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Carrizo Lodge construction local hospital property borders the Mescalero 'We have exercised our police Two Capitan football players Apache tribe reservation. powers in stopping the work going were hospitalized for tests Friday Chavez said he went to visit the on, for a lack of permits," Jackson after they became ill during a acquires lease site Thursday and found miUisive said. routine football practice at the high remodeling underway. Workers Richards said the work also school. by JOANNA DODDER were being endangered, he said, be­ needs the stamp of a licensed ar­ Ruidoso News Editor cause a loadbearing wall under a chitect because load bearings are Coach Ed Davis said Brian The Village of Ruidoso forced thick cement ceiling had been torn being changed in a commercial Seidel and Martine Gonzales were work to stop on Carrizo Lodge out in the restaurant. structure. taken to the Lincoln County Medi­ remodeling Thursday, citing a lack "They were under the impres­ cal Center about 4:30 p.m. to of permits. sion that they didn't need permits" determine whether their conditions The lodging facilities and histor­ because they were tribal employees were related. ic restaurant on Carrizo Canyon and they don't need village or state '-•At this point, we He said Seidel's father, a Road were purchased Tuesday by permits for remodeling on the don't know physician, determined that his son Gaim-Ko, Inc., which supplies gam­ reserve.tion, Chavez related. had suffered an asthma attack. Dr. bling machines for the Mescalero "One guy even said, Tm not the plans being Ray Seidel called back about 9:30 Apache Tribe's Inn of the Mountain going to stop working until Mr. contemplated.!! p_m. to say that tests showed Gon­ Gods. Chino himself tells me to stop," After being issued the stop or· Chavez said. zales was dehydrated and lacking CI.EATUS RICHARDS in carbohydrates, Dav.is said. The der, an Inn of the Mountain Gods, But when Chavez told the boy had not eaten before the prac­ official brought village Planning workers to leave the site, they did. VILLAGE PLANNING DIRECTOR tice. Director Cleatus Richards a copy of The village requires remodel a lease between the tribe and permits, and the state requires "It was so early in the practice Gaim-Ko. The lease was dated Aug. plumbing and electrical Jiennits for that we hadn't taken a break for 8 and signed by .Gallegos and Mes­ At this point, Inn officials seem water yet," Davis said. "''ve got to calero Apache Tribe President to be cooperating with the requests, educAte those young men that Wendell Chino. Richards said. nutrition is very important when If a change in use is pro posed for The lease permits the Inn of the t~~~They were under the they are participating in athletics." the restaurant, business plaza, Mountain Gi:lds to use the entire The boys were kept for observa­ impression that they laundry, gallery and/or 12 condos at lodge property, in return for the didn't need permits~ the Carrizo, a planning commission tion overnight and released Satur­ tribe paying for the remodel work. day. because they were hearing will be required, Richards An inn official told planning Code said. The adobe-style restaurant is Kathleen McDonaldffhe Rui<.loso News Enforcement Officer Thomos tribal employees and a national historic landmark. Chavez that the job would cost ap­ they didn't need In the Wednesday interview, Money marked for Yucca'n it up proximately $750,000, Chavez said. village or state permits Gallegos said he has no plans for hatchery by Senate With his trusty dog Bernie at his seat, artist "Texas Tim" paints a Inn ep1ployees are being paid by the Carrizo. Gallegos and Inn offi· sturdy yucca plant at the foot of the Sacramentos. east of Car­ the_ tribe to do the remodel work. for remodeling cials could not be reached this The Mescalero Apache fish rizozo_ The Houston resident said he's visiting Ruidoso for the Chavez estimated more than 50 of on the reservation. weekend for further comment. hatchery, approved for closure by summer and "soaking up the good vibrations_" them were at the work site Thurs- day. Some utilities are also being This is the second stop order vil­ the U.S. House of Representatives. J lage officials have issued for a large billed to the tribe after utility com­ is marked to continue operations in T!IOMAS Cll.\ \ 'fj commercial structure in the past panies were requested to do so, in­ the U.S. Senate's 1996 Appropria­ Coo~: E:--lf'ORct_\11'"-l 01-Tl<"FR month. A stop work order was cluding county government garbage tions Bill. issued for the Holiday Inn near service. Lightning strikes U.S. Highway 70 on July 13, and The hatchery on the reservation "At this point, we don't know the neighboring Ruidoso is among such work, said Village Manager those workers still have not com­ plans being cantemplated" by the Gary Jackson. No such permitB plied with orders so canstruction several hatcheries selected by the tribe, said Richards. The Carrizo Senate to share $3 million in 1996. more often locally have been acquired for the Carrizo. remains halted, Richards said. However, language in the bill directs the Fish and Wildlife Ser­ vict: :..::: develop a down-sizing plan and in New Mexico to be implemented in 1997. County residents say top Storms in areas with more mois­ U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici (R- by DIANNE STALLINGS ture also tend to look more N .M.) requested the money, saying Ruidoso News Staff Writer threatening than New Mexico's the hatchery provides an important In the last 35 years, more people storms, Liles said. health problem is alcoholism service to Indian tribes and per capita died from lightning "A lot of people won't take pueblos. He said he would work to strikes in New Mexico than any by DON HIXON ioral health services 'limited' is a shelter until they're getting wet," identified by the survey are (in or­ ensure the money stays in the final other state. Ruidoso News Staff Writer der) alcoholism, high blood pres­ compliment, because those services bill, a reconciliation of versions In three separate incidents in Liles said. "That's not a good atti­ Alcoholism is rated as the num­ sure, cancer, heart disease, auto ac- are practically non-existent, consul­ from the House and Senate. the past 1.5 months in Lincoln tude in New Mexico." ber one health problem in Lincoln cidents and drug abuse. · tant Jan Randolph told the board. County, two people have taken To better educate residents County by respondents to hospital "There aren't very many services President Clinton's proposal also. A question about behavioral direct hits and lived. several more about the dangers and to improve survey. here and they're not very well util­ seeks to close the hatchery. health services needing improve­ have been hospitalized with in­ their understanding of the Survey results were reported at ment in Lincoln County brought ized," Randolph said. "In some in­ Fish from the hatchery are used juries and others have been jolted dynamics of the phenomena, Liles' Thursday's Lincoln County Medical stances it's almost impossible to get to stock lakes and streams on In­ plenty of ideas. Family counseling, offtheir feet. Harold Collins, struck agency sponsors a Fl88h Flood and Center board meeting. It is based access, and in addition, there's not dian land. prevention of drunk driving, drug Aug. 14 at an Alto golf course, is Lightning Awareness Week each on responses from 300 Lincoln abuse prevention, alcohol and drug a high level of acceptance of mental still in critical condition at N.M. June. County residents and has a 5% abuse outpatient services. juvenile health services." University Hospital's Regional "We're the only (National margin of error. detention treatment services, self­ The consulting service recom­ Burn Center in Albuquerque. Weather) service in thf! nation that People were RBked to give their esteem building and alcohol and mends drug and alcohol abuse pre­ INSIDE "It's unusual to have that num­ does that," Liles said. perceptions of the main health drug abuse hospital services were vention and treatment programs, ber injured in a short period," said He also is responsible for compil­ problems in the county. listed by respondents. and increasing access to family Business ...•.............. 1 1A Charles Liles, area manager for the ing and publishing information on The top six health probleiDB Calling Lincoln County's behav- Please see Alcohol, page 3A Cfassifieds •••......•..••.... 28 National Weather Service in Albu­ lightning, comparing New Mexico Crossword ................. 9A querque. "I don't believe the num­ to the rest of the nation. Football Contest .. 6A, 7 A ber of Oightning) strikes in your Based on his data, New Mexico L~afs ........................ 48 area have been out of the normal leads the nation with an average of Bears chow down at campsite Qfffclal Records . 9A 1 OA compared to previous years." 65 lightning deaths for every one Opinion ....................
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