San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1983 Special Libraries, 1980s 7-1-1983 Special Libraries, July 1983 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1983 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, July 1983" (1983). Special Libraries, 1983. 3. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1983/3 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1980s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1983 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. special libraries /uIy 1983, uol. 74, no. 3 75th A,nniversary Year New Frontiers-New Horizons Now, at last a single modern text on the SPECIAL LIBRARIES management of special libraries Thoroughly explores the role of managers, plannlng AND budgeting and marketing Sultabe for students INFORMATION CENTERS of hbrary science and those ~nrelated frelds An Introductory Text 1983 190p ISBN 0 871 1 1-282 5 $25 00 Ellis Mount Two hundred new sources have been added to the nearly 1 000 listings in this completely PICTURE SOURCES revised and updated classic An invaluable 4 sourcebook for librarians archivists, curators edltors and all those who work wlth Images Ernest H. Robl, ed. 1983. 200p ISBN 0-871 11-274-4 $35 00 MANAGING A collection of essays to help information pro- THE fesslonals find practical ways to tailor the new ELECTRONIC LIBRARY technologies to the servlces they provide Library Management v. 3 1983 120p ISBN 0-871 11-305-8 July $1 5.50 Michael E. D. Koenig, ed. ISSUES A collect~onof papers by a distinguished group of authors, including David R Bender Joseph AND M Dagnese, Beth A Ham~ltonVivian D Hewitt INVOLVEMENT and i mil^ R Mobley Alberta L. Brown Lectures 1983 102p ISBN 0 871 1 1-292-2 $1 0 50 in Special Librarianship 1978-80 Pamela Jobin & Marcy Murphy, comps. Order from the Order Dept. Special Libraries Association 235 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10003 System especially for you Your library can now enjoy the multi- Just complete the coupon or call us to fold benefits of our newlyenhanced see how DataLib can help you meet your DataLib software. DataLib is an integrated information management objectives. comprehensive, flexible package which allows you to easily handle W Acquisitions Circulation W Cataloging W Copyright Sigma Data, Inc. W On-Line Retrieval W and more 5515 Security Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20852 DataLib's easy-to-use,sophisticated data 301/984-3636 base management technology provides the tools for you to 1 W Define the record formcrts necessary to fit I YES! i am interested in learning I your specific needs. more about DataLib W Define the data elements you want to I Please send me more information I search using Boolean logic. on how DataLib can help me I manage my information center. I Quickly access the system functions I Please have anInformation I using either novice or expelienced user Specialist call me to discuss how interfaces. I DataLib can help me manage my I W Easily transfer information to your I information center. I system from other se~cessuch as OCLC, BRS, and ERIC. I Name I Define access controls to meet your data I Ti,,, I security needs DataLib is as easy to learn and use as it is powerful. What's more, you can install DataLib on your own in-house computer, purchase it along with computer hardware State tip I from us, or easily access it on a timesharing ( ) basis. I- Telephone I Join many of the major federal agencies I Number of Volumes I and Fortune 500 companies whose Mor- I mation Centers require sophisticated con- trol and individualized flexibility. july 1983 Over 10 years in preparation .10,000 entries .4million words . more than 1,000 illus- trations 1,300 contributors .9volumes, including comprehensive one-volume index. --KODANSHA ENCYCLOPEDIA -- OF ==--- - To create this epoch-making work more than and most respected publishing houses, with an 650 eminent Japanese scholars and 650 non- outstanding editorial advisory committee Japanese authorities from over 15 nations- chaired by Edwin 0. Reischauer in the United each deeply involved in Japanese life, thought States and Sigeto Buru in Japan, the Kodan- and history-have contributed articles on all sha Encyclopedia ofJapan provides the most subjects relating to Japan. Here is, in depth, in- comprehensive, detailed picture ever pub- formation on history, philosophy, literature, fine lished in English of a nation whose global arts and culture . business, economics, pol- importance has been prodigious. itics, international affairs and law . sociol- Students and teachers, businessmen and dip- ogy, anthropology, psychology, science and technology-ranging from broad essays on key lomats, researchers and journalists-virtually topics to shorter articles on lesser items. all readers interested in Japan's impact on to- days world -can now find, at a central source, Published by Kodansha, one of Japan's largest anything they wish to know about Japan. The Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan will be available later this year at $600.00. If you order now, however, the price of the nine-vol- ume set will be only $550.00-a saving of $50.00. This offer expires December 31 L983: shipping and handling are additional. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION call (2U)593-7050 or write Dept. 7G for a de- tailed prospectus describing this invaluable reference, truly one of the most important publishing events of our time. 10 East 53rd Street, New York 10022 -special librariesB ISSN 0038-672 SPLBAN Letters Talkback Telephone Network Ruth W. Wender Microcomputer Programming in the lnformation Center 271 Church and Synagogue Library Howard Fosdick Association Claudia Hannaford Audiovisual Material and Copyright in Special Libraries 278 Nigerian Institute of International Laura N. Gasaway Affairs Library John U. Obasi Cataloging Software Mercedes Dumlao and Name Authority Control in a Sherry Cook Communications System Cathy Ann Elias and C. James Fair Status of Audiovisual Material in Networking Patricia Ann Coty On the Scene Crisis and Growth: SLA's 75th Anniversary SLA 1918-1919 Robert G. Krupp Robert V. Williams and Martha Jane Zachert 75 Years of Service: Reconsider, Redefine, Reconfirm Pat Molholt Publisher: DAVIDR. BENDER Educational Programs in Britain Director, lnformation Services: Thomas P. Salvens NANCYM. VIGGIANO Editor: DORISYOUDELMAN C~rculation: FREDBAUM 304 Call for Papers Specla1 Libraries is published by Special Libraries Associa- tion, 235 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y. 10003 (2121477-9250). Quarterly: January, Aprll, July, October. Annual index in October issue. 305 Audit Report Jan 1, 1982-Dec 31, 1982 0Copyright 1983 by Special Libraries Association. Material protected by this copyright may be photocopied for the non- commercial purpose of scholarship or research. 311 Reviews Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y., and at addi- tional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Spe- cial Libraries Association, 235 Park Avenue South, New York. New York 10003. 38A Index to Advertisers 3A DISCOVER McGregor Where Customers Are ,(GV ~iftiithYear '0 Names-Not Numbers "personalized" Subscription Servic+Since 1933 0 All domestic and 0 Single billing foreign titles Automatic renewal Title Research personal customer Prepaid account subscriptions representatives Let an experienced McGregor "Home Office" representative s~mplifyyour complex problems of periodical procurement. Prompt and courteous sewlce has been a tradlt~on wlth McGregor since 1933 Our customers like it-We thmk you would. too! MOUNT MORRIS ILLINOIS 61054 8151734-4183 Subscription Rates: Nonmembers, USA $36.00 Special Libraries Association assumes no respon- per calendar year includes the quarter1 journal, sibility for the statements and opinions advanced peczal L~brarles,and the monthly newsyetter, the by the contributors to the Association's publica- SpeciaList; add $5.00 postage for other countries tions. Instructions for Contributors appears in including Canada. S ecial Libraries is $12.00 to Special Libraries 74 (no. 2):209-210 (Apr 1983). A members, the S ecia&t is $3.00 to members, in- publications catalog is available from the Associa- cluded in memier dues. Single copies of Special tion's New York offices. Editorial views do not Libraries (1981- ) $9.00; single copies of SpeciaList necessarily represent the official position of Spe- $1.00. Membership Directory (not a part of a cial Libraries Association. Acce tance of an ad- subscription) is $25.00. vertisement does not imply enlorsement of the Back Issues & Hard Cover Reprints (191C1965): product by Special Libraries Association. Inquire Kraus Re rint Cor 16 East 46th St., New York, N.Y. dcrofilm Zhicrofiche ~ditions Indexed in: Book Review Index, Business Periodicals (1910 to date): Inquire University Microfilms, Index, Computer Contents, Cumulative Index to Ann Arbor, Michigan. Microforms of the current Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Historical Ab- year are available only to current subscribers to stracts, Hospital Literature Index, International Bib- the original. liography of Book Reviews, International Bibliog- Changes of Address: Allow six weeks for all raphy of Periodical Literature, Library Literature, chan es to become effective. All communications Management Index,
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