HABITATS AND BIRDS DIRECTIVES: GUID{\NCE JUNE 2000 E~TA Contents Page Annex D I 'List of Classified and Proposed SPAs' Annex D IT 'List of Candida.te and Proposed SACs' Page 27: Habitats Directive Annexes,. ainended versio~ attac.hed.· Page 72: Heading should read 'Propose~ Special Protection Areas' .. Pag~72: The Skye eagle si~ is within the Highland local authority area, no~ Eile.an Siar as listed. , Page' 73 to 76: Candidate SAC sites liSted as eing within 'Aberdeerit local authority sh9u+d.be listed against 'Aberd . e~local authority~ . Scqttis.h Executive Rural Affairs Department Wildlife and Habitats Unit August 2000 HABITATS MID BIRDS DIRECTIVES: GUIDANCE JUNE 2000 \ E~TA Contents Page Annex D I 'List ofCla:ssified and Proposed SPAs; Annex D II 'List ·ofCandida.te ana Proposed SACs'. Page 27: Habitats Directive Annexes,. amended version attached.· Page 72: Heading should read 'Proposed Special Protection Areas' Pag~ 72: The Skye eagle site is within the Highland local authority area, not Eilean Siar as listed ... Page 73 to 76: Candidate SAC sites liSted as being within 'Aberdeerit local authority sh~u+dbe listed against 'Aberdeensbire: local authority~ Scqttisb Executive Rural Affairs Department Wildlife and Habitats Unit . August 2000 COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 97/62/EC of27 October 1997 adapting to technical and scientific progress Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and' of wild fauna and flora THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Having.regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Having regard to Directive 92/43/EEG (1) and in particular the ,fJIstparagraph of Article 19 thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, Whereas certain natural habitat types and species in Annexes Iand n to Directive 92/43/EEC should be adapted to technical and scientific progress, Whereas the Interpretation, Manual of European Union Habitats (BUR 15 version of April 1996) includes the new Natura 2000 codes which identify each natural habitat type; whereas the reference to the Corine code in Annex I to Directive 92/43/EEC should be replaced by a reference to the Natura 2000 code, HAS ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE: Article 1 Annexes I and II to Directive 92/43/EEC shall be replaced by the text in the Annex to this Directive. Article 2 Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive before 31 December 1997. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof When Member States adopt these measures, they shall contain a reference to·this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the o~asion of ~eir official publication. The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by Member States. Article 3 This Directive shall enter into force on the 20t~ day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.. Article 4 This Directive is addressed to the Member States. Done at Luxembourg, 27 October 1997~ For the Council . The President R GOEBBELS (1) OJ L 206,22.7. 1992, p. 7. Directive as amended by the 1994 Act of Accession. 1. ANNEX I residual~ and/or hosting speCIes of· Community interest NATURAL HABITAT TYPES OF CO~TY INTEREST vv.HOSE ANNEX II CONSERVATION REQUIRES THE DESIGNATION OF SPECIAL AREAS ANIMAL AND PLANT SPECIES OF· OF CONSERVATION COMMUNITY INTEREST WHOSE CONSERVATION REQUIRES THE Interpretation DESIGNATION OF SPECIAL AREAS OF CONSERVATION Guidance on the interpretation of habitat types is given in the "Interpretation Interpretation Manual of European Habitats" as approved by the committee set up in Article 20 (a) Annex II follows on from Annex I for -("Habitats Committee~!) and published by the establishment of a consistent network . the European Commission (1). of special areas of conservation • The code corresponds to the Natura 2000 (b), The species listed in this Anriex are code. indicated: The sign "*,, indicates priority habitat by the name of the species or types, subspecies~ or by all the species belonging to a 1. COASTAL AND F...ALOPHYTIC higher taxon or to a designated part BABITA TS of that taxon. 2. COASTAL SAND DUNES l\ND The abbreviation "spp." after the name of INLAND DUNES a family or genus designates all the. species belonging to 'that family or genus. 3. FRESHWATER HABITATS (c) Symbols 4. TEMPERATE HEATH AND SCRUB An asterisk. (*) before the name of a 5. SCLEROPHYLLOUS SCRUB species indicates tha~ it is a priority (MATORRAL) species. Most species listed in this Annex are also listed. in Arnlex IV. Where a 6. NATURAL AND SEMI-NATURAL species appears in thi,s Annex but does not GRASSLAND FORMATIONS appear in either Annex IV or Annex V, the species name is followed by the 7. RAISED BOGS AND MIRES AND symbol (0); where a species which appears FENS in this Annex also appears in Annex V but does not appear in Annex IV, its name is 8. ROCKY HABITATS AND CAYES followed by the symbol (V). 9. FORESTS (a) ANIMALS VERTEBRATES (Sub)natural woodland vegetation comprising native species forming forests MAM:MALS of tall trees~ with typical undergrowth, and meeting the following criteria: rare or INSECTIVORA ' Talpidae 2. GaIemys pyrenaicus ARTIODACTYLA CHIROPTERA Cervidae Rhinolophidae * Cervus elaphus corsicanus' Rhinolophus blasii Rangifer tarandus fennicus (0) Rhinolophus euryale Bovidae Rbinolophus ferrumequinum Capra: aegagrus (natural populations) Rbinolophus hipposideros * Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica Rbinolophus mehelyi Ovis gmelini musimon (Ovis ammon Vespertilionidae musimoD) (natural populations - . Barbastella barbastellus Corsica and Sardinia) Miniopterus schreibersi '" Rupicapra pyrenaica ernata (Rupicapra Myotis bechsteini rupicapra ornata) Myotis blythii Rupicapra rupicapra baIcanica Myotis capaccinii CETACEA - Myotis dasycneme . Phocoena phocoena Myotis emarginatus . Tursiops truncatus Myotis myotis REPTILES RODENTIA CHELONIA (TESTUDINES) Sciuridae Testudinidae '" Pteromys volans (Sciuropterus russicus) Testudo graeca . Spemiophilus citellU$ (Citellus citellus) Testudo hermanni Castoridae Testudo marginata Castor. fiber (except the Finnish and Cheloniidae Swedish populations) * Caretta caretta Microtidae Emydidae Microtus cabrerae Emys orbicularis '" Microtus oeconomus aIenicola Mauremys caspica CARNIVORA .. Mauremysleprosa Canidae SAURlA * Alopex lagopus Lacertidae * Canis lupus (Spanish populations: only Gallotia gaIloti insulanagae those south ofllie Duero; * Gallotia simonyi Greek populations: only south of' the Lacerta bonnali (Lacerta monticola) 39th parallel; Finnish populations Lacerta monticola excepted) Lacerta schreiberi Ursidae Podarcis lilfordi '" Ursus arctos (except the Finnish and Podarcis pityusensis Swedish populations) .Scincidae Mustelidae Chalcides somonyi (Chalcides '" Gulo gulo occidentalis) Lutralutra Gekkonidae Mustela lutreola . Phyllodactylus europaeus Felidae OP:aIDIA (SERPENTES) Lynx lynx (excpt the Finnish Colubridae populations) Elaphe quatuorlineata * Lynx pardinus Elaphesitula Phocidae Viperidae '. Maerovipera schweizeri.(VipeIa lebetina $chweizeri) Phoca bispida bottnica (9) Vipera ursinii '" Phoca bispida saimensis II' 3. AMPHIBIANS ACIPENSERIFORMES CAUDATA Acipenseridae Salamandridae * Acipenser naccarii Chioglossa lusitaniea * A-cipenser sturio Mertensiella lusehani (Salamandra . CLUPEIFORMES lusehani) Clupeidae * Salamandra atra aurorae Alosa spp. (V) Salamandrina terdigitata Triturus carnifex (Triturus eristatus SALMONIFORMES eamifex) SaImonidae . Trit.urus eristatus (Triturus eristatus :Hucho hucho (natural populations) M enstams) Salmo macro stigma (0) Triturus dobrogicus (Triturus eristatus .SaImo marmoratus (0) dobro gicus) Salmo salar (only in fresh water) (V) Triturus karelinii (Triturus cristatus (except the Finnish populations) karelinii) Coregonidae Proteidae * Coregonus oxyrhynchus (anadromous Proteus anguinus populations in certain sectors of the Plethodontidae North Sea) Hydromantes (Speleomantes) ambrosii CYPRINIFORMES Hydromantes (Speleomantes) flavus Cyprinidae Hydromantes (Speleomantes) genei Albumus albidus (0). (Albumus Hydromantes (Speleomantes) imperialis vulturius) Hydromantes (Speleomantes) strinatii Anaecypris hispanica Hydromantes (Speleomantes) Aspius aspius (0) (except the Finnish supramontes populations) ANURA Barbus eomiza (V) Discoglossidae Bilrbus meridionalis (V) * Alytes muletensis Barbus plebejus (V) Bombina bombina Chondrostoma genei (0) Bombina variegata ChondrostoII;la lusitanieum (0) Discoglossus galganoi (including Chondrostoma polylepis (0)' (including Discoglossus 'jeanneae") C. willkommi) Diseoglossus montalentii Chalcalbumus ehalcoides (0) Discoglossus sardus Chondrostoma soetta (0) Ranidae Chondrostoma toxostoma (0) Rana latastei Gobio albipinnatus (0) Pelo batidae Gobio uranoscopus (0) * Pelobates fuscus insubrieus Iberocypris palaciosi (0) FISH . II< Ladigesocypris gbigii (0) PETROMYZONIFORMES Leuciscus lucumonis (0) Petromyzonidae Leuciscus souffia (0) Eudontomyion spp. (0) Phoxinellus spp. (0) Lampetra fluviatilis (V) (except the Rhodeus sericeus amarus (0) Finnish and Swedish populations) . Rutilus albumoides (0) Lampetra planeri (0) (except the Finnish Rtilus ~casii (0) and Swedish populations) , Rutilus frisH meidingeri (0) . Lethenteron zanandreai (V) Rutilus le111l'i1ingii(0) Pe1romyzon marlnus (0) (except the Rutilus maerolepidotus (0) Swedish populationS) Rutilus piguS (0) Rutilus rubilio (0) 4. Scardinius graecus (0) Lucanus cervus (0) Cobitidae Macroplea pubipenms (0) Cobitis taenia (0) (except the finnish . Mesosa myops (0) populations) . Morimus
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