Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 170 / Wednesday, September 2, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 46693 the commenters supported the proposed in Docket No. PS±117 or of the present burdensome alternative that achieves action. The commenters agreed with our action is not warranted. the objective of the rule. assessment that the limited safety and B. Regulatory Flexibility Act List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 195 environmental risk of the lines does not warrant applying Part 195 standards on Low stress interfacility transfer lines Ammonia, Carbon dioxide, top of the existing regulatory coverage covered by the present action are Petroleum, Pipeline safety, Reporting by OSHA and the Coast Guard. associated primarily with the operation and recordkeeping requirements. of refineries, petrochemical and other In consideration of the foregoing, Advisory Committee Review industrial plants, and materials RSPA amends 49 CFR Part 195 as We presented the proposed rule transportation terminals. In general, follows: change, including risk assessment and these facilities are not operated by small 1. The authority citation for Part 195 supporting analyses, for consideration entities. Nonetheless, even if small continues to read as follows: by the Technical Hazardous Liquid entities operate low-stress interfacility Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60102, 60104, Pipeline Safety Standards Committee at transfer lines, their costs will be lower 60108, 60109, 60118; and 49 CFR 1.53. because this action reduces compliance a meeting in Washington, D. C. on May 2. In § 195.1, the introductory text of burdens. Therefore, based on the facts 6, 1998. This statutory advisory paragraph (b) is republished, and committee reviews all safety rules RSPA available about the anticipated impact paragraph (b)(3) is revised to read as proposes for hazardous liquid pipelines. of this rulemaking action, I certify, follows: The Committee comprises 15 members, pursuant to Section 605 of the representing industry, government, and Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. § 195.1 Applicability. the public, who are qualified to evaluate 605), that this rulemaking action will * * * * * hazardous liquid pipeline safety not have a significant economic impact (b) This part does not apply toÐ standards. The Committee voted to on a substantial number of small * * * * * recommend adoption of the proposed entities. (3) Transportation through any of the rule without change. The Committee's C. Executive Orders 13083 and 13084 following low-stress pipelines: report on the matter is available in the (i) An onshore pipeline or pipeline This rule will not have a substantial docket of this proceeding. segment thatÐ direct effect on states, on the (A) Does not transport HVL; Regulatory Analyses and Notices relationship between the Federal (B) Is located in a rural area; and Government and the states, or on the (C) Is located outside a waterway A. Executive Order 12866 and DOT distribution of power and currently used for commercial Policies and Procedures responsibilities among the various navigation; The Office of Management and Budget levels of government, and also would (ii) A pipeline subject to safety (OMB) does not consider this action to not significantly or uniquely affect regulations of the U.S. Coast Guard; or be a significant regulatory action under Indian tribal governments. Therefore, (iii) A pipeline that serves refining, Section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 the consultation requirements of manufacturing, or truck, rail, or vessel (58 FR 51735; October 4, 1993). Executive Orders 13083 (``Federalism'') terminal facilities, if the pipeline is less Therefore, OMB has not reviewed this and 13084 (``Consultation and than 1 mile long (measured outside final rule document. DOT does not Coordination with Indian Tribal facility grounds) and does not cross an consider this action significant under its Governments'') do not apply. offshore area or a waterway currently regulatory policies and procedures (44 Nevertheless, because states with used for commercial navigation; FR 11034; February 26, 1979). hazardous liquid pipeline safety * * * * * RSPA prepared a study of the costs programs ultimately monitor the Issued in Washington, D.C. on August 28, 1998. and benefits of the Final Rule that compliance of intrastate pipelines with Kelley S. Coyner, extended Part 195 to cover certain low- the rule, RSPA routinely consults with stress pipelines (Final Regulatory state pipeline safety representatives Administrator. Evaluation, Docket No. PS±117). That during early stages of rulemaking. [FR Doc. 98±23661 Filed 9±1±98; 8:45 am] study, which encompassed short or D. Paperwork Reduction Act BILLING CODE 4910±60±P Coast Guard regulated interfacility This action reduces the pipeline transfer lines, showed that the Final mileage and number of operators subject DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Rule would result in net benefits to to Part 195. Consequently, it reduces the society, with a benefit to cost ratio of information collection burden of Part 1.5. National Oceanic and Atmospheric 195 that is subject to review by OMB Administration The Final Regulatory Evaluation under the Paperwork Reduction Act of determined costs and benefits of the 1995. OMB has approved the 50 CFR Part 226 Final Rule on a mileage basis. But while information collection requirements of costs were evenly distributed, most of [Docket No. 971124276±8202±02; I.D. No. Part 195 through May 31, 1999 (OMB 110797B] the expected benefits were projected No. 2137±0047). from accident data that did not involve RIN 0648±AH88 short or Coast Guard regulated E. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of interfacility transfer lines. Since the 1995 Designated Critical Habitat; Green and present action affects only these lines, it This rule does not impose unfunded Hawksbill Sea Turtles is reasonable to believe the action will mandates under the Unfunded AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries reduce more costs than benefits. Thus, Mandates Reform Act of 1995. It does Service (NMFS), NOAA, Commerce. the present action should enhance the not result in costs of $100 million or ACTION: Final rule. net benefits of the Final Rule. Because more to either State, local, or tribal of this likely economic effect, a further governments, in the aggregate, or to the SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Endangered regulatory evaluation of the Final Rule private sector, and is the least Species Act of 1973 (ESA), NMFS is 46694 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 170 / Wednesday, September 2, 1998 / Rules and Regulations designating critical habitat for the 66584) to designate critical habitat for documented that habitat loss is a threatened green sea turtle (Chelonia the green turtle to include coastal waters primary factor slowing the recovery of mydas) to include coastal waters out to 3 nautical miles (nm) surrounding the species throughout its range. surrounding Culebra Island, Puerto Culebra Island, Puerto Rico, and for the Degradation of seagrass beds has slowed Rico, and the endangered hawksbill sea hawksbill turtle to include coastal recovery of green turtles in the turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) to waters out to 3 nm surrounding Mona Caribbean due to reduced carrying include coastal waters surrounding and Monito Islands, Puerto Rico. capacity of seagrass meadows (Williams, Mona and Monito Islands, Puerto Rico. NMFS also completed an EA, 1988). Therefore, the extent of habitat This designation of critical habitat pursuant to the National Environmental required for foraging green turtles is provides explicit notice to Federal Policy Act, to evaluate both the likely to be increasing due to the agencies and to the public that these environmental and economic impacts of reduced productivity of remaining areas and features are vital to the the proposed critical habitat seagrass beds. conservation of the species. designation. The EA resulted in a Seagrasses are the principal dietary DATES: Effective October 2, 1998. finding of no significant impact for the component of juvenile and adult green proposed action. turtles throughout the Wider Caribbean ADDRESSES: Requests for copies of this The proposed rule provided for a 60- region (Bjorndal, 1995). The seagrass final rule and/or the Environmental day public comment period. During the beds of Culebra consist primarily of Assessment (EA) should be addressed to comment period, public hearings were turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum). Barbara Schroeder, National Sea Turtle held in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, on While seagrasses are distributed Coordinator, Office of Protected January 26, 1998, in San Juan, Puerto throughout temperate and tropical Resources, NMFS, 1315 East-West Rico, on January 27, 1998, and in latitudes, turtle grass beds are a tropical Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Culebra, Puerto Rico, on January 29, phenomenon. In the Caribbean, turtle FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 1998. After consideration of the public grass beds consist primarily of turtle Michelle Rogers, 301±713±1401 or comments, NMFS is designating critical grass, but may include other species of Colleen Coogan, 727±570±5312. habitat for green and hawksbill turtles seagrass, such as manatee grass SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: as described in the proposed rule (see (Syringodium filiforme), shoal grass Background Proposed Critical Habitat; Geographic (Halodule wrightii), and sea vine Extent section of this rule). (Halophila decipiens), as well as several Green and hawksbill turtles are In accordance with the July 18, 1977, species of algae including green algae of largely restricted to tropical
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