Hot Water Storage Tanks & Heat Exchangers Storatherm, Longtherm Storatherm, Longtherm WeWe are are only only satisfied satisfied if ifyou you are are Contents Hot Water Storage Tanks & Heat Exchangers We make sure that everything fits Overview Reflex Hot Water Storage Tank Program 6-7 Heating, cooling and hot water supply systems the demands on supply equipment are varied and complex. You'll be well-advised for every Storatherm Heat Steel Accumulation Heat Balancing Tanks eventuality with our coordinated product ranges. Reflex can offer you the right components for Storatherm Heat HF & H 8 ReflexReflex has set has itself set theitself goal the ofgoal supporting of supporting you withyou wellwith well each specific task – and you can be sure that they thought-outthought-out solutions. solutions. Whatever Whatever job you job need you doingneed doingin water in water can be integrated seamlessly into the interplay of Storatherm Heat HF/R & H/R 9 supplysupply engineering, engineering, why not why put not your put trust your in trust our incomprehensive our comprehensive a larger overall solution. The result: well thought-out systems that simply perform better. range rangeof products of products and accompanying and accompanying tailored tailored services? services? We will We will Storatherm Heat HF/1 & H/1 10 ensureensure that your that decision your decision to opt tofor opt Reflex for Reflex is the isright the oneright in everyone in every respectrespect – from – advice from advice and design and design to installation to installation and ongoing and ongoing Storatherm Heat HF/2 & H/2 11 operation.operation. Storatherm Heat Combi HC/1 & HC/2 12 Storatherm Heat Accessories 13 Expansion Deaeration Vessels Systems & Separation Technology Storatherm Aqua Glass-lined Hot Water Heater Water Make-Up Pressurisation The Reflex Systems Storatherm Aqua AB/1 - AF/1 - AC/1 14-15 Systems & Water Product Range Treatment Storatherm Aqua Solar AB/2 - AF/2 16-17 Hot Water Storatherm Aqua Heat Pump AH/1 - AH/2 18 Storage Tanks & Heat Services Exchangers Storatherm Aqua Combi AC 19 Storatherm Aqua Load AL/R 20-21 Storatherm Aqua Electrical Elements for AL/R 22 Reflex’sReflex’s mission mission is embodied is embodied in the incompany’s the company’s slogan: slogan: In this product guide, we've summarised our Storatherm Aqua Accessories 23-24 “Thinking“Thinking solutions”. solutions”. Reflex’s Reflex’s strength strength is to think is to inthink terms in terms entire product range for you meaning you can of solutions.of solutions. Reflex Reflex develops develops ideas ideasthat help that youhelp to youmove to move locate all our available products, series and technical information quickly and easily. All forwardforward based based on decades on decades of experience, of experience, in-depth in-depth technical technical Longtherm Heat Exchangers weights given are net weights. understandingunderstanding and intimate and intimate knowledge knowledge of the ofindustry! the industry! Reflex reserve the right to modify the details Longtherm with threaded connections 26-27 published in this document. General Sales Conditions of Reflex Winkelmann GmbH: Please Longtherm with flanged connections 28-29 consult www.reflex.de Longtherm accessories 30-31 Longtherm quick selection table 32 3 2 2 Contents We are only satisfied if you are ContentsHot Water Storage Tanks & Heat Exchangers Hot Water Storage Tanks & Heat Exchangers We make sure that everything fits Overview Reflex Hot Water Storage Tank Program 6-7 WeHeating, make cooling sure that and everythinghot water supply fits systems Overview Reflex Hot Water Storage Tank Program 6-7 the demands on supply equipment are varied Heating, cooling and hot water supply systems and complex. You'll be well-advised for every Storatherm Heat Steel Accumulation Heat the demands on supply equipment are varied Balancing Tanks andeventuality complex. with You'll our be coordinated well-advised product for every ranges. Storatherm Heat Steel Accumulation Heat Reflex can offer you the right components for Balancing Tanks eventuality with our coordinated product ranges. Storatherm Heat HF & H 8 Reflexeach specific can offer task you the– and right you components can be sure for that they can be integrated seamlessly into the interplay of Storatherm Heat HF & H 8 Reflex has set itself the goal of supporting you with well each specific task – and you can be sure that they a larger overall solution. The result: well Storatherm Heat HF/R & H/R 9 thought-out solutions. Whatever job you need doing in water can be integrated seamlessly into the interplay of thought-out systems that simply perform better. Storatherm Heat HF/R & H/R 9 supply engineering, why not put your trust in our comprehensive a larger overall solution. The result: well thought-out systems that simply perform better. Storatherm Heat HF/1 & H/1 10 range of products and accompanying tailored services? We will Storatherm Heat HF/1 & H/1 10 ensure that your decision to opt for Reflex is the right one in every respect – from advice and design to installation and ongoing Storatherm Heat HF/2 & H/2 11 Storatherm Heat HF/2 & H/2 11 operation. Storatherm Heat Combi HC/1 & HC/2 12 Storatherm Heat Combi HC/1 & HC/2 12 Storatherm Heat Accessories 13 Expansion Storatherm Heat Accessories 13 Deaeration ExpansionVessels DeaerationSystems & Vessels SystemsSeparation & SeparationTechnology Technology StorathermStoratherm Aqua Glass-linedAqua Glass-lined Hot Water Hot Heater Water Heater Pressurisation WaterWater Make-Up Make-Up The Reflex Pressurisation Storatherm Aqua AB/1 - AF/1 - AC/1 14-15 Systems & Water The Reflex SystemsSystems Storatherm Aqua AB/1 - AF/1 - AC/1 14-15 Systems & Water ProductProduct Range Range TreatmentTreatment StorathermStoratherm Aqua SolarAqua AB/2 Solar - AF/2AB/2 - AF/2 16-17 16-17 Hot HotWater Water StorathermStoratherm Aqua HeatAqua Pump Heat AH/1Pump - AH/2AH/1 - AH/2 18 18 StorageStorage Tanks Tanks & Heat& Heat Services Services ExchangersExchangers StorathermStoratherm Aqua CombiAqua CombiAC AC 19 19 StorathermStoratherm Aqua LoadAqua AL/R Load AL/R 20-21 20-21 Storatherm Aqua Electrical Elements for AL/R 22 Storatherm Aqua Electrical Elements for AL/R 22 In this product guide, we've summarised our Reflex’s mission is embodied in the company’s slogan: In this product guide, we've summarised our entire product range for you meaning you can Storatherm Aqua Accessories 23-24 “Thinking solutions”. Reflex’s strength is to think in terms entire product range for you meaning you can Storatherm Aqua Accessories 23-24 of solutions. Reflex develops ideas that help you to move locate all our available products, series and technicallocate all information our available quickly products, and easily. series All and forward based on decades of experience, in-depth technical Longtherm Heat Exchangers weightstechnical given information are net weights. quickly and easily. All Longtherm Heat Exchangers understanding and intimate knowledge of the industry! Reflexweights reserve given theare rightnet weights.to modify the details Longtherm with threaded connections 26-27 publishedReflex reserve in this document.the right to General modify Salesthe details Longtherm with threaded connections 26-27 Conditionspublished ofin Reflexthis document. Winkelmann General GmbH: Sales Please Longtherm with flanged connections 28-29 consultConditions www.reflex.de of Reflex Winkelmann GmbH: Please Longtherm with flanged connections 28-29 consult www.reflex.de Longtherm accessories 30-31 Longtherm accessories 30-31 Longtherm quick selection table 32 Longtherm quick selection table 32 3 2 3 Hot Water Storage Tanks & Heat Exchangers Deaeration Systems & Separation Technology Hot Water Storage Tanks Count on us - from the initial idea to the solution Storatherm Heat / Accumulation heat balancing tanks - steel Reflex offer a range of services to assist you in finding the solution that best suits your needs. Take advantage of our Storatherm Aqua / Hot water heaters for sanitary use - glass lined combined expertise and experience and develop professional solutions together with us, down to the very last detail. Made-to-measure design: With the Reflex Pro calculation program Take the easiest route to correct design and sizing: Reflex Pro is the proven, continuously developed software solution you can use to quickly and simply achieve precise results.The software is available in three versions and we also offer a CAD library of our Reflex Pro Web products for integration into your construction prog- rammes. The online version calculates pressure retention and heat transfer systems in a few simple steps. The results Visit www.reflex.de/pro for further information and the are provided in the form of a PDF or text file for further option of downloading free of charge. use. Reflex Pro App Reflex Pro is available as an app for Android phone, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch! Whether you need to make a quick calculation on site or design a project on your mobile you will always leave a professional Heat Exchangers Heat Exchangers impression with your customers with the Reflex Pro app. & Tanks Storage Hot Water Hot Water Storage Tanks & Tanks Storage Hot Water Reflex Pro Win The full range of services for convenient use even without an Internet connection. The download version for Windows systems is perfect when you are regularly planning and designing pressure retention and heat transfer systems. 4 5 Hot Water Storage Tanks & Heat Exchangers Deaeration Systems & Separation Technology Hot Water
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