:-'li'Pf E:IIE:\T X I ANCIENT, MEDIEVAL A ND MODERN HISTORY. A.D. A.D. .\ D. .\ D. \ . D. 311 Rome prcctam ,e Christiamty. 493 Thffloonc e~tabli:-i he:; t he O::trogoth1c 191) The At <~ I :s subd ued by Charlem.1gne. 10ou DomE,J.1) nook com pleted lfi England. J ~3 Mocnsh Kingdom of Gren,lda founded Edtct -:.t .:.'\I comedu ro stop the persecu­ Ii.mg-dom of Jt.,l.) . South Germany a nd ~00 Cbariemagne CIO\\ n ed aL Rome ; be- comnH:nced m 1017 b' ~I o h ,nmncd I n on of the Chn~u .• ns H ung~1 r~, capital at Ra,cnna. comes Empe10r or the \rest by Pope B~trno Iound~ Cat thuswn:;. 1~ 39 S€\ enth Crusade, by Tb1boud. Count of 3 1 ~ De1 e-.1t and de.nh ot liJ. xcmiu!!-. 495 Thud S::txon Ht\a::::wn (If BrH.llD Leo Ill. 1 087 \\ lll,am II. crowned hmg of England. Champagne. 313 Dei eat ~1nd d~: .... tn 0 1 li t AllllLtn Cdmc !0tmds the hmf:dom oi '' e~~ex. SO :"! Rune, the ?\or m ~m, rstablishes- the fi.r:st lOSS Urban II. Pope 1J41 Prose Edd.1. Edtc[. of ).lll.m. b' Con~unu ne and Li· 49U Clo\ 1s N Fr.1nee emhue~.:S Chu~u .uuty r ef,'1.I l .:1r gmern1uen t 111 Hns:=-1:1 at ~ O\ · 1 0~0 )[Ull tt'a taken b~ H enry IY. 1~4:! Tart...us estJ.bh sh the empire of ho.h:1 of cmiu.::::, h."~r g-ene;al rl;'h; wu~ toh.:ratioc . ,j1 1 La" s of Bt•rguno' puhh~hcd gOiod, a no become::: g1.md dute. 1091 The S.uacens 0 f Sr ~•m m' tte the .\ftican 1\aptschal. Br1tam ~ubduc·d . JLl~ Cb.Hb.ll.h2::, t he P d::ld'1 . Ia\,lges t h e so; " "[ bct\\e<'ll S!.t\:::; aiJU Pohnormesian ::Uo m~ tO then tud in drn ing b .. ck t h e 1 ~44 Jerusalem seized by t he CansmiaP::. S l ~ ' Ya r bet\\CCU the two c mpt:~'0r::: . (~tecl.. Emp•Ie. Greek;. · · Chrt~tl .m::::- Dane::. lD'\ a de Russta. and ate deteated by 316 Buth of St. ).Lutm B1~hop 01 T0ur~. 30J r e rgu~ l,,nd:s in S,::m land rtom I r eland. S14 Lams I . Emperor, detlu oned, but 1 e· The lloors deie.1t t he Cht t:=ti ans and seize .Alexander Xe"\\sk, . 3~3 Con .. tanune sol{' empetor 3Liti- · 4 ~ 'I he r.unou~ I\.mg- .\tthur sn1d to stored to h iS domimons. the Saracen po~~essions . 1:!45 The H.mseanc Leabt.H." formed . 3::!4 Con.::::t:munople iounded ; dt:\.lic~ncd us the rc•6n 111 ]~n;;Llnd . 817 Lom::: the Getm~m ( France) ~ conquers 1095 Portugul bcccme~ a sep.trate prmctpahty 1 ~46 Frcdcnck II. of Au>tria !.tiled in 13ot tle c..pn 11 of the Ullpn·e, SJU (t'r SJ4 ) . 507 Ct...'' h , ha' m~ ccnquered the countt \. .\u:::tria . under Henrv ot Bc::nncon. \\ lth the Hu'lg-a•ians 3 ~ 5 F1r.::::t GuH~ 1.1l Cou uctl of the Church nom the p, renees t o the LoH'e, rounds S~O J.flch 1d II , of t he B.' zan t. me Empn e, " lll1.tlll (.1 1 ll:J.hl,C::butJ . 1 ~5 0 Louts defe~ts Kmg Hem.} of E ngland. me-et~ ;J L ~I CC' a the h.mgdom or all ri .mi.~ . roun o:::; t he .\. 1mouan d.) na~ t.). 1 096 F u :::t C'tlh·,lde bcc-•m . · Loms captured by t h e Sar.tcens; r.ruce 3:!6 A th.ln.ISIU~ r .HII.llCh of Ah:x:.l'ldria. 510 Cll' ' ls mJte~ Pans the t.tl n ... l of the S~J In l:.. 11gl.md, C:::::~.: x ( md. t\\O ~ e .us later, \ e1 ,e Ed<'·' cc•mr' led ( ?) . fm t en ) ears. C'ontro'fer.::::,· \\lth .\1 m :::: . !"rank.. h. (:U t .dld :\ottl.iumbna) ate drmexed t.U 109 " a1 bet\\ een Ftance .md Engbnd. 3.I ame1ukes rule E g} pt. 3 ~5 D e~1th Qt • -\rms. :ill •• ahc Law cstabbhed I•r C'loYJS in 1\ es,e, . 1099 De.nh ot the C'id 1:!31 Rise of 1Iedl<'.1 f:lnnly in Ita !:~ . 331 C'on:::,t:mune II., Const.ms :.11 tJ Con~tnn· Fr~1nce . 823 '1 he :S..:I \ l.in:::. OC('llP.' D.~llnitt 1,~ J ctu:::.1lem c.tpt med b) Godfle.) de Bouil ~ 1~ 5 :! Alexander ~e~sk t 1s made Gr3.nd Dul\e uus II. jomt emper01.::::. Dn l'""!\!1 or the monarch~ b~.:t\H'€!1 Clovis' 8 ::: 7 Tue ::s,non llcpt,uchy enJ;:) .ul(l Egbct r~ Ion. of Russia, and rcu:rns as _\.lexnndet I. ~ c-rht l.ls ll:~o- Goth,c go~ pc h IC'lll "- Ol1:::i 1.. 111g' 01 \ \ c~::::-ex, b eco m e~ b.m.; or o.ll 1100 Hem ' I ct{l"TH' <l h in!r c i' Engl.md 1:!54 Ot tcc.u of Bol1c mta ~acqm r e:::. the Au:) ~ 338 D<:.nh of Eu:::ebms. 514 ln tllmu~, the Goth, be~ ! \'g"C:::. Const.mu Engl.md. G1 am ::, a cl1.1 1 ret 1 e:::touug the S.txcn tn.tn Pro\ !rrces 340 Birth of St. J erome--died 4~ 0 . norh S30 L•1 Ub the Debon,lir i111p11~o n <'d m Fr3nce ] J\\ s 1:350 1\.ubla li:1lm bm 1ds PekiJl. 34; S.' nod of S:1rchca. 519 Cermc i(ltmds the limgdom of ,·r e~:;ex t> dfl- H) LNib ~ep .. rates lieunJn.) llOIII 1104 C'tu:::aders C;lptm e \ct e. 1~ 60 Onoe~1r "trs \\llh Hung:1 t_v me-r Stjna. 3 4c Lin! ; B•,h<>p or the Goth> (died o t>S ) 1n Bt•t. m. rr.,nce. 110ti )[tl.m become~ a nee tepubhc 1~6~ - ·os Barons' " ·.ar 1n Eng-land. 350- " ;j~ Ht:\ olt ot :ll.1gentlu:s . Ddtc-.Ht::O b: .Ju,um.m I. becomes Emp{' IN' oi Rome. 840 ('h .1 les. t }1C JY. 1ld h.lllg Of rlance. Hen" I dere.ns llls btothu Hobe1 t. and 1~03 Ott.ocar mhents C'otm t h~.t. C n~tJ. nt tu:s . r ounh "·:-..On 1n\,hl<m 01 BllL.llfl. E~~ex b:l l Get l'l m lJI mce:s a~~ c i L thc-1r mdepend· g,nn~ ~0111 1 .nd' 1 :::! 65 Tl 1 c fir::t Hgulai P arliament of England S~4 fill th Qt St A ugu~t i ne (dted 4.30) fetP1ded . UK€. 11\)7 .\ ie' mdN I , S ... N Lmd . meets. ...., ;) , \ h wn of Juh a n~ o' cr the )J.l.P11,mm J u::::-unr.1 n Code pubh,ll('d . S44 'frc'1t.) of Yeu.lun, the son::: 01 Lams d1 · 11llS Lom::. ' I. Ie (.J o:::: ( t l'e Lust~ ) . h.mg of B\Ilh of Dante : died 13~1. ,(t .\rg-on01atum (Stt3:::bmg"). Edt~anus conquel::> Atr•ca. ' we the empll('. l'I ancE:> 1~ 66 ~.tple5 :111d Stctly conquered }-.y Charlc::. St:1 Juhan empetcr The Fr.1r1k.s appear in lt.1h . Sp.un r.n .lgtd b' the );" mthmu•. lllO He-m ' \ ct Getmam ima<lcs l i::t l,\ . of J .. nJOU . So..! Juh.1n r~c.tlb rhe bam~bC'd bbhop~ . antl llal,:. !11Jde subJect to Bel•::::-Jtms. Goth~ S46 '!He S.. 1 ;J.(;(:l1~ S.!cl ~ H om~ lll4 H~..n~' \ . m,utJc::. :JL1u ld.t of Engl.md. 1268 );" mth Ct usa de, b,~ Louis IX. and Ed· r r ... <. L1 lllh genet a! rehg1ous tolcrauon. r.nage ~!ibn b18 BI JtUn.) bee wes mdepeu<lcnt nto l :n' er~ n' ot Bolc::..·1u wnnded. \\,,rd P1 mcc of "\\.1l e=:! . ' ' t~3 Per~ I m \\ r1 r . Birth ct Ct C ~'\H : of Tcms (<hcd 300). ~,)t,) Hu::~ l .d l llh.PI.UCh) t:::t . ~ l• ll -.. hc<.l b' r R mlC J:ucl1d tt t 'l:::Ln~.:d 'wto Eugl!::h 1 ~70 Lou•s I .X dies at C 11 tlmge. .Tuh •• n l.. tlled. '1 he T llll~s emu AH<l . ~ .} tl( ?) :-:; cuts .wd Ptct::::- Ull!LCJ. unde.t h. (.' ll!l e:t h 1110 Pl, \ oi St C.nhet me ~tt Dun::t. h1e. Plu lip III ( the Ila1<h) h.•ng of France. J0\l ... ll (:lll}l\.101' 54 7 :\..,)1 tlunnbtt.1 tot.Pl ded 1t1 Br 1 t nn ;:,.)1 ~ l)t•h uJen p1 ll.tge F I.mce. nco Hbe oi the L.("lm h.ud (It'll~) Cltle::.. 1J71 'I'he Engh' h qmt Palestme. 364 \ ahnu:11. n :md Y ~1!en s joint emper01~ . 550 The \ ngle ... tl•rm the ll ~:p tate:ln - \nglia. &6..) Hub:::J-tP::. ,ttt:J.cJ... Con~t . mttnopl e . Sl11:"''' ru'J.. 01 Pt mce "tlh. m . 127::! Re1gn cr Ed" ard I. of England , 1 m.1l ,1:' 1.... 10n cf the empn-e. Delfu, :ller<.: , 1. HL'. E: u i" ll. t~:::Ill t,1 n Dj na~t.) Ioundtd at Con~L.tlltl · 11 2::! !'1 e.H , ~1f \\ CI 111::.
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