DEPARTMENTOF THEINTERIOR BURkAU OF EDUCKhON Oa BULLETIN,1924, No.27 RECORD OFCURRENTEDUCATIONAL t PUBLICATIONS i i COMP ISINGPUBLICATIONS RECEIVED BY -1 BUREAU OFEDUCATIONTO JUNE1, 1924 ..s,..,.%,,, ... ...._. .., ,. .., .... , .... ;Alp AL., Ir On/ , , a eft 1.0, I I -A _.1,1 */.301111,..'"OWIIIR, .," . a rjhiNO .1,. i i1, 0 . e . oI . 14- 1I %%% " ." COMPILEDBY THEUBRARY DIVISIONOF THE BUREAUOF EDUCATION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENTPRINTING OFFICE 1924 ....11641110 ..111n.m. .. I ADDITIONAL COPIES Or THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED r ROL: TIM SUP E RINTEND E NT Or DocumENTS GOV E RNM E NT PRINTING OFFICE WARRINGTON, D. C. AT 10 CENTS PERCOPY I le 1 de 4111 RECORDOFCURRENT EDUCATIONALPUBLICATIONS. Compiledbythe LibraryDivision,BureauofEducation. CoNTENTs.EducationalhistoryandbiographyCurrent andpracticeEducational educationalconditions-Educavonaltheory psychology:ChildstudyPsychologic3l 'tentsEducationalresearchSpecial testsEducationaltests andmeasure- methods ofinstructionSpecialsubjects of education RuraleducationSecondary curriculumElementary salaries and educationJuniorhighschoolsTeacher professionalstatusIIighereducationJunior trainingTeachers' Schooladrninistration collegesFederalgovernment hndeducation EducationalfinanceSchoolmanagemeut '1 act i vit ies--Schoolbuildingsand CurriculummakingEItra-curricular groundsSchoolhygiene andSFiflt ation MentalhygienePhysical --SocialhygienePublichealth trainingPlayandrecreationSocialaspects of MoraleducationRehgiousand educationChildwelfare churcheducationM annalandvocational ance W orkerseducationAgriculturellome trainingVocationalguid- tion -Civic economics--CommercialeducationProfessional educationAmerieanizationN1ilitaryand naval educa- Ethica t ionof educationRehabilitationof women NegroeducationEducationof disabted Libraries deafExceptional 5 and childrenEducationextension readingBureauof Education:Recentpublications. NOTE. Fromtimeto time aclassifiedandannotatedrecordis bulletinform,ofcurrent issued,in educationalpublicationsreceivedby libraryof theBureau the ofEducationtoacertainspecifieddate. present listcontinues The therecordto 'June1,1924,immediately lowingBulletin,1923,no. 54, which fol- comprisedpublicationsreceived bytheBureauofEdUcationto October 15,1923. Thisoffice can not supplythepublicationslistedin therthanthose thisbulletin, expresslydesignateda4 publicationsof the )1'Education. Bureau Books,pamphlets,andperiodicals ay ordinarily herementioned be obtiiinedfromtheirrespective lirectlyor through publishers,either adealer,or,in thecaseofan association ion, from the publica- secretary oftheissuingorganization. re available Manyofthem forconsultationinvariouspublic ibraries. andinstitutional aw..=mmillik116...1110 EDUCATIONALKISTORYANDBIOGRAPHY. 1!po11onio,ThorntonD.Boston publicschools,past andpresent,with reflectionson theircharactersand some characteristics.Boston,Wright Potter[1923]166p.front.,plates.8°. & wvesR hird's-eye view ofwhat hasbeenaccomplishedin the fiat "quarterofa century, Bostonschoolsystemduringthe describingsome of theimportantchangesthat have narrative,however,occasionally rnakes takenplace.The briefexcursionsinto earlierperiods. ldwell,Otis4W. andCourtis,StuartA.Thenand 1845:1923. now ineducation, Amessage ofencouragementfromthepast tothe Yonkers-on-Hudson,N. Y.,World present. bookcompany,164.ix, 400p. plans,-facsims.,tables,diagrs.8°. illus., Thematerial he;givenmakes possible as they a comparisoninefficiencybetween were 75years ago andas theyare at present. the publicschools 4 1 .0" 8 - -8811,..17,-VV.:. 2 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. Grizzell, Emit Duncan.Origin and development of the-highschool in New England before 1865.[Now York, The Macmillan company,1923]xvii, 428p.front., plates, tables.12°. Thesis in education (Ph. D.)--University ofPennsylania, Philadelphia, 1922. According to Prof. Arthur J. Jones in the introduction,this study isadistinct contribution to the history of education. The author conclusivelyshows that the public high school, in NewEng land at least, is distinctively American both inorganization and purpose. Hansen, Allen Oscar. Early educational leadership in theOhio valley; astudy of educational reconstructionthrough the Western literaryinstitute and college of professional teachers,18294841.Bloomington, Ill., Public school publishing company[1923]120p.8°.(Journal of educational researchemonographs,no.5, 1g23) Haskins, Charles Homer.The rise of universities.New York, H. Holtand company,1923.ix, 134p.12°.(Brown' university.The Colver lec- tures, 1923.) This volume contains three lecturesby Prof. Ilaskins on the subjects ofthe earliest universities, the medieval proksor, andthe medieval student. They constitute ageneral survey of the be- ginnings of universities and of universitylife in Europe, with many quotations fromthe original documents of the period. Atthe end is a bibliographical notewhich will serve as a guide to those who may wish to read furtherin the literature of early universities. Kandel, I. L., ed.Twenty-fiveyearsof American education;collectedessays. New York, The Macmillan company,1924.xvi, 469p.8°. This volume comprisescontributions fromanumber of formerstudents of Prof. Paul Monroe inappreciation of hiscompletion of 25 years ofservice at Teachers college, Columbiauniversity. These essays summarizethe achievements in Americaneducation during the first quarter of the 20th century. Osuna, John Joseph.Education in PortoRico.New York city, Teachers college, Columbiauniversity, 1923.viii, 312p.front. (fold. map), plates, tables.8°.(Teacherscollege,C3lumbia university.Contributionsto education,no.133) Porto Rico presents a newproblem in Americaneducation, since the island has to-day anAmeri- canschool;ystem with 400yearsof Spanish background.This volume gives a comprehensive history of educational activitiesin Porto Rico fromthe beginning of the Spanish occupation tothe present. Parker, WilliamBelmont. Thelife and public services ofJustin Smith Morrill.Boston and NewYork, HoughtonMifflincompany,1924.378p. front. (port.), plates.8°. One chapter of thisbiography is devoted tothe services of Senator Mon-ill toeducation in pro- oting the land-grantcollege acts. Sanirsonof Oundle.London,Chatto & Windus, 1923.vii, 366p.front., plates.8°. The career andpersonality of F. W.Sanderson and his contributions toeducational method, as headmaster of Oundle schoolin England, are describedfully in this book, which is tbocomposite work of a number of personswho knew the subjectintimately in life. 16: Simons, LaoG. ADutch text book .of 1730.Mathematics teacher, 340-47, October1923. Describes the arithmetic orthe art of cyphering...together with a short treatise on algebra draw: upby Pieter Venema....New York, 1730.First book containing algebrathatwasprinted in Us American colonies.Ilrustrated. Vose, Caroline E."Placing" students incolonial :days.North American review, 219:115-22, January 1924. Discusses the old taskof "placing" eachstudent according to social position atrecitation, it Commencement, and inchapel. "Mack< was in vogue atHarvard from the beginningand late adopted by Yale at itsfoundation in 1700. The customlasted until about the time of theRevolu tionary war. ,4 CURRENT EDUCATIONALPUBLICATIONS. 8 Wells,GuyFred. ParisheducationincolonialVirginia. Teacherscollege, NewYorkcity, Columbiauniversity,1923.3p. 1., 95p. college,Columbia 8°.(Teachers university.Contributionstoeducationno. 138) Bibliography:p. 93-95. Wells, H.G.Thestory ofa greafrschoolmaster. company, 1924. NewYork,TheMacmillan ix, 176p. front.(port.),plates.12°. Describes thecareer andeducationalmethods ofF. W. school inEngland. Sanderson,lateheadmasterof theOundle Woody, Thomas.Quakereducationin thecolony Asource book. andstate ofNewJersey. Philadelphia,UniversityPof 1923.xii,408p. Pennsylvania,TheAuthor, front.(map),illus.,facsims.,diagre. For theuse of students 8°. of thehistoryofeducation,this rise anddevelopmenc writer givesa rather fullaccount ofthe of theFriends'schofqs inNewJersey, records.Since the with liberalselectionsfrom theoriginal purpose throughouthas beenhiStorical,no day ishereattempted. survey of Quakerschools ofthepresent CURRENT EDUCATIONALCONDITIONS. GENERAL ANDUNITEDSTATES.dlit Nationaleducationassociationof the UnitedStates.Addressesand proceedingsof thesixty-6rstann`ual cisco, meeting,heldatOakland-SanFran- California,July1-6,1923.Vol.LXI. education Washington,D. C.,National association,1923.'xii,1068p.illus.8°. Thisvolumecontains Lhe addressesandproceedingsat the andat themeetingsof the generalsessions oftheassociation, Nationalcounciland ofthevarious resolutions ma'deat the departments.Theaddressesand Worldconferenceon education,heldin San under theauspicesof theNational Francisco,June 28to July6, educationassociation,are publishedin Adams, a separatepamphlet. John.Advancementofeducation Journalof in theUnitectStatesofAmerica. educationandSchoolworld(London), A general 56: A7-39,April1924. critique ofeducation inVieUnitedStates. Ballou,FrankW. Educationin thenation'scapital. 539-43,May10,1924. Séliporandsociety,.19: v Address broadcastedfromradiostationWRC, Washington,D.42.,March17, 1924. Brogden,L. C.andothers. Surveyof the Raleigh, public schoOsofLenoircounty. Statesuperintendentofpublic tables. instoruction,024.233p.illus., 8°.([NorthCarolina.Department publicationno. 73. ofeducation]Educational Divisionofsupervisionno. 17.) Thesurrey staffconsistedof L.C. NV. F. Brogden,director,assisted Credle,and E.E.Sams. by HattieS. Parrott,J. J.Blair, Butterfield, f ErnestWEducationalsurveys. June1924. Educationalreview,.68:1-5,
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