Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals abcdefghijklmnopqrstu REPORT TO SCOTTISH MINISTERS ON THE GLASGOW AND THE CLYDE VALLEY STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN EXAMINATION carried out under Section 12 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 Reporters: Malcolm Mahony & David Russell Date of Report: 30 March 2012 CONTENTS Page no Examination of Conformity with the Participation Statement 1 Issue 1. Strategic Development Plan 3 2. Philosophy and Principles 9 3. Economic and Demographic Framework 17 4. Spatial Vision 21 5. Spatial Development Strategy Model 32 6. Strategy Support Measure 2: Longer-term Potential Strategic Development Initiative 39 7. Strategy Support Measure 3: Strategic Economic Investment Locations 42 8. Competitiveness 47 9. Connectivity 50 10. Strategy Support Measure 6: Strategic Freight Facilities 55 11. Strategy Support Measure 7: Sustainable Transport 58 12. Green Network 68 13. Green Belt 71 14. Forestry and Woodland Strategy 78 15. Surface Coal Search Areas 83 16. Wind Energy: Broad Areas of Search 87 17. Effectiveness and Additional Housing Land 93 18. Removal of Community Growth Areas 118 19. Housing Market Areas 121 20. Generous Land Supply 126 21. Urban Capacity Study 141 22. All Tenure Housing Requirement 145 23. Definitions of Intermediate Housing and Affordable Housing 163 24. Housing and Land Additions: Specific Locations 167 25. Miscellaneous: Housing 172 26. Particular Housing Needs 175 27. Strategy Support Measure 10: Housing and Local Flexibility 178 28. Network of Strategic Centres 189 29. Infrastructure: Energy 196 30. Infrastructure: Waste 200 31. Infrastructure: Water Environment 203 32. Infrastructure: Broadband 205 33. Lack of Fisheries Policy 207 34. Strategy Support Measure 15: Meeting Risk - Delivering the Spatial Development Priorities 209 35. Miscellaneous 212 36. Natura 2000 Sites 214 GLASGOW AND THE CLYDE VALLEY STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN EXAMINATION OF CONFORMITY WITH THE PARTICIPATION STATEMENT 1. Section 12(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, as amended, states that a person appointed to examine a proposed strategic development plan “is firstly to examine under this section the extent to which the strategic development planning authority’s actings with regard to consultation and the involvement with the public at large as respects the proposed plan have conformed with (or have been beyond the requirements of) the participation statement of the authority which was current when the proposed plan was published under section 10(1)(a).” 2. The Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan Participation Statement was published with the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan Authority’s Development Plan Scheme in March 2009, following which the document was revised and published twice: in March 2010 and March 2011. Since the proposed plan was published in June 2011, the relevant participation statement is the version published in March 2011. 3. The following table summarises the authority’s consultation aims and the participation measures, as indicated in the participation statement. Against each of these, the main evidence of conformity is set out. In some cases this simply amounts to confirmation that the aim or measure was implemented, on the basis of the information supplied by the authority. The authority was also asked to respond to a representation criticising its participation measures. Summary of authority’s consultation Main evidence of conformity aims Arrangements for participation are as inclusive, Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic open and transparent as possible Development Plan Authority website. Housing Need and Demand Assessment webpage. Meetings open to the public. Information is provided early and in a format that Comprehensive publications including allows full consideration background papers. Publication and engagement throughout development of plan. Range of communications formats and Print, website, email, telephone, meetings, etc. locations, especially electronic Locations for meetings and lodging documents throughout plan area. Representations considered and reported to Representations summarised and reported to Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan Authority Development Plan Authority on 12 September 2011. At special meeting of Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan Authority on 27 September, representations reported in detail and specific areas of concern and issues highlighted. Participation by: • Public sector groups • Implemented • Private sector groups • Implemented • Established community groups • Implemented • Voluntary and environmental organisations • Implemented • Community planning partnerships • Implemented 1 GLASGOW AND THE CLYDE VALLEY STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Measures Main evidence of conformity Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Launched 30 June 2011 Development Plan Authority website with access to Strategic Development Plan related publications Email registration Implemented Telephone and email enquiry point Implemented Newsletters – 2 p.a. 2 newsletters published in 2010 and widely circulated Awareness raising leaflet Published Local authority events Events in each constituent authority Continuation of Strategic Futures Group 17 meetings Meetings with public sector 6 meetings Meetings with private sector 7 meetings with range of trade bodies, representative companies, etc Meetings with environmental sector 5 meetings Retail focus group 1 meeting Representations relating to the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic authority’s consultation and public Development Plan Authority response involvement activities Representation E63 – Hillhead Community • Representation period 30 June to 26 Aug Council: 2011 fully advertised. 2 weeks longer than • Most community councils in recess during minimum 6 weeks to acknowledge summer consultation period, making wide period. consultation impossible. • Timeline for consultation set out in • Web access not easy. Development Plan Scheme (date for plan • Printed copies should have been more consultation and public consultation given widely available and publicised to all affected as June 2011). communities. • All material related to proposed plan available through website. • Copies of plan available at all constituent local authority council offices and all libraries in plan area. 4. Having considered the evidence, we found that the authority had consulted on the plan and involved the public in the way they said they would in their participation statement, in accordance with section 12(2) of the Act. Being satisfied, we therefore proceeded to examine the proposed strategic development plan. 2 GLASGOW AND THE CLYDE VALLEY STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN Issue 1 Strategic Development Plan Development plan Reporter: Entire Proposed Plan reference: Malcolm Mahony Body or person(s) submitting a representation raising the issue (including reference number): E3 Councillor Gordon Murray E11/2 Ashfield Land E14/2 Land Synergy E15/1 Bellisle Developments Ltd E29/1 Ogilvie Homes Ltd. E62 Scottish Association for Public Transport E63 Hillhead Community Council Provision of the development plan Entire Proposed Plan to which the issue relates: Planning authority’s summary of the representation(s): E3 Councillor Gordon Murray Cumbernauld does not feature in the Proposed Plan as a strategic priority and deserves a higher status in terms of Scotland’s future economic and development priorities. Attention is drawn to Cumbernauld’s central position in lowland Scotland, to its need for additional public housing, the regeneration needs of the town, its investment in public realm, its need for more office and hotel spaces. E11/2 Ashfield Land, E14/2 Land Synergy, E15/1 Bellisle Developments Ltd Proposed Plan is far from concise, its layout and structure are overly complicated and could not be easily interpreted by a layperson. A different approach should be adopted with the structure and text significantly streamlined to reduce complexity. E29/1 Ogilvie Homes Ltd There should be a delay to the consideration of the Strategic Development Plan until a time that the Reporter’s recommendations on the on-going Local Plan examination in North Lanarkshire have been published to ensure that the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan reflects the adopted housing land supply position of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan. E62 Scottish Association for Public Transport During the Scottish Ministers’ assessment of the Proposed Plan, the Scottish Government should commit itself to review its own strategic transport investment programme so as to inform the Proposed Plan and its future effectiveness and rather than delaying a review of the Strategic Transport Projects Review a positive Scottish Government commitment is needed for a fundamental reassessment of Strategic Transport Projects Review as part of the budget process for 2012/13 and following years. This is crucial for an effective Strategic Development Plan and a revised Regional Transport and Energy Strategy within limited funding. 3 GLASGOW AND THE CLYDE VALLEY STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN E62 Scottish Association for Public Transport Modelling scenarios of economic growth, spatial policy and transport mode share is not adequately considered in the Strategic Development Plan Proposed Plan even though both the Scottish Government and the Strategic Development Plan Proposed Plan argue in principle for an economic strategy breaking the
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