrose by SUS is corre- ing/unloading, which mostly consists of the disaccharide lated with the sink strength of starch storage organs [4, 5], sucrose. Sucrose synthase (SUS), a glycosyltransferase, e.g. SUS activity is high in potato tubers [5] and maize ker- nels [6]. At the cellular level, SUS can be accumulated in the Correspondence: Dr. C. Neal Stewart, Jr., Department of Plant Sciences, cytosol or associated with the plasma membrane. Cytoso- University of Tennessee, 2431 Joe Johnson Dr., Knoxville, TN 37996-4561, lic SUS is mainly associated with metabolic tasks such as USA respiration and synthesis of starch [2]. Plasma membrane- E-mail: [email protected] associated SUS is linked to the synthesis of cell wall poly- Abbreviations: mTP, mitochondrial targeting peptide; RFP, red fluorescent saccharides callose and cellulose [7]. SUS has been found protein; SUS, sucrose synthase; UDP, uridine di-phosphate to accumulate to high levels along the plasma membrane 552 © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Biotechnology Biotechnol. J. 2015, 10, 552–563 Journal www.biotechnology-journal.com www.biotecvisions.com and in microtubules beneath the secondary cell wall (ABB53601), EgSUS3 (ABB53602), PtrSUS1 (AAR03498), thickening in tracheary elements [8]. Maize ZmSUS1 is PtrSUS2 (ABW76422), SoSUS2 (AAM68126), StSUS membrane-associated and is expressed during stem elon- (AAO67719), StSUS2 (AAO34668), BvSUS (AAK65960), gation [9]. Functionally, SUS has been identified as an GhSUS1 (ACV72640), GaSUS3 (AAD28641), Ps-NeSUS integral part of the cellulose synthase machinery and the (AAC28107), MsSUS (AAC17867), BvSUS2 (AAR19769), catalytic unit that is part of the plasma membrane-asso- AtSUS1-6 (NP_197583, NP_199730, NP_192137, ciated rosette structure involved in cellulose synthesis NP_566865, NP_198534, NP_177480), PvSUS (ACP17902), [10]. All four identified SUS genes in barley identified to VaSUS (BAH56282), SbSUS2 (ACM69042), CcSUS2 date exist in both soluble and membrane associated (ABI17891), MeSUS (ABD96570), PtrSUS2 (ABW76422), forms, although their exact functions have not been elu- LpSUS (BAE79815), BoSUS1-4 (AAV64256, AAL50571, cidated [11]. AAL50570, AAL50572), ZmSUS1 (NP_001105323), Overexpression of SUS genes has been established to ZmSUS2 (NP_001105194), ZmSUS-SH1 (NP_001266691), increase cellulose content in diverse species such as Ace- OsSUS1-7 (P31924, P30298, Q43009, Q10LP5, H6TFZ4, tobacter xylinum [12] and poplar [13]. Biomass and lignin Q6K973, Q7XNX6), HvSUS1-4 (P31922, P31923, content did not change in poplar plants overexpressing CAZ65725, AEH16642), Le-FSUS (AAA34196), PpSUS SUS [13]. Biomass was increased in tobacco [14] and cot- (XP_001781447). The amino acid sequences were aligned ton [15] when SUS was overexpressed. However, when using the online version of MAFFT v 7.0 [18]. Model test- SUS was downregulated in carrot, there was decreased ing for producing the best-fit model was done using cellulose content [16]. However, whether or not these par- ProtTest v 2.4 [19]. The maximum likelihood tree was con- ticular isoforms were associated with membranes has not structed by PhyML [20] using the model identified by been established. ProtTest and bootstrapping with 100 trees. The resulting In our study, we identified four SUS genes in the lig- tree was visualized in FigTree v.1.4.0 (http://tree.bio.ed. nocellulosic biofuel feedstock switchgrass (Panicum vir- ac.uk/software/figtree) and rooted using the Physco mi - gatum L.) and compared their sequences to previously trella patens gene as the outgroup. identified SUS genes. Subcellular localization of PvSUS1 was studied using a translational fusion construct to a flu- 2.2 PvSUS1 cloning orescent protein gene. Stable transgenic switchgrass plants were made whereby overexpression of PvSUS1 RNA was extracted from E2 to E3 stage [21] stem and leaf yielded variable results including plants with increased of ST1 switchgrass, a clonal genotypye of cultivar Alamo, biomass and cellulose content. Our findings indicated using TRIREAGENT (Molecular Research Center, Inc. PvSUS1 is likely to be membrane-associated and could Cincinnati, OH, USA) following the manufacturer’s guide- play a role in cellulose synthesis, which renders it a good lines. cDNA was synthesized using random hexamers candidate for improving biomass and biofuel yield for sus- and oligo dT using iScript™ cDNA synthesis kit (Bio-Rad tainable energy production, likely in concert with other Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, CA, USA) after DNase treat- genetic modifications. ment (Promega Corporation, Madison, WI, USA). PvSUS1 was amplified from the cDNA using the primers CP33 and CP34 (Table 1). PvSUS1 was cloned into pCR8-GW-TOPO 2 Materials and methods vector (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA) for sequence verification. PvSUS1 was subsequently cloned 2.1 Bioinformatic and cluster analyses into pANIC-10A vector [21] using the Gateway recombi- nation reaction to produce the overexpression vector sub- Rice and maize SUS sequences were used for BLAST sequently used for stable switchgrass transformation, searches against the switchgrass sequence database where the gene was driven by maize ubiquitin-1 promot- (www.phytozome.net) to identify putative switchgrass er. members of the SUS gene family. Exon–intron structure was predicted by comparing genomic sequences with 2.3 Subcellular localization experiments mRNA and complementary DNA (cDNA) sequences. To identify conserved domains in SUS proteins, a search was To construct plasmids for subcellular localization PvSUS1 done with the InterPro program using the Pfam database was amplified with restriction sites HindIII and BamHI [17]. using the primers CP210 and CP211 (Table 1) and then To enable cluster analysis, derived amino acid subcloned into the vector pSAT6-RFP-C1 [22] at HindIII sequences of SUS genes were obtained from Genbank. and BamHI restriction sites to generate the plasmid Protein accession numbers of SUS genes from Eucalyp- pSAT6-RFP-C1-PvSUS1. The procedure for transient tus, poplar, sugarcane, potato, beet, cotton, pea, Ara- expression in living onion epidermal cells using particle bidopsis, Phaseolus, Vigna, Lolium, bamboo, maize, rice, bombardment was done as described previously [23] with barley, tomato, and Physcomitrella were used: EgSUS1 slight modifications. Briefly, 10 μg of pSAT6-RFP-C1, sub- © 2014 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 553 Biotechnology Biotechnol. J. 2015, 10, 552–563 Journal www.biotechnology-journal.com www.biotecvisions.com Table 1. Primer sequences used in cloning, PCR confirmation and qPCR switchgrass sucrose synthase gene experiments Primer no. Primer name Primer sequence 5′ → 3′ CP33 PvSUS1-R TCACTTGCTGGAGGGCTCTCCCTC CP34 PvSUS1-F ATGGGGGAAGCTGCCGGCGACCGC CP43 PCR-F TCGATGCTCACCCTGTTGTTTGG CP44 PCR-R CGATCATAGGCGTCTCGCATATCTC CP101
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