«C budget of ecosystems and cities and villages on permafrost in eastern Russian Arctic» Образец подзаголовка Tuyara Gavrilyeva, Research Professor of Institute of Engineering & Technology of North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russia RFBR project № 15-54-71003 «Task 2b Energy consumptions in cities and villages» • Comparative study on life and energy consumption between cities and small settlements. «Task 2c Economic growth and development» • The main sectors influencing CO2 emissions: industries, transport, housing and communal services. Fig. 1. Electricity generation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), mln. KW. h Fig. 2. Energy districts in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Table. 1. The structure of electricity generation in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) in 2014 The volume Energy Districts of of Type of Settlement Structure,% district RS(Y) production, fuel MW Natural gas, Central Yakutsk Yakutsk 420,4 17,1% coal Hydropower Western Mirninsky district Svetly 1228,3 50,1% and other Neryungrinsky Serebryany Southern 618 25,2% Coal district Bor Northern and The various Diesel fuel, Northern Eastern Yakutia, northern 187,2 7,6% coal Arctic zone settlements Total 2453,9 100,0% Table. 2. The structure of electricity suppliers in settlements Energy Settlement Districts of RS (Y) Electricity suppliers districts Belaya Gora Abyysky District Northern JSC "Sakhaenergo" Urasalahsky nasleg (Suturuokha) Abyysky District Northern JSC "Sakhaenergo" Chokurdakh Allaikhovsky District Northern JSC "Sakhaenergo" Russko-Ustyinsky Nasleg Allaikhovsky District Northern JSC "Sakhaenergo" Tiksi Bulunsky District Northern JSC "Sakhaenergo" Bulunsky National (Evenk) Nasleg Bulunsky District Northern JSC "Sakhaenergo" (Kusur) Ltd. "Kommunteploservis", Nizhny Bestyakh Megino-Kangalassky District Central SUE HCS of Sakha (Yakutia) Taragaysky nasleg (Tabaga) Megino-Kangalassky District Central SUE HCS of Sakha (Yakutia) Ust-Maya Ust-Maysky District Central JSC "Yakutskenergo" Federal government enterprise Petropavlovsky National Nasleg Ust-Maysky District Central "Airports of the North" Deputatsky Ust-Yansky District Northern JSC "Sakhaenergo" Kazachinsky National Nasleg Ust-Yansky District Northern JSC "Sakhaenergo" Pokrovsk city Khangalassky District Central JSC "Yakutskenergo" Sinsky Nasleg Khangalassky District Central JSC "Yakutskenergo" Yakutsk cogeneration plant Yakutsk Yakutsk Borough Central Yakutsk gas power Zhatay Zhatay Borough Central Municipal "Zhatay" Table. 3. Characteristics of the heat supply systems of settlements Power Number of Adjoint load, total Settlement Districts of RS (Y) Type of fuel (thousand boilers (thousand kW) kW) Belaya Gora Abyysky District 1 Diesel fuel 4945 1620,00 Urasalahsky nasleg (Suturuokha) Abyysky District 1 Diesel fuel 0,26 0,10 Chokurdakh Allaikhovsky District 1 Diesel fuel 7,765 1900,00 Russko-Ustyinsky Nasleg Allaikhovsky District 1 Diesel fuel 492,05 0,10 Tiksi Bulunsky District 1 Diesel fuel 10,065 3,90 Bulunsky National (Evenk) Nasleg Bulunsky District 1 Diesel fuel 2500 600,00 (Kusur) Megino-Kangalassky Nizhny Bestyakh 4 Diesel fuel 1,7 1,45 District Megino-Kangalassky Taragaysky nasleg (Tabaga) 3 Diesel fuel 120 126,63 District Ust-Maya Ust-Maysky District 1 Diesel fuel 3 2,50 Petropavlovsky National Nasleg Ust-Maysky District 1 Diesel fuel 100,1 90,00 Deputatsky Diesel fuel 11,564 5557,34 Ust-Yansky District 2 Kazachinsky National Nasleg Coal 7500 3286,75 Pokrovsk city Ust-Yansky District 1 Diesel fuel 3035 1892,16 Sinsky Nasleg Khangalassky District 1 - 16,3 450,00 Belaya Gora Khangalassky District 1 Diesel fuel 1,13 0,50 Urasalahsky nasleg (Suturuokha) Natural gas 12 Yakutsk Borough 2 Chokurdakh Natural gas 368 1113,2 Russko-Ustyinsky Nasleg Zhatay Borough 17 Natural gas - - Fig. 3. Cost of electricity in 2014, rubles/1 kWh Table. 4. Fuel consumption for electricity generation in 2012 and 2014 Total fuel Total fuel Settlement Districts of RS (Y) Type of fuel consumption in consumption in 2012, t 2014, t Belaya Gora Abyysky District Diesel fuel 1923,00 1992,9 Urasalahsky nasleg (Suturuokha) Abyysky District Diesel fuel 65-70 100,3 Chokurdakh Allaikhovsky District Diesel fuel 2500,00 2267 Russko-Ustyinsky Nasleg Allaikhovsky District Diesel fuel 179,00 133,2 Tiksi, including Tiksi-3 Bulunsky District Diesel fuel 4876,94 7762,3 Bulunsky National (Evenk) Nasleg (Kusur) Bulunsky District Diesel fuel 700,00 936,4 Megino-Kangalassky Nizhny Bestyakh Diesel fuel 6,70 no data District Megino-Kangalassky Taragaysky nasleg (Tabaga) Diesel fuel 0,93 no data District 30 (emergency Ust-Maya Ust-Maysky District Diesel fuel no data supply) Petropavlovsky National Nasleg Ust-Maysky District Diesel fuel 1,20 no data Diesel fuel 3343,29 no data Deputatsky Ust-Yansky District Coal 4401,61 no data Kazachinsky National Nasleg Ust-Yansky District Diesel fuel 821,11 764 Pokrovsk city Khangalassky District - - - Sinsky Nasleg Khangalassky District Diesel fuel 500,00 no data Natural gas 12 834 thousand m3 no data Yakutsk Yakutsk Borough 517 737 thousand no data Natural gas m3 Zhatay Zhatay Borough - - - Fig. 4. Production of heat energy in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), thous. Gcal Fig. 5. The square of housing stock in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), thousand sq. m. Table. 5. The structure of heating suppliers in settlements Energy Number Settlement Districts of RS (Y) Heating suppliers districts of boilers Ministry of Housing and Energy, JSC Belaya Gora Abyysky District Northern 11 "Sahaneftegazsbyt“, Ministry of Health of the RS (Y) Urasalahsky nasleg Abyysky District Northern SUE HCS of Sakha (Yakutia) 1 (Suturuokha) Chokurdakh Allaikhovsky District Northern SUE HCS of Sakha (Yakutia) 8 Russko-Ustyinsky Nasleg Allaikhovsky District Northern SUE HCS of Sakha (Yakutia) 1 Tiksi Bulunsky District Northern SUE HCS of Sakha (Yakutia) 3 Bulunsky National (Evenk) Bulunsky District Northern SUE HCS of Sakha (Yakutia) 5 Nasleg (Kusur) SUE HCS of Sakha (Yakutia), “Kommunteploservis’’ Nizhny Bestyakh Megino-Kangalassky District Central 10 Ltd., SP Dyakonov HA Taragaysky nasleg (Tabaga) Megino-Kangalassky District Central SUE HCS of Sakha (Yakutia) 3 Ust-Maya Ust-Maysky District Central JSC "Teploenergoservis" 6 Petropavlovsky National Ust-Maysky District Central Federal government enterprise "Airports of the North" 1 Nasleg JSC "Sakhaenergo" Deputatsky Ust-Yansky District Northern JSC "Sakhaenergo" 3 Federal government enterprise "Airports of the North" Kazachinsky National Ust-Yansky District Northern JSC "TPP" 1 Nasleg Pokrovsk city Khangalassky District Central SUE HCS of Sakha (Yakutia), МО "Город Покровск" 17 SUE HCS of Sakha (Yakutia), Sinsky Nasleg Khangalassky District Central 5 Production Union "Southern" Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Heat energy“ and Yakutsk city Yakutsk Borough Central orthers 235 CBM Zhatayteploset, "Zhataysky Ship Repair Zhatay Zhatay Borough Central 3 Plant"Ltd. Table. 6. Fuel consumption for heating production in 2010, 2012 and 2014 Total fuel Total fuel Total fuel Power Adjoint load, Settlement Type of fuel consumption consumption in consumption in (Gcal) total (Gcal) in 2010, t 2012, t 2014, t Coal (Zyrianka) 3898,274 3696,4 6208,974 5,83 5550 Oil 4560,852 5171,3 2369,59 23,71 19210 Belaya Gora Gas condensate 208,894 140,8 0 0,87 780 Diesel fuel 0 no data 978,846 Urasalahsky nasleg Coal (Zyrianka) 848,749 753,3 681,324 0,4 2213,8 (Suturuokha) Oil 7301,9 8710,8 5332,544 Chokurdakh Gas condensate 89,1 no data 115,521 31,57 20,57 Diesel fuel 0,0 no data 1605,005 Russko- Oil 544,2 894 657,0 Ustyinsky 3,35 2,22 Gas condensate 120,2 no data 86,3 Nasleg Tiksi Oil 11650,99 15100,00 11211,32 75,956 860 Bulunsky Oil 2698,27 3100 2925,22 17,7 117605 National (Evenk) Nasleg Gas condensate 129,25 200,00 129,82 1,1 2997 (Kusur) 3178,9 4691,7 thousand 4865,8 thousand Natural gas 37,475 10,422 Nizhny thousand m3 m3 m3 Bestyakh Oil н/д 600 н/д 1,2 1,2 Taragaysky nasleg Natural gas 749,4 (тыс. м3) 749,4 (тыс. м3) 650,5 (тыс. м3) 3,67 1,251 (Tabaga) Table. 6. Fuel consumption for heating production in 2010, 2012 and 2014 Total fuel Total fuel Total fuel Adjoint load, Settlement Type of fuel consumption in consumption in consumption Power (Gcal) total (Gcal) 2010, t 2012, t in 2014, t Ust-Maya Coal no data 16347,6 no data 29,37 71714,5 Petropavlovsky Diesel fuel no data 1,2 no data 100,1 90 National Nasleg Oil no data 153,431 no data 0,516 931,79 Coal Dzhebariki- Deputatsky no data 29201,18 no data 100 32556 Khaya Diesel fuel no data 154 no data 0,6 0,541 Kazachinsky Oil no data 2612 no data 2,7 19222,78 National Nasleg 14559,47 15617,9 11571,9 Pokrovsk city Natural gas 75,14 28,66 thousand m3 thousand m3 thousand m3 Sinsky Nasleg Coal 2060 no data 2143,172 no data no data 15235,3 Zhatay Natural gas no data no data 64,4 87546,39 thousand m3 Fig. 7. Dynamics of the population 2002 = 100% Table. 7. Square of buildings with central heating, sq.m Square of Square of buildings of Settlement Districts of RS (Y) housing stock public service with central with central Square, total, heating, sq.m heating, sq.m. sq.m Belaya Gora Abyysky District 50783,36 15965,47 66748,83 Urasalahsky nasleg (Suturuokha) Abyysky District 873 1817,8 2690,8 Chokurdakh Allaikhovsky District 49034,02 10655,52 59689,54 Russko-Ustyinsky Nasleg Allaikhovsky District 3574,06 1160,8 4734,86 Tiksi Bulunsky District 88598,1 24398,72 112996,8 Bulunsky National (Evenk) Nasleg Bulunsky District (Kusur) 10660,84 4514,8 15175,64 Nizhny Bestyakh Megino-Kangalassky District 42245,67 11092,7 53338,37 Taragaysky nasleg (Tabaga) Megino-Kangalassky District 1638 5748,17 7386,17 Ust-Maya Ust-Maysky District 45350 11683,74 57033,74 Petropavlovsky National Nasleg Ust-Maysky District 12185,4 8927,09 21112,49 Deputatsky Ust-Yansky District 93325,1 21879,43 115204,5 Kazachinsky National Nasleg Ust-Yansky District 17452,83 3971,62 21424,45 Pokrovsk city Khangalassky District 136802,1 36576,5 173378,6 Sinsky Nasleg Khangalassky District 517 3324,6 3841,6 Yakutsk city Yakutsk Borough 2158101,45 318907,9 2477009 Zhatay Zhatay Borough 114782,12 10843,2 125625,3 Fig.
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