Generation IV reactor systems and Renewable Energy Hideki Kamide Chair-Elect, Policy Group The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 Contents I. The Generation IV International Forum II. Relation between Nuclear and Renewable III. What can be done by Gen-IV Reactor Systems? IV. Challenges for the industrial deployment of GEN-IV reactors NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 2 I. The Generation IV International Forum 3 Generation of Nuclear Energy Systems Current nuclear plants in operation are mainly Gen-II and Gen-III reactors. Evolutionary LWR, Small modular reactors, and Gen-IV reactors are expected as next generation nuclear power plants. Gen-IV reactors are expected to enter commercial phase after 2030 NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 4 History of Generation IV International Forum (GIF) USA proposed a bold initiative in 2000 The vision was to leapfrog LWR technology and collaborate with international partners to share R&D on advanced nuclear systems. GIF Charter was signed in Jul. 2001, and extended in 2011. Gen IV concept defined via technology goals and legal framework Technology Roadmap released in 2002, and updated in Jan. 2014. 2 year study with more than100 experts worldwide Nearly 100 reactor designs evaluated and down selected to 6 most promising concepts: SFR, VHTR, LFR, SCWR, GFR and MSR. Framework Agreement (FA) was signed in Feb. 2005, and extended in 2015 for another 10 years. France, Japan, Korea, USA are signed in Feb. 2015 and Russia, Switzerland, and South Africa signed in after Feb. in 2015 respectively, Canada and EU signed in 2016. Australia joined in 2017 and UK deposited its instrument of accession in 2018 as new member countries. Signing ceremony of FA NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 5 Generation IV Goals Sustainability Long term fuel supply Minimize waste and long term stewardship burden Safety & Reliability Very low likelihood and degree of core damage Eliminate need for offsite emergency response Economics Life cycle cost advantage over other energy sources Financial risk comparable to other energy projects Proliferation Resistance & Physical Protection Unattractive materials diversion pathway Enhanced physical protection against terrorism NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 6 Six Generation IV Reactors Pool type Loop Very High Temperature Gas-cooled Fast Reactor type Reactor (VHTR) (GFR) Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) A fluoride salt coolant high- temperature reactor (FHR) Molten salt serves as the coolant of solid fuel core Molten fuel salt type Supercritical Water Lead-cooled Fast Reactor cooled Reactor (SCWR) (LFR) Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 7 Comparison of Gen-IV Reactors Neutron Outlet temp. Power System Coolant Fuel cycle Spectrum ( ) (MWe) Sodium-cooled ℃ Fast Reactor Fast Sodium 500-550 Closed 50-1500 (SFR) Very High Temperature Thermal Helium 900-1000 Open 250-300 Reactor (VHTR) Gas-cooled Fast Fast Helium 850 Closed 1200 Reactor (GFR) Supercritical Thermal/ Open/ Water-cooled Fast Water 510-625 Closed 300-1500 Reactor (SCWR) Lead-cooled Fast Fast Lead 480-570 Closed 20-1200 Reactor (LFR) Molten Salt Thermal/ Fluoride/ Reactor (MSR) Fast Chloride 700-800 Closed 1000 salts NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 8 Fourteen Current Members of GIF Argentina* Japan Australia Republic of Korea Brazil* Russian Federation Canada Republic of South Africa People’s Republic of China Switzerland Euratom United Kingdom France United States *Non-active member NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 9 II. Relation between Nuclear and Renewable 10 Current status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) 30-40 years for decommissioning 43,000 of people are still evacuated. NICE Future Webinar, Decemberhttp://www.meti.go.jp/english/earthquake/nuclear/decommissioning/index.html 2018 http://www.meti.go.jp/english/earthquake/nuclear/decommissioning/pdf/20180827_roadmap.pdf 11 Needs for CO2-free Energy: Global warming & Decarbonized society 35 Toward Zero in 2100 30 Paris Agreement (COP21) 25 -0.4Gt every year 20 15 More than 66 Gt of CO2 emissions have been CO2 [ Gt] avoided through the use of nuclear energy since 1971. 10 Nuclear electricity today avoids global emissions of about 1.7 Gt CO every year, accounting for 40% of low 5 2 carbon electricity generation worldwide. 0 2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 2036 2039 2042 2045 2048 Years CO2 data: Global Energy & CO2 Status Report 2017, IEA NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 12 Earthquake in Hokkaido and Blackout in 2018 An Earthquake in this summer Hokkaido resulted in Blackout of electricity in the entire area of Hokkaido for several days long. Japan Large thermal power reactor, which covers half of Hokkaido, was shutdown by the Earthquake. Total of 2.95 million households* lost the electricity. Such large-scale blackout is the first time in Japan. Reliability of The land-area of Hokkaido is the Grid is high-lighted. similar to Ireland! Widespread blackouts occurred all over the world North America(1989,2003), South America(2009), Moscow(2005) Europe(2003,2005), Asia(2011,2017) Stable and Reliable Grid is a significant issue of electricity supply. *Source: Reuter News: September 7, 2017 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-japan-quake-power/power-returning-to-hokkaido-but-quake-exposes-flaws-of-japan-grid-idUSKCN1LN1EM 13 Goals for Generation IV Reactor systems in GIF Four pillars Safety & Proliferation Sustainability Economics Resistance & Reliability Physical Protection Clean air and Very low likelihood of Life cycle cost Unattractive effective use of U Core Damage Financial risks diversion Minimize waste No need of Offsite Physical and burden emergency response protection Examples of Emerging influence factors Stakeholders, Low carbon society, Drivers from market Hybrid systems Society Private sectors National status, Commercialize Grid reliability Historical circumstance pathway National policy NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 14 Pathways to commercialize Six reactor systems to achieve GIF goals SFR LFR MSR GFR SCWR VHTR Common attributions and Challenges Reliable and Sustainable power supply in Decarbonized Society (Combination with other CO2 free energy systems) Safety enhancement depended on reactor types Cost competitive with these attributions Enhancement of R&D Collaborations on these issues NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 15 World 2˚C energy policy scenario by IEA IEA, WORLD ENERGY OUTLOOK-2017,P244 Intermittent renewables emerging rapidly in the world, but even so dispatchable zero CO2 energies are 20%, Intermittents are 30% NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 16 Example of daily intermittent patterns (Germany) 9AM Production 3PM Consumption Getting Wind and Sun onto the Grid, p.35-36 OECD/IEA(2017) NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 17 CO2 emission depended on power supply systems: 2015 Sweden France Washington Denmark California Germany Japan gCO2/kWh gCO2/kWh 106 174 282 450 540 11 46 gCO2/kWh gCO2/kWh gCO2/kWh gCO2/kWh gCO2/kWh Stable 88% 88% 76% 15% 26% 25% 12% Renewables 53% 11% 69% 15% 16% 11% 11% Nuclear 35% 78% 7% 0% 9% 14% 1% Intermi- ttent 10% 5% 6% 51% 14% 18% 4% Solar 0% 1% 0% 2% 8% 6% 3% Wind 10% 4% 6% 49% 6% 12% 1% Fossil energy 2% 7% 17% 34% 60% 56% 85% IEACO2 emissions from fuel combustion 2017 NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 18 III. What can be done by Gen-IV Reactor Systems? 19 Multiple pathways to Commercialization SFR LFR MSR GFR SCWR VHTR Example of contributions / attributions Sustainability Hybrid systems Cost Competitive Reliable grid: Load following, Heat storage R&Ds on Innovative systems Heat usage for hydrogen, Water desalination. GEN-3 + feedback experience Effective Use of Uranium Resources Minimize radioactive waste and burden Safety Passive features of Reactivity feedbacks, Passive shutdown systems, Passive decay heat removals, Natural circulations, etc. Safety Design Criteria for International Safety Standards NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 20 Example of Hybrid system –integration with RES- + Constant Power supply Nuclear Power output adjustment 再生可能エネルギー発電所RES Power supply Control Signals 出力 電気出力の制御Power Nuclear (インベントリ)control 電力合成 出力 Synthesis 一定 再生 電力網 Solar 熱交換器 Grid 原子炉 Gas turbine 出力 +Wind ガスタービン 炉心 発電機 Time 前置冷却器 Nuclear plant power output 制御信号 冷却材 adjustment by gas pressure and Very炉心蓄熱の自動変調量 High Temperature: 370 MJ/oC Reactor (VHTR) turbine inertia. VHTR + RES hybrid system JAEA website: https://www.jaea.go.jp/04/o-arai/nhc/jp/research/intro/heat/heat_03.html [in Japanese] NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 21 Example of Hybrid system –electricity and heat- Decarbonized technology H2 Production Technology IS process decomposes water with heat of ca. 900oC using chemical reactions of iodine (I) and sulfur (S). High- o o H2 400 C temperature 900 C O2 heat Bunsen reaction (Production of H2 1/2O2 + 2HI hydrogen iodide H2SO4 + I2 and sulfuric acid) SO2 + H2O 2HI + H2SO4 SO2 I2 + SO2 + 2H2O + I2 H2O Water Decomposition of Decomposition of hydrogen iodide (HI) Sulfuric acid H2O JAEA website: https://www.jaea.go.jp/04/o-arai/nhc/en/research/intro/is/index.html NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 22 Effective Use of Uranium Resources for Sustainability Effective use of natural uranium can be provided by Closed fuel cycle and Fast reactors; thus ensuring energy security for several centuries. Scenarios: • IIASA/WEC-C2: “Ecologically-driven” scenario. Renewable energy and small reactor would be used as global warming countermeasures. • IEA ETP2015-2DS: Greenhouse gas would be reduced and sustainable energy systems would be used. • IAEA 2016 (High case): The current rates of economic and electricity demand growth, particularly in the Far East, would continue, and policy on the climate change would be shifted. • IAEA 2016 (Low case): Current market, technology, and resource trends would continue. Increase in nuclear output might not be achieved. NICE Future Webinar, December 2018 Y. Sagayama, “Generation IV Reactors,” Lecture at the university of Tokyo, Oct. 15, 2018. 23 Minimize radioactive waste by Gen-IV systems Burning and Transmutation of Pu and Minor Actinides by Fast Reactors GEN IV reactors and the ASTRID Project, P.
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