06ND3 G 605-782.Pdf

06ND3 G 605-782.Pdf

605 581. **gg{{ ËË}} 'we' incl. > K *gw- 'us' incl. > Sv gw- 'us' incl. (object px), OG gw-, G gv- 'us' (object px); Sv {TK}: UB gwi-s7gwey ≠ gu-s7gwey, LB gwis7gwe ≠ gus7ge, L gus7gwe, Ln gus7k'we 'our' incl.; the element -s7gwe goes back to K *c7we- (a component of possessive pronouns) < N **cc7777{{ uu4444}} 'that of…, that which' (q.v. ffd.), see also N ** ww VV yy VV 'we'. The inclusive prn. **gg{{ ËË}} is opposed to the exclusive prn. of 1p **nn2222VV (q.v. ffd.) ¶¶ Top. SJ 83-4, Fn. GAS 81, K 6O, Dn. IE, Dt. 34 || HS: Ch: WCh: Ron {Blz.} *gYan 'we' incl. (aut. prn.), *-gYa 'us' incl., *-i-gYan 'our' incl. > Sha gYa!, Klr g%Ya! 'we' incl. (subject px), Klr -m-i g%Yan 'our' incl., Sha -a~-m-igYan id. m., -ma-gYan id. f. » NgzB {Blz.} *gwa 'we, us' incl., *-gwa 'our' incl. > Bd a- gWa~ 'we' incl., gWa~ 'us' incl., -gWa~ 'our' incl. (as well as Ngz wa~ 'we, us' incl., -wa~ 'our' incl.?); ?? NgzB *gYa 'we, us' excl., *-gYa 'our' excl. > Bd Z7a~, Ngz a-Z7a` 'we' excl., -Z7a~, Ngz (a2)-Z7a~ 'our' excl. (unless Z7- is from *y-, which is a typical Ch marker of 1p excl.) »» CCh: ? McTr {Blz.} *ga?an 'we' excl. > Tr Nga?an 'we' excl., -ga?an-c7i 'us' excl. (object) ¶ Kr. RChP, ≈ Blz. PPCh2 4O-1 (*-g-, *ga- as a morpheme in the above pronouns of Ron, pNgz and pTr), J R 374 ¶ In the NgzB lges and in CCh the morpheme got the meaning of 1p excl. due to opposition to *mun 1p. incl. (see N ** mm ii ?? aa 'we') ¶ The traces of this ancient prn. are hard to detect accurately, due to numerous phonetic changes and morphological restructuring in the history of branches and subbranches of Ch || A : NaT *-k 'we' (subject marker of 1p in some tenses, including past with the ending -tæV/*-t…V) > OT-q/-k , Qzq, Qq, Nog, Uz, ET, StAlt -q/-k (postcons.: -îq/-uq/-ik/-u4k in most lges, -iq/-uq/-ik/-u4k in Uz etc.), e.g. OT ka4l- tu4-k 'we came', StAlt bar-dî-q 'we went'; *-k (> -q/-k) in 1p optative: StAlt baraq 'let us go' ¶ Does the T vl. *k go back to N **gg in the word- final position? ¶ Shch. GTVT 155-6, B SS 266, 27O, BT 277-86. 582. € **ggaa??ii or **ggaa??yyVV 'high' > HS: CS *√g?y v. 'be\become high' > Hb eag √g?y+w (pf. ga2≤?a2, ip. -g#?E2) v. 'be\become high, grow tall', JA [Trg.] √g?w+y 'be high', Sr √g?y+w TD 'bear oneself grandly, magnificently, with pride'; Hb ea3G4 ge≤?E2 'exalted, proud; hochmutig' (> MHb 'proud'), Sr W æ'o©e gE≤?a2 , '∆o'©a ga?≤ya2 'glorious, stately, proud', Hb ev!a9G2 ga?â≤wa2 'majesty, pride', pCn *ga≤?a2n- > BHb N&aG1 ga2≤?o2n 'height, majesty; pride', Pun [Poen.] pl. cs. GUNE BEL 'exaltation of Ba‘al', Ug {OLS} gän 'arrogancia' ¶ KB 161-2, KBR 168, BDB no-s 1342-4 and 1346, HJ 2O7, OLS 142, JPS 57, DRS 92 || U: FP *kayV- v. 'rise, become visible' > Prm: Z kay- v. 'rise, climb, go upstream' » Lp: L {LLO} 606 kuojijtit v. 'rise' (of the moon), N {N} guojeti- v. get clearer' (of weather) » Er {W} kaye- 'aufgehen (Saaten)' » Chr H koyas7, kayas7 v. 'appear, be visible' ¶ Tv. WG33 125-6, LG 115, ≠ UEW 642-3 (rejecting the Z cognate and interpreting the stem as meaning 'be visible, appear'). 583. €****gguu??aa (or **gguu4444??aa) 'to butt, to stab, to strike' > HS: C *gWa?- {AD} v. 'butt, strike', {E} v. 'strike' > Bj √gW? (1s: p. a-≤gW‰? ≠ a-≤gWa? = {R} a-gu"!? ≠ a-gu"a1?, pres. a-ngWï?) 'stoßen, puffen, einen Stoß geben' ({E} v. 'knock, thump, give a blow') »» SC: Irq {E} gWa?aN 'broken' (stem gWa?-) (not mentioned in MQK) ¶ E PC no. 57, R WBd 86 WS *√wg? (pr. st. [> Ar ip.] *0-ga?-) v. 'stab\butt\hit' > Gz √wg? (js. -wga?) v. 'pierce\ prick\butt\gore\hit', Tgr √wg? ≠ √wg÷ G 'pierce', Sq {L} ?oge v. 'hit', Ar √wg7? (ip. 3m ya-g7a?-u) 'percussit (cultro vel manu)', v. 'hit with the knife or with the palm of hand' ¶ L G 6O7, Fr. IV 436, BK II 1486-7, DRS 488 Eg {Vc.} ≈ *wig?at- 'coup' > Cpt Sd oyaCe uace, Cpt B vaHI baZi 'coup'; in the Eg texts (Dynasty XX) only a specialized term wg¿ is attested; it was interpreted by EG as 'Art Getreide oder Verarbeitung desselben', but in Vycichl’s view it actually meant something like 'blé battu' ¶ Vc. 242, EG I 376 || A: Tg *guya- v. 'butt' > Ewk guya2-, Lm gu3y-, Neg goya-, Ork 9u3ya- v. 'butt', Neg goya 'horns', Orc guya 'fang (of a wild boar, of a musk deer)', Ud 9u3ya, {Krm.} guya, Nn Nh 9oya 'fang' ¶ STM I 168, Krm. 223, On. 117 ¶ Tg *-y- is likely to have appeared in hiatus after the loss of **--??-- ˚˚ The origin of the initial *w- in WS and Eg is not yet clear. It may have resulted from mt. (**√gw? > *wg?) or from some restructuring of the root in the WS perfect tense and in the Eg derived noun ≈ *wig?at-. The original form of the verbal stem (without *w-) is preserved in C *gWa?- and in the Ar ip. (-g7a?-). 583a. €**** ggVV??VV v. 'build' > K *g- > G, Mg, Lz g- v. 'build, construct' ¶ K 57, K2 24 || HS: Ch: Msg ga~?e~ id., Mtk {JI} ga 'make, do', Gsg ga id., Mb {Lk.} g i2!ya~ 'verfertigen, formen', Hrz {Mch.} gi, Uld {Mch.} ga/gi, Mada {Mch.} gi, Zlg {Mch.} ga'/ gi 'faire' ¶ JI II 229, Mch. VCSP 188, Lk. ZSS 182 ˚˚ O HSN (N *ga?V 'build' > K, Msg + err. Eg Z÷Z÷ ''build' [i.e. Eg fXIX {EG} Z÷Z÷ 'Gebäude vor dem Tempel', Eg Gr Z÷Z÷ v. 'einen Tempelteil rbauen, einen Götterbild erstellen', cf. EG V 532]) ˚˚ I am thankful to G. Takács for helping me to find cognates in the Ch lges. 584. ** gg aa ÷÷ uu 6666 'catch, take, receive' > K : (pK or GZ) *g- / (?) *gw- 'acquire, gain, have' > OG g- 'possess' (mo-i-g- 'mitnehmen'), G g- 'acquire, gain (sth.)' (3s aor. mo-i-go < *-gw-a), Mg {Q} g- id., 'win', Lz 607 g- 'gain': inf. o-g-apu 'to gain (sth.)'; ? Sv: UB/L {TK} lƒ2-g, UB {GP} and LB/Ln {TK} lƒ-g 'stands, there is' (adduced by FS) belong here only if *g- 'be (exist)' (> OG g- id.) is the same √ (which is not certain) ¶¶ K 57, K2 24-4, Chik. 457, FS K 69-7O, Ser. 17, 1O3, Q 211, TK 544, GP 15O, 198 || HS: Eg MK Z÷ v. {EG} 'catch fish', {Fk.} 'spear fish' ¶ EG V 534, Fk. 32O || IE *g≈eNu\- > NaIE *g≈a2u\- 'receive, catch' > Lt inf. ga!uti 'to receive, to get, to obtain', Ltv inf. gu2fit id., 'to gain', {ME} id., 'to catch, to snatch (fangen, haschen)', {ME} inf. gaut 'to snatch (haschen), to try to obtain, to receive' »» YAv gaona- n. 'gain (Gewinn)' ¶ Frn. 141, ME I 613, 687, Brtl. 482-3 || A *ga- 'take' > Tg *ga- 'take' > Ewk, Lm ga- 'take, receive, buy', Sln, Orc, Ud ga-, Ork 9a- 'take, buy', Neg ga- 'buy; marry (a woman)', Ul, Nn {STM} 9a-, {On.} ga- 'obtain, buy; gather (berries)', WrMc {Z} gaj- 'take, receive; marry (a woman)', Mc Sb {Mrm.} ga4-≠ ga$i\-≠ga4i\- 'take', {Y} gá- 'take, be given, get, receive', Jrc gai\-bi 'take' ¶ STM I 133-4, On. 95, Z 299-3OO, Klz. MS 176, Y no. 14O2, Kiy. 135 [no. 68O] pKo {S} *ka~- > MKo ka`-c>i!-, NKo kaZ>i-, ∆ ka- 'take' ¶ S QK no. 1O, Nam 8, MLC 27, Rm. SKE 83 T: [1] ?σ T *°Ka2- > OT {Cl.} qa2- '≈ heap, pack' [2 ] pT * °Ko[:]- > ?φ Chv xyv- 'take away, throw down (sskkiiddyyvvaatt∆∆, ssnniimmaatt∆∆)'; ??σ MT qo- and Kr qo- 'put' (if 'put' is from 'carry' “ 'take', as in the prehistory of Sl *bÁra-ti 'to gather, to take', see s.v. **bbaa{{ ??}}eerrii 'hold, take') ¶ Cl. 57, Jeg. 314 ¶¶ (For both [1] and [2]): SDM 525 (pA *ga 'take, put' > Tg, Ko, T *Ko 'put'), DQA no. 47O, Ash. XVI 8O-3, Fed. II 379, Jeg. 314, Rm. SKE 83 (Ko, Tg), Lee CSMK 111 ˚˚ IS I 225 [no. 77] (*ga[Óÿ]), IS MS 356. 585. (€?) **gguu÷÷VV 'to perceive, to care' > HS: SC: Irq {MQK} ga÷aw- 'look at\after', {E} ga÷- v. 'watch', ga÷aw- v. 'guard', Brn {E} ga÷id- v. 'nurse in sickness', Kz {E} ga?am- v. 'understand' »» Dhl {EEN} ga÷- vt. 'smell' ¶ E SC 236 (s.v. *ga÷- v. 'feel, sense, take notice of'), MQK 36, EEN 3O Eg L wZ÷ 'offenbar sein' (w- going back to the HS px of intransitivity?) ¶ EG I 4O6 ¶¶ Tk. SCC 87 [no. 18.5] || IE: NaIE *g≈ow(e2)- ({EI} *g≈ou\-) v. *g≈ou\- 'perceive, pay heed to' > L fave-o2 /-e2re/fa2v° / fautum 'be favourable to, help; pronounce no words of bad omen' (fave2- < *fove2- in view of the Um cognate), Um FONS 'favens' (pl. FONER) (< *fowenis) »» ON inf. ga1 (< *gawo2n) 'achtgeben, sich kümmern', geyma, AS inf. Ìi1eman, OSx inf. go6mian, OHG inf. goumen 'beachten, sorgen für, hüten, sich kümmern', {Kb.} 'to care, to guard', inf. bi-goumen 'to watch, to care for', NGr Sw inf. gaume 'to care for little children', Gt 608 inf. gaumjan (: ble1pein, diable1pein, ]idei6n, katanoei6n) 'bemerken'; ON gaumr, gaum 'attention', OHG gouma ± gauma 'prüfendes Aufmerken', (‘ ) 'enjoyment' ({Schz.} 'Genuß', {OsS} 'Wohlleben'), gouma ne4man 'pay attention, notice' »» OCS 1s pres.

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