EDITED' BY ARTHUR GRIFFITH Vo! I. No. 38. (N ew Series.) SA TU R D A Y, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1917. PRICE ONE PENNY. | tiality of those countries; and if Ireland | hitherto unknown,” and he'then dangles 174 that a Scandinavian firm has offered nearly WBBK BY WEbK had been independent, like Holland' and which is struggling desperately £0 reassert millions before _ our covetous 'gaze, like a seven millions to buy the Kellner Partington ' its mastery of the world to-day. Thai is ■ Sweden, Ireland would, like theni, have been jeweller' displaying diamonds in his. window. Paper Pulp Company in Manchester, at six Our space i&. nob; adequate to publish a full kept out of the war, and her taxation would the, England—subtle, strong, • experienced, But have tlie banks real® come with this pounds for each one pound share! conscienceless—that Ireland has to deal iepprfc.;or iih’e Sinn Fein.Conv.ention, and. acj- be considerably less, than -it- is- to-day! I t “ immense amount of moitey ” ? Tlie origi­ 'ritji- All that B.almez says the Frenchman eortlingly it will be separately issued,, as I (josts Bulgaria, the efficiency of whose army 1 nal proposal givpn out by the London City rapidly as possible. .tJiiaGf’the revised: con- t»aid when he .described Englaqd ■ as the none" may decry, £200,000 a year less for Bank wlis to. establish' a ■branch in Belfast, yhe principal run is on the soft -coui- •! i genius of exploitation. England’^ ri&pie will gtitution the Governing ^Body of.Sinn, FeiA- mili tary purposes than it costs'Ireland for promises were' aBtfully -piiychased in a'cen­ tcrous woods for egg-cases and butter-boxes. I never perish while mankind continue to vilL.-consisfc of the seven officers and'24 Exe­ the R ’.I.C. As to Ireland being prepared tral part of the-:N 6rtligj;i{- Capital, and it Immense quantities of Scots fir. spruce, elm, 1 exist. Her history will be food for the philo­ cutive members elected by the Convention,' to run the risk of a hostile British tariff was pretended that after the war the pre­ larch, poplar, birch, and beech are sought j sopher for a thousand years. He will tiace with, one repi*e<bntative cnOseiy by the Sinn against Irish goods, Ireland smiles broadly mises would. be opened, and new accounts by ammunition-box makers. The hard woods | her marvellous rise, her lengthy period 'of Fein Branches in each Parliamentary Con-., at the idea. I t happens that Ireland im­ opened, and fresh money lent. But no such have not been touched to anything like the j ascendancy in a world In which she \ was fctituency. The officers and Executive, mem­ ports more gopds from Eugland than . any thing happened. _ Frightened by the pros­ same extent as the soft woods, tlipugh beech I intellectually and morally largeh- in­ bers elected a t . the Convention. last week other country in . the world imports from pect of competition for deposits at a four and oak are being requisitioned for railway I ferior; be will point out that, alone'among v ere as follaows:— Pres’dent,' Eamoun De England with-the exception of tne United per .cent, rate as against ..^} ruling in Ire­ sleepers and other purposes. The relative | the vanished Etapirea, she added nothing to \ a leja ; Vice-Presidents’) -Arthur . Griffith States. The annual value of the Irish mar­ land, the Belfast Bank surrendered its re- consumption of soft and hard woods is re- I civilisation and discovered 110 new truth; (1,19/ votes), and Father O’Flanagan'* C.C. ket to England is £135,000,000, and the loss sonrces into the hands of the London Bank fleeted in tjio prices, the former. being five and yet became materially greater than any * (780) ; Hon. -Treasurers, W. Cosgrave, M .I.P. ot tha± market, which would follow her lor a deal in shares—a paper transaction in I times and the latter double the pre-war of her predecessors; he will show that she "37), and LaureObe Ginnell, M .I.P. (491); “ hostile tariffs,” . would be a greater eco- which the shareholders gained, perhaps, a quotations. _ The only difficulty in clearing never civilised, nor was she eve.i* capable Of on. Secretaries*Austin Stack (857), and romic blow, to England than the loss of the fractional interest. This docs not mean that Ireland entirely of timber is the lack of civilising; he will ■ seek for some precedent Darrell Figgis (510); Executive members. combined markets of Germany and France, the City Bank has come to Ireland, but transportation, and the difficulty of getting — some parallel for her, and find none, Eoin MacNfeill (888), Cathal Brugha-'(685),' 6r the qombined markets of Russia, Italy, .rather that,control of the Belfast Bank has timber from remote hillsides, and the scar­ though regarding her, he *will see as In Dr. Hayesr (674); Sean Milroy (667), Countess Spain, Austro-Hungary Japan, Belgium been transferred to London. The same city of shipping. I f the resources of native u glass darkly Carthage. But the genius of Markievi-.z (617),. Count Plunkett, M .I.P. and Portugal, which all taken together do argument applies to the Ulster Bank. We timber are permitted to be exhausted the exploitation, he will allow her in a measure . (598),. Piaras Beaslai (557), Joseph McGuin- hot. buy annually so much goods from Eng­ fail to see tne philanthropy of the London 'situation will become exceedingly critical for nor Carthage,- nor Rome, nor Spain, nor ness, M .I.P. (,501), Finion Lynch (475)’, land as Ireland does. This fact, hitherto County'in taking over deposits and current the next generation. Tillage, housing, France possessed. In the English he will see- a H arry Boland. (448), ' Dr. Kathleen Lynn little grasped by the people o f‘ Ireland, is] accounts-to the value of £12,877151 belong-' stores, granaries, factories aud wood-work- remarkable people, intellectually inferior to the (425), J. J. WaUh (424), Joseph McDonagh' -cne^or- the salient- facts of the situation— >ing to the Irish shareholders. Where does ing industries will be seriously affected. French, Spanish, Irish, German or Scandin­ (421), Father M att Ryan, P.P. (416), Father Ireland is England’s, richest market. Sir John Scott’ s “ immense amount of . There is not a moment to be lost in starting avian, and yet for a space defeating or W all, C.C. (408)', Mrs. Thomas Clarke (402)', ■"*> ♦ «*► money” come from except from the pockets a grand. campaign to re-plant the whole dominating them all. And the secret of Diarmuid Lynch (390), David Kent (385), Last week we sketched the history <jf .of Irish farmers? In taking over a* banking island. England’ s power, he will point out, was Sean.T. O’ Kelly, T.C. (367), Dr. T. Dillon Alsace-Lorraine, the two German provinces company paying 2 1J per cent, dividends, and ♦ ♦ ♦ cunning—tho cunning understanding of the (364), Mrs. ,Joseph Plunkett (345), .Sean which ■- France purloined from Germany in one which increased its carry forward from When we were boys there was a picture veaknesses of human nature, and the cun- McEntee (342), Ernest Blyth (340), Michael I the eighteenth century, and which Ger-1 £23,000 to £48,000 this year, the London popular in British and West-British bouses r.mg use of that understanding to keep the Collins iS40). many wou back in the nineteen to. Since Clearing House Bank has made a very good icpresenting Queen- Victoria presenting an wood a world in arms arrayed against itself •> ❖ ♦ the English--Press at* the present time pro­ bargain, considering that it. is getting it for Ethiop Prince, who implored hereto tell him ■ - a world in commerce hostile to - itself— . Messrs. De Valera, Griffith, MacNeill, and fesses to regard Alsace-Lorraine as a' part a mere exchange of shares based on the “lie secret of England’ s greatness, with a nd he will show (hat the -genius of her Milroy addressed a huge gathering, in Bailie- of France, thirsting to be ‘ ‘ restored,” and average prices. As a concession we are now copy of the Bible. Here comes a reader who Empire was the evil but potent genius o f bord.'— w'bioli Mi-. John Dillon recently paints Germany’ s action in 1870-as cruel, informed that we are to «be continued in [exploitation, opposed to the geuins o f eivil- wants to Itnow that same secret from us. tion. claimed for the Party—on Sunday last. On unjustifiable, and an outrage on the principle the enjoyment of being leut^mr own money, We shall not refer him to the Bible. Saturday night the> speakers were escorted of nationality, the following quotations from perhaps, and on conditions. It is significant The Frenchman who described the Eng- ■into the town by a torchlight procession, the leading organs in tlfe English Press in 'that the Chairman of .the. London County llisli as the people of only. one genius—the Tlie corruption that pervades a ll English 'and on Sunday from- all districts of East 1870—-which . the “ Cambridge Magazine” stated that “ the constitution of the Ulster [genius of exploitation— summed up that public life-7-rrom the Parish Council to the Cavan contingents poured into the'town, in­ lias re-published—will' illustrate British sin­ Bank would be kept muoh as at present.” [nation, but the summary does' not suff­ imperial Parliament—is pa lent to auy per­ cluding hundreds of cyclists and horsemen. c e rity ‘ On. the 20th of August, 1870, France Already tjie wedge-poidt is $eing thrust in.
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