COMPTON DANDO PARISH COUNCIL (SERVING BURNETT, CHEWTON KEYNSHAM, COMPTON DANDO, QUEEN CHARLTON, & WOOLLARD (EAST)) PARISH COUNCIL AGENDA TO BE HELD ON 20TH DECEMBER 2016 IN COMPTON DANDO PARISH HALL To all Parish Councillors You are summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council on Tuesday 20th December At 8.00pm in the Parish Hall in Compton Dando Susan Smith – Clerk to the Parish Council Date: 13th December 2016 The public are welcome to attend. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Please note that prior to the official business of the meeting; members of the Parish are welcome to raise any Parish issues. Additionally, planning applications may be verbally presented by the applicant or their agent. Please inform the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting if you wish to arrange a speaking slot. Please keep your speech to a maximum of 3 minutes. This meeting may be filmed or recorded (please refer to the Parish Council protocol on the filming and recording of meetings, adopted 16th September 2014, available at http//:www.comptondando-parishcouncil.org.uk/docs_publications/). 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATION OF ANY MEMBER’S PERSONAL OR PREJUDICIAL INTEREST IN ANY ITEM ON THE AGENDA 3. QUESTIONS ON NOTICE BY MEMBERS Members may ask the Chairman any question concerning the business of the Council, provided that notice of the question has been given to the Parish Clerk in writing at least 4 clear days before the meeting where possible, and in any case to the Chairman, in writing, before the meeting. 4. TO CONFIRM MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 15TH NOVEMBER 2016 5. FINANCE 5.1 TO RECEIVE A REPORT OF PARISH COUNCIL FINANCE 5.2 TO APPROVE AND SIGN CHEQUES FOR PAYMENT FOR THE PARISH COUNCIL 5.3 TO APPROVE AND SIGN CHEQUES FOR PAYMENT FOR THE PARISH HALL 5.4 TO AGREE THE LEVEL OF THE S137 GRANT 5.5 TO APPROVE THE BUDGET FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2016 TO 2017 B&NES Council have informed the Clerk that the Local Council Tax Support Grant will be phased out as follows: www.comptondando-parishcouncil.org.uk Mob: 07746930582 [email protected] 2017/2018 £110 2018/2019 £50 2019/2020 £0 5.6 TO DECIDE ON THE PRECEPT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2017/2018 5.7 NAT WEST ACCOUNTS SIGNATURE CHANGES 6. MATTERS ARISING To receive any available updates on matters arising from last meeting: 6.1 A MEETING HAS BEEN ARRANGED FOR 7 PM ON TUESDAY 21ST FEBRUARY WITH DICK WHITTINGTON The meeting will take place before the February Parish Council meeting in February. It will be an opportunity to discuss with Dick, the new role the Parish Council has taken on by becoming sole trustees for Compton Dando Parish Hall which is now a registered charity. Members of the Parish Hall Management Committee will also be invited. 6.2 FINGER POST MAINTENANCE AND PAINTING - UPDATE 7. MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION/DECISION 7.1 TO DECIDE ON WHETHER TO CONTRIBUTE £300 TOWARDS THE REPAIR OF THE BATHFORD HILL FINGERPOST WITH THE VILLAGERS FINDING THE REST OF THE MONEY 7.2 TO DECIDE ON THE FLOOD REPRESENTATIVES FOR THE PARISH 7.3 TO DECIDE WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE DEBRIS ON THE MILLENNIUM GREEN FOLLOWING FLOODING CAUSED BY HEAVY RAIN 8. PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED 8.1 16/03245/FUL Knights Folly Farm Woollard Lane Publow Bristol Bath And North East Somerset Provision of new site access and agricultural engineering works. 8.2 16/05656/FUL The Bungalow, Park House Lane, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 2SG Erection of 2No dwellings and associated access. 9. APPEALS 9.1 14/01379/FUL ‘Change of use of land to private gypsy and traveller caravan site (Retrospective) (Resubmission of 13/02781/FUL) The appeal has been allowed. 10. DECISIONS 10.1 16/00859/LBA Tucking Mill Farmhouse Tuckingmill Lane Compton Dando Bristol (CDPC Support) Internal and external alterations to provide additional internal accommodation to residential annexe Tucking Mill Barn (ancillary to main dwelling) and minor works to existing garage. CONSENT 10.2 16/00856/FUL Tucking Mill Farmhouse Tuckingmill Lane Compton Dando Bristol (CDPC Support) Construction of additional internal accommodation to residential annexe Tucking Mill Barn (ancillary to main dwelling) and minor works to existing single garage. PERMIT 11. ENFORCEMENTS Members of the Parish that may have a concern regarding suspected unauthorised building works, retrospective planning or non-permitted change of use to a building may report this directly to the Enforcement Department of Bath and North East Somerset Council by emailing [email protected] or telephoning 01225 394041 (planning department extension) OR alternatively you may report the same in confidence to the Parish www.comptondando-parishcouncil.org.uk Mob: 07746930582 [email protected] Clerk (details below). The matter of enforcement will be held in strict confidence and will not be discussed by the Parish Council until an Enforcement Notice is issued at which stage the matter will be brought to the attention of the Parish Council by the Local Authority. UPDATES REQUESTED ON: 11.1 None ENFORCEMENT MATTERS FOR INFORMATION 15/00529/NONCOM Old Oak House Burnett – Enforcement notice to come into effect on 27th December unless an appeal is made to the Planning inspectorate beforehand. THE MATTERS WHICH APPEAR TO CONSTITUTE THE BREACH OF PLANNING CONTROL Without planning permission, development on the Land as defined under section 55, Part III, Chapter 8 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Without planning permission, the change in use of agricultural land to domestic garden. 12. ITEMS FOR ACTION None 13. CORRESPONDENCE FOR ACTION 13.1 PUBLOW AND PENSFORD NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN CONSULTATION The submitted Neighbourhood Plan proposal and supporting documents can be viewed on the website www.bathnes.gov.uk/neighbourhoodplanning The publicity period during which representations can be made runs from: Friday 18th November 2016- Friday 13th January 2017 at 5pm • email comments to [email protected] • write to Planning Policy, Planning Services, B&NES Council, PO Box 5006, Bath, BA1 1JG 13.2 A LETTER RECEIVED FROM LESLEY BOWES WITH CONCERNS OVER THE CONDITION OF THE GRASS AT QUEEN CHARLTON BECOMING UNSUITABLE FOR MOWING IF THE CARS ARE NOT PREVENTED FROM DRIVING OVER IT 14. CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION 14.1 AN EMAIL WAS RECEIVED FORM A PARISHIONER STATING THAT A BLOCKED DRAIN AT THE BOTTOM OF BATHFORN HILL HAD BEEN REPORTED TO B&NES COUNCIL The reference for this report is 193340. 14.2 A BLOCKED DRAIN ON COURT HILL OPPOSITE VICARAGE LANE HAS BEEN REPORTED The reference for this report is 193718. 14.3 A BLOCKED STREAM AT COMPTON DANDO BRIDGE HAS BEEN REPORTED The reference for this report is 194319. 14.4 SIMON MORRISSEY, SENIOR ENGINEER FOR DRAINAGE AT B&NES COUNCIL, EMAILED TO SAY THAT THE TRASH SCREEN IS WAITING FOR THE FABRICATOR TO FINISH THE WORKS 14.5 SIMON MORRISSEY EMAILED TO SAY THAT THE VARIOUS ISSUES ON THE B3116 RELATING TO FLOODING ARE BEING INVESTIGATED 14.6 NOTIFICATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED THAT COUNCILLOR DAWN DRURY HAS BEEN NOMINATED TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE PARISH CHARTER WORK GROUP 14.7 ROAD CLOSURE HUNSTRETE LANE, COMPTON DANDO STARTNG 9 JANUARY 2017 FOR 4 DAYS www.comptondando-parishcouncil.org.uk Mob: 07746930582 [email protected] Notice is hereby given that the Bath and North East Somerset Council in pursuance of the provisions of section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 intends to make an order the effect of which will be to temporarily introduce a road closure in that length of Hunstrete Lane, Compton Dando from the junction of Cockers Hill for a distance of approximately 150 metres in a south-easterly direction. This order is required because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the road to facilitate the excavation and laying of a duct in the carriageway by Oakus Ltd and will be operative from the 9th January 2017 for a maximum period of two weeks. However, the restrictions may not be effected for the whole of the period but it is anticipated that the road will be restricted as and when traffic signs are in position and only for so long as is necessary to execute the works which it is anticipated will be for four days. ALTERNATIVE ROUTE – Cockers Hill – South on Rankers Lane – Hunstrete Lane and vice versa Applicant details: Mark Spear, Oakus Ltd Telephone: 07929 014486 14.8 Following the 15th November meeting Councillor CW drafted a response to the item: 13.5 EMAIL FROM LOUISE FRADD RESPONSIBLE OFFICER FOR THE JSP AND JTS OFFERING THE OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE PART IN THE NEW CONSULTATION The draft response was approved by the Councillors via email before submission by the Clerk. The response is appended. 15. REPORTS 15.1 PARISH HALL REPORT (APPENDED) 15.2 VILLAGE UPDATES 15.2.1 THE 20MPH SIGNS ARE NOW UP IN COMPTON DANDO 15.3 PCAA ANNUAL REVIEW 6TH DECEMBER- COUNCILLOR CW 16. ITEMS OF REPORT TO BE CARRIED FORWARD TO THE NEXT MEETING DATE OF NEXT MEETING IS 17 JANUARY 2017 AT 8.00PM IN COMPTON DANDO PARISH HALL COMPTON DANDO PARISH COUNCIL Preliminary Response to the Draft Spatial Plan BANES has recently completed its core strategy for the period to 2030. In our locality, there has recently been significant re-designation of Greenbelt land to development status for housing purposes. The draft spatial plan which covers a period 2030 and beyond also contains significant further erosion of the Greenbelt to meet housing targets. The Parish Council questions the status of these re-designations in the planning framework – in particular whether the inclusion of this re-designation has a legal status which could precipitate premature development.
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