. 32041 KEESINGS VOLUME XXIX MarchJ The almost universal international condemnation of the Beirut agents" had been responsible; and liii) six Israeli soldiers we atrocities was reflected in the unanimous adoption by the UN Security and22injuredon Oct.3 when theircoach was ambushed byunii Council on Sept. 19 of a resolution expressing outrage at the "criminal gunmen on the Beirut-Damascus highway near Alieh. (It wasam, massacre of Palestinians in Beirut" and authorizing the UN Secretary- on Oct. 3 that Mr Arafat had appointed Mr Mohammed Affani~, General (SrJavier Perezde Cuellar) to investigate the possibility of UN named Abu Mutasem—as PLO chiefof staff in succession to Mr- troops beingdeployed to assist the Lebanese Government "in ensuring who was said to be the highest-ranking PLO officer killed in full protection for the civilian population". The same resolution (which since the Israeli invasion of June 1982.) did not mention Israel by name) also authorized an immediate increase- to 50 personnel—in the size of the UN observer force which had been From early October 1982 the Lebanese Army laum. created to monitor the ceasefire in Beirut under an earlier Security major drive to establish its authority in the numerous areas Council resolution of Aug. 1, 1982 [see page 31918], the various contending militia factions presented a conl Within the Arab world official expressions of outrage at the Beirut threat to internal security. After carrying out a security massacre focused on the alleged responsibility of Israel,which waswidely of west Beirut on Oct. 5-14 (during which many arrests «tn chargedwith having playeda direct role in the killings. On Sept. 20 the made and considerable quantities of arms confiscated), reafe Egyptian Government recalled its ambassador (Mr Saad Mortada) from army units moved into Christian east Beirut onOct. 15, althowr Tel Avivfor an "indefinite'" period, and on Sept. 22 President Mubarak inthis areathey made noattempt to disarm the Christian mifa tolda rally of the ruling National Democratic Partythat Egyptconsidered groups which had exercised effective control since the 1975.7$ Israel "fully responsible for thisbarbarism and carnage"because it had civil war. On Oct. 18 the Lebanese Army also established! taken place while Israeli forces were in occupation of Beirut. Also on presence in the Shouf mountain region to the south-east ol Sept. 20 King Hussein of Jordan, comparingthe Beirut atrocities to the capital (where serious clashes between Moslem and massacre of Palestinian civilians by Israeli terrorists at Deir Yasin in factions had been in progress for several days); howew. 1948 [see page 9240], maintained that the Israelis had organized the penetration ofthe Palestinian camps inorderto undermine UScredibility Israeli forces which had controlled this area since June intheArab world. The most specific allegations ofdirect Israeli complicity were not withdrawn and therefore continued to exercttj came from the PLO, on whose behalf Mr Arafat (speaking in Saudi predominant militaryrole [see also above]. Arabia onSept. 21) also claimed thattheUnited States boreresponsibility In early February 1983 the three-nation peace-keeping] in that President Reagan had guaranteed the security of Palestinian in Beirut was joined by a fourth national contingent wl_ civilians in Beirut under the August 1982 agreement providing for the British soldiers of the Queen's Dragoon Guards arrived evacuationof PLO militarypersonnelfrom the city; for this reason, said Lebanese capital. It was reported that the British conl the PLO leader, the Arab League should immediately impose sanctions on the United States. would form an armoured reconnaissance unit working co-operation with the US Marines deployed in the In the wake of the massacre revelations, the Lebanese Cabinet sector of Beirut around the international airport. decided on Sept.20 to requestthat the US-French-Italian peace keeping force should be redeployed in Beirut to maintain order. Internal Israeli controversy over Beirut massac Later the same day President Reagan announced on US television Eventual establishment of independent judicial that the United States would accede to the Lebanese request Findings of Kahaninquiry commission - Resignat and that both France and Italy had also agreed to the redeploy Mr Sharon as Defence Minister ment. The following day (Sept. 21) the Israeli Government indi cated its acceptance (reportedly after coming under heavy press The Beirut atrocities gave rise to a traumatic polil ure from the US Government to do so), with the result that the troversywithinIsrael,where Mr Begin not only rejected1 first contingent of the force—some 350 French paratroopers- opposition calls for his own and Mr Sharon's resignatio arrived in Beirut on Sept. 24. Italian troops arrived shortly Sept. 19) but also initially resisted widespread demands! thereafter and on Sept. 27 a joint French-Italian force entered establishment of an independent inquiry into the circus the Chatila and Sabra Palestinian refugee camps to assume of the massacre. Although President Navon himself on ! responsibility for their security. Meanwhile, the Israelis carried publicly expressed hissupport for a full inquiry, a parlia out a withdrawal from the positions in west Beirut to which they motion to that effect (tabled by the small Shinui par had advanced on Sept. 15-16, this withdrawal being completed defeated by the Government on Sept. 22 by 48 votes by the time that the first contingent of US Marines arrived at Pressure nevertheless mounted on the Prime Minister, nfl Beirut airport on Sept. 29. from the opposition parties but also within the Gover The second international peace-keeping force in Beirut was substan own ranks, with the result that the Cabinet decided unanii tially larger than the first, being comprised of 1,600 French, 1,200 US on Sept. 28 to authorize the establishment of an independei" and 600 Italian troops, whereas the first such force had totalled 2,000 judicial inquiry "to put an end to the baseless libel to thedkV men. In the second deployment the French troops took responsibility that the Israeli Government has something to hide in thisnrtW for security in the northern sector of the Lebanese capital, the Italians or that it would like to avoid its full clarification". for the central sector and the US Marines for the area around Beirut In an address to the Knesset (Parliament) during the Sept. 22debs" airport in the south. The first casualties among the force occurred on Mr Sharon disclosed for the first time that he and senior Israeli mffi*'1 Sept. 30, when a US Marine was killed and three injured as they tried officers had met Phalangist leaders in Beirut on the afternoon ofSef to defuse a cluster bomb (supplied to Israel by the United States—see 15 and had spoken "in principle of their dealing with the camps": "v pages 31917;29652) which hadbeendiscovered at Beirutairport. following day, afterit had become clear that the Lebanese Army*ou*1 In other military incidents in late September and early October, lii not act, local Israeli commanders had met with Phalangist represents*^ two American and two European members of the UN observer force in "to co-ordinate their entry" into the camps, but on the understso*^ Beirut were killed on Sept. 25 when their jeep struck a landmine on a that the operation would be directed against PLO terrorists and •' road east of the capital; (ii) the PLO "chief of staff", Mr Saad Sayel civilians should not be harmed. (code-named Abu Walidl, was killedon Sept. 27 when he was ambushed Although in the course of the Sept. 22 debate the Prime Mi"i,,c while inspecting Palestinian positions behind Syrian lines in the Bekaa undertook to hold an investigation into the massacre, his opt-— Valley, the PLO claiming that "Zionist murderers and their criminal that stage toa full judicial inquiry provoked the resignation ofMr'" ; jfjtf*^ £^/*/*«**-\ JyoU^u-, •• March 1983 KEESINGS VOLUME XXIX 32042 Herman (Libera\-Likud) as Energy Minister (in which capacity Mr Ber- As regards individual culpability, the report found that Mr mln was subsequently replaced by Mr Itzhak Moda'i, also Libera]-Likud Sharon, Lt.-Gen. Eitan,Maj.-Gen. Saguy and Brig.-Gen. Yaron tnd hitherto Minister without Portfolio). Within the government coalition all bore responsibility for failing to prevent or to stop the ttrong support for a full inquiry was also expressed by the National Religious Party led by DrJosef Burg (the Interior Minister). Opposition massacre. The Defence Minister was censured in particular for pressure for a full inquiry included the holding of what was described as taking the decision to allow the Phalangists into the camps in the largest protest rally in Israel's history in Tel Aviv on Sept. 25, the disregard ofthedangerto theinhabitants, the report recommend number of those participating being estimated at 350,000 by the ing that he should resign his portfolio, failing which the Prime organizers and at 100,000 by government spokesmen. Minister should consider dismissing him. Lt.-Gen. Eitan was • In accordance with the Cabinet's decision of Sept. 28, Mr found to have beenguilty of dereliction ofdutyas Chief of Staff, Ik-gin the following day formally requested the ChiefJustice of although no penalty was recommended in the light of the the Supreme Court, Mr Itzhak Kahan, to establish a full judicial imminence of the expiry of his term of service (in April 1983) inquiry intothe political and military circumstances of the Beirut [for his appointment in April 1978, see 28846 C]. Maj.-Gen. massacre, in terms of the 1968 Commissions of Inquiry Law. Saguy was censured for breach of duty and his dismissal as Chief Justice Kahan subsequently informed the Prime Minister director of military intelligence recommended, while Brig.-Gen. thai he would head the inquiry commission himself and that its Yaron was found to have misjudged the situation and to have othei two members would be Prof.
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