ne~ C,'V Mi;tM HAGGADAH SHELOM YERUSHALAYIM o,,,,,en ;\Mj~~ _,,l~be oiliri tl'l' SEPHARDIC HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. New York, N.Y. 1997 I 5757 Copyright © 1997 By Sephardic Heritage Foundation, Inc. New York, NY All rights reserved under International and Pan American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without permission in writing from the copyright holder. Design and composition by Simcha Graphic Associates, Brooklyn, NY Printed in The United States of America Dedicated by Morris. and Shirley Sutton and children in memory of their beloved fathers and grandfathers Jesse M. Sutton and Joseph Mizrachi ij"J"n:ibCC, i'C)!'j'fV i"Jiit:(C,5'ji 'i1 "Oj )!'..,,,.., tl"j:lC, :It:( i1li1 oi"M Jil:( ,,~\" i'Obej'l) niiri C,v MV)!' riiY'O t("Mi ,tl"iY'O:l niY'O C,v nirii~ri riC,i;n ".o"i:i)!' Ji":l'O tl"iY'O'O oribCY" ivt:( , ij:iC, rii.:ini" 't:(jVJ iC,t:(v bee, iC,"5'bei tl"j:iC, )!'"iinC, it nip" +('O"")!' MY'Oi T'OM rii~C,n'O l"5' V"i:l tl":l~in ij:ii "V"'O~i) Jiit:("Y'O!l niiM'OM i1j,'Ot:(rl ri:i:iio ,..,,)!'V i"YM ..,~ Jibeti bei:i'V oC,i)!':i riiv)!'C, riC,v'O'OM ,; ivt:(i iiin"i iriiint:( /M M:li'OM ,~,, ,,'Ot:( ,~,, ,tl"iY'O Jibe"Y" t:eiri , iy~n~i i:iiYi:J ri=ii'O~M iiO" 'O"i'O'OV "M:li'OD Ml "iM ,tl"iY'O 11t:("Y":l i~oC, riiiii)!'JiMM C,ii;i "5''ii .orii:ivn'Oi tl")!''Oivn :iC,i i:iC, v'Oi)!':i Jit:("Y" rii"~l 1:J ,MTM M'"'!l tl"iY'O Ji~"Y" ,,~o:i riiC,)!'~JiMMi :iC,M Ji:J":l!l rl"MJi ,i1jVM Jii'O"''O tli" C,~:i ri:iin t:("MV t:l'"'iY'O Miiriri ci"i'' y-oi::ci ni:J ri:irii:iM ~"'M it Mi";:)ti , C,;:)vM ri-o"'Oi ,,, i)!' i:iC, :1~'0 i'flj"' t:(,'O riiiiiM i'Ov ri::c Jii'TM'Oi M"'JiiiY'Oi :l"'"M ,,,, ,,, ';:):1" ,,'Ot:(, '"TM ,,..,,;irii ,t:l'"'jiv~iM i:i"'rii:i~ ii:i)!''O'O MJi)!' ~Y" i'OY)!':l t:CiM ,,"'t:C:J i'OY)!' Jib( riit:CiriC, cit:C Mi:lMM i''O,)!''O .n~Y,"M Mii-o;i riiriitri'i Mt:C"'!l'O itv ,''t:l"iY'O ci"'pi i:i"':i:i i"ri)!'C, Mi"M"M M:iii)!'M ~"Mi , ii:i)!''t' riiiiiri o~ MiYD riiv" ri~ i:iC, ;~ 1ri"' V'"'~ 'i:l .n~t'ii , it:Ci:i'"' .niiiiC, Miiriri :iC,n .nn'Oirv:ii "'~, i:ii~:i Mriiv)!'C, ,..,,)!' riC,'Oi-ori rii'"'in~rii it i~!l" C"''O"'!l M"'.Mii"~ J"i~ ~Y'O" 1~ , ii'0~:3 M'O'"'i'C, !l"'O"'rV 'i:l:Ji i:J"rii:i~ .n:ii'O~.:l C"'iivpi C'"'tin~ 'M ii:i )!'it ,..,j.:l iriit:Ci:i +i1TM ci"'M:J i:irii"'nC,i C"''O'"'M 'i:J i:iC, :ii'OC, i:iriii.n "':Jiii '0"0 ~iC,~ nii~.., "M 1i)!''OV "'Obl:iil ,,,);! Preface The men of the great assembly, in their almost prophetic vision, composed the Haggadah some two thousand years ago. In it, we find the complete story of the enslavement of our ancestors in Egypt, their miraculous redemption, and their arrival at Mt. Sinai to receive God's Law. The story relates how Hashem, with His mighty arm, toyed with Pharaoh in Egypt and then destroyed him and his legions in the Red Sea. All the above is told in prose, poetry and song, packed with drama, extolling the power and the majesty of the Almighty.. In every Jewish household all over the world, fami­ lies gather around the Seder table to relate and discuss the miracles of Hashem. To the youngest falls the priv­ ilege of asking "Why is this night different from all other nights?" The educational value of this institution is without parallel. Slaves to Pharaoh one day, and free servants to God the next day! The Haggadah thus strengthens- -our belief in Hashem and instills in our hearts and minds a new spirit toward God's worship. Halleluyah! Halelu Abdeh Adonai. Praise God! Praise Him, servants of God. Sam Catton, president Sephardic Heritage Foundation ne~ C,~ rii;ui HAGGADAH SHELOM YERUSHALAYIM •••ib~?. ~~•n:i 01~~ 1~~7 P1~J)1 You shall tell your son on that day, saying ... 2 i~~ ,t:i71~p 17~ 1)-,t:fC,~ ,rtirt-. MJ;tt:5 11i~ !1'~0 i1~,~ ,,, 1)l'f1 ,,lJ,,,~~ i)~]i? itlit:e'D ntl 1":l"'C iv"'l'Mi , y"Cnn ;~:i; , ..," nv"i:in i?J.l'C int:e ijitlt:e" r.,,~":lM n~ij "it:ei:> 1":ltl tier, 'Ct:C 1=>r.,i •,;~:i; i:iC.,:i 'iitl.l"i •1'CpC,i:> Mj"itlM 1i'Cr.,:l ~,,, ri,M,lM t:(C,i _,n,~iz ~~_,~, ~,,'CM '~ T : •• • -: T. : • : • T • : T • -: T .~j(1~1 ~,!?,,~ :i,v;r,1 ,,~~ ,107 ,r.t-.J:l1ji"~ ,ri_,tt,10 ~711 ..,,tt,101 ,ri1~1~ t:(~,~1 ~,,~n '~ :l,V)01 ,,~~ ,107 ,ri,t11ji,~ ~711 M"tl1ji,~1 .t:e;;1~1 t:(1~ji~ 3 HAGGADAH OF PESAf::I 'I'BE SEARCH FOR HAMES• On the evening preceding the eve of Passover, (i.e., the eve of the fourteenth of the month Nisan), in fulfilment of the Biblical command that for the Passover "there shall be no leaven found in your houses, n all leaven still in the house is carefully searched out by the light of a candle. (When the first day of Passover falls on Sunday, this is done on Thursday evening.) Before the formal search begins, this blessing is recited:- Blessed are Yo~, Adonai, our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and enjoined on us to remove leaven. At the close of the search, which is carried out in silence, when the leaven has been set apart and carefully covered, this declaration is made:- May all leaven in my possession which I have not seen or removed be annulled and considered as dust of the earth. BURNING 'I'BE HAMES• The following morning, (when the first day of Passover falls on Sunday, this is done on Friday morning. In this case leaven may be eaten until Saturday morning, 9 o'clock) after giving away or burning that leaven which has not been eaten or otherwise disposed of, all leaven and leaven utensils should be completely removed by 9 o'clock, and the following final declaration is made:- May all leaven in my possession, whether I have seen it or not or whether I have removed it or not, be annulled and considered as dust of the earth. 4 ")£), ,, Cli"'C l"'"V:l.M ".!\,.,~ Cl"M")'C ,,,.,., Cli":t :ii~ Ci" C,nv~ OM.,, M"" .,il'"V MY'C O"MviC, ::ii.,)!IM iit ~in 1~, .M'CMM Ml'"i'V n!)i:l l":l.,:l'Ci ( 1 ounce) onii '~ iil)"V C,"v:ini (2 ounces> ~ i~~ ,07,~p 17~ iJ"lJC,~ ,MiM" MJ;t~ J 11i~ ::i1i~ M!i"~ C,~ 1Jj~1 ,.,J:l,~~~ 1J~1P "'-1~~71 "~1~~; be;' .,,~ bett; b\;1il{ i1~ ,~;~;~ C,~ i~~~7i ,be~i~ "i(.iC,1~71 ,"'-1Dt?~71 :rizt5C, !l,-o c,~D T - : • i~~ · ,07,~p 17~ ij"tjC,~ ,MiM" MJ;l~ 1ii~ <1 n~~> c,~ ,,. i'";1tt7 ijj~1 ,.,.?),~~~ 1J~1~ !:l10 C'i" 5 HAGGADAH OF PES~ 'IBEERUB Jewish law permits us to cook on a weekday Holiday for consumption on that vety day. It is however prohibited to cook on a Holiday for Shabbat. When the Holiday occurs on Thursday and Friday, our Rabbis have ordained that if a person, on the day before the Holiday, will cook one egg (minimum 1 ounce) and reserves two ounces of massah, thus constituting a fixed meal, it will be considered as having begun the cooking of the Shabbat meal and may thus continue the cooking on the Holiday. Blessing for the "Erub": Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and enjoined on us regarding the misvah of erub. With this erub we shall be permitted to bake, cook, insulate, prepare, kindle light and do all necessary on Yorn Tob for Shabbat. The "Erub" is set aside, to be eaten with one of the Shabbat meals. CANDLE UGHfING Before sunset the mother of the household lights the festival candles while reciting the blessil)g:- Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and enjoined on us to light the light of (Shabbat and) Yorn Tob. 6 ",""" .,,'= JiiY'C ';\ ,,,'C o~i~ noiin nitn i:iVJiic 1"':J"i , ini:> "£3':J C"~:J o"C,:J:i ,oi" ii)!!:iic ,,.,l' i!lnC,i'V it"i1.., Cl":l':Ji':JM .M~Y .,n~ il' VJii"p i'C~" t<C,i ,.nii"M iii M:10"i1:l :l'V"'V i:1l'"i:ii •.,~,, "'"":1 .nioi:J 'l':l,~M ,!:) M"".M'V niiY'C Cl""P"'V ..,,;::) .M"" t<Y" C":l':Ji:lil n~Y oiip VJii"pM C"ipil Clt< .,;.
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