STENBERG NAMED DEAN OF ENROLLMENT CLASSIFIED ADS Larry Stenberg, dean ot student program - " ... increasing our enrollment development programs, has been named or meeting our enrollment projections for WANTED: Used phy­ to the new post of Dean of Enrollment next year. .includes looking at other Services by Administrative Vice-President kinds of recruitment activities and also siology text, "Human ' Dean Clabaugh. looking at improving retention." 2) team Design", from last Stenberg, who has already begun work and program building for the access year's Health Co­ at the new position, was originally hired group - "The success of our ability to ordinated Studies. as director of Evergreen Counseling pull that off is going to be dependent Services in 1970. He is a 1957 graduate of upon utilizing the talent and interest of Contract Stadium High School in Tacoma and the people who are employed in those Contact Beverlee: received his bachelor of arts and master's areas that are going to. be pulled 866-1477. degrees from the University of Puget together." 3) budget. 4) ' remodeling Sound. He held a variety of positions at plans - ''I'm convinced of and in support o UPS before coming to Evergreen. of pulling together these services in the C FOR SALE-Acoustic Clabaugh chose Stenberg from an same general area. I think in the long run QQ o:l original list of four which included Mary it will be very beneficial to students. ." C 150 amp-$275; acou­ V> stic guitar-$40; Hillaire, John Moss and Walker Allen. 5) systems analysis. ., That list had been narrowed to Allen and The declining enrollment and gloomy It< I'" Gretsch electric Stenberg by a screening DTF. Why outlook for next fall has a lso come to the conferences and people concerned w ith I'm going to have to concentrate my guitar w/case-$225; Stenberg? "He was the best qualified of new dean's attention. "One- of the things I the access center occupy almost all of his energies on working w ith program Rectilinear stereo the candidates," was Clabaugh's brief plan to do," he says, "is to pull together time, sometimes more time than he has. development. .. Hopefully, I've had His secretary, Bonnie Hilts, says that speakers-$l25. All reply. an advisory team of people to take a look enough interaction with students here in The newly created Enrollment Services, at our present admissions program. As people are always stopping him for one of the past five years that I won't lose track prices negotiable. or Student Access Center as some are I've mentioned in the planning document those 5-minute discussions that end up of the reason I'm here." Call Brad after 6 at calling it, will house in one location the I've put together I see four or five areas lasting 45-minutes instead. "} consider it 'We're going to do everything we can 491-6350. offices of Academic Advisor, Admissions, where I hope we can concentrate some the main accomplishment of my profes­ to be responsive to students . We'lI Career Planning, Financial Aid, Registrar, eHort." Those areas are: 1) increasing sional career to make Larry Stenberg on improve our responsiveness to students Student Accounts and Veterans' Affairs. recruiting of community college transfers; time. In three years I haven't made it and be supportive of the faculty and Activities of these offices will be 2) increase recruiting efforts through yet." she adds. staH," Stenberg continues, " and we ask coordinated and staffs will be cross-trained alternative sources such as the military; "There's one thing that I'm frustrated people to be patient with us." to provide a maximum efficiency of 3) develop a comprehensive plan to with bUl recognize the necessity of," • Spring Quarter parking per­ Stenberg remarks, 'Til have, at least for One of the exhibits at the Orca Symposium held Fridav operation. The idea behind it all is to recruit part-time students; and 4) develop mits will be required as of March remove the several cross-campus trips that a proposal for improving the retention of awhile, much less contact with students. the and Saturday of last week. 31. Permits can be purchased at are necessary now for a student to do those students already here. evergreen the Cashier's office from March business with the college. "I think a key here is that there are 22 on. The staff of the new access center has several things that effect admissions that staJ8l1ege Parking permits for Dorm and several large tasks before it, not' the least are not solvable by the access center Mod residents will be available of which is picking a name. "'Enrollment group and rest primarily in the academic COOPER POINT at the Security office March 29. .s services' as a title is too limiting," says program planning area," Stenberg ex­ Stenberg. "Not only is it too limiting, it's plains. ''I'm kind of. hopeful that this ntisleac;ling ... Enrollment services implies advisory group will make some very • Two work-study positions will that we're dealing with a student's needs strong requests with regard to additional be opening in the Self- Paced at entry but there is a continuing offerings, particularly with regard to part­ Learning Labs Spring Quarter. interaction of students with areas like time studies." He considers the offerings One position will deal with URNAL Career Planning and Placement, with in the 1976-77 supplement to be "strong" Volume IV I\lumber 23 April 1, 1976 developing and supervising a Financial Aid, with Veteran's Affairs, and hopes they will have a positive effect self-paced photography series with Academic Advising, Student Ac­ in retaining current students through and the other is an aide posit ion counts, even the Registrar's office." next year. in marine biology . Stenberg has identified five major Formerly a busy man, Stenberg's daily projects which must be completed in the pace has increased dramatically since KorDlondy Unveils next month. They are 1) admissions accepting the appointment. Planning • Someone appropriated a lab Proposal to notebook containing a 2-quarter CATALOG project for Foundations of Nat. Science - and two new books SUPPLEMENT RevaDlp Deanery that were left in the Bookstore, If found, please leave at Security by Curtis Milton the use of "conveners" as a counse ling in ­ put to the deans. Conveners would assem­ q}) or Foundations lounge. No After several months work by an infor­ ble groups of people to work on specific questions asked. mal group of faculty and deans, a pro­ issues - just as Kormondy has had Will posal that would take some of the pres­ Humphreys do with the mathematics fac· sure off the academic deans by reorganiz­ ulty. The groups are "very informal." • Lecture on "A Buddhist Ap­ ing their structure has been unveiled by proach to Learning" Wednesday Vice President and Provost Ed Kormondy. Kormondy cautions. " It has no force of J March 17th at 1 p.m. Lib. 2100 The reorganization plan was first made law, it has no force of anything except public in a memorandum from Kormondy good council." Lounge. Kormondy would also like to see are· dated March 8. It was developed through instatement of the assistant deanship. A discussions with some faculty, the deans, two year trial period would allow po ten : • S & A Board meeting, President McCann and Vice President tial deans to gain experience and "test the J Wednesday March 17 at 9 :30 Dean Clabaugh. water" while providing a back-up group a. m. CAB 108. Kormondy felt it was best to "go pub­ of experienced people in case of emergen· ~------ lic" with a fully developed plan and "let cies. the people shoot at it" rather than come The fourth point the proposal speaks to out and ask " How shall we do it?" " It • Registration for Human is lengthening the term of academic deans The $2.40 A Night Snooze. Growth Center Workshops will seemed to me," says Kormondy, "that to four years from the present three and continue April 8 and 9 from 10 given the nature of the deanship, what I "to call for more administrative experience a.m. to 6 p.m. in Lib. 1224. knew about it both from first hand exper­ as a prerequisite to candidacy." For a mere $2.40 a night ($72 per ience as well as reports made to this of­ Presently there are four academic fice, that the more appropriate course of month), you can sleep soundly on deans. Kormondy's reorganization pro­ campus with all the creature • There will be a workshop on action was to work with a small group, posal would change that number to two. conveniences of home. venereal-type diseases offered by try to refine my thinking, sharpen my These would be aided by two assistant the Women's Clinic at noon, thinking." deans and an administrative assistant. Here are some of the freebies we've Wednesday , March 17, Lib. 76 - 77 SUPPLEMENT OUT: The real problem Kormondy sees at this Evergreeners are deeply concerned inc luded: water, electricity, gar­ 1223. time with the deanship is that all aca­ about the growing "menace" of bureau­ bage, heat, telephone, and cable PROGRAMS EMPHASIZE demic problems come to rest with the cracy here. Is Kormondy concerned that TV -FM. All of this to make campus deans. In his memorandum Kormondy this proposal might add to that bureau­ living inexpensive and comfortable. says that "there are no intermediate fil­ cracy and increase student unrest? • A new Bicentennial Scholar­ HISTORY, SCIENCE ters which in more traditionally organized "Given my experience and perception at institutions handle a substantial number Prices are based upon Unit Leasing ship program has been an­ by Jill Stewart contracts, and two contracts labeled Evergreen," Kormondy replies.
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