Index right, with aberrant left subclavian A artery 60, 68 abdomen, free fluid 165 aortopulmonary collateral arteries, abdominal trauma 162–165, major (MAPCAs) 71, 73 163, 164, 165 Apert syndrome 296 abscess appendicitis 134, 135–137, 136, 144 Brodie 225, 227, 227, 247 apple peel deformity 119 pericecal 135, 136 arachnoid cyst 307 pulmonary 21, 24, 27, 33 arteria lusoria 57–58, 58 retropharyngeal 98–100, 99 arteriovenous malformation subperiosteal 319, 320 (AVM) 280–283 accidental injuries 294 aspiration acetabular index 269 foreign body 44–46, 45, 46 acoustic neurinomas (vestibular pneumonia 118 schwannomas) 322, 324, 325, 326 recurrent 43 acute disseminated encephalo- asthma 43, 45 myelitis 336 astrocytoma 323, 325 acute lymphatic leukemia (ALL) pilocytic see pilocytic astrocytoma 263–265, 264, 294 atrial septal defect (ASD) 80–82, 81 adolescents differential diagnosis 70, 79, 84, 89 acute hematogenous osteo- avascular necrosis of femoral myelitis 225 head 273 transitional fractures 288–289, 290 axonal injuries, intracranial 340 adrenal hemorrhage 195–197, 196, 197, 200 B adrenal hyperplasia, congenital 196 air portogram 105, 106, 107 basal ganglia, dysgenesis of 301 Alagille syndrome 149 battered child syndrome anal atresia 122–125, 123 see child abuse anal stenosis 129 Beckwith–Wiedeman syndrome Andre von Rosen line 269 159, 190 aneurysmal bone cyst 233–236, 234, bell clapper deformity 215 235, 256 benign fibrous histiocytoma 232 anomalous pulmonary venous biliary atresia 148–150, 149, 159 connection 76, 86–89, 88 biloma 154 partial (PAPVC) 86, 87, 89 birth trauma 90, 195, 294 total (TAPVC) 86, 87 bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous antrum 134 proliferation 243 aorta bladder coarctation 62–65, 63 masses 179 pseudo-coarctation 65 neurogenic 182 aortic arch rhabdomyosarcoma 201, 202, discontinuous 65 203, 204 double 57, 59–61, 60, 68 Blalock–Taussig shunts 71, 72, 76 Blount disease 220 Bochdalek hernia 28 bone abscess see Brodie abscess Page numbers in italics refer to bone cysts 261 illustrations. ..... Staatz et al., Direct Diagnosis in Radiology. Pediatric Imaging 345 (ISBN 9783131451712), © 2008 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Index aneurysmal 233–236, 234, 235, 256 cardiac multivalvular defects 70 juvenile 235 Caroli disease 151 bone metastases 228, 256 cauda equina regression bone pseudotumor, hemophilia 236 syndrome 338 Bourneville disease CCAM see congenital cystic see tuberous sclerosis adenomatoid malformation brachycephaly 296, 297 cecum, right upper abdomen 110 brain injuries 340, 342 cerebellar hemangioblastoma brainstem 324, 325 encephalitis 336 cerebellar vermis gliomas 333, 334–336, 335 dysgenesis 301 brain tumors 329–336 hypoplasia 305 Brodie abscess 225, 227, 227, 247 cerebral contusion 340, 342, 343 bronchial atresia 17 cervical cysts 92–94, 287 bronchiectasis 21, 41, 42 differential diagnosis 91, 100 bronchiolitis lateral 92, 93 obliterans 45 median 92 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cervical lymphadenitis 95–97, 96 31–32, 32 cervical meningocele 287 bronchogenic cyst 25–27, 26 child abuse 292–295, 293 cervical 93 craniocerebral trauma differential diagnosis 21, 52 340, 341, 341, 344 bronchopulmonary dysplasia differential diagnosis 291, 294 (BPD) 11, 12–14, 13 chimney figure 3, 55 bronchopulmonary foregut Chlamydia trachomatis 213 malformation see pulmonary chlamydial pneumonia 32, 33 sequestration cholecystolithiasis 156–158, 157 bucket handle fractures 292 choledochal cyst 149, 151–155, bull’s eye sign 152, 153 appendicitis 135, 136 chondroma, juxtacortical Crohn disease 138 periosteal 243 intussusception 131, 132, 134 chondrosarcoma adjacent to exostosis 243 differential diagnosis 256 C secondary 238, 242, 244 Caffey disease 294 chordoma 207 calcifications choroid plexus brain tumors 330, 331, 332 grade I hemorrhage 310 hepatoblastoma 159, 160 papilloma 333 neuroblastoma 51, 53, 198, 199 ciliary dyskinesia syndrome, teratoma 47, 49, 209 primary 43 tuberous sclerosis 324 clear cell sarcoma, kidney 190, 193 Wilms tumor 190 cloverleaf skull 296 callosal agenesis 301–303, 302, 304 coarctation of aorta 62–65, 63 with interhemispheric cyst 304 Codman triangle 249, 250 callosal hypoplasia 304 coffee bean sign 112 Capener triangle sign 271 comb sign, Crohn disease 139, 141 carcinoid tumor 45 concentric ring sign see bull’s eye sign ..... 346 Staatz et al., Direct Diagnosis in Radiology. Pediatric Imaging (ISBN 9783131451712), © 2008 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Index congenital adrenal hyperplasia 196 ovary 209, 211 congenital cystic adenomatoid mal- desmoid, periosteal 232 formation (CCAM) 19–21, 20 developmental dysplasia of hip differential diagnosis 11, 18, 27, 30 (DDH) 266–270, 268 congenital diaphragmatic hernia diaphragmatic hernia, congenital see diaphragmatic hernia, 18, 21, 28–30, 29 congenital diuresis ultrasound 170 congenital indifference to pain 294 dolichocephaly 296 congenital lobar emphysema double aortic arch 59–61, 60, 68 17–18, 18, 21, 30 double bubble sign 108 congenital megacolon double gallbladder sign 151, 153 see Hirschsprung disease double outlet right ventricle congenital mesoblastic nephroma (DORV) 76 190, 194 Down syndrome (trisomy 21) congenital skeletal deformity 220 57, 71, 101, 115, 128, 271 constipation, habitual 129 duodenal atresia 110, 121 corkscrew sign 112 duodenal duplication, cystic 154 corner fractures 292 duodenal ectasia, annular cor pulmonale 41 pancreas 154 corpus callosum duodenal stenosis 110, 126 agenesis see callosal agenesis duodenum, air filled 157 hypoplasia 304 duplex kidney 177–180, 178, 179 cortical island 247 cor triatriatum 89 E coxa magna 276 craniocerebral trauma 340–344, Ebstein anomaly 69–70, 70 341, 342 Eisenmenger reaction craniosynostosis 296–300, 297, atrial septal defect 80, 81 298, 299 ventricular septal defect 77, 78, 79 creeping fat 138, 139 emphysema Crohn disease 137, 138–142, 139, congenital lobar 17–18, 18, 21, 30 140, 141 pulmonary interstitial (PIE) Crouzon disease 296 9–11, 10 cystic adenomatoid malformation, empyema congenital see congenital cystic intracranial 344 adenomatoid malformation thoracic 33 cystic fibrosis 41–43, 42 encephalitis, brainstem 336 cystic teratoma see dermoid cyst encephalocele 287 cystitis, chronic 204 encephalomalacia, multicystic 313 cytomegalovirus (CMV) 31 encephalomyelitis, acute dis- seminated 336 encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis D see Sturge–Weber syndrome Dandy–Walker malformation enchondroma 235, 238 305–307, 306 enchondromatosis de Morsier disease 301 237–240, 238, 239 dermoid cyst (mature cystic teratoma) endobronchial tumor 45 differential diagnosis 27, 93, 287 enteric cyst 27 ..... Staatz et al., Direct Diagnosis in Radiology. Pediatric Imaging 347 (ISBN 9783131451712), © 2008 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Index enteric duplication with ectopic fractures 288–291, 289, 290 gastric mucosa 144 child abuse 292, 293 eosinophilic granuloma impacted/buckle 288, 289, 289 251, 257, 258, 265 incomplete 288 ependymoma pathologic 233, 234, 251, 263 neurofibromatosis 2 325 rickets 218, 219 posterior cranial fossa 329, 331, see also specific types 332–333 fungal pulmonary infections 39 spinal 208 furosemide test 170 epidermoid cyst 329, 331, 332, 333 epididymitis 213–214, 214 G epididymo-orchitis 213, 217 epidural hematoma 340, 341, 342, galactosemia 149 342, 343 gallbladder epiglottitis 100 “double” 151, 153 epiphyseal fractures/injuries hydrops 154 288, 289, 292 polyp 157 Escherichia coli 184, 213, 225 porcelain 157 esophageal atresia 115–118, 116, 117 sludge 157, 157 Ewing sarcoma 249–252, 250 gallstones 156–158, 157 differential diagnosis gastroenteritis 134 228, 229, 256, 260, 265 gastroesophageal reflux 110 exostosis Ghon focus 36 chondrosarcoma adjacent to 243 giant cell tumor of bone 235 osteocartilagenous gliomas see osteochondroma atypical brainstem 334 extracranial hemorrhage 340 brainstem 333, 334–336, 335 midbrain 334, 335 optic pathway 322, 324–325 F posterior exophytic cerebello- Fanconi syndrome 220 medullary 334, 335 femoral epiphysis, slipped capital typical diffuse intrinsic pons see slipped capital femoral epiphysis 334, 335, 335 femoral focal deficiency, gliomatosis proximal 270 cerebri 328 femoral head, avascular necrosis 273 peritoneal 209, 211 fibroma, nonossifying 230–232, 231 glomerulonephritis 186 fibromatosis colli 90–91, 91 goiter fibrosarcoma 238 diffuse nodular 101 fibrous cortical defect 230–232, 231 Hashimoto thyroiditis 101–102, 102 fibrous dysplasia 232, 236, 261 retrosternal 50 polyostotic 240 Graves disease 101 fistulas greenstick fractures 219, 288, 289, 290 anal atresia 123, 124 Group B streptococcal pneumonia 8, 31 Crohn disease 140, 140, 141 tracheoesophageal 115, 116, 117, 118 foramen ovale, patent 80 foreign body aspiration 44–46, 45, 46 ..... 348 Staatz et al., Direct Diagnosis in Radiology. Pediatric Imaging (ISBN 9783131451712), © 2008 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Index Hodgkin disease H mediastinal 52 Haemophilus influenzae pneumonia thoracic 39, 54–56, 55 32, 33 holoprosencephaly 301, 303, 304 hamartomas Hutch diverticulum 166, 179 intracranial 336 hydrocele 147 tuberous sclerosis 322, 326 hydrocephalus Hand–Schüller–Christian disease 257 Dandy–Walker malformation Hashimoto thyroiditis 305, 306 101–102, 102 posthemorrhagic 308, 309 head shape, abnormal 296–300, 297, tumor-associated 329, 330, 331, 333 298, 299 in vacuo 315, 316, 317 head trauma 340–344, 341, 342 hypertrophic pyloric stenosis hemangioblastoma 333 (HPS) 126–127, 127 cerebellar 324, 325 hypoplastic left heart syndrome 8 hemangioendothelioma 161 hypoxic-ischemic brain damage hemangioma 207, 280–283, 281, 282 315–318,
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