2010: A year in images CLEARED Supplement n°1/2011 enav.it ENAV HOLDS THE ICAO VOLCANIC ASH EXERCISES STEERING GROUP Roma 12th January - ENAV holds the meeting “Volcanic Ash Exercises Steering Group” of the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) EUR/NAT at Roma ACC. The group, of which the major European providers are mem- bers, undertakes studies and testing for knowledge about volcanic ash and its impact on air traffic management. LAUNCH OF THE NEW TERMINAL MEETING BETWEEN ENAV AND SACBO OF ROMA URBE AIRPORT Bergamo 13th January - ENAV’s Director General, Massimo Garbini, had a meeting with theTop Management of Sacbo, Bergamo’s Airport Management Company, du- ring a meeting concerning the potentials and perspectives Roma 19th January - ENAV’s CEO Guido Pugliesi, takes of Orio al Serio’s Airport. Following the meeting, the new part in the launch ceremony of the new terminal of Roma operational area of the Control Tower was visited, created Urbe Airport, where extensive developments had been un- and equipped with the most advanced technologies that dertaken. The Minister of Infrastructures and Transport, are currently available in the provision of air traffic ma- Sen. Altero Matteoli and ENAC’s President Vito Riggio nagement. In the photograph, from left: Massimo Garbi- were also present. ni, Sacbo’s Managing Director Renato Ravasio, Massimo Bellizzi, Head of ENAV’s Operational Area, Sacbo’s Chai- rman Mario Ratti and ENAV’s Chief of Bergamo Control Tower, Roberto Filì. 1 THE 9TH COMMISSION OF THE CHAMBER ENAV AT GATE XXI OF DEPUTIES FOR TRANSPORT AT ROMA ACC Ciampino 26th January - A delegation of the 9th Com- mission of the Chamber of Deputies for Transport, led by President Mario Valducci, visit the ENAV Area Control Cen- Roma 21st-24th January - ENAV, together with its subsi- tre (ACC) at Roma Ciampino. The delegation was received diary company Techno Sky, attends the first “Gate XXI” - the by ENAV’s Chairman Luigi Martini, CEO Guido Pugliesi international exhibition organize in Italy and dedicate to and Director General Massimo Garbini, who also showed the world of airport and aerospace technologies. During them the control room and illustrated the principal interna- the event, the Centro Studi Demetra has organized a series tional activities toward the evolution of the air traffic control of seminars focused on the topics of the development and systems. At the meeting also attended the President and Di- prospects of the aeronautical sector, hosting representatives rector General of ENAC Vito Riggio and Alessio Quaranta. of government, industry and the aeronautical sector. In the In the photograph from left ENAV’s Director General, Mas- photograph the stand of ENAV and Techno Sky at Gate XXI. simo Garbini, on his left hon. Mario Valducci. ENAV TAKES PART LAUNCH OF ENAV’S BRUXELLES OFFICE IN THE e-SECURITYLAB CONFERENCE Milano 28th January - The tenth edition of the Natio- Bruxelles 27th January - ENAV opens the new repre- nal e-SecurityLab Conference takes place in Milano, con- sentative offices in the building where the main European cerning solutions and services for data and applications ATM Service Providers offices are located: Spain (AENA), security, as well as companies’ accesses. Germany (DFS), France (DSNA), Italy (ENAV), Great Britain The event, organised by BCI Italia and by AIPSI (Italian (NATS) and the Scandinavian countries (NEAP and NO- Association of IT Security Professionals) focused on the Best RACON), which combined control 16 million flights every Practice of many companies that use innovative techno- year. In the same building the SESAR JU offices can also logies. ENAV’s Head of Central Security Unit Francesco be found. Matthias Ruete, Head of the Directorate-General Di Maio attended the conference and highlighted that in- (DG) for Energy and Transport of the European Commission, vestments were carried out by the Company in order to David McMillan, Director General of EUROCONTROL as ensure maximum security of physical infrastructures and well as members of the European Parliament of different the protection of the operational network. nationalities, Massimo Garbini, ENAV’s Director General and Alessandro Di Giacomo, ENAV’s Head of External Re- lations, take part in the meeting. 2 5TH CISM NATIONAL MEETING READY FOR EGNOS CONFERENCE Forlì 2nd-3rd February - The 5th National Meeting of ENAV’S CISM Components (Critical Incident Stress Ma- Roma 4th February - ENAV takes part in the “Ready nagement) was held at the Forlì Academy. CISM is the for EGNOS” Conference which took place during the SAT structured assistance system designed for people who have Expo Europe 2010 event. EGNOS, the “European Geo- experienced a critical event and it is aimed at managing stationary Navigation Overlay Service” is a project develo- stress reactions that may be experienced whilst carrying out ped by the European Space Agency (ESA) with the support the Air Traffic Controller profession. During the meeting the of the European Commission and EUROCONTROL, with activities carried out in the first four years of activities were the purpose of improving GPS performances so as to pro- evaluated and future objectives were defined. The photo- vide a highly reliable and precise satellite navigation and graph highlights a moment of the event. positioning system better than the currently one available in Europe. In the middle of the photograph, Giovanni del Duca, ENAV’s Satellite Systems Manager. ENAC CERTIFIES THE ENAV ACADEMY MINISTER MATTEOLI VISITS ROMA ACC Roma 9th February - ENAV receives the “Training Pro- vider” certification from ENAC. The certification, which is recognised by all the European member states’ national security agencies, is an important achievement for ENAV Roma 18th February - The Minister of Infrastructures and because it permits the Company to offer training courses to Transport visits Roma ACC (Area Control Centre). third parties that operate within the aeronautical transport In the photograph from left: ENAV’s CEO Guido Pugliesi, industry, a key step in the development of the Technological the Minister of Infrastructures and Transport Altero Matteoli, Polo (the Academy) in Forlì. ENAV’s Director General Massimo Garbini, ENAV’s During the presentation ceremony ENAC’s Director Gene- Chairman Luigi Martini and ENAC’s President Vito Riggio. ral, Alessio Quaranta, pointed out that the Academy is not just an asset for ENAV, but for the Country’s entire system. In the photograph from left: ENAV’s CEO Guido Pugliesi and ENAC’s Director General Alessio Quaranta. 3 THE POPE MEETS AIR TRANSPORT WORKERS Roma 20th February - The Pope meets employees of ENAC and ENAV, who are accompanied in their visit to the Vatican by Italian Cabinet Undersecretary Gianni Letta and by the Minister of Infrastructures and Transport, Sen. Altero Matteoli. Employees of several other Italian air transport organisations (Techno Sky, airlines, management compa- nies, aviation industries, various agencies and bodies, law enforcement) also attended at the Papal Audience, filling the Nervi Hall with thousands of enthusiastic faithful. During the Audience, Pope Benedict XVI underscored how the tasks of ENAV and ENAC are truly noteworthy in regulating and controlling air traffic and in providing efficiency in the na- Pope Benedict XVI with ENAV’s CEO Guido Pugliesi. tional transport system “. Pope Benedict XVI with Mattia Palermo - Chief of Operational Room of Roma ACC. Pope Benedict XVI with ENAV’s Director General Massimo Gar- bini. THE ITALIAN COURT OF AUDITORS: ANOTHER POSITI- ENAV AT THE ROADMAP TOWARDS VE EVALUATION OF ENAV’S MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTING THE SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY Roma 23rd February The Court of Auditors makes a positive as- sessment concerning ENAV’s management, also in relation to the year 2008. The Court of Auditors considers ENAV as the most efficient ser- vice provider amongst the five most important European providers. It highlights that such re- sults were achieved not only because of funda- mental important techno- Madrid 25th-26th February - Massimo Garbini, ENAV’s logical investments but Director General, attends the High Level Conference orga- also because of an ac- nised by the European Commission pointing out the posi- tual improvement in the way technology is used, thanks to a tion and results of the Italian Service Provider within the flawless integration with the Techno Sky subsidiary and po- Single European Sky implementing context. sitive results achieved by the subsidiary itself. In the report, the Court of Auditors also draws attention to the positive relationship that ENAV has established with trade unions, considering that no national strikes have taken place. 4 UIR VISITS ROMA ACC SESAR PROGRAMME COMMETEE Roma 1st March - A delegation of the Unione Industria- Roma 2nd March - The first meeting of SESAR-JU Strategic li Romani (UIR) visits Roma ACC. In the photograph from Coordination Group takes place at Roma ACC, attend to left Massimo Orsoni, Staff Roma ACC; Fabrizio Borraccia, the meeting representatives of the sixteen members of the UIR’s Head of International Relations; Riccardo Achilli, UIR; project, the European Commission and EUROCONTROL. In Giovanni Federico, ENAV’s External Relations Expert; Da- the photograph (second from left) Jacopo Prissinotti ENAV’s niele Fortuna, ENAV’s Business Solutions Department. Head of International Activities. LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS ICAO VISITS ROMA ACC IMPLEMENTATION WORKSHOP Ciampino 4th March - Karsten Theil, Regional Director Roma 3rd March
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